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Marking Scheme

Mid year Examination 2018

Form 1

Section A
Question 1
(a) our (f) need
(b) at (g) my
(c) was (h) stay
(d) and (i) a
(e) missing (j) grabbed

Question 2
(a) spend (f) compassionate
(b) our (g) is
(c) edify (h) going
(d) When (i) there
(e) become (j) because

Section B
Question 3
(a) Grandeur Hotel
(b) Indian Society
(c) Mrs Premini Shankar
(d) 10.00am to 7.00pm
(e) 12 to 22 October 2014

(f) traditional Indian dresses
(g) decoratative items
(h) jewellary
(i) Welfare Department
(j) goodie bag

Question 4
(a) False (b) True (c) True (d) False
(e) freshly squeezed juice
(f) RM 15.00
(g) (i) boiled (ii) fizzy
(h) Accept any suitable answer.
To get good health.
(i) Accept any suitable answer.
Less sugar and salt
Marking criteria for Question (j);
Criteria (9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (1-2)
Task Fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfiled Fulfiled Hardly
fulfilment fulfilled
Language Accurate Largely Sufficiently Pantially Hardly
accuracy accurate accurate accurate accurate
Organisation Well- Organised Sufficiently Lacking Hardly any
and organised and organised orgarisation organisation
development and well developed with some and details and details
developed details
Sentence Varied and Largely Some Lack Distorted
structure effective varied variety variety Sentence
Lifting from Hardly and A little Some liftirg Almost Total lifting
text lifting lifting wholesale

 When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit' principle. No script will fit
neatly into any of a band. To determine the appropriate mark, identify
the band the response belongs to and refer to the criteria in the band.
Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer to the
coordinated scripts for consistency.
 The length of the response should not be a criteria in awarding marks.
 Award marks based on the quality and relevance of the response.
 Award 0 mark when there is:
o -no response or response is written in language other than English;
o -mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks from other sources including
 Language accuracy: vocabulary / grammar / spelling / expressions, etc.
 Organisation and development: paragraphing / development of ideas /
punctuation, etc.
 Sentence structure : simple/ compound / complex, etc.

Section C
Question 5
(a) i and ii (Accept any two suitable answers)
He is 70 years old/ his small wrinkle face/ his beard is partially grey
(b) he does not have a family
(c) he works as a farmer / he works in the paddy field/ he works in his
vegetable farm
(Accept any two suitable answers)
(d) around his neighbourhood
(e) i. Wrinkles ii. Bachelor iii. Neighbourhood iv. Thrilled
(f) i. When he gives away his harvested vegetables to several poor families
ii. when he sees children smiling when they enjoy listening to his story
(g) he sells some of them and gives away the rest free to several poor families
(h) in the morning, he works in the paddy field and from noon onwords, he
works in his vegetable farm.
(i) (Accept any two suitable answers)
i. He has no enamy
ii. he can do what he want

Question 6
(a) (Accept any two suitable answers)
i. he kisses his mother
ii. he helps his mother with some little job
iii. his face is clean
iv. his clothes has no crease

(b) Today you are a lamb, love (line 11)

(c) when the child brought his school report
(d) he be a good boy

Section D
Question 7
BAND Excellent Good Satisfactory Weak Very Weak
(25-30) (19-24) (13-18) (7-12) (1-6)


Task is Task is Task is Task is Task is hardly



fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled partially fulfilled


Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are not
well- developed sufficiently partially developed
developed and developed developed and not
and well- organised with some and lack and organised.
organised with main organisation lack
with ideas and and
supporting supporting supporting
details. details details
Language is Language is Language is Language is Language is
accurate with largely sufficiently partially inaccurate
few first draft accurate with accurate. accurate with
slips some minor Errors are errors mostly
errors mostly single multiple
word errors word errors
Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence
structures are structures are structures are structures structures are
varied and mostly varied sufficiently lack variety distorted
used sufficiently and are
effectively varied repetitive
Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary is Vocabulary Vocabulary is
is wide and is wide sufficient but is limited inappropriate
precise enough and lacks
mostly precision
Interest is Interest is Interest is Interest is Interest is
aroused and largely sufficiently partially hardly
sustained aroused aroused aroused aroused

• Award 'O'mark when there is:
- no response or response written in other than English; or
- mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks from other sources including
• When awarding marks, apply the 'best fit' principle. No script will fit neatly
into any of a
band. To determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response
belongs to and refer to the criteria in the band. Examiners should assess the
script holistically and always refer to the coordinated scripts for consistency.
• The length of the response should not be a criteria in awarding marks.
Award marks based on the quality and relevance of the response

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