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****** GitBlit Setup ****

Server Setup on Linux machine

1. Download the gitblit war file from below link

Downlaod JDK from below link and extract at root location (/root/jdk1.7)

2. Setup a Tomcat app server on linux machine ( Tomcat7)

-Download jdk1.7 from oracle site( google it you will get)
-Download tomcat from below link
-Extract the tar.gz file with below command at /root/ lcoation
- $tar -zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.62.tar.gz
- The above command will create a directory apache-tomcat-7.0.62, cd to this
cd /root/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/bin
- open file in this location ( /root/apache-tomcat-
add JAVA_HOME at starting of the line as shown below

3. Copy the downloaded gitblit.war file to tomcat webapps location

$cp gitblit.war /root/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/webapps/
4. Restart tomcat server
$cd /root/apache-tomcat-7.0.62/bin

5. Access the gitblit from browser with an admin user (admin/admin)

6. Create a repository with README initial commit

7. Create the users from dashboard by clicking on admin user link -> users option
create a user harry and password harry, then under permisisons tab provide
access to the respective repo and respectvie access
gitrepo --> RW ( push and pull access)

Client setup on developer machine

1. Download git client from below link and install it in your windows desktop
2. Install it as it is, how you generally install any windows msi/exe files

3. open git bash from start program and create a dir at your home location on
C:\Users\harry>mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh
Enter below command and just enter 3 times
ssh-keygen -t rsa
This will create three files under .ssh diretory, open file and copy
the public key then add the sam through gitblit web UI under your profile sections
4. Click on harry user name on gitblit dashboard, select ssh keys option then add
above copied public key there.
5. Now clone the repo to your machine by running below command to create local

git config --global "harry"

git config --global ""

git clone ssh://harry@

cd repo1
touch Hello.txt
git add Hello.txt
git commit -m"sample commit"
git push origin master

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