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Chef -setup with hosted chef by OpsCode:


1. First Launch an instance with chef SDK

2. create a repo for chef scripts at home location

mkdir ~/chef-repo
Create a resource ( file ) with some text inside it sample.txt
a resource can be anything of a ststem in a desied state

vi hello.rb
file 'sample.txt' do
content 'hello world'
Now run the below command to execute it
$chef-apply hello.rb
It created a sample.txt resource file
Now re run same again, it will not do anything as the files has been already

how to delete the same file usig chef-script

file 'sample.txt' do
action :delete
Resource can have actions
:delete -- deleted resource
:create -- create file ( this is default, so no need to specify)

This hello.rb is also called a recipe in chef terminology

briefly a recipe mean collection of resources that describes a perticular
configuration policy.
ex: which manages files,deploys application, install and configure s/w

3. Now we will see more than a file creation using chef recipies
Like files, packages and services are also resources, and chef applies them
in an order which you specify

Install apache package using chef

vi apache.rb
package 'httpd'
package is an another resource and we no need to mention the action as
:install is the default action applicable
- run the above recipe , which installs apache webserver in your machine
sudo chef-apply apache.rb
- Try to run again and it says resouce is already installed
- Now we will add few more actions to our resource
- vi apache.rb
package 'httpd'
service 'httpd' do
action [:enable, :start]
sudo chef-apply apache.rb
- The above action : start will start the httpd server
- Now we will add file resource for an html home page deployment in webserver
package 'httpd'

service 'httpd' do
action [:enable, :start]

file '/var/www/html/index.html' do
content '<html>
<h1>hello world</h1>
stop the iptables service to access it from external
service 'iptables' do
action :stop
4. Now lets make our recipe more manageble, as the html file resides inside the
recipe which is complex for practically doing it.
-We can manage our recipes with cookbooks concept in chef, so lets see that
- create a directory cookbooks
mkdir cookbooks
cd cookbooks
*Note: the cookbooks directory mandatory as chef-client sets this as
chef_repo_path by default to search for cookbooks
- Now run below command to generate a cookbook
chef generate cookbook learn_chef_httpd
- The above command created belwo directory structure

+-- learn_chef_httpd
+-- Berksfile
+-- chefignore
+-- metadata.rb
+-- recipes
+-- default.rb
- Now we will move index.html to some other file by creating templates
chef generate template learn_chef_httpd index.html
- the above command creates a templates/default/index.html.rb template
placeholder file and add below content
<h1>hello world</h1>
- Now we will update this reference template in original recipe default.rb
vi default.rb
package 'httpd'
service 'httpd' do
action [:enable, :start]

template '/var/www/html/index.html' do
source 'index.html.erb'

service 'iptables' do
action :stop
- Now lets run the cookbook with above all configurations
we will use chef-client to run cookbooks instead of chef-apply
$sudo chef-client --local-mode --runlist 'recipe[learn_chef_httpd]'
- The above command runs the default recipe of the given cookbook, in case if
you want to run other recipe
$sudo chef-client --local-mode --runlist 'recipe[learn_chef_httpd:abc.rb]'
this one will run abc.rb recipe in abvoe cookbook

5. Now Lets try to do all these configuration deployments in remote nodes instead
of in same machine
The important elements of chef are three
1. WorkStation : Which is a machien where you run your cookbooks to apply on
server,and it can be any OS
2. Chef Server : is a repository where it manages your cookbooks and also the
nodes details and configs
3. Nodes : is an instance manages by chefserver, where it has chef-client
to talk to chef-server

- Setup a workstation by installing chef SDK or you can make use of earlier
instance as workstation
- Follow instruciton in below website or follow instrucitons here

- Login hosted chef and crete an organisation with uniq name and short name
- Click on org created and left side you can see started-kit, download it to
your workstation.
- Now copy your cookbook inside the downloaded started kit dir
Run below command to upload the cookbook to chef-server
sudo knife cookbook upload learn_chef_httpd

- You can downloaded reusable cookbooks provided by OpsCode in market, use

the below command to download the cookbooks
knife cookbook site download learn_chef_httpd

- The above command downloads the httpd cookbook

6. Now you are ready to deploy your cookbooks to nodes using chef-server
- run the below command to setup a node from workstation with bootstrap

knife bootstrap --ssh-user root --ssh-password 'redhat'

--sudo --node -name node1 --run-list 'recipe[learn_chef_httpd]'
or for hosted node given by opscode
knife bootstrap --ssh-user root --ssh-password
'Tf8K1hT897' --sudo --use-sudo-password --node-name node_rhel2 --run-list

The above command will launch the chef-client in node automatically

-- Now lets update the cookbook recipies and re upload to chef-server then
run the cookbook on node from workstation

knife bootstrap --ssh-user root --ssh-password

'Tf8K1hT897' --sudo --node-name node_rhel2 --run-list 'recipe[tomcat7]'

knife bootstrap --ssh-user root --ssh-password

'Ir6f4MF8hF' --sudo --node -name node1 --run-list 'recipe[nginx]'

knife ssh 'sudo chef-client' --manual-list

--ssh-user root --ssh-password 'Ir6f4MF8hF'

Writing CookBooks: (
What is cookbook
-Cookbooks serve as the fundamental unit of configuration and policy details
that Chef uses to bring a node into a specific state. This just means that Chef
uses cookbooks to perform work and make sure things are as they should be on the
What is recipe
-A recipe is the main workhorse of the cookbook. A cookbook can contain more
than one recipe, or depend on outside recipes. Recipes are used to declare
the state of different resources.

What is resource
- a resource can be anything of a ststem in a desied state
package: Used to manage packages on a node
service: Used to manage services on a node
user: Manage users on the node
group: Manage groups
template: Manage files with embedded ruby templates
cookbook_file: Transfer files from the files subdirectory in the
cookbook to a location on the node
file: Manage contents of a file on node
directory: Manage directories on node
execute: Execute a command on the node
cron: Edit an existing cron file on the node

What is Attribute
Attributes in Chef are basically settings. Think of them as simple key-value
pairs for anything you might want to use in your cookbook.

Whay is Template
Templates are similar to files, but they are not static. Template files end
with the .erb extension, meaning that they contain embedded Ruby

What is Metadata.rb
The metadata.rb file is used, not surprisingly, to manage the metadata about
a package. This includes things like the name of the package, a description, etc.
It also includes things like dependency information, where you can specify
which cookbooks this cookbook needs to operate. This will allow the Chef server to
build the run-list for the nodes correctly and ensure that all of the pieces are
transfered correctly

-- Lets create a sample cookbook

create chef-repo dir
cd chef-repo
knife cookbook create nginx
The above command created nginx cookbook
add below content to default.rb of nginx cookbook
package 'nginx' do
action :install

databag -->
hio/ohi -->
encryption of keys in ubuntu
apt-get purge ( uninstall the java)

how to search environment from ws

what is dsl ( domain specific language)
what type of language we are using in chef
chef validation pem
LeadApp Cookbook

# Cookbook Name:: leadapp
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright (c) 2015 The Authors, All Rights Reserved.
execute "download_db_app_artifacts" do
command "aws s3 cp s3://scmrepo/schema.sql /root/"

execute "download_db_app_artifacts" do
command "aws s3 cp s3://scmrepo/schema.sql /root/leadapp.war"

template '/root/dbscript.sql' do
source 'dbscrpt.sql.erb'

#execute "dbscript_exec" do
# command "mysql -u root < /root/dbscript.sql"

execute "dbscript_exec" do
command "mysql -u leadapp -pleadapp < /root/schema.sql"

execute "tomcat_stop" do
command "/etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop"

#execute "testing_cmd_execution" do
# command "wget -P
execute "app_deploy" do
command "aws s3 cp s3://scmrepo/leadapp.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/"

execute "tomcat_start" do
command "/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start"

AWS access keys
Secret Access Key: FeYeedkCLFP74dUHzb1MJDqfPp96WDhILEzAtm4k

create a file at home


NOw access s3 files:

aws s3 ls s3://scmrepo

to downlaod a file
aws s3 cp s3://scmrepo/schema.sql .

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