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Waste Disposal
The gradual increase in the population is causing serious threats to the environment. Certain
human activities have various impacts on the, air, water and land environment. With the
advancement in technology more serious threats are being posed to the environment. One of
the major current environmental problems is the disposal of waste produced by different
anthropogenic activities.

The waste or solid waste includes household, industrial and biomedical waste that may
contain toxic substances. These also include plastic, metals and rubbers. In United States, 220
million tons of agricultural, industrial and commercial solid wastes are being generated
annually. In 2007, it is recorded that Americans generated

In most of the world, waste is either buried, dropped into water or burned. Neither one is
good for us or for the environment. Burning of waste releases dangerous gases and particulate
matter which contributes to global warming and pollutes lakes, forests, oceans and soil. In
industrially developed countries large quantities of particles and pollutants they remove ends
up in a landfill.

Burying wastes like garbage and plastic also causes land and water pollution. Buried in a
landfill a typical plastic trash bag takes 1000 years to degrade, giving off toxins such as
dioxins it does. Landfills leak and pollute groundwater and other neighboring habitats making
waste management very difficult. Gases from incineration may cause air pollution and
contribute to acid rain. The ash from incinerators may contain heavy metals and other toxic
substances. If this waste is dropped into water reservoir it makes the water unusable for its
desired purposes and also affects the survival of aquatic life. Approximately 40% of the
waste is plastic which is never biodegradable.

According to the World Bank report, the average global municipal solid waste generation per
person on daily basis is about 1.2 kg and the amount is expected to rise up to 1.5 kg by 2025.

With the growing environmental problems brought about by solid wastes, solid waste
management or disposal must be seriously exercised. It involves a series of processes such as
collection, transportation, dumping and recycling or sewage treatment. Local communities,
authorities and states need to put more emphasis towards the education of waste management.
With the implementation of three “R” the states will be able to manage waste. Waste disposal
plans should be implemented which must include proper monitoring and regulation of
municipal solid and food waste, livestock waste, sewage sludge, clinical or medical waste and
construction waste. Green products should be used in houses which are eco-friendly and
produce fewer toxins. Different steps are now being taken to reduce and manage the wastes
in different countries including UK, Switzerland, USA, Denmark, Germany, Greek, Italy etc.

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