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Consolidating the Hero’s Journey

glichy 18 May 2016

Everyone seems to have their own take on the Hero’s Journey.

Drawing from sources I’ve encountered, I tried to get a clear picture of what an “ideal” Hero’s Journey should be. A
couple of the parts can be cut if it serves the story better. Act II is always the bulk of the story. Sometimes Act III is
shorter than Act I instead of both being equal length (steadily rising action to climax, then sharply falling action to
conclusion of story).

Act I – Separation

The Ordinary World (beginning: 25%). Establishing the world, the characters, the conflict, the plot. Establish the
needs and what the hero’s quest is.

Ordinary world

The known, the set-up, the status quo, limited awareness

Call to adventure

Inciting incident, the call to action, the catalyst, life in collapse, hook

Refusal of the call

Also see: jumped at the call, resigned to the call, the call has bad reception, ignorant of the call, etc
Defining moment, separation, reluctance, new situation, the debate

Meeting the mentor

Meeting the white spirit, supernatural aid,

Meeting hero/heroine may also/instead happen (or, more likely, at the start of Act II)

Crossing the first threshold

Energetic marker 1: end of the beginning

The point of no return, committing to the goal, break into two, turning point 1, awakening, possible
minor sacrifice
Threshold guardians, down the rabbit hole
Plot point 1, act 1 climax

Act II – Supreme Ordeal

The Special World (middle: 50% of the story). Characters react to situations and flaws are revealed. They may
retreat from obstacles. Characters learn how to overcome their flaws and their problems, and to attack their
obstacles with success. Before the midpoint: “Descent: The Abyss” and after the midpoint: “Ascent: Magic Flight”

Optional: Somewhere between “approach to the inmost cave” and the midpoint, there can be a section referred to
as Meeting the Shadow Self (or “heiros gamos”/sacred marriage). Plot points: the wild bride/bridegroom, meeting
the goddess/god, at-one moment with father/mother, finding love in the underworld.

Tests, allies, enemies

The fun and games, resistance and struggle, rising action and obstacles, belly of the whale, push to
the breaking point, the special world, the land of adventure
Road of trials is the path out of the Belly of the Whale, involving tests and/or temptations
Main character responds to the inciting incident / main conflict, usually by trying and failing to
overcome obstacles. Character tends to be mourning, running, hiding, analyzing, observing, and/or
planning. May have a symbolic/metaphorical death
Opposing forces are defined
The Big Event
Pinch point 1: 1st battle

Midpoint (sometimes this is after “approach to the inmost cave” if it can be arranged, but not often)

Energetic marker 2: halfway point

Mid-act climax, moment of grace, mindfuck moment, moment of enlightenment, commitment to the
journey, progress, revelation, intermission, new rules/information
Characters retreat and regroup after a doomed fight back, deciding on a course of action (sometimes a
“night sea voyage” of infiltrating the enemy’s base)
True nature of characters revealed, shifting from victim to warrior
Crossing the 2nd threshold

Approaching inmost cave

Challenges and temptations, grace and fall, resistance and struggle, complications and higher stakes,
the bad guys close in, intensification, preparation, rising action, obstacles, elixir theft
Preparations, courtship, reconnaissance, shamanic territory, impossible test/obstacle ahead
Hero is proactive and shows initiative, having learned from their trials in the first half of the story, and is
ready to attack. Hero fights back, hatches a plan, enlists assistance, demostrates courage
Hero confronts antagonist(s) in a “David vs Goliath” fashion
Pinch point 2: 2nd battle

Inmost cave (The Ordeal)

Energetic marker 3: Crisis

Dark night of the soul, abyss and revelation, the major assault, death of the ego, death experience,
death of dreams, rock bottom, the ordeal, the crisis, big change, epiphany
The antagonists hit hard and ALL HOPE SEEMS LOST – doubt, fear, etc.
Generally the hero is called upon to sacrifice something (themselves, a friend, an item, etc) and
doesn’t have to actually do it. It may be just a test of character to show that the hero is mentally willing
to make the sacrifice
Crossing the 3rd threshold
Plot point 2, act 2 climax

Act III – Unification

The Ordinary World (end: 25%). The characters risk all and conquer their inner demons. They return to the familiar
world triumphant, with perhaps one last problem to solve.

Final Push

The descent, the sprint, declaration, love takes a stand

New insights for characters, internal growth, main character now has all information necessary to
become the primary catalyst in the story’s conlusion
Intermission before showdown

Seizing the Sword (Climax)

Energetic marker 4: Climax (more drama/action than marker 2)

Transformation, finale, break into three, the final incident, final battle, ultimate sacrifice, conflict solved
Main character can’t simply observe/narrate – has to step up and take the lead, conquering inner
demons, to attain the Ultimate Boon they’ve been seeking
May be the conclusion of a chase (Magic Flight). The hero has the boon and runs, opposing forces in
hot pursuit, as they engage in a dramatic final battle. Requires all skills and allies.

The Reward

Winners and losers are made clear

Seizing the prize, resurrection, triumph and knowledge, incorporation, master of two worlds
The hero may refuse to return to the ordinary world at first, having earned a place in the Special World
through their deeds.

The road back & return with the elixir

Transformation and return

Loose ends tied up, crossing the fourth threshold
There may be a post-climax confrontation – opposing forces could follow into the ordinary world, or
there’s something wrong in the ordinary world that requires dealing with. Or may be a boring return
and time of reflection.
Rapidly falling action, denouement, new life, resolution, aftermath, a new status quo, freedom to live
Normality is created/restored for the characters, there’s a sense of catharsis, tension and anxiety are

End Scene, celebration, and/or Epilogue

The short version:

Act 1 – Separation (Set-up: Orphan)

Set-up (ordinary world)

Challenge/catalyst (call/refusal)
Conflict made known

Threshold 1

Act 2 – Ordeal (Response & Attack: Wanderer into Warrior)

Road of trials
Big Event
Pinch point 1
Midpoint: Revelation & Threshold 2
Pinch point 2
Crisis & Threshold 3

Act 3 – Unification (Resolution: Martyr & Master)

Resolution, reward
Road back & Threshold 4


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