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EUHSD Mathematics

“Thinking Through a Lesson” Template


GSE 6th grade unit 7
Task: What’s your sign?

How will I introduce the task in a way that provokes student curiosity, ensuring access and maintaining cognitive demand?

Actions and Key Questions:

(10 minutes)
L: write the short statement that will provoke puzzlement
Tell me what you know about cold water and hot water and how we could represent this mathematically.
L: write the short statement you will give (shortly after 1.) that tells students how to begin work
Use a thermometer on your paper to help to show the difference in temperature in cold water (dry ice if possible) and warm water.
(Ensure each student knows how to read a thermometer.) Which would be lower or higher on a scale for this by drawing a
thermometer on the board and marking the temperature of where it falls on the chart.

What will I be doing to support “Equitable Interaction”?
Who are my low status students whose brilliance is not yet recognized? How will I assign competence to them? Which of
my key prompts might be useful in this phase?

Grouping (circle all that apply): Individual, elbow Partners

(20 minutes) In this section the teacher will complete number one with the students so they know what they are being asked to do. 1A
which is colder -10 degrees or 0 degrees? -10 degrees is colder than 0 degrees so explain to students how to plot this by making a blue
dot on the -10 and a red dot on the 0 on the number line.
Have students work individually to complete the rest of the questions.

E: write one question you can use in response to a predictable sticking point for a group
Why not have negative on the other side? When you start counting do you count 9,8,7, or 1,2,3? this explains why the
positive numbers are on the right of 0.
E: write one question that will extend the thinking of a group beyond the task (an extension question)
Think about how these relate to each other as far as distance to zero.

Which of my key questions/prompts might be useful in this phase?
Which of my anticipated student approaches might I want shared during this phase?


(15 minutes) Students will then share their answers an discuss how they notice that the blue dot was always on the left
and the red was always on the left. The numbers are ordered from least to greatest.

S: write the final statement (limit to a few sentences) that will summarize the important mathematical ideas
you want students to learn
So we learned how we can use a thermometer to help us think about the order the numbers on a number line and how
we can use cold and warm numbers to represent the value of these temperatures on the number line.

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