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Code Name & Version = MCNP6, 1.

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| Copyright 2008. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights |
| reserved. |
| This material was produced under U.S. Government contract |
| DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is |
| operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the U.S. |
| Department of Energy. The Government is granted for itself and |
| others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable |
| worldwide license in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative |
| works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five |
| (5) years after 2008, subject to additional five-year worldwide |
| renewals, the Government is granted for itself and others acting on |
| its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license |
| in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute |
| copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to |
| permit others to do so. NEITHER THE UNITED STATES NOR THE UNITED |

1mcnp version 6 ld=05/08/13 04/02/18 17:35:01

probid = 04/02/18 17:35:01
i=bnct_geom2dd.i o=gambino101.o

warning. Physics models disabled.

1- c BNCT BSA input file

2- c

3- c

4- c
5- c

6- c Written by Kyle Beyer and Modified by Kevin Liu (memelord)

7- c For NERS 554 / W18

8- c

9- c
10- c
11- c
12- c

14- c
15- c

16- c
17- c Generator

18- c
19- 101 13 -7.86 -21 22 imp:N,P=1 $ Steel tube
with generator
20- 103 0 -22 #102 imp:N,P=1 $ vacuum
inside of generator
21- c

22- c concentric ring generator - axially parallel to beam line

23- c
24- c 102 12 -3.76 -24 25 imp:N,P=1 $TiD2
hollow cylinder
25- c

26- c concentric ring generator - axially perpendicular to beam line

27- c
28- c 102 12 -3.76 -27 28 imp:N,P=1 $TiD2 hollow
29- c

30- c plate generator - normal to beam line

31- c
32- 102 12 -3.76 -41 imp:N,P=1 $TiD2 hollow
33- c

34- c
35- c BSA

36- c
37- c

38- c Gamma Shielding (Lead)

39- c
40- 110 3 -11.35 -1 imp:N,P=1 $
lead back shield
41- 120 3 -11.35 -2 +3 imp:N,P=1 $
lead outer shield
42- 180 3 -11.35 -3 +9 +19 &

43- #160 #161 imp:N,P=1 $

front shielding
44- c

45- c Be Reflector

46- c
47- 130 4 -1.85 -4 +5 #161 imp:N,P=1 $ Be
48- c

49- c Poly moderator

50- c
51- 170 18 -9.78 -3 +4 -19 imp:N,P=1 $ Outer
52- 140 1 -0.93 -6 +21 imp:N,P=1 $
Moderator block and g
53- c

54- c Fluental moderator block

55- c
56- 150 6 -7.9 -7 imp:N,P=2

57- c

58- c BE/Fluental Collimator

59- c
60- 160 2 -3.95 -8 imp:N,P=2 $ Al2o3

61- 161 4 -1.85 -9 +8 imp:N,P=2 $ Be

62- 169 5 -13.07 -69 imp:N,P=2 $Hf

63- c

64- c

65- c
66- c Room

67- c
68- 700 7 -0.001205 -80 69 #101 #110 &

69- #120 #130 &

70- #180 #160 #161 &

71- #150 #140 &

72- #170 #800 #888 &

73- #102 #103 +92 &

74- imp:N,P=1 $Air-

filled room
75- c

76- c
77- c Phantom

78- c
79- 800 13 -1.040 -90 93 imp:N,P=2 VOL = 1445.84
80- 801 14 -1.610 90 -91 imp:N,P=2 VOL=871
81- 888 15 -1.090 -92 91 imp:N,P=2 VOL=454.74
$Head skin
82- 889 16 -1.040 -93 imp:N,P=2
83- c

84- c
85- c Void

86- c
87- 900 0 80 imp:N,P=0 $Outside
the room
88- c

89- c

91- c

93- c

94- c

95- c

96- c

97- c
98- c
99- c

101- c
102- c

103- c
104- c Generator components

105- c
106- c

107- c vacuum chamber

108- c
109- 21 RCC 0 0 0 18 0 0 13 $ Generator outer surface

110- 22 RCC 6 0 0 11 0 0 8 $ Generator outer surface

inner pipe
111- c
112- c

113- c concentric ring generator - axially parallel to beam line

114- c
115- 24 RCC 7 0 0 10 0 0 5 $ target TiD2 plate outer
surface (ion chan
116- 25 RCC 7 0 0 10 0 0 4.995 $ target TiD2 plate inner
117- c
118- c

119- c concentric ring generator - axially perpendicular to beam line

120- c
121- 27 RCC 5 0 -55 27 0 55 10 $ target TiD2 plate
outer surface (io
122- 28 RCC 5 0 -55 27 0 55 9.995 $ target TiD2 plate
inner surface
123- c
124- c

125- c plate generator - normal to beam line

126- c
127- 41 RCC 16.995 0 0 0.005 0 0 5 $ plate TiD2 target

128- c
129- c

130- c

131- c
132- c BSA Components

133- c
134- c

135- c Lead Outer Shield

136- c
137- 2 RCC 0 0 0 70.9 0 0 45 $ outer surface

138- 3 RCC 0 0 0 70.9 0 0 40 $ inner surface, and outer

surface of inters
139- 19 PX 50 $ for front shield

140- 1 RCC -5 0 0 5 0 0 45 $ back shield

141- 69 RCC 70.901 0 0 1.3 0 0 45

142- c
143- c

144- c Be Reflector

145- c
146- 4 RCC 0 0 0 50 0 0 30 $ outer surface

147- 5 RCC 0 0 0 50 0 0 20 $ inner surface

148- c
149- c

150- c Poly moderator block / Generator housing

151- c
152- 6 RCC 0 0 0 18 0 0 20 $ nestled inside Be

153- c
154- c

155- c Iron moderator block

156- c
157- 7 RCC 18 0 0 32 0 0 20

158- c
159- c

160- c Be-surround Fluental Collimator

161- c
162- 8 TRC 50 0 0 20.9 0 0 17 6 $ 26 cm on large end,
11 cm radius on
163- 9 TRC 50 0 0 20.9 0 0 20 9 $ 28 "" 7
164- c
165- c

166- c
167- c Phantom

168- c
169- 90 SQ 0.0277778 0.0123456 0.0236686 0 0 0 -1 80.0 -2.0 0.0
170- 91 SQ 0.0216263 0.0104123 0.0145159 0 0 0 -1 80.0 -2.0 0.0
171- 92 SQ 0.0187652 0.0094260 0.0129133 0 0 0 -1 80.0 -2.0 0.0
172- 93 SX 76.5 1.8

173- c
174- c

175- c
176- c Room

177- c
178- 80 RPP -100 200 -100 200 -100 200 $ Large Box for the room

179- c
180- c TODO Floor, table, patient body, walls, etc.



183- c

184- c
185- c
186- c
187- c

189- c
190- MODE N P

comment. photonuclear physics may be needed (phys:p).

191- NPS 1E6

192- c
193- c PoliMi Cards

194- c
195- c IPOL 0 0 0 0 2J 2 90 99

196- c RPOL 0.01 0.01

197- c FILES 21 DUMN1

198- c PRDMP 2J 1

199- c DBCN

200- c

202- c

204- c ---> NEUTRON SOURCE sample from within Tritium plate target,
assuming D+ curre
205- c along beamline, sampled for 200 keV incident deuterons

206- c
207- c SDEF POS = 26.995 0 0

208- c AXS = 1 0 0

209- c EXT = d4

210- c RAD = D1

211- c VEC = 1 0 0

212- c DIR = D2

213- c ERG = FDIR = D3

214- c PAR = N

215- c SI1 0 5 $ a radius of 5 - inside the plate

216- c SP1 -21 1 $ r^1 weighted sampling
217- c SI2 -1.0 0.0 0.17 0.342 0.5 0.643 0.766 0.866 0.940
0.984 1.0
218- c SP2 0.0 1.0 1.00 1.0176 1.026 1.033 1.0398 1.045 1.049
1.052 1.0522
219- c DS3 0.0 14.1 14.2 14.347 14.464 14.57 14.66 14.74 14.79
14.83 14.84
220- c SI4 0 0.005

221- c SP4 -21 0

222- c

223- c Source volumetrically distibruted in target cell

224- c and angularly/energy distributed according to fusion type

225- c

226- c

228- c ---> NEUTRON SOURCE sample from within Deuteron plate target,
assuming D+ curr
229- c along beamline, sampled for 200 keV incident deuterons

230- c
231- SDEF POS = 26.995 0 0

232- AXS = 1 0 0

233- EXT = d4

234- RAD = D1

235- VEC = 1 0 0

236- DIR = D2

237- ERG = FDIR = D3

238- PAR = N

239- SI1 0 5 $ a radius of 5 - inside the plate target

240- SP1 -21 1 $ r^1 weighted sampling

241- SI2 -1.0 0.0 0.17 0.34 0.50 0.64 0.77 0.86 0.94 0.98 1.00

242- SP2 0.0 1.0 1.03 1.14 1.33 1.60 1.92 2.26 2.57 2.77 2.85

243- DS3 0.0 2.48 2.55 2.62 2.69 2.75 2.81 2.87 2.91 2.93 2.94

244- SI4 0 0.005

245- SP4 -21 0

246- c
247- c Source volumetrically distibruted in target cell

248- c and angularly/energy distributed according to fusion type

249- c

251- c
252- F5:N 73 0 0 2

253- E5 1E-12 1E-5 .01 3

254- F55:N 73 0 0 2

255- E55 0 0.025E-6 1E-6 .01 3

256- F6:N 889

257- E6 1e-6 0.01 1 3.5

258- F4:N 889

259- E4 1e-6 0.01 1 3.5

260- F16:N 888

261- E16 1e-6 0.01 1 3.5

262- F14:N 889

263- E14 1e-6 0.01 1 3.5

264- F26:N 800

265- E26 1e-6 0.01 1 3.5

266- F36:N 801

267- E36 1e-6 0.01 1 3.5

268- F46:P 800

269- E46 1e-6 .01 1 20

270- c
271- c 889 is tumor 888 is skin on the head

272- c

273- c

274- c

275- c
276- c
277- c

279- c
280- c

281- M1 $ poly

282- c
283- 1001.50c 0.666662

284- 6000.60c 0.33333

285- M2 $ AlFl3

286- c
287- 13027.50c 2.000 $AlF3

288- c 9019.60c 3.000

289- 8016.60c 3.000

290- M3 $ Pb

291- c
292- 82000.50c 1.000

293- M4 $ Be

294- c
295- 4009.50c 1.000

296- M5 $Cd

297- c
298- c 26000.50c 1.000

299- c 48000.50c 1.000

300- 72000.50c 1.0

301- M6 $Fluental

302- c
303- c 13027.50c -0.432

304- c 9019.60c -0.559

305- c 3007.60c -0.009

306- 26000.50c 1.0

307- c 13027.50c 1.00

308- c 9019.60c 3.0

309- M7 $ Air

310- c
311- 6000.60c 0.000150

312- 7014.60c 0.784431

313- 8016.60c 0.210748

314- 18000.59c 0.004671

315- M8

warning. material 8 is not used in the problem.

316- c
317- 8016.60c 3.0000

318- 13027.50c 2.0000

319- M9 $ human tissue

warning. material 9 is not used in the problem.

320- c
321- 1001.50c -0.101172

322- 6000.60c -0.111000

323- 7014.60c -0.026000

324- 8016.60c -0.761828

325- M11 $ boron doped tissue (tumor)

warning. material 11 is not used in the problem.

326- c
327- 1001.50c 0.630906

328- 6000.60c 0.058092

329- 7014.60c 0.011668

330- 8016.60c 0.299304

331- 5010.60c 0.000050

332- M12 $ TiD2

333- c
334- 22000.60c 1.0

335- 1002.60c 2.0

336- M13 $ Stainless Steel

337- c
338- 6000.60c -0.000750

339- 7014.60c -0.001250

340- 14000.60c -0.005000

341- 15031.60c -0.000300

342- 16000.60c -0.000150

343- 24000.50c -0.180000

344- 25055.60c -0.087500

345- 26000.50c -0.675050

346- 28000.50c -0.050000

347- M14 $Brain Matter

348- c
349- 1001.50c -0.107

350- 6000.60c -0.145

351- 7014.60c -0.022

352- 8016.60c -0.712

353- 11023.60c -0.002

354- 15031.60c -0.004

355- 16000.60c -0.002

356- 17000.60c -0.003

357- 19000.60c -0.003

358- M15 $Tumor Brain with Boron

359- c
360- 1001.50c -0.10699679

361- 6000.60c -0.14499565

362- 7014.60c -0.02199934

363- 8016.60c -0.71197864

364- 11023.60c -0.00199994

365- 15031.60c -0.00399988

366- 16000.60c -0.00199994

367- 17000.60c -0.00299991

368- 19000.60c -0.00299991

369- 5010.60c -0.050000

370- M16 $Skull

371- c
372- 1001.50c -0.050

373- 6000.60c -0.212

374- 7014.60c -0.040

375- 8016.60c -0.435

376- 11023.60c -0.001

377- 12000.60c -0.002

378- 15031.60c -0.081

379- 16000.60c -0.003

380- 20000.60c -0.176

381- M17 $Skin

warning. material 17 is not used in the problem.

382- c
383- 1001.50c -0.100

384- 6000.60c -0.204

385- 7014.60c -0.042

386- 8016.60c -0.645

387- 11023.60c -0.002

388- 15031.60c -0.001

389- 16000.60c -0.002

390- 17000.60c -0.003

391- 19000.60c -0.001

392- M18 $Cd

393- c
394- 83209.50c 1.0

395- c
396- c END OF FILE

397- c

comment. total nubar used if fissionable isotopes are present.

surface 21.2 and surface 6.2 are the same. 6.2 will be

surface 21.2 and surface 7.3 are the same. 7.3 will be

surface 21.3 and surface 2.3 are the same. 2.3 will be

surface 21.3 and surface 3.3 are the same. 3.3 will be

surface 21.3 and surface 1.2 are the same. 1.2 will be

surface 21.3 and surface 4.3 are the same. 4.3 will be

surface 21.3 and surface 5.3 are the same. 5.3 will be

surface 21.3 and surface 6.3 are the same. 6.3 will be

surface 22.2 and surface 24.2 are the same. 24.2 will be

surface 22.2 and surface 25.2 are the same. 25.2 will be

surface 22.2 and surface 41.2 are the same. 41.2 will be

surface 24.1 and surface 41.1 are the same. 41.1 will be

surface 24.3 and surface 25.3 are the same. 25.3 will be

surface 27.2 and surface 28.2 are the same. 28.2 will be

surface 27.3 and surface 28.3 are the same. 28.3 will be
surface 2.1 and surface 1.1 are the same. 1.1 will be

surface 2.1 and surface 69.1 are the same. 69.1 will be

surface 2.2 and surface 3.2 are the same. 3.2 will be

surface 2.2 and surface 8.2 are the same. 8.2 will be

surface 2.2 and surface 9.2 are the same. 9.2 will be

surface 19 and surface 4.2 are the same. 4.2 will be


surface 19 and surface 5.2 are the same. 5.2 will be


surface 19 and surface 7.2 are the same. 7.2 will be


surface 19 and surface 8.3 are the same. 8.3 will be


surface 19 and surface 9.3 are the same. 9.3 will be


surface 5.1 and surface 6.1 are the same. 6.1 will be

surface 5.1 and surface 7.1 are the same. 7.1 will be

comment. 27 surfaces were deleted for being the same as others.

warning. 1 energy bins of tally 55 are below energy cutoff.

warning. 1 energy bins of tally 46 are below energy cutoff.

warning. 3 materials had unnormalized fractions. print table 40.

warning. 1 of the materials appear at more than one density.

print table 60

atom gram
neutron photon photon wt
cell mat density density volume mass
pieces importance importance generation

1 101 13 8.67998E-02 7.86000E+00 7.34504E+03 5.77320E+04

1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
2 103 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 2.21129E+03 0.00000E+00
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
3 102 12 1.30867E-01 3.76000E+00 3.92699E-01 1.47655E+00
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
4 110 3 3.29849E-02 1.13500E+01 3.18086E+04 3.61028E+05
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
5 120 3 3.29849E-02 1.13500E+01 9.46640E+04 1.07444E+06
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
6 180 3 3.29849E-02 1.13500E+01 9.05879E+04 1.02817E+06
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
7 130 4 1.23619E-01 1.85000E+00 7.85398E+04 1.45299E+05
0 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
8 170 18 2.81823E-02 9.78000E+00 1.09956E+05 1.07537E+06
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
9 140 1 1.19783E-01 9.30000E-01 1.30627E+04 1.21484E+04
1 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
10 150 6 8.51868E-02 7.90000E+00 4.02124E+04 3.17678E+05
1 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
11 160 2 1.16663E-01 3.95000E+00 9.34551E+03 3.69147E+04
1 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
12 161 4 1.23619E-01 1.85000E+00 5.12142E+03 9.47464E+03
1 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
13 169 5 4.40975E-02 1.30700E+01 8.27024E+03 1.08092E+05
1 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
14 700 7 4.98947E-05 1.20500E-03 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
0 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
15 800 13 1.14850E-02 1.04000E+00 1.44584E+03 1.50367E+03
0 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
16 801 14 1.59749E-01 1.61000E+00 8.71000E+02 1.40231E+03
0 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
17 888 15 1.06125E-01 1.09000E+00 4.54740E+02 4.95667E+02
0 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
18 889 16 6.54731E-02 1.04000E+00 2.44290E+01 2.54062E+01
1 2.0000E+00 2.0000E+00 -1.000E+00
19 900 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 -1.000E+00

total 4.93921E+05 4.22977E+06

warning. surface 24.3 is not used for anything.

warning. surface 25.1 is not used for anything.

warning. surface 27.1 is not used for anything.

warning. surface 27.2 is not used for anything.

warning. surface 27.3 is not used for anything.

warning. surface 28.1 is not used for anything.

minimum source weight = 1.0000E+00 maximum source weight = 1.0000E+00

* Random Number Generator = 1 *
* Random Number Seed = 19073486328125 *
* Random Number Multiplier = 19073486328125 *
* Random Number Adder = 0 *
* Random Number Bits Used = 48 *
* Random Number Stride = 152917 *
15 warning messages so far.
1cross-section tables
print table 100
XSDIR used: C:\my_mcnp\MCNP_DATA/xsdir_mcnp6.1

table length

tables from file xdata/rmccs

1001.50c 1914 njoy

( 1301) 79/07/31.
4009.50c 7600 njoy
( 1304) 79/06/07.
13027.50c 48488 njoy
( 1313) 79/09/08.
24000.50c 128311 njoy
( 1324) 79/06/21.
28000.50c 114574 njoy
( 1328) 79/06/21.
82000.50c 35685 njoy
( 1382) 03/10/82

tables from file xdata/endf60

1002.60c 1924 1-h-2 from endf-vi

mat 128 11/25/93
5010.60c 25119 5-b-10 from endf-vi.1
mat 525 11/25/93
6000.60c 20919 6-c-nat from endf-vi.1
mat 600 11/25/93
7014.60c 56315 7-n-14 from special lanl endf-6 evaluation
mat 725 11/25/93
8016.60c 55858 8-o-16 from endf/b-vi
mat 8 25 11/25/93
11023.60c 48793 11-na-23 from endf/b-vi.1
mat1125 11/25/93
12000.60c 53585 12-mg-nat from endf/b-vi
mat1200 11/25/93
14000.60c 101467 14-si-nat from endf/b-vi
mat1400 11/25/93
15031.60c 5982 15-p-31 from endf/b-vi
mat1525 11/25/93
16000.60c 91120 16-s-nat from endf/b-vi
mat1600 11/25/93
17000.60c 21354 17-cl-nat from endf/b-vi
mat1700 11/25/93
19000.60c 23860 19-k-nat from endf/b-vi
mat1900 11/25/93
20000.60c 73520 20-ca-nat from endf/b-vi
mat2000 11/25/93
22000.60c 59234 22-ti-nat from endf/b-vi
mat2200 02/25/94
25055.60c 183480 25-mn-55 from endf/b-vi
mat2525 11/25/93

tables from file xdata/misc5xs

18000.59c 2911
(1800) 06/19/82
obsolete gamma-ray production method using equally-
probable energies.

tables from file xdata/endf5p

26000.50c 112197 njoy

( 1326) 79/09/04.

tables from file xdata/newxs

72000.50c 35619

warning. 72000.50c lacks gamma-ray production cross sections.

tables from file xdata/endf5u

83209.50c 12919 njoy

( 1375) 06/09/81

tables from file xdata/mcplib84

1000.84p 1974 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
4000.84p 2439 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
5000.84p 3192 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
6000.84p 3228 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
7000.84p 3270 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
8000.84p 3348 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
11000.84p 4071 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
12000.84p 3857 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
13000.84p 4922 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
14000.84p 4868 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
15000.84p 4574 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
16000.84p 4730 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
17000.84p 4814 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
18000.84p 4772 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
19000.84p 5123 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
20000.84p 5089 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
22000.84p 5818 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
24000.84p 5758 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
25000.84p 5674 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
26000.84p 5794 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
28000.84p 5902 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
72000.84p 10008 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
82000.84p 10086 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12
83000.84p 10449 Update of MCPLIB04 Photon Compton Broadening Data For MCNP5
see LA-UR- 12-00018 01/03/12

total 1446508

warning. 1 cross-section tables have poor gamma-production data.

maximum photon energy set to 100.0 mev (maximum electron energy)

tables from file xdata/el03

1000.03e 2329
4000.03e 2331
5000.03e 2331
6000.03e 2333
7000.03e 2333
8000.03e 2333
11000.03e 2337
12000.03e 2337
13000.03e 2337
14000.03e 2339
15000.03e 2339
16000.03e 2339
17000.03e 2339
18000.03e 2341
19000.03e 2343
20000.03e 2343
22000.03e 2345
24000.03e 2345
25000.03e 2345
26000.03e 2345
28000.03e 2347
72000.03e 2367
82000.03e 2373
83000.03e 2373

1particles and energy limits

print table 101

particle maximum smallest largest

always always
cutoff particle table table
use table use model
particle type energy energy maximum maximum
below above

1 n neutron 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+36 2.0000E+01 3.2000E+01

1.0000E+36 1.0000E+36
2 p photon 1.0000E-03 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+05 1.0000E+05
1.0000E+36 1.0000E+36
3 e electron 1.0000E-03 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02
1.0000E+36 1.0000E+36

warning. material 3 has been set to a conductor.

warning. material 4 has been set to a conductor.

warning. material 5 has been set to a conductor.

warning. material 6 has been set to a conductor.

warning. material 18 has been set to a conductor.


dump no. 1 on file runtph nps = 0 coll = 0

ctm = 0.00 nrn =

22 warning messages so far.

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 7.9468E-02 1.2804E+00 1.6902E+00 2.8418E+00 1.8305E+00 2.0000E+00 1.5724E-03
888 7843 70 642 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 7.9468E-02 1.2804E+00 1.6902E+00 2.8418E+00 1.8305E+00 2.0000E+00 1.5724E-03
888 7843 70 642 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.1709E-01 1.9502E+00 1.1962E+00 1.5112E+00 1.4520E+00 2.0000E+00 8.8170E-02
888 10254 25 263 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.1709E-01 1.9502E+00 1.1962E+00 1.5112E+00 1.4520E+00 2.0000E+00 8.8170E-02
888 10254 25 263 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 7.3947E-02 9.7510E-01 1.8072E+00 1.4768E+00 1.1179E+00 2.0000E+00 2.7639E-02
888 10254 27 294 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 7.3947E-02 9.7510E-01 1.8072E+00 1.4768E+00 1.1179E+00 2.0000E+00 2.7639E-02
888 10254 27 294 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.6710E-02 9.7512E-01 1.1686E+00 1.5116E+00 1.4349E+00 2.0000E+00 8.4406E-02
888 10254 36 470 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.6710E-02 9.7512E-01 1.1686E+00 1.5116E+00 1.4349E+00 2.0000E+00 8.4406E-02
888 10254 36 470 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.6320E-02 1.9502E+00 9.0363E-01 2.0914E+00 1.3867E+00 2.0000E+00 4.4237E-03
888 10254 37 486 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.6320E-02 1.9502E+00 9.0363E-01 2.0914E+00 1.3867E+00 2.0000E+00 4.4237E-03
888 10254 37 486 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.2727E-02 8.9389E-01 1.5307E+00 6.8738E-01 4.6877E-01 2.0000E+00 8.4656E-03
888 18020 16 206 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.2727E-02 8.9389E-01 1.5307E+00 6.8738E-01 4.6877E-01 2.0000E+00 8.4656E-03
888 18020 16 206 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.3570E-02 9.9900E-01 2.0032E+00 3.0200E+00 1.6498E+00 2.0000E+00 3.7567E-05
888 28327 102 1047 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.3570E-02 9.9900E-01 2.0032E+00 3.0200E+00 1.6498E+00 2.0000E+00 3.7567E-05
888 28327 102 1047 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.4899E-02 9.1717E-01 1.7108E+00 1.8233E+00 8.8504E-01 2.0000E+00 2.3256E-04
801 28684 208 2090 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.4899E-02 9.1717E-01 1.7108E+00 1.8233E+00 8.8504E-01 2.0000E+00 2.3256E-04
801 28684 208 2090 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.1518E-02 9.2384E-01 1.9100E+00 3.3145E+00 1.7498E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1027E-04
801 39895 66 840 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.1518E-02 9.2384E-01 1.9100E+00 3.3145E+00 1.7498E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1027E-04
801 39895 66 840 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.2402E-02 8.9913E-01 1.8821E+00 3.1554E+00 1.5835E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9303E-03
801 49796 89 1395 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.2402E-02 8.9913E-01 1.8821E+00 3.1554E+00 1.5835E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9303E-03
801 49796 89 1395 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.9037E-02 8.9907E-01 1.5028E+00 3.0428E+00 1.5080E+00 2.0000E+00 9.0250E-04
801 49796 90 1412 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.9037E-02 8.9907E-01 1.5028E+00 3.0428E+00 1.5080E+00 2.0000E+00 9.0250E-04
801 49796 90 1412 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.2874E-02 8.9894E-01 1.6825E+00 2.0046E+00 1.1114E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2712E-04
801 49796 91 1427 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.2874E-02 8.9894E-01 1.6825E+00 2.0046E+00 1.1114E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2712E-04
801 49796 91 1427 4
det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg
cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.2273E-02 8.9879E-01 1.6797E+00 1.2873E+00 7.7477E-01 2.0000E+00 1.7487E-04
888 49796 92 1443 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.2273E-02 8.9879E-01 1.6797E+00 1.2873E+00 7.7477E-01 2.0000E+00 1.7487E-04
888 49796 92 1443 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.1358E-02 1.9590E+00 8.9507E-01 3.0585E+00 1.7303E+00 2.0000E+00 2.3371E-04
801 59945 61 653 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.1358E-02 1.9590E+00 8.9507E-01 3.0585E+00 1.7303E+00 2.0000E+00 2.3371E-04
801 59945 61 653 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4457E-02 1.6650E+00 7.5450E-01 3.2624E+00 1.6714E+00 2.0000E+00 3.3132E-04
801 79753 62 614 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4457E-02 1.6650E+00 7.5450E-01 3.2624E+00 1.6714E+00 2.0000E+00 3.3132E-04
801 79753 62 614 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.1303E-02 1.7983E+00 6.2810E-01 2.3609E+00 1.5134E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2843E-03
888 101275 81 1006 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.1303E-02 1.7983E+00 6.2810E-01 2.3609E+00 1.5134E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2843E-03
888 101275 81 1006 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.8607E-02 1.7980E+00 1.0730E+00 3.2348E+00 1.6432E+00 2.0000E+00 3.9239E-04
801 101275 85 1065 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.8607E-02 1.7980E+00 1.0730E+00 3.2348E+00 1.6432E+00 2.0000E+00 3.9239E-04
801 101275 85 1065 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.0221E-02 9.5131E-01 6.9354E-01 4.8496E-01 1.8189E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1492E-01
169 103649 33 323 5

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.0221E-02 9.5131E-01 6.9354E-01 4.8496E-01 1.8189E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1492E-01
169 103649 33 323 5
det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg
cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.1342E-02 1.8714E+00 8.2501E-01 2.4567E+00 1.2028E+00 2.0000E+00 7.4724E-05
801 126321 203 2003 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.1342E-02 1.8714E+00 8.2501E-01 2.4567E+00 1.2028E+00 2.0000E+00 7.4724E-05
801 126321 203 2003 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.9706E-02 1.9045E+00 8.7028E-01 2.6053E+00 1.6410E+00 2.0000E+00 6.4756E-04
888 128822 87 848 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.9706E-02 1.9045E+00 8.7028E-01 2.6053E+00 1.6410E+00 2.0000E+00 6.4756E-04
888 128822 87 848 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 3.9294E-02 1.0211E+00 1.0612E+00 2.3595E+00 1.4977E+00 2.0000E+00 8.6742E-04
888 187981 51 493 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 3.9294E-02 1.0211E+00 1.0612E+00 2.3595E+00 1.4977E+00 2.0000E+00 8.6742E-04
888 187981 51 493 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 3.9184E-02 1.0210E+00 1.1008E+00 2.1437E+00 1.3003E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1011E-04
888 187981 131 1793 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 3.9184E-02 1.0210E+00 1.1008E+00 2.1437E+00 1.3003E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1011E-04
888 187981 131 1793 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.3802E-02 7.5381E-01 1.8981E+00 1.6903E+00 1.1196E+00 2.0000E+00 4.3085E-03
888 202274 95 1060 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.3802E-02 7.5381E-01 1.8981E+00 1.6903E+00 1.1196E+00 2.0000E+00 4.3085E-03
888 202274 95 1060 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.5631E-01 1.9750E+00 1.4685E+00 1.6071E+00 1.2647E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2404E-01
801 202737 13 191 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.5631E-01 1.9750E+00 1.4685E+00 1.6071E+00 1.2647E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2404E-01
801 202737 13 191 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.4309E-01 1.9749E+00 1.9244E+00 2.5006E+00 1.2323E+00 2.0000E+00 4.4851E-03
801 202737 15 224 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.4309E-01 1.9749E+00 1.9244E+00 2.5006E+00 1.2323E+00 2.0000E+00 4.4851E-03
801 202737 15 224 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 3.9667E-02 5.4741E-01 1.9327E+00 3.5823E+00 1.8060E+00 2.0000E+00 3.9141E-03
801 206950 107 1109 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 3.9667E-02 5.4741E-01 1.9327E+00 3.5823E+00 1.8060E+00 2.0000E+00 3.9141E-03
801 206950 107 1109 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 7.9067E-02 1.0947E+00 1.9775E+00 2.9722E+00 1.5384E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2152E-03
801 206950 109 1146 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 7.9067E-02 1.0947E+00 1.9775E+00 2.9722E+00 1.5384E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2152E-03
801 206950 109 1146 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.8471E-02 7.0254E-01 1.8819E+00 3.3059E+00 1.6127E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4542E-03
801 210777 78 902 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.8471E-02 7.0254E-01 1.8819E+00 3.3059E+00 1.6127E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4542E-03
801 210777 78 902 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.7358E-02 7.0237E-01 1.8698E+00 1.6941E+00 1.0684E+00 2.0000E+00 6.7898E-04
888 210777 82 959 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.7358E-02 7.0237E-01 1.8698E+00 1.6941E+00 1.0684E+00 2.0000E+00 6.7898E-04
888 210777 82 959 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.2737E-02 1.4046E+00 1.0846E+00 1.4055E+00 8.4568E-01 2.0000E+00 1.7389E-04
888 210777 83 979 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.2737E-02 1.4046E+00 1.0846E+00 1.4055E+00 8.4568E-01 2.0000E+00 1.7389E-04
888 210777 83 979 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.2841E-01 1.9516E+00 1.5016E+00 2.2292E+00 1.7828E+00 2.0000E+00 3.9397E-02
888 219898 42 487 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.2841E-01 1.9516E+00 1.5016E+00 2.2292E+00 1.7828E+00 2.0000E+00 3.9397E-02
888 219898 42 487 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.5642E-02 9.5905E-01 1.2868E+00 2.3391E+00 1.5194E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2637E-03
888 225336 93 1074 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.5642E-02 9.5905E-01 1.2868E+00 2.3391E+00 1.5194E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2637E-03
888 225336 93 1074 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.0205E-01 1.7289E+00 1.6484E+00 3.9087E+00 1.8831E+00 2.0000E+00 5.0809E-04
801 225336 108 1350 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.0205E-01 1.7289E+00 1.6484E+00 3.9087E+00 1.8831E+00 2.0000E+00 5.0809E-04
801 225336 108 1350 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.4592E-02 9.1496E-01 1.8767E+00 1.2897E+00 8.5467E-01 2.0000E+00 4.3625E-03
888 256627 70 863 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.4592E-02 9.1496E-01 1.8767E+00 1.2897E+00 8.5467E-01 2.0000E+00 4.3625E-03
888 256627 70 863 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.1977E-02 9.1037E-01 1.2497E+00 3.5622E+00 1.7884E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9871E-03
801 256627 145 2241 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.1977E-02 9.1037E-01 1.2497E+00 3.5622E+00 1.7884E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9871E-03
801 256627 145 2241 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.7533E-02 1.8206E+00 7.5335E-01 3.6268E+00 1.7501E+00 2.0000E+00 1.7928E-04
801 256627 146 2259 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.7533E-02 1.8206E+00 7.5335E-01 3.6268E+00 1.7501E+00 2.0000E+00 1.7928E-04
801 256627 146 2259 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 9.2592E-02 1.8757E+00 1.3604E+00 3.7170E+00 1.8108E+00 2.0000E+00 8.9472E-04
801 292322 311 4051 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 9.2592E-02 1.8757E+00 1.3604E+00 3.7170E+00 1.8108E+00 2.0000E+00 8.9472E-04
801 292322 311 4051 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4072E-02 7.7068E-01 1.6352E+00 4.1058E+00 1.9762E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2933E-04
801 304406 81 1371 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4072E-02 7.7068E-01 1.6352E+00 4.1058E+00 1.9762E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2933E-04
801 304406 81 1371 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 8.4581E-02 1.8137E+00 1.2762E+00 2.4549E+00 1.5344E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2387E-03
801 345492 33 357 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 8.4581E-02 1.8137E+00 1.2762E+00 2.4549E+00 1.5344E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2387E-03
801 345492 33 357 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.0170E-01 1.8134E+00 1.6340E+00 2.5783E+00 1.5204E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4177E-04
801 345492 34 373 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.0170E-01 1.8134E+00 1.6340E+00 2.5783E+00 1.5204E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4177E-04
801 345492 34 373 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.1560E-01 1.8129E+00 1.8878E+00 2.3879E+00 1.3503E+00 2.0000E+00 9.9916E-05
801 345492 35 389 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.1560E-01 1.8129E+00 1.8878E+00 2.3879E+00 1.3503E+00 2.0000E+00 9.9916E-05
801 345492 35 389 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.6860E-02 9.7508E-01 1.2996E+00 2.0910E+00 1.2665E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2354E-03
801 347160 33 411 4
det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg
cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.6860E-02 9.7508E-01 1.2996E+00 2.0910E+00 1.2665E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2354E-03
801 347160 33 411 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.2045E-02 1.9459E+00 1.7568E+00 2.8899E+00 8.8007E-01 2.0000E+00 1.1951E-06
888 347160 36 463 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.2045E-02 1.9459E+00 1.7568E+00 2.8899E+00 8.8007E-01 2.0000E+00 1.1951E-06
888 347160 36 463 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.9712E-02 1.2725E+00 1.4848E+00 2.9652E+00 1.9205E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9768E-03
888 362052 201 1874 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.9712E-02 1.2725E+00 1.4848E+00 2.9652E+00 1.9205E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9768E-03
888 362052 201 1874 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.2129E-02 9.5606E-01 1.6185E+00 1.0485E+00 7.5150E-01 2.0000E+00 1.7089E-02
888 365144 53 512 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.2129E-02 9.5606E-01 1.6185E+00 1.0485E+00 7.5150E-01 2.0000E+00 1.7089E-02
888 365144 53 512 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.7715E-02 1.1695E+00 1.8828E+00 3.2863E+00 1.7322E+00 2.0000E+00 2.5525E-05
888 388028 204 2552 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.7715E-02 1.1695E+00 1.8828E+00 3.2863E+00 1.7322E+00 2.0000E+00 2.5525E-05
888 388028 204 2552 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.0618E-02 9.3623E-01 7.5959E-01 3.5979E-01 1.3888E+00 2.0000E+00 1.6132E-01
169 389532 29 304 5

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.0618E-02 9.3623E-01 7.5959E-01 3.5979E-01 1.3888E+00 2.0000E+00 1.6132E-01
169 389532 29 304 5

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.0488E-02 9.3545E-01 1.2144E+00 3.5637E+00 1.7072E+00 2.0000E+00 4.2524E-04
801 405147 66 650 4
det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg
cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.0488E-02 9.3545E-01 1.2144E+00 3.5637E+00 1.7072E+00 2.0000E+00 4.2524E-04
801 405147 66 650 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.7987E-01 1.8141E+00 1.4785E+00 1.6311E+00 1.8640E+00 2.0000E+00 3.6963E-01
801 406358 7 93 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.7987E-01 1.8141E+00 1.4785E+00 1.6311E+00 1.8640E+00 2.0000E+00 3.6963E-01
801 406358 7 93 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 9.5728E-02 9.0527E-01 1.9548E+00 2.4258E+00 1.9042E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2617E-01
801 406358 11 150 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 9.5728E-02 9.0527E-01 1.9548E+00 2.4258E+00 1.9042E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2617E-01
801 406358 11 150 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.7555E-01 1.8105E+00 1.8588E+00 1.5675E+00 1.2155E+00 2.0000E+00 1.0669E-01
801 406358 12 168 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.7555E-01 1.8105E+00 1.8588E+00 1.5675E+00 1.2155E+00 2.0000E+00 1.0669E-01
801 406358 12 168 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 2.2350E-01 1.8802E+00 1.9530E+00 1.0299E+00 1.3365E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1346E-01
888 424168 26 344 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 2.2350E-01 1.8802E+00 1.9530E+00 1.0299E+00 1.3365E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1346E-01
888 424168 26 344 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.0695E-02 7.3211E-01 1.5077E+00 3.6357E+00 1.7484E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9109E-03
801 426564 53 566 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.0695E-02 7.3211E-01 1.5077E+00 3.6357E+00 1.7484E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9109E-03
801 426564 53 566 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.5598E-02 1.4650E+00 1.0394E+00 3.5049E+00 1.8539E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1982E-03
801 426564 80 1030 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.5598E-02 1.4650E+00 1.0394E+00 3.5049E+00 1.8539E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1982E-03
801 426564 80 1030 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.7790E-01 1.7106E+00 1.6959E+00 1.7443E+00 1.8155E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2037E-01
801 443793 29 296 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.7790E-01 1.7106E+00 1.6959E+00 1.7443E+00 1.8155E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2037E-01
801 443793 29 296 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.3523E-01 1.7105E+00 1.9308E+00 2.0754E+00 1.5237E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1513E-02
888 443793 32 351 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.3523E-01 1.7105E+00 1.9308E+00 2.0754E+00 1.5237E+00 2.0000E+00 2.1513E-02
888 443793 32 351 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.1283E-01 1.7105E+00 1.6581E+00 1.8286E+00 1.2960E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4967E-02
888 443793 33 371 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.1283E-01 1.7105E+00 1.6581E+00 1.8286E+00 1.2960E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4967E-02
888 443793 33 371 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 7.6836E-02 1.4616E+00 1.4262E+00 3.0307E+00 1.9609E+00 2.0000E+00 1.8923E-03
888 454912 401 6441 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 7.6836E-02 1.4616E+00 1.4262E+00 3.0307E+00 1.9609E+00 2.0000E+00 1.8923E-03
888 454912 401 6441 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.9358E-02 1.9484E+00 1.0749E+00 3.1169E+00 1.3844E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1970E-05
801 484068 187 1803 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.9358E-02 1.9484E+00 1.0749E+00 3.1169E+00 1.3844E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1970E-05
801 484068 187 1803 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.7206E-02 1.9269E+00 6.6204E-01 3.3437E+00 1.6708E+00 2.0000E+00 2.3825E-03
801 490978 38 399 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.7206E-02 1.9269E+00 6.6204E-01 3.3437E+00 1.6708E+00 2.0000E+00 2.3825E-03
801 490978 38 399 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.2976E-02 9.5702E-01 1.8010E+00 2.3392E+00 1.1463E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2345E-03
801 515826 55 572 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.2976E-02 9.5702E-01 1.8010E+00 2.3392E+00 1.1463E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2345E-03
801 515826 55 572 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 8.0993E-02 1.3326E+00 1.7062E+00 2.1458E+00 1.0494E+00 2.0000E+00 4.1805E-04
801 523343 126 1628 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 8.0993E-02 1.3326E+00 1.7062E+00 2.1458E+00 1.0494E+00 2.0000E+00 4.1805E-04
801 523343 126 1628 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.5634E-02 9.4089E-01 1.4253E+00 2.2912E+00 1.1127E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1672E-04
801 529426 90 955 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.5634E-02 9.4089E-01 1.4253E+00 2.2912E+00 1.1127E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1672E-04
801 529426 90 955 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.4894E-01 1.8892E+00 1.5540E+00 1.8088E+00 1.3215E+00 2.0000E+00 9.2992E-02
801 553186 42 417 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.4894E-01 1.8892E+00 1.5540E+00 1.8088E+00 1.3215E+00 2.0000E+00 9.2992E-02
801 553186 42 417 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.1470E-02 1.9420E+00 5.7045E-01 3.1359E+00 1.6186E+00 2.0000E+00 3.7199E-03
801 561439 83 815 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.1470E-02 1.9420E+00 5.7045E-01 3.1359E+00 1.6186E+00 2.0000E+00 3.7199E-03
801 561439 83 815 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 9.6513E-02 1.9419E+00 1.3766E+00 3.0560E+00 1.7277E+00 2.0000E+00 7.1618E-04
801 561439 107 1203 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 9.6513E-02 1.9419E+00 1.3766E+00 3.0560E+00 1.7277E+00 2.0000E+00 7.1618E-04
801 561439 107 1203 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.7825E-02 9.3539E-01 1.4267E+00 3.6917E+00 1.8684E+00 2.0000E+00 5.2463E-04
801 590244 44 514 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.7825E-02 9.3539E-01 1.4267E+00 3.6917E+00 1.8684E+00 2.0000E+00 5.2463E-04
801 590244 44 514 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.4963E-01 9.8895E-01 6.7583E+00 2.5919E-01 1.5573E+00 2.0000E+00 2.8920E+00
169 591481 3 39 5

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.4963E-01 9.8895E-01 6.7583E+00 2.5919E-01 1.5573E+00 2.0000E+00 2.8920E+00
169 591481 3 39 5

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.0233E-02 1.6866E+00 6.3097E-01 2.9462E+00 1.5576E+00 2.0000E+00 5.1141E-03
801 598500 52 512 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.0233E-02 1.6866E+00 6.3097E-01 2.9462E+00 1.5576E+00 2.0000E+00 5.1141E-03
801 598500 52 512 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.4772E-02 1.6866E+00 9.7773E-01 2.7737E+00 1.6949E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2275E-02
801 598500 61 645 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.4772E-02 1.6866E+00 9.7773E-01 2.7737E+00 1.6949E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2275E-02
801 598500 61 645 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4207E-02 9.7241E-01 1.3069E+00 3.9200E+00 1.8919E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9780E-04
801 603559 52 657 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4207E-02 9.7241E-01 1.3069E+00 3.9200E+00 1.8919E+00 2.0000E+00 1.9780E-04
801 603559 52 657 4
det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg
cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.7509E-01 1.8674E+00 1.9042E+00 2.0894E+00 1.7088E+00 2.0000E+00 7.9926E-02
801 623451 111 1433 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.7509E-01 1.8674E+00 1.9042E+00 2.0894E+00 1.7088E+00 2.0000E+00 7.9926E-02
801 623451 111 1433 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.3429E-02 6.6667E-01 1.8528E+00 2.6300E+00 1.6109E+00 2.0000E+00 2.6891E-04
888 630134 259 4047 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.3429E-02 6.6667E-01 1.8528E+00 2.6300E+00 1.6109E+00 2.0000E+00 2.6891E-04
888 630134 259 4047 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.1976E-02 1.3331E+00 9.9693E-01 2.9580E+00 1.6057E+00 2.0000E+00 3.4923E-05
888 630134 260 4067 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.1976E-02 1.3331E+00 9.9693E-01 2.9580E+00 1.6057E+00 2.0000E+00 3.4923E-05
888 630134 260 4067 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.0087E-01 1.4875E+00 1.8200E+00 2.8667E+00 1.8785E+00 2.0000E+00 3.2680E-03
888 641884 176 2735 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.0087E-01 1.4875E+00 1.8200E+00 2.8667E+00 1.8785E+00 2.0000E+00 3.2680E-03
888 641884 176 2735 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.3489E-02 1.4517E+00 1.0241E+00 2.0041E+00 1.2606E+00 2.0000E+00 6.1642E-04
888 653731 93 864 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.3489E-02 1.4517E+00 1.0241E+00 2.0041E+00 1.2606E+00 2.0000E+00 6.1642E-04
888 653731 93 864 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 1.2281E-01 1.8446E+00 1.8317E+00 2.7470E+00 1.3353E+00 2.0000E+00 9.6577E-04
801 660556 47 540 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 1.2281E-01 1.8446E+00 1.8317E+00 2.7470E+00 1.3353E+00 2.0000E+00 9.6577E-04
801 660556 47 540 4
det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg
cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 7.2754E-02 1.8449E+00 9.7531E-01 2.4426E+00 1.7658E+00 2.0000E+00 1.8590E-02
888 660556 64 863 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 7.2754E-02 1.8449E+00 9.7531E-01 2.4426E+00 1.7658E+00 2.0000E+00 1.8590E-02
888 660556 64 863 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 2.6820E-01 1.9087E+00 1.8357E+00 1.0961E+00 1.7349E+00 2.0000E+00 6.2701E-01
801 690422 67 786 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 2.6820E-01 1.9087E+00 1.8357E+00 1.0961E+00 1.7349E+00 2.0000E+00 6.2701E-01
801 690422 67 786 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.7315E-02 1.9087E+00 6.9003E-01 2.5132E+00 1.4635E+00 2.0000E+00 3.7461E-02
801 690422 68 804 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.7315E-02 1.9087E+00 6.9003E-01 2.5132E+00 1.4635E+00 2.0000E+00 3.7461E-02
801 690422 68 804 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.2129E-02 9.5978E-01 1.7023E+00 3.5532E+00 1.8622E+00 2.0000E+00 6.0682E-03
801 691081 40 420 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.2129E-02 9.5978E-01 1.7023E+00 3.5532E+00 1.8622E+00 2.0000E+00 6.0682E-03
801 691081 40 420 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4675E-02 7.5189E-01 1.7054E+00 2.8421E+00 1.7227E+00 2.0000E+00 2.0667E-04
888 691229 52 540 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4675E-02 7.5189E-01 1.7054E+00 2.8421E+00 1.7227E+00 2.0000E+00 2.0667E-04
888 691229 52 540 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.3199E-02 7.5174E-01 1.6850E+00 2.8704E+00 1.6979E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2260E-04
888 691229 53 559 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.3199E-02 7.5174E-01 1.6850E+00 2.8704E+00 1.6979E+00 2.0000E+00 1.2260E-04
888 691229 53 559 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.6103E-02 7.5177E-01 1.6803E+00 2.7027E+00 1.7285E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1721E-03
888 698841 71 729 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.6103E-02 7.5177E-01 1.6803E+00 2.7027E+00 1.7285E+00 2.0000E+00 1.1721E-03
888 698841 71 729 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 9.8669E-02 1.6656E+00 1.6120E+00 1.3155E+00 8.4816E-01 2.0000E+00 1.6309E-03
888 699243 81 791 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 9.8669E-02 1.6656E+00 1.6120E+00 1.3155E+00 8.4816E-01 2.0000E+00 1.6309E-03
888 699243 81 791 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.7644E-02 8.3282E-01 1.4795E+00 2.0952E+00 1.3602E+00 2.0000E+00 9.2748E-03
801 699243 93 921 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.7644E-02 8.3282E-01 1.4795E+00 2.0952E+00 1.3602E+00 2.0000E+00 9.2748E-03
801 699243 93 921 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 7.6635E-02 1.6655E+00 1.2660E+00 2.1691E+00 1.2408E+00 2.0000E+00 9.6360E-04
801 699243 96 961 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 7.6635E-02 1.6655E+00 1.2660E+00 2.1691E+00 1.2408E+00 2.0000E+00 9.6360E-04
801 699243 96 961 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.2483E-02 1.6710E+00 1.0888E+00 3.6901E+00 1.8266E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4334E-04
801 699243 153 1757 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.2483E-02 1.6710E+00 1.0888E+00 3.6901E+00 1.8266E+00 2.0000E+00 1.4334E-04
801 699243 153 1757 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.2647E-02 9.1871E-01 1.2646E+00 2.6489E+00 1.9934E+00 2.0000E+00 1.5426E-03
889 712225 100 1024 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.2647E-02 9.1871E-01 1.2646E+00 2.6489E+00 1.9934E+00 2.0000E+00 1.5426E-03
889 712225 100 1024 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 6.4935E-02 9.1866E-01 1.9103E+00 3.0029E+00 1.9795E+00 2.0000E+00 2.3653E-03
889 712225 101 1039 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 6.4935E-02 9.1866E-01 1.9103E+00 3.0029E+00 1.9795E+00 2.0000E+00 2.3653E-03
889 712225 101 1039 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.1874E-02 8.1696E-01 1.8162E+00 2.1646E+00 1.3172E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2722E-04
888 716520 100 911 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.1874E-02 8.1696E-01 1.8162E+00 2.1646E+00 1.3172E+00 2.0000E+00 2.2722E-04
888 716520 100 911 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 9.1076E-02 1.6329E+00 1.7881E+00 3.2890E+00 1.7609E+00 2.0000E+00 2.9964E-05
888 716520 104 981 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 9.1076E-02 1.6329E+00 1.7881E+00 3.2890E+00 1.7609E+00 2.0000E+00 2.9964E-05
888 716520 104 981 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4378E-02 8.1609E-01 1.7431E+00 3.2476E+00 1.7391E+00 2.0000E+00 3.0030E-05
888 716520 105 998 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4378E-02 8.1609E-01 1.7431E+00 3.2476E+00 1.7391E+00 2.0000E+00 3.0030E-05
888 716520 105 998 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 8.4925E-02 1.6803E+00 1.5321E+00 3.5550E+00 1.7247E+00 2.0000E+00 6.5141E-05
801 720250 80 809 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 8.4925E-02 1.6803E+00 1.5321E+00 3.5550E+00 1.7247E+00 2.0000E+00 6.5141E-05
801 720250 80 809 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4019E-02 8.4103E-01 1.3681E+00 8.3958E-01 5.6762E-01 2.0000E+00 7.1192E-03
888 720250 89 940 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4019E-02 8.4103E-01 1.3681E+00 8.3958E-01 5.6762E-01 2.0000E+00 7.1192E-03
888 720250 89 940 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.2782E-02 9.7166E-01 1.6744E+00 3.1299E+00 1.3947E+00 2.0000E+00 6.9900E-06
888 741259 122 1579 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.2782E-02 9.7166E-01 1.6744E+00 3.1299E+00 1.3947E+00 2.0000E+00 6.9900E-06
888 741259 122 1579 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 5.5604E-02 7.6310E-01 1.7518E+00 2.6619E+00 1.7577E+00 2.0000E+00 2.5440E-02
801 742858 40 395 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 5.5604E-02 7.6310E-01 1.7518E+00 2.6619E+00 1.7577E+00 2.0000E+00 2.5440E-02
801 742858 40 395 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.8075E-02 8.8964E-01 1.4924E+00 2.9359E+00 1.8604E+00 2.0000E+00 8.1319E-04
888 747547 60 609 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.8075E-02 8.8964E-01 1.4924E+00 2.9359E+00 1.8604E+00 2.0000E+00 8.1319E-04
888 747547 60 609 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.5068E-02 1.3555E+00 1.0325E+00 2.8587E+00 1.5854E+00 2.0000E+00 4.5015E-05
888 766596 88 865 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.5068E-02 1.3555E+00 1.0325E+00 2.8587E+00 1.5854E+00 2.0000E+00 4.5015E-05
888 766596 88 865 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
1 4.4008E-02 9.8987E-01 1.2338E+00 3.0462E+00 1.7957E+00 2.0000E+00 6.5669E-04
801 773743 74 819 4

det t wgt psc amfp ddetx radius erg

cell nps nch n nrn ipsc
2 4.4008E-02 9.8987E-01 1.2338E+00 3.0462E+00 1.7957E+00 2.0000E+00 6.5669E-04
801 773743 74 819 4
1problem summary

run terminated when 1000000 particle histories were done.

04/02/18 18:03:55
c BNCT BSA input file
probid = 04/02/18 17:35:01

neutron creation tracks weight energy neutron loss

tracks weight energy
(per source particle)
(per source particle)

source 1000000 1.0000E+00 2.7231E+00 escape

278309 4.4817E-01 7.5822E-02
nucl. interaction 0 0. 0. energy cutoff
0 0. 0.
particle decay 0 0. 0. time cutoff
0 0. 0.
weight window 0 0. 0. weight window
0 0. 0.
cell importance 1088367 1.2702E+00 4.7236E-01 cell importance
1444178 1.2706E+00 4.7233E-01
weight cutoff 0 9.0901E-02 1.9290E-06 weight cutoff
366615 9.0978E-02 1.9172E-06
e or t importance 0 0. 0. e or t importance
0 0. 0.
dxtran 0 0. 0. dxtran
0 0. 0.
forced collisions 0 0. 0. forced collisions
0 0. 0.
exp. transform 0 0. 0. exp. transform
0 0. 0.
upscattering 0 0. 2.6375E-07 downscattering
0 0. 2.6045E+00
photonuclear 0 0. 0. capture
0 5.5256E-01 4.0519E-02
(n,xn) 1470 2.4393E-03 9.3921E-04 loss to (n,xn)
735 1.2197E-03 3.2531E-03
prompt fission 0 0. 0. loss to fission
0 0. 0.
delayed fission 0 0. 0. nucl. interaction
0 0. 0.
prompt photofis 0 0. 0. particle decay
0 0. 0.
tabular boundary 0 0. 0. tabular boundary
0 0. 0.
tabular sampling 0 0. 0. elastic scatter
0 0. 0.
total 2089837 2.3636E+00 3.1964E+00 total
2089837 2.3636E+00 3.1964E+00

number of neutrons banked 1089102 average time of

(shakes) cutoffs
neutron tracks per source particle 2.0898E+00 escape
2.8140E+04 tco 1.0000E+33
neutron collisions per source particle 8.7286E+01 capture
1.4370E+04 eco 0.0000E+00
total neutron collisions 87285755 capture or escape
2.0537E+04 wc1 -5.0000E-01
net multiplication 1.0012E+00 0.0000 any termination
1.0335E+04 wc2 -2.5000E-01

photon creation tracks weight energy photon loss

tracks weight energy
(per source particle)
(per source particle)

source 0 0. 0. escape
4893 9.8642E-03 2.2996E-02
nucl. interaction 0 0. 0. energy cutoff
0 0. 5.4974E-04
particle decay 0 0. 0. time cutoff
0 0. 0.
weight window 0 0. 0. weight window
0 0. 0.
cell importance 80168 1.7089E-01 3.4659E-01 cell importance
170128 1.7041E-01 3.4483E-01
weight cutoff 0 0. 0. weight cutoff
0 0. 0.
e or t importance 0 0. 0. e or t importance
0 0. 0.
dxtran 0 0. 0. dxtran
0 0. 0.
forced collisions 0 0. 0. forced collisions
0 0. 0.
exp. transform 0 0. 0. exp. transform
0 0. 0.
from neutrons 2718768 2.9310E+00 5.0002E+00 compton scatter
0 0. 3.4927E+00
bremsstrahlung 1932191 2.6467E+00 2.4975E-01 capture
6130380 7.7226E+00 7.7098E-01
p-annihilation 293070 4.0329E-01 2.0609E-01 pair production
146535 2.0165E-01 1.2223E+00
photonuclear 0 0. 0. photonuclear abs
0 0. 0.
electron x-rays 0 0. 0. loss to photofis
0 0. 0.
compton fluores 0 0. 0.

muon capt fluores 0 0. 0.

1st fluorescence 1355669 1.8081E+00 5.0096E-02

2nd fluorescence 72070 1.4457E-01 1.6550E-03

(gamma,xgamma) 0 0. 0.

tabular sampling 0 0. 0.

prompt photofis 0 0. 0.

total 6451936 8.1045E+00 5.8544E+00 total

6451936 8.1045E+00 5.8544E+00

number of photons banked 5096267 average time of

(shakes) cutoffs
photon tracks per source particle 6.4519E+00 escape
2.2881E+04 tco 1.0000E+33
photon collisions per source particle 1.9315E+01 capture
7.0499E+03 eco 1.0000E-03
total photon collisions 19315242 capture or escape
7.0700E+03 wc1 -5.0000E-01
any termination
7.3739E+03 wc2 -2.5000E-01

computer time so far in this run 10.23 minutes maximum number ever
in bank 33
computer time in mcrun 10.16 minutes bank overflows to
backup file 0
source particles per minute 9.8389E+04
random numbers generated 1396607772 most random numbers
used was 43185 in history 155432

range of sampled source weights = 1.0000E+00 to 1.0000E+00

1neutron activity in each cell
print table 126

tracks population collisions collisions number

flux average average
cell entering * weight weighted
weighted track weight track mfp
(per history) energy
energy (relative) (cm)

1 101 407706 166602 1308635 2.0503E+00 1.8439E-03

4.5268E-01 1.7455E+00 3.3904E+00
2 103 121402 72253 0 0.0000E+00 1.1181E-02
5.7296E-01 1.8272E+00 0.0000E+00
3 102 31078 27596 123 2.2615E-04 1.7873E-02
6.5484E-01 1.8632E+00 2.4502E+00
4 110 110587 66607 357289 5.0552E-01 1.1222E-04
2.0263E-01 1.4691E+00 3.4038E+00
5 120 445297 234931 1529712 2.4535E+00 7.8717E-05
8.5695E-02 1.6208E+00 2.9974E+00
6 180 467350 229520 4004888 6.6850E+00 2.4862E-04
1.0791E-01 1.6882E+00 3.1060E+00
7 130 1658002 721599 22892388 3.7860E+01 9.7027E-05
1.0444E-01 1.6763E+00 1.4847E+00
8 170 884335 268434 4163856 6.8391E+00 5.5654E-05
6.9036E-02 1.6409E+00 3.9148E+00
9 140 494817 227262 12402797 1.5695E+01 3.5136E-05
9.3383E-02 1.3530E+00 6.3694E-01
10 150 3101979 1918815 34597628 2.9120E+01 8.8149E-03
8.0138E-01 1.8485E+00 5.3932E+00
11 160 656004 272570 3282228 2.9378E+00 9.3151E-04
1.8830E-01 1.7731E+00 2.7779E+00
12 161 746601 350945 2397663 2.0715E+00 4.0403E-04
1.1991E-01 1.7449E+00 1.5153E+00
13 169 154920 138971 256761 1.7755E-01 2.6965E-03
1.8150E-01 1.5371E+00 1.8489E+00
14 700 382574 335497 14498 2.2056E-02 1.5264E-04
1.6435E-01 1.6075E+00 3.6512E+03
15 800 5087 2875 5009 3.5670E-03 1.1587E-04
1.0132E-01 1.4811E+00 1.1889E+01
16 801 10120 5221 54791 3.9552E-02 1.0304E-04
1.0632E-01 1.5087E+00 5.4155E-01
17 888 12891 7406 16700 1.2550E-02 1.4052E-03
1.5322E-01 1.5946E+00 9.1569E-01
18 889 416 377 789 5.6258E-04 1.2813E-04
1.2720E-01 1.4868E+00 1.6178E+00
total 9691166 5047481 87285755 1.0647E+02
1photon activity in each cell
print table 126

tracks population collisions collisions number

flux average average
cell entering * weight weighted
weighted track weight track mfp
(per history) energy
energy (relative) (cm)

1 101 78591 245792 642872 1.3215E+00 1.6864E+00

1.6864E+00 2.0542E+00 2.0117E+00
2 103 24369 20588 0 0.0000E+00 1.3105E+00
1.3105E+00 2.0349E+00 0.0000E+00
3 102 4860 4564 27 5.3940E-05 1.1810E+00
1.1810E+00 2.0260E+00 3.8491E+00
4 110 39535 164083 284525 5.7748E-01 2.1742E+00
2.1742E+00 2.0269E+00 1.3579E+00
5 120 2523 71647 114897 2.2995E-01 2.9893E+00
2.9893E+00 2.0017E+00 1.2900E+00
6 180 25168 200050 340403 6.8140E-01 2.6098E+00
2.6098E+00 2.0013E+00 1.2713E+00
7 130 196548 204904 626410 1.2617E+00 1.3132E+00
1.3132E+00 2.0129E+00 9.0999E+00
8 170 125375 544057 940673 1.8923E+00 2.2815E+00
2.2815E+00 2.0116E+00 1.5308E+00
9 140 97483 130283 128689 2.6183E-01 1.5869E+00
1.5869E+00 2.0329E+00 1.6259E+01
10 150 169102 4027566 15991519 1.6010E+01 9.3729E-01
9.3729E-01 2.0022E+00 1.6263E+00
11 160 34713 53491 208112 2.0862E-01 1.2794E+00
1.2794E+00 2.0052E+00 3.6035E+00
12 161 33329 31157 22448 2.2527E-02 1.6461E+00
1.6461E+00 2.0067E+00 1.0425E+01
13 169 2910 7273 12048 1.2143E-02 1.8978E+00
1.8978E+00 2.0095E+00 1.0581E+00
14 700 6577 6361 62 1.2386E-04 2.2524E+00
2.2524E+00 2.0159E+00 1.7517E+04
15 800 935 1541 1271 1.3071E-03 1.5394E+00
1.5394E+00 2.0436E+00 1.4564E+01
16 801 2466 1849 905 9.1900E-04 1.1365E+00
1.1365E+00 2.0297E+00 8.1725E+00
17 888 2006 3095 361 3.6335E-04 9.2489E-01
9.2489E-01 2.0187E+00 1.1256E+01
18 889 76 80 20 2.0888E-05 1.7979E+00
1.7979E+00 2.0799E+00 1.5643E+01

total 846566 5718381 19315242 2.2482E+01

1summary of photons produced in neutron collisions

cell number of weight per energy per avg photon

mev/gm per weight/neut energy/neut
photons source neut source neut energy
source neut collision collision

1 101 97170 2.03816E-01 5.61467E-01 2.75478E+00

9.72539E-06 9.94076E-02 2.73846E-01
2 103 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
3 102 5 1.00000E-05 1.61770E-05 1.61770E+00
1.09560E-05 4.42177E-02 7.15310E-02
4 110 2706 5.41200E-03 2.57839E-02 4.76421E+00
7.14181E-08 1.07059E-02 5.10052E-02
5 120 7366 1.47320E-02 8.19376E-02 5.56188E+00
7.62609E-08 6.00453E-03 3.33964E-02
6 180 12818 2.56360E-02 1.09636E-01 4.27664E+00
1.06632E-07 3.83488E-03 1.64004E-02
7 130 12864 2.57280E-02 1.09572E-01 4.25886E+00
7.54116E-07 6.79549E-04 2.89411E-03
8 170 14802 2.96040E-02 5.79059E-02 1.95602E+00
5.38476E-08 4.32867E-03 8.46695E-03
9 140 53667 1.07334E-01 2.39820E-01 2.23434E+00
1.97410E-05 6.83874E-03 1.52800E-02
10 150 2500608 2.50183E+00 3.76965E+00 1.50676E+00
1.18663E-05 8.59155E-02 1.29454E-01
11 160 13319 1.33190E-02 3.85261E-02 2.89257E+00
1.04365E-06 4.53366E-03 1.31139E-02
12 161 480 4.80000E-04 2.07495E-03 4.32282E+00
2.19001E-07 2.31721E-04 1.00168E-03
13 169 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
14 700 44 8.94903E-05 4.11432E-04 4.59750E+00
4.11432E-04 4.05736E-03 1.86537E-02
15 800 567 6.26203E-04 1.94852E-03 3.11165E+00
1.29584E-06 1.75557E-01 5.46271E-01
16 801 134 1.34225E-04 3.43077E-04 2.55598E+00
2.44651E-07 3.39361E-03 8.67399E-03
17 888 2212 2.21200E-03 1.06418E-03 4.81094E-01
2.14697E-06 1.76249E-01 8.47923E-02
18 889 6 6.00000E-06 1.56732E-05 2.61220E+00
6.16904E-07 1.06652E-02 2.78596E-02
19 900 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
total 2718768 2.93096E+00 5.00017E+00 1.70598E+00

energy number of number cum number weight of weight

cum weight
interval photons frequency distribution photons
frequency distribution

20.000 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
15.000 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
10.000 188 6.91490E-05 6.91490E-05 1.94000E-04 6.61898E-
05 6.61898E-05
9.000 13336 4.90516E-03 4.97431E-03 1.45399E-02 4.96078E-
03 5.02697E-03
8.000 9441 3.47253E-03 8.44684E-03 1.28130E-02 4.37162E-
03 9.39858E-03
7.000 162166 5.96469E-02 6.80937E-02 1.89497E-01 6.46533E-
02 7.40519E-02
6.000 36751 1.35175E-02 8.16112E-02 4.81806E-02 1.64385E-
02 9.04904E-02
5.000 33837 1.24457E-02 9.40569E-02 3.81644E-02 1.30211E-
02 1.03512E-01
4.000 46979 1.72795E-02 1.11336E-01 5.75757E-02 1.96440E-
02 1.23155E-01
3.000 50716 1.86540E-02 1.29990E-01 5.98811E-02 2.04305E-
02 1.43586E-01
2.000 111411 4.09785E-02 1.70969E-01 1.73115E-01 5.90643E-
02 2.02650E-01
1.000 262009 9.63705E-02 2.67339E-01 2.73597E-01 9.33472E-
02 2.95998E-01
0.500 1756029 6.45891E-01 9.13231E-01 1.78731E+00 6.09802E-
01 9.05800E-01
0.100 67482 2.48208E-02 9.38052E-01 8.89716E-02 3.03558E-
02 9.36156E-01
0.010 139179 5.11919E-02 9.89244E-01 1.56230E-01 5.33032E-
02 9.89459E-01
0.000 29244 1.07563E-02 1.00000E+00 3.08959E-02 1.05412E-
02 1.00000E+00

total 2718768 1.00000E+00 2.93096E+00


1tally 4 nps = 1000000

tally type 4 track length estimate of particle flux. units
particle(s): neutrons

cell: 889


cell 889

1.0000E-06 7.70171E-06 0.1170
1.0000E-02 1.51777E-05 0.0870
1.0000E+00 6.04584E-06 0.1352
3.5000E+00 1.22744E-06 0.4981
total 3.01527E-05 0.0691


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 4

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.07 yes yes 0.01 yes
yes constant random 0.00
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes no

warning. the tally in the tally fluctuation chart bin did not pass 1 of the 10
statistical checks.

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
4 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 3.01527E-05 unnormed average tally

per history = 7.36600E-04
estimated tally relative error = 0.0691 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0134
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0544 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0427

number of nonzero history tallies = 338 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0003
history number of largest tally = 304406 largest unnormalized
history tally = 1.18328E+01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.60640E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 5.42964E+00

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0035 shifted confidence

interval center = 3.02574E-05

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 3.01527E-05 3.06370E-05

relative error 6.91215E-02 6.98415E-02
variance of the variance 1.33611E-02 1.46520E-02
shifted center 3.02574E-05 3.02644E-05
figure of merit 2.05930E+01 2.01707E+01

there is not enough information in the largest history scores (usually less than
500 scores) for a reliable estimate of the slope.
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 1.447E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(2.093E-04) = 2.059E+01

1unnormed tally density for tally 4 nonzero tally mean(m) =

2.179E+00 nps = 1000000 print table 161
abscissa ordinate log plot of tally probability density function in
tally fluctuation chart bin(d=decade,slope= 0.0)
tally number num den log den:d------------------------------
2.00-02 2 4.87-04 -3.312 *******************************|
2.51-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
3.16-02 1 1.54-04 -3.813 *******************************|
*******************************|******************** |
3.98-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
5.01-02 1 9.70-05 -4.013 *******************************|
*******************************|************** |
6.31-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
7.94-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
1.00-01 1 4.86-05 -4.313 *******************************|
*******************************|**** |
1.26-01 1 3.86-05 -4.413 *******************************|
*******************************|* |
1.58-01 1 3.07-05 -4.513 *******************************|
****************************** | |
2.00-01 2 4.87-05 -4.312 *******************************|
*******************************|**** |
2.51-01 2 3.87-05 -4.412 *******************************|
*******************************|* |
3.16-01 4 6.15-05 -4.211 *******************************|
*******************************|******* |
3.98-01 8 9.77-05 -4.010 *******************************|
*******************************|************** |
5.01-01 11 1.07-04 -3.972 *******************************|
*******************************|*************** |
6.31-01 11 8.48-05 -4.072 *******************************|
*******************************|************ |
7.94-01 16 9.79-05 -4.009 *******************************|
*******************************|************** |
1.00+00 24 1.17-04 -3.933 *******************************|
*******************************|**************** |
1.26+00 31 1.20-04 -3.922 *******************************|
*******************************|***************** |
1.58+00 28 8.59-05 -4.066 *******************************|
*******************************|************ |
2.00+00 38 9.26-05 -4.033 *******************************|
*******************************|************* |
2.51+00 46 8.90-05 -4.050 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmmmm |
3.16+00 42 6.46-05 -4.190 *******************************|
*******************************|******** |
3.98+00 38 4.64-05 -4.333 *******************************|
*******************************|*** |
5.01+00 8 7.76-06 -5.110 *******************************|***********
| |
6.31+00 10 7.71-06 -5.113 *******************************|**********
| |
7.94+00 6 3.67-06 -5.435 *******************************|
| |
1.00+01 5 2.43-06 -5.614 ************************** |
| |
1.26+01 1 3.86-07 -6.413 * |
| |
total 338 3.38-04 d------------------------------

1tally 5 nps = 1000000

tally type 5 particle flux at a point detector. units
particle(s): neutrons

detector located at x,y,z = 7.30000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

1.0000E-12 0.00000E+00 0.0000
1.0000E-05 2.51418E-06 0.1238
1.0000E-02 2.15528E-05 0.0645
3.0000E+00 1.84887E-05 0.0718
total 4.25557E-05 0.0499

detector located at x,y,z = 7.30000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

uncollided neutron flux
1.0000E-12 0.00000E+00 0.0000
1.0000E-05 0.00000E+00 0.0000
1.0000E-02 0.00000E+00 0.0000
3.0000E+00 6.10449E-09 0.0254
total 6.10449E-09 0.0254

detector score diagnostics cumulative tally

fraction of per
fraction of
times average score transmissions transmissions history
total tally
1.00000E-01 358643 0.52292 1.04135E-06
1.00000E+00 194954 0.80718 2.44887E-06
2.00000E+00 22574 0.84009 1.28730E-06
5.00000E+00 16807 0.86459 2.12125E-06
1.00000E+01 6877 0.87462 1.94703E-06
1.00000E+02 7498 0.88555 8.01161E-06
1.00000E+03 1263 0.88740 1.53516E-05
1.00000E+38 128 0.88758 1.03280E-05
before dd roulette 77101 1.00000 1.87298E-08

average tally per history = 4.25557E-05 largest score = 6.49635E-01

(largest score)/(average tally) = 1.52655E+04 nps of largest score =

score contributions by cell

cell misses hits tally per history weight per hit
1 101 1263004 944 5.01473E-11 5.31221E-08
3 102 121 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
4 110 356241 222 2.05619E-16 9.26210E-13
5 120 1526631 1588 1.39760E-10 8.80099E-08
6 180 3951952 50239 2.46179E-07 4.90015E-06
7 130 22868068 22065 6.01999E-10 2.72830E-08
8 170 4158450 4547 7.73878E-11 1.70195E-08
9 140 12373455 4599 6.76851E-12 1.47174E-09
10 150 35306164 55205 8.70878E-08 1.57753E-06
11 160 2911379 368306 1.00043E-05 2.71630E-05
12 161 2290662 106905 7.92261E-07 7.41089E-06
13 169 153195 57432 1.41405E-05 2.46213E-04
14 700 12972 1302 1.51928E-09 1.16688E-06
15 800 898 3865 3.71714E-07 9.61744E-05
16 801 48407 6341 1.05618E-05 1.66564E-03
17 888 11274 1919 6.15963E-06 3.20981E-03
18 889 422 366 1.89837E-07 5.18682E-04
total 87233295 685845 4.25557E-05 6.20486E-05

score misses
russian roulette on pd 0
psc=0. 3939134
russian roulette in transmission 82974059
underflow in transmission 320102
hit a zero-importance cell 0
energy cutoff 0


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 5

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.05 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.05 yes yes 0.03 yes
yes constant random 4.23
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes


this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check
the tally fluctuation chart to verify.
the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these
statistical criteria.

----- estimated confidence intervals: -----

estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 4.0570E-05 to 4.4834E-05;
3.8438E-05 to 4.6967E-05; 3.6305E-05 to 4.9099E-05
estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 4.0431E-05 to 4.4681E-05;
3.8306E-05 to 4.6806E-05; 3.6181E-05 to 4.8931E-05

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
5 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 4.25557E-05 unnormed average tally

per history = 4.25557E-05
estimated tally relative error = 0.0499 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0266
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0030 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0498

number of nonzero history tallies = 98698 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0987
history number of largest tally = 591481 largest unnormalized
history tally = 6.49648E-01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.52658E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 1.50671E+03

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0034 shifted confidence

interval center = 4.27021E-05

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 4.25557E-05 4.32053E-05

relative error 4.99338E-02 5.14298E-02
variance of the variance 2.65759E-02 2.95315E-02
shifted center 4.27021E-05 4.27173E-05
figure of merit 3.94601E+01 3.71979E+01

the estimated inverse power slope of the 200 largest tallies starting at
4.32719E-02 is 4.2338
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 2.003E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(4.011E-04) = 3.946E+01

1tally 6 nps = 1000000

tally type 6 track length estimate of heating. units
particle(s): neutrons

cell: 889

cell 889

1.0000E-06 1.02348E-08 0.1276
1.0000E-02 6.18983E-09 0.1270
1.0000E+00 1.68433E-07 0.1768
3.5000E+00 1.22038E-07 0.4955
total 3.06895E-07 0.2248


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 6

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.22 yes yes 0.18 yes
yes constant random 0.00
passed? yes no yes yes no yes
yes yes yes no


warning. the tally in the tally fluctuation chart bin did not pass 3 of the 10
statistical checks.

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
6 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 3.06895E-07 unnormed average tally

per history = 7.79704E-06
estimated tally relative error = 0.2248 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.1841
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0544 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.2181

number of nonzero history tallies = 338 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0003
history number of largest tally = 327528 largest unnormalized
history tally = 8.98850E-01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.15281E+05 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 3.89650E+01

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0451 shifted confidence

interval center = 3.20726E-07

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 3.06895E-07 3.42274E-07

relative error 2.24797E-01 2.26519E-01
variance of the variance 1.84068E-01 1.58750E-01
shifted center 3.20726E-07 3.21530E-07
figure of merit 1.94701E+00 1.91752E+00

there is not enough information in the largest history scores (usually less than
500 scores) for a reliable estimate of the slope.
the history score probability density function appears to have an unsampled region
at the largest history scores:
please examine. see print table 161.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 4.448E-

03)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(1.979E-05) = 1.947E+00

1unnormed tally density for tally 6 nonzero tally mean(m) = 2.307E-

02 nps = 1000000 print table 161

abscissa ordinate log plot of tally probability density function in

tally fluctuation chart bin(d=decade,slope= 0.0)
tally number num den log den:d------------------d-------------------
7.94-06 1 6.12-01 -0.213 *******************|*******************|
1.00-05 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
1.26-05 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
1.58-05 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
2.00-05 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
2.51-05 2 3.87-01 -0.412 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|***************** |
3.16-05 1 1.54-01 -0.813 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|********* |
3.98-05 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
5.01-05 6 5.82-01 -0.235 *******************|*******************|
6.31-05 5 3.85-01 -0.414 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|***************** |
7.94-05 7 4.28-01 -0.368 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|****************** |
1.00-04 8 3.89-01 -0.410 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|***************** |
1.26-04 9 3.48-01 -0.459 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|**************** |
1.58-04 5 1.53-01 -0.814 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|********* |
2.00-04 12 2.92-01 -0.534 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|*************** |
2.51-04 16 3.10-01 -0.509 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|*************** |
3.16-04 11 1.69-01 -0.772 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|********** |
3.98-04 23 2.81-01 -0.551 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|************** |
5.01-04 16 1.55-01 -0.809 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|********* |
6.31-04 9 6.94-02 -1.159 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|** |
7.94-04 16 9.79-02 -1.009 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|***** |
1.00-03 13 6.32-02 -1.199 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|* |
1.26-03 15 5.79-02 -1.237 *******************|*******************|
******************|*******************|* |
1.58-03 12 3.68-02 -1.434 *******************|*******************|
******************|***************** | |
2.00-03 16 3.90-02 -1.409 *******************|*******************|
******************|***************** | |
2.51-03 12 2.32-02 -1.634 *******************|*******************|
******************|************* | |
3.16-03 9 1.38-02 -1.859 *******************|*******************|
******************|******** | |
3.98-03 11 1.34-02 -1.872 *******************|*******************|
******************|******** | |
5.01-03 16 1.55-02 -1.809 *******************|*******************|
******************|********* | |
6.31-03 9 6.94-03 -2.159 *******************|*******************|
******************|** | |
7.94-03 10 6.12-03 -2.213 *******************|*******************|
******************|* | |
1.00-02 3 1.46-03 -2.836 *******************|*******************|********
| | |
1.26-02 2 7.72-04 -3.112 *******************|*******************|***
| | |
1.58-02 4 1.23-03 -2.911 *******************|*******************|*******
| | |
2.00-02 11 2.68-03 -2.572 *******************|*******************|
************* | | |
2.51-02 5 9.68-04 -3.014 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmm
| | |
3.16-02 2 3.08-04 -3.512 *******************|*************** |
| | |
3.98-02 5 6.11-04 -3.214 *******************|*******************|*
| | |
5.01-02 4 3.88-04 -3.411 *******************|***************** |
| | |
6.31-02 5 3.85-04 -3.414 *******************|***************** |
| | |
7.94-02 3 1.84-04 -3.736 *******************|********** |
| | |
1.00-01 7 3.40-04 -3.468 *******************|**************** |
| | |
1.26-01 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
1.58-01 6 1.84-04 -3.735 *******************|********** |
| | |
2.00-01 4 9.75-05 -4.011 *******************|***** |
| | |
2.51-01 1 1.94-05 -4.713 *********** | |
| | |
3.16-01 1 1.54-05 -4.813 ********* | |
| | |
3.98-01 1 1.22-05 -4.913 ******* | |
| | |
5.01-01 0 0.00+00 0.000 | |
| | |
6.31-01 1 7.71-06 -5.113 *** | |
| | |
7.94-01 1 6.12-06 -5.213 * | |
| | |
1.00+00 2 9.72-06 -5.012 ***** | |
| | |
total 338 3.38-04 d------------------d-------------------

1tally 14 nps = 1000000

tally type 4 track length estimate of particle flux. units
particle(s): neutrons

cell: 889


cell 889

1.0000E-06 7.70171E-06 0.1170
1.0000E-02 1.51777E-05 0.0870
1.0000E+00 6.04584E-06 0.1352
3.5000E+00 1.22744E-06 0.4981
total 3.01527E-05 0.0691


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 14

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.07 yes yes 0.01 yes
yes constant random 0.00
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes no


warning. the tally in the tally fluctuation chart bin did not pass 1 of the 10
statistical checks.

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
14 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 3.01527E-05 unnormed average tally

per history = 7.36600E-04
estimated tally relative error = 0.0691 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0134
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0544 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0427

number of nonzero history tallies = 338 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0003
history number of largest tally = 304406 largest unnormalized
history tally = 1.18328E+01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.60640E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 5.42964E+00

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0035 shifted confidence

interval center = 3.02574E-05

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 3.01527E-05 3.06370E-05

relative error 6.91215E-02 6.98415E-02
variance of the variance 1.33611E-02 1.46520E-02
shifted center 3.02574E-05 3.02644E-05
figure of merit 2.05930E+01 2.01707E+01

there is not enough information in the largest history scores (usually less than
500 scores) for a reliable estimate of the slope.
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 1.447E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(2.093E-04) = 2.059E+01
1unnormed tally density for tally 14 nonzero tally mean(m) =
2.179E+00 nps = 1000000 print table 161

abscissa ordinate log plot of tally probability density function in

tally fluctuation chart bin(d=decade,slope= 0.0)
tally number num den log den:d------------------------------
2.00-02 2 4.87-04 -3.312 *******************************|
2.51-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
3.16-02 1 1.54-04 -3.813 *******************************|
*******************************|******************** |
3.98-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
5.01-02 1 9.70-05 -4.013 *******************************|
*******************************|************** |
6.31-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
7.94-02 0 0.00+00 0.000 |
| |
1.00-01 1 4.86-05 -4.313 *******************************|
*******************************|**** |
1.26-01 1 3.86-05 -4.413 *******************************|
*******************************|* |
1.58-01 1 3.07-05 -4.513 *******************************|
****************************** | |
2.00-01 2 4.87-05 -4.312 *******************************|
*******************************|**** |
2.51-01 2 3.87-05 -4.412 *******************************|
*******************************|* |
3.16-01 4 6.15-05 -4.211 *******************************|
*******************************|******* |
3.98-01 8 9.77-05 -4.010 *******************************|
*******************************|************** |
5.01-01 11 1.07-04 -3.972 *******************************|
*******************************|*************** |
6.31-01 11 8.48-05 -4.072 *******************************|
*******************************|************ |
7.94-01 16 9.79-05 -4.009 *******************************|
*******************************|************** |
1.00+00 24 1.17-04 -3.933 *******************************|
*******************************|**************** |
1.26+00 31 1.20-04 -3.922 *******************************|
*******************************|***************** |
1.58+00 28 8.59-05 -4.066 *******************************|
*******************************|************ |
2.00+00 38 9.26-05 -4.033 *******************************|
*******************************|************* |
2.51+00 46 8.90-05 -4.050 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmmmm |
3.16+00 42 6.46-05 -4.190 *******************************|
*******************************|******** |
3.98+00 38 4.64-05 -4.333 *******************************|
*******************************|*** |
5.01+00 8 7.76-06 -5.110 *******************************|***********
| |
6.31+00 10 7.71-06 -5.113 *******************************|**********
| |
7.94+00 6 3.67-06
-5.435 *******************************|
| |
1.00+01 5 2.43-06 -5.614 ************************** |
| |
1.26+01 1 3.86-07 -6.413 * |
| |
total 338 3.38-04 d------------------------------

1tally 16 nps = 1000000

tally type 6 track length estimate of heating. units
particle(s): neutrons

cell: 888


cell 888

1.0000E-06 6.44353E-06 0.0341
1.0000E-02 4.75635E-06 0.0285
1.0000E+00 4.61936E-07 0.0367
3.5000E+00 1.36534E-07 0.0997
total 1.17983E-05 0.0258


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 16

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.03 yes yes 0.00 yes
yes constant random 10.00
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes


this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check
the tally fluctuation chart to verify.
the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these
statistical criteria.
----- estimated confidence intervals: -----

estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 1.1500E-05 to 1.2109E-05;

1.1195E-05 to 1.2413E-05; 1.0891E-05 to 1.2718E-05
estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 1.1494E-05 to 1.2103E-05;
1.1190E-05 to 1.2407E-05; 1.0885E-05 to 1.2712E-05

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
16 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 1.17983E-05 unnormed average tally

per history = 5.84805E-03
estimated tally relative error = 0.0258 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0020
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0178 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0187

number of nonzero history tallies = 3137 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0031
history number of largest tally = 392680 largest unnormalized
history tally = 1.56122E+01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 2.66964E+03 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 8.37465E+00

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0005 shifted confidence

interval center = 1.18043E-05

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 1.17983E-05 1.18298E-05

relative error 2.58012E-02 2.58698E-02
variance of the variance 2.00797E-03 2.07769E-03
shifted center 1.18043E-05 1.18044E-05
figure of merit 1.47797E+02 1.47015E+02

the estimated slope of the 156 largest tallies starting at 5.73065E+00 appears
to be decreasing at least exponentially.
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 3.876E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(1.502E-03) = 1.478E+02

1tally 26 nps = 1000000

tally type 6 track length estimate of heating. units
particle(s): neutrons
cell: 800


cell 800

1.0000E-06 4.54057E-09 0.0479
1.0000E-02 4.68299E-10 0.3196
1.0000E+00 1.32942E-09 0.0714
3.5000E+00 5.74319E-10 0.1442
total 6.91260E-09 0.0444


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 26

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.04 yes yes 0.07 yes
yes constant random 5.83
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes


this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check
the tally fluctuation chart to verify.
the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these
statistical criteria.

----- estimated confidence intervals: -----

estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 6.6299E-09 to 7.2456E-09;

6.3220E-09 to 7.5535E-09; 6.0142E-09 to 7.8613E-09
estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 6.6059E-09 to 7.2193E-09;
6.2991E-09 to 7.5261E-09; 5.9924E-09 to 7.8328E-09

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
26 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 6.91260E-09 unnormed average tally

per history = 1.03943E-05
estimated tally relative error = 0.0444 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0659
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0224 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0383

number of nonzero history tallies = 1990 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0020
history number of largest tally = 74549 largest unnormalized
history tally = 2.31652E-01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 2.22865E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 4.43501E+01

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0036 shifted confidence

interval center = 6.93774E-09

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 6.91260E-09 7.06665E-09

relative error 4.43749E-02 4.85740E-02
variance of the variance 6.59443E-02 8.26224E-02
shifted center 6.93774E-09 6.94819E-09
figure of merit 4.99658E+01 4.17004E+01

the estimated inverse power slope of the 99 largest tallies starting at

1.99492E-02 is 5.8302
the history score probability density function appears to have an unsampled region
at the largest history scores:
please examine. see print table 161.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 2.254E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(5.078E-04) = 4.997E+01

1tally 36 nps = 1000000

tally type 6 track length estimate of heating. units
particle(s): neutrons

cell: 801


cell 801

1.0000E-06 4.39651E-09 0.0365
1.0000E-02 7.11540E-09 0.0320
1.0000E+00 2.31991E-07 0.0483
3.5000E+00 1.26858E-07 0.1150
total 3.70360E-07 0.0538

results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 36

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.05 yes yes 0.01 yes
yes constant random 9.61
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes


this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check
the tally fluctuation chart to verify.
the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these
statistical criteria.

----- estimated confidence intervals: -----

estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 3.5138E-07 to 3.9135E-07;

3.3139E-07 to 4.1134E-07; 3.1140E-07 to 4.3132E-07
estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 3.5043E-07 to 3.9029E-07;
3.3050E-07 to 4.1022E-07; 3.1056E-07 to 4.3016E-07

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
36 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 3.70360E-07 unnormed average tally

per history = 5.19360E-04
estimated tally relative error = 0.0538 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0144
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0189 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0504

number of nonzero history tallies = 2780 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0028
history number of largest tally = 920085 largest unnormalized
history tally = 6.81905E+00
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.31297E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 3.65006E+01

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0027 shifted confidence

interval center = 3.71363E-07
if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 3.70360E-07 3.75222E-07

relative error 5.38188E-02 5.46790E-02
variance of the variance 1.43800E-02 1.59644E-02
shifted center 3.71363E-07 3.71443E-07
figure of merit 3.39688E+01 3.29083E+01

the estimated inverse power slope of the 139 largest tallies starting at
1.06412E+00 is 9.6144
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 1.858E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(3.452E-04) = 3.397E+01

1tally 55 nps = 1000000

tally type 5 particle flux at a point detector. units
particle(s): neutrons

detector located at x,y,z = 7.30000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

0.0000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.0000
2.5000E-08 9.21178E-08 0.2400
1.0000E-06 1.04219E-06 0.1695
1.0000E-02 2.29327E-05 0.0631
3.0000E+00 1.84887E-05 0.0718
total 4.25557E-05 0.0499

detector located at x,y,z = 7.30000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00

uncollided neutron flux
0.0000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.0000
2.5000E-08 0.00000E+00 0.0000
1.0000E-06 0.00000E+00 0.0000
1.0000E-02 0.00000E+00 0.0000
3.0000E+00 6.10449E-09 0.0254
total 6.10449E-09 0.0254

detector score diagnostics cumulative tally

fraction of per
fraction of
times average score transmissions transmissions history
total tally
1.00000E-01 358643 0.52292 1.04135E-06
1.00000E+00 194954 0.80718 2.44887E-06
2.00000E+00 22574 0.84009 1.28730E-06
5.00000E+00 16807 0.86459 2.12125E-06
1.00000E+01 6877 0.87462 1.94703E-06
1.00000E+02 7498 0.88555 8.01161E-06
1.00000E+03 1263 0.88740 1.53516E-05
1.00000E+38 128 0.88758 1.03280E-05
before dd roulette 77101 1.00000 1.87298E-08

average tally per history = 4.25557E-05 largest score = 6.49635E-01

(largest score)/(average tally) = 1.52655E+04 nps of largest score =

score contributions by cell

cell misses hits tally per history weight per hit
1 101 1263004 944 5.01473E-11 5.31221E-08
3 102 121 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
4 110 356241 222 2.05619E-16 9.26210E-13
5 120 1526631 1588 1.39760E-10 8.80099E-08
6 180 3951952 50239 2.46179E-07 4.90015E-06
7 130 22868068 22065 6.01999E-10 2.72830E-08
8 170 4158450 4547 7.73878E-11 1.70195E-08
9 140 12373455 4599 6.76851E-12 1.47174E-09
10 150 35306164 55205 8.70878E-08 1.57753E-06
11 160 2911379 368306 1.00043E-05 2.71630E-05
12 161 2290662 106905 7.92261E-07 7.41089E-06
13 169 153195 57432 1.41405E-05 2.46213E-04
14 700 12972 1302 1.51928E-09 1.16688E-06
15 800 898 3865 3.71714E-07 9.61744E-05
16 801 48407 6341 1.05618E-05 1.66564E-03
17 888 11274 1919 6.15963E-06 3.20981E-03
18 889 422 366 1.89837E-07 5.18682E-04
total 87233295 685845 4.25557E-05 6.20486E-05

score misses
russian roulette on pd 0
psc=0. 3939134
russian roulette in transmission 82974059
underflow in transmission 320102
hit a zero-importance cell 0
energy cutoff 0


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 55

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.05 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.05 yes yes 0.03 yes
yes constant random 4.23
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes


this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check
the tally fluctuation chart to verify.
the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these
statistical criteria.

----- estimated confidence intervals: -----

estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 4.0570E-05 to 4.4834E-05;

3.8438E-05 to 4.6967E-05; 3.6305E-05 to 4.9099E-05
estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 4.0431E-05 to 4.4681E-05;
3.8306E-05 to 4.6806E-05; 3.6181E-05 to 4.8931E-05

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
55 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 4.25557E-05 unnormed average tally

per history = 4.25557E-05
estimated tally relative error = 0.0499 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0266
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0030 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0498

number of nonzero history tallies = 98698 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0987
history number of largest tally = 591481 largest unnormalized
history tally = 6.49648E-01
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.52658E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 1.50671E+03

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0034 shifted confidence

interval center = 4.27021E-05

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 4.25557E-05 4.32053E-05

relative error 4.99338E-02 5.14298E-02
variance of the variance 2.65759E-02 2.95315E-02
shifted center 4.27021E-05 4.27173E-05
figure of merit 3.94601E+01 3.71979E+01

the estimated inverse power slope of the 200 largest tallies starting at
4.32719E-02 is 4.2338
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 2.003E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(4.011E-04) = 3.946E+01

1tally 46 nps = 1000000

tally type 6 track length estimate of heating. units
particle(s): photons

cell: 800


cell 800

1.0000E-06 0.00000E+00 0.0000
1.0000E-02 2.90788E-10 0.1725
1.0000E+00 6.23073E-08 0.0451
2.0000E+01 1.79133E-07 0.0746
total 2.41732E-07 0.0586


results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally
fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 46

tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of

the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf-
behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease
decrease rate value behavior slope

desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes

1/nps constant random >3.00
observed random 0.06 yes yes 0.01 yes
yes constant random 10.00
passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes


this tally meets the statistical criteria used to form confidence intervals: check
the tally fluctuation chart to verify.
the results in other bins associated with this tally may not meet these
statistical criteria.

----- estimated confidence intervals: -----

estimated asymmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 2.2823E-07 to 2.5664E-07;

2.1403E-07 to 2.7084E-07; 1.9982E-07 to 2.8505E-07
estimated symmetric confidence interval(1,2,3 sigma): 2.2757E-07 to 2.5589E-07;
2.1341E-07 to 2.7006E-07; 1.9924E-07 to 2.8422E-07

1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally
46 with nps = 1000000 print table 160

normed average tally per history = 2.41732E-07 unnormed average tally

per history = 3.63485E-04
estimated tally relative error = 0.0586 estimated variance of the
variance = 0.0126
relative error from zero tallies = 0.0326 relative error from
nonzero scores = 0.0487

number of nonzero history tallies = 938 efficiency for the

nonzero tallies = 0.0009
history number of largest tally = 735187 largest unnormalized
history tally = 4.37084E+00
(largest tally)/(average tally) = 1.20248E+04 (largest tally)/(avg
nonzero tally)= 1.12793E+01

(confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0029 shifted confidence

interval center = 2.42435E-07

if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history,
the tfc bin quantities would change as follows:

estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1


mean 2.41732E-07 2.44638E-07

relative error 5.85881E-02 5.90985E-02
variance of the variance 1.25690E-02 1.32068E-02
shifted center 2.42435E-07 2.42465E-07
figure of merit 2.86634E+01 2.81704E+01

the estimated slope of the 46 largest tallies starting at 1.52840E+00 appears

to be decreasing at least exponentially.
the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function
appears to have no unsampled regions.

fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (9.839E+04)*( 1.707E-

02)**2 = (9.839E+04)*(2.913E-04) = 2.866E+01

1status of the statistical checks used to form confidence intervals for the mean
for each tally bin

tally result of statistical checks for the tfc bin (the first check not passed
is listed) and error magnitude check for all bins

4 missed 1 of 10 tfc bin checks: there is insufficient tfc bin tally

information to estimate the large tally slope reliably
missed all bin error check: 5 tally bins had 0 bins with zeros and
3 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.10

5 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin
missed all bin error check: 10 tally bins had 4 bins with zeros and
3 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.05

6 missed 3 of 10 tfc bin checks: the relative error exceeds the

recommended value of 0.1 for nonpoint detector tallies
missed all bin error check: 5 tally bins had 0 bins with zeros and
5 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.10

14 missed 1 of 10 tfc bin checks: there is insufficient tfc bin tally

information to estimate the large tally slope reliably
missed all bin error check: 5 tally bins had 0 bins with zeros and
3 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.10

16 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin
passed all bin error check: 5 tally bins all have relative errors less
than 0.10 with no zero bins

26 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin
missed all bin error check: 5 tally bins had 0 bins with zeros and
2 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.10

36 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin
missed all bin error check: 5 tally bins had 0 bins with zeros and
1 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.10

55 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin
missed all bin error check: 12 tally bins had 5 bins with zeros and
4 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.05

46 passed the 10 statistical checks for the tally fluctuation chart bin
missed all bin error check: 5 tally bins had 1 bins with zeros and
1 bins with relative errors exceeding 0.10

the 10 statistical checks are only for the tally fluctuation chart bin and do not
apply to other tally bins.

the tally bins with zeros may or may not be correct: compare the source, cutoffs,
multipliers, et cetera with the tally bins.

warning. 3 of the 9 tally fluctuation chart bins did not pass all 10
statistical checks.
warning. 8 of the 9 tallies had bins with relative errors greater than
1tally fluctuation charts

tally 4 tally 5
tally 6
nps mean error vov slope fom mean error vov
slope fom mean error vov slope fom
64000 3.0738E-05 0.3048 0.1921 0.0 15 4.5872E-05 0.2097 0.2800
1.8 32 2.0952E-07 0.5672 0.5615 0.0 4.3E+00
128000 2.7924E-05 0.2065 0.0971 0.0 18 4.0935E-05 0.1327 0.1768
1.9 42 1.3158E-07 0.4627 0.5105 0.0 3.5E+00
192000 2.7233E-05 0.1665 0.0637 0.0 18 3.8344E-05 0.1075 0.1204
2.0 44 1.0474E-07 0.4024 0.4435 0.0 3.1E+00
256000 2.4729E-05 0.1465 0.0511 0.0 18 4.0270E-05 0.0954 0.0745
2.1 42 1.2207E-07 0.3404 0.2569 0.0 3.3E+00
320000 2.9507E-05 0.1290 0.0495 0.0 19 3.8836E-05 0.0843 0.0604
2.1 44 1.4215E-07 0.2668 0.1647 0.0 4.4E+00
384000 3.0773E-05 0.1169 0.0387 0.0 19 3.9555E-05 0.0763 0.0494
2.3 45 2.4827E-07 0.3993 0.7486 0.0 1.6E+00
448000 3.0570E-05 0.1061 0.0327 0.0 20 4.2301E-05 0.0756 0.0551
2.7 39 2.5706E-07 0.3472 0.6202 0.0 1.8E+00
512000 2.9625E-05 0.0995 0.0289 0.0 20 4.0449E-05 0.0700 0.0525
2.9 40 2.3847E-07 0.3303 0.5996 0.0 1.8E+00
576000 3.0419E-05 0.0930 0.0250 0.0 20 3.9928E-05 0.0649 0.0472
3.3 41 2.7524E-07 0.2941 0.3886 0.0 2.0E+00
640000 3.0665E-05 0.0867 0.0217 0.0 21 4.0938E-05 0.0641 0.0525
3.6 38 3.3016E-07 0.2679 0.2609 0.0 2.2E+00
704000 3.1075E-05 0.0818 0.0195 0.0 21 4.1822E-05 0.0616 0.0440
3.6 38 3.1183E-07 0.2583 0.2591 0.0 2.2E+00
768000 3.0870E-05 0.0785 0.0179 0.0 21 4.2046E-05 0.0581 0.0390
4.3 39 2.9330E-07 0.2520 0.2580 0.0 2.1E+00
832000 3.0529E-05 0.0753 0.0164 0.0 22 4.1833E-05 0.0555 0.0356
4.4 40 2.9350E-07 0.2368 0.2406 0.0 2.2E+00
896000 2.9637E-05 0.0742 0.0157 0.0 20 4.1508E-05 0.0530 0.0332
4.8 40 3.2863E-07 0.2331 0.1879 0.0 2.1E+00
960000 3.0185E-05 0.0709 0.0141 0.0 21 4.2435E-05 0.0513 0.0282
4.2 40 3.1879E-07 0.2254 0.1841 0.0 2.1E+00
1000000 3.0153E-05 0.0691 0.0134 0.0 21 4.2556E-05 0.0499 0.0266
4.2 39 3.0690E-07 0.2248 0.1841 0.0 1.9E+00

tally 14 tally 16
tally 26
nps mean error vov slope fom mean error vov
slope fom mean error vov slope fom
64000 3.0738E-05 0.3048 0.1921 0.0 15 1.1683E-05 0.1019 0.0382
0.0 134 6.9974E-09 0.1516 0.0677 0.0 60
128000 2.7924E-05 0.2065 0.0971 0.0 18 1.1850E-05 0.0703 0.0151
0.0 151 8.2130E-09 0.1704 0.5483 0.0 26
192000 2.7233E-05 0.1665 0.0637 0.0 18 1.1812E-05 0.0576 0.0100
8.4 152 7.3539E-09 0.1333 0.4508 0.0 28
256000 2.4729E-05 0.1465 0.0511 0.0 18 1.1348E-05 0.0509 0.0080
10.0 148 6.9790E-09 0.1106 0.3722 2.6 31
320000 2.9507E-05 0.1290 0.0495 0.0 19 1.1675E-05 0.0450 0.0061
10.0 154 7.0616E-09 0.0924 0.2983 3.1 37
384000 3.0773E-05 0.1169 0.0387 0.0 19 1.1868E-05 0.0418 0.0053
10.0 149 6.9955E-09 0.0818 0.2442 3.4 39
448000 3.0570E-05 0.1061 0.0327 0.0 20 1.2124E-05 0.0385 0.0047
10.0 150 7.1625E-09 0.0726 0.1940 3.9 42
512000 2.9625E-05 0.0995 0.0289 0.0 20 1.2139E-05 0.0361 0.0042
10.0 150 6.9467E-09 0.0676 0.1716 4.3 43
576000 3.0419E-05 0.0930 0.0250 0.0 20 1.2120E-05 0.0339 0.0036
10.0 152 6.8736E-09 0.0625 0.1526 4.4 45
640000 3.0665E-05 0.0867 0.0217 0.0 21 1.2040E-05 0.0321 0.0032
10.0 153 6.8621E-09 0.0583 0.1333 5.0 46
704000 3.1075E-05 0.0818 0.0195 0.0 21 1.1936E-05 0.0306 0.0029
10.0 154 6.9771E-09 0.0545 0.1121 5.2 48
768000 3.0870E-05 0.0785 0.0179 0.0 21 1.1874E-05 0.0292 0.0026
10.0 155 6.9059E-09 0.0518 0.1011 5.4 49
832000 3.0529E-05 0.0753 0.0164 0.0 22 1.1770E-05 0.0282 0.0024
10.0 154 6.8279E-09 0.0494 0.0930 5.4 50
896000 2.9637E-05 0.0742 0.0157 0.0 20 1.1731E-05 0.0273 0.0022
10.0 152 6.7606E-09 0.0476 0.0836 5.6 50
960000 3.0185E-05 0.0709 0.0141 0.0 21 1.1765E-05 0.0262 0.0020
10.0 154 6.8946E-09 0.0455 0.0707 5.7 51
1000000 3.0153E-05 0.0691 0.0134 0.0 21 1.1798E-05 0.0258 0.0020
10.0 148 6.9126E-09 0.0444 0.0659 5.8 50
1tally fluctuation charts

tally 36 tally 55
tally 46
nps mean error vov slope fom mean error vov
slope fom mean error vov slope fom
64000 3.9079E-07 0.1852 0.0938 0.0 41 4.5872E-05 0.2097 0.2800
1.8 32 2.8755E-07 0.2119 0.1035 0.0 31
128000 3.9046E-07 0.1363 0.0563 0.0 40 4.0935E-05 0.1327 0.1768
1.9 42 2.7909E-07 0.1484 0.0835 0.0 34
192000 3.6891E-07 0.1224 0.0809 6.2 34 3.8344E-05 0.1075 0.1204
2.0 44 2.4871E-07 0.1257 0.0588 0.0 32
256000 3.4457E-07 0.1084 0.0616 4.9 33 4.0270E-05 0.0954 0.0745
2.1 42 2.2569E-07 0.1145 0.0544 0.0 29
320000 3.5526E-07 0.1005 0.0541 3.6 31 3.8836E-05 0.0843 0.0604
2.1 44 2.2747E-07 0.1038 0.0459 0.0 29
384000 3.5418E-07 0.0898 0.0427 5.1 32 3.9555E-05 0.0763 0.0494
2.3 45 2.4318E-07 0.0944 0.0325 0.0 29
448000 3.7440E-07 0.0805 0.0326 7.5 34 4.2301E-05 0.0756 0.0551
2.7 39 2.4834E-07 0.0861 0.0268 0.0 30
512000 3.6124E-07 0.0755 0.0292 6.7 34 4.0449E-05 0.0700 0.0525
2.9 40 2.4426E-07 0.0799 0.0233 10.0 31
576000 3.7035E-07 0.0713 0.0250 7.9 34 3.9928E-05 0.0649 0.0472
3.3 41 2.3641E-07 0.0754 0.0213 10.0 31
640000 3.8306E-07 0.0663 0.0206 10.0 36 4.0938E-05 0.0641 0.0525
3.6 38 2.3264E-07 0.0724 0.0195 10.0 30
704000 3.8073E-07 0.0632 0.0182 10.0 36 4.1822E-05 0.0616 0.0440
3.6 38 2.4018E-07 0.0692 0.0176 10.0 30
768000 3.7620E-07 0.0603 0.0165 10.0 36 4.2046E-05 0.0581 0.0390
4.3 39 2.4396E-07 0.0671 0.0171 10.0 29
832000 3.6956E-07 0.0579 0.0153 10.0 37 4.1833E-05 0.0555 0.0356
4.4 40 2.4675E-07 0.0645 0.0153 10.0 29
896000 3.6887E-07 0.0558 0.0137 10.0 36 4.1508E-05 0.0530 0.0332
4.8 40 2.4592E-07 0.0617 0.0140 10.0 30
960000 3.7066E-07 0.0549 0.0150 9.0 35 4.2435E-05 0.0513 0.0282
4.2 40 2.4545E-07 0.0596 0.0129 10.0 30
1000000 3.7036E-07 0.0538 0.0144 9.6 34 4.2556E-05 0.0499 0.0266
4.2 39 2.4173E-07 0.0586 0.0126 10.0 29

dump no. 2 on file runtph nps = 1000000 coll = 106600997

ctm = 10.16 nrn =

27 warning messages so far.

run terminated when 1000000 particle histories were done.

computer time = 10.23 minutes

mcnp version 6 05/08/13 04/02/18 18:03:55

probid = 04/02/18 17:35:01

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