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Pathophysiology of Anemia

A. Gerson Greenburg,MD, PhD,Providence, Rhode Island

Inherent in any decision to treat a patient for A n e m i a , a decrease in the oxygen-carrying capac-
anemia is an appreciation of the underlying .£---]kity of blood, is a c o m m o n finding in surgical pa-
cause of a decrease in the oxygen-carrying tients. To ensure good patient outcomes, one n m s t
capacity of blood. Equally important is an appreciate the impact of a n e m i a on physiologic ho-
understanding of how this acute or chronic meostatic mechanisms, as well as on surgical stress
decrease in oxygen delivery affects individual or r e c o v e r y f r o m an operation. One m u s t also appre-
patients. Anemia generally results from blood ciate the physiology of a n e m i a in light of changes in
loss, decreased red blood cell (RBC) production, traditional transfusion therapy and options, that will
poor RBC maturation, or increased RBC be available in the n e a r future. To m o s t ,~urgeons,
destruction. This article reviews the knowing the precise cause of a n e m i a is less impor-
pathophysiology of anemia, with specific tant than understanding its effects on physiologic
emphasis on its physiologic consequences in the s y s t e m s and the p r o b l e m s p r e s e n t e d by intercurrent
surgical patient, and provides a contemporary diseases.
definition of anemia for use in that context.
Taking a broader, more functional view of WHAT IS ANEMIA?
anemia paves the way for understanding and
F r o m the perspective of the surgeon, a n e m i a is not
appreciating the newer techniques of RBC
necessarily a diagnosis. It can be viewed as a non-
conservation and transfusion avoidance, as well
specific sign of disease associated with a low he-
as of pharmacologic methods available to
moglobin concentration. Traditionally, a n e m i a is de-
counter this disorder. Am J Med.
fined as low values for h e m a t o c r i t and hemoglobin
1996; 101(suppl 2A):7S-11S.
(for men, <39%, < 13 g/dL, respectively; for women,
<36%, < 12 g/dL, respectively). A neoclassical defi-
nition, accounting for vascular volume effects and
fluid distribution, might be an abnormally ..small red
blood cell ( R B C ) mass. In light of o u r current un-
derstanding of oxygen delivery physiology, i.e., the
interaction of h e m o d y n a m i c s and oxygen content,
both of these definitions are s o m e w h a t flawed.
Clearly, the traditional definition fails to a c c o u n t
for vascular volume. Although m e a s u r e m e n t s of he-
moglobin and hematocrit are easy to accomplish,
these values m a y be of limited use as isolated fac-
tom; in combination with vital signs and clinical as-
sessment, however, they m a y be useful ha clinical
m a n a g e m e n t . For exanlple, in acute hemorrhagic hy-
p o v o l e m i a the hemoglobin concentration m a y re-
main elevated until equilibration of the vascular
s p a c e occurs, possibly hours later, or resuscitation
intercedes. Acute hypervolemic resuscitation, with
large v o l u m e s of balanced salt solutions, m a y dilute
the residual blood volume and thereby decrease the
hemoglobin concentration. The key point is that
acute m e a s u r e m e n t of h e m o g l o b i n concentration
m a y not be useful in assessing oxygen deliw~ry in this
Measuring RBC m a s s is conceptually a fine idea.
From Brown University and The Miriam Hospital, Providence,Rhode
Island. Unfortunately, our ability to m e a s u r e this p a r a m e t e r
Requestsfor reprints should be addressedto A. Gerson Greenburg, is limited. Even w h e n it can be assessed, m a n y fac-
MD, Departmentof Surgery, Brown University/TheMiriam Hospital, 154
Summit Avenue, Providence,RhodeIsland 02906. tors besides the time required and the a s s u m p t i o n of
steady-state physiology m u s t be considered in inter-

©1996 by Excerpta Medica, Inc. 0OO2-9343/96/$15.00 2A-7S

All rights reserved. PII SOO02-9343(96)00161-1

preting the data. In absolute terms, m e a s u r e m e n t of ing either cardiac output or hemoglobin concentra-
RBC m a s s always relates to p l a s m a volume, b e c a u s e tion as needed to attain an oxygen delivery of 5 0 0 -
current techniques link the two m e a s u r e m e n t s . 700 mL/min/m'~.
When p l a s m a volume is increased, the RBC m a s s is The interaction of oxygen delivery with the lungs
underestimated; this occurs in patients with conges- is described in t e r m s of oxygen saturation. To main-
tive heart failure, pregnancy, or iatrogenic fluid over- tain global oxygen delivery, a decrease; of 15% in
load. Conversely, an overestimate of RBC m a s s oc- oxygen saturation requires a significant increase in
curs w h e n a patient is dehydrated or w h e n an cardiac output. Similarly, a greater cardiac compen-
overaggressive use of diuretics has d e c r e a s e d the sation, i.e., increased output, is required as the he-
p l a s m a volume. moglobin concentration falls. 3
Blood volume loss is a m o r e reasonable definition Global oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n is the p r o d u c t of car-
of anemia; losses of b o t h p l a s m a volume and RBC diac output and the a r t e r i a l - v e n o u s oxygen content
m a s s are addressed. Unfortunately, m e a s u r e m e n t by difference. Usually, oxygen is c o n s u m e d at a rate of
this definition, too, is related to such factors as rate 125-175 m L / m i n / m 2, a b o u t 25% of the global oxygen
of blood loss, w h e t h e r the loss is acute or chronic, delivery. The normal oxygen extraction ratio is 0.25-
and the degree of vascular refilling. More important, 0.30. When the ratio e x c e e d s this range by 20-30%,
blood volume loss is difficult to measure, especially it usually indicates inadequate tissue oxygen delivery
in patients in unstable condition. and resultant tissue h y p o x i a and a switch to anaer-
A m o r e c o n t e m p o r a r y definition of anemia, one obic metabolism; the consequent oxygen debt will
reflecting tissue perfusion and oxygen use, is pro- require replenishment to reestablish homeostasis.
posed. Anemia is here defined as an alteration i n
the o x y g e n d e l i v e r y - o x y g e n u s e p h y s i o l o g y . In the ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANEMIA
setting of inadequate oxygen supply or exaggerated
Acute blood loss d e c r e a s e s blood pressure; this
use, true acute and chronic physiologic conse-
triggers release of catecholamines, which in turn
quences m a y occur. With adequate oxygen delivery
p r o d u c e vasoconstriction, increase cardiac contrac-
and appropriate oxygen use, h o m e o s t a s i s is attained,
tility, and increase cardiac output early in the course.
and all appropriate c o m p e n s a t o r y physiologic re-
This physiologic p r o c e s s normalizes oxygen delivery
s p o n s e s are possible. Obviously, this is an ideal sit-
by increasing blood flow. If bleeding is controlled at
uation. In the chronically ill patient with underlying
its site, the m o v e m e n t of fluid b e t w e e n compart-
multiorgan c o m p r o m i s e w h o is receiving a host of
m e n t s will lead to blood volume equilibration. How-
pharmacologic agents, normal physiologic re-
ever, if blood volume loss continues, vasoconstric-
s p o n s e s are blunted or obliterated, limiting the re-
tion is prolonged, and the subsequent decrease in
s p o n s e to altered oxygen delivery. Furthermore, the
cardiac output is followed by severe tissue hypoxia,
effects of age on physiologic reserve have a signifi-
cellular failure, and eventual organ dysfunction a n d /
cant i m p a c t on the m a i n t e n a n c e of adequate oxygen
or failure. It is this detrimental physiologic c a s c a d e
delivery. ~-3 that is p r e v e n t e d by ensuring adequate oxygen deliv-
When oxygen delivery is impaired, another detri-
To achieve adequate tissue p e r f u s i o n - - t h e prod-
mental physiologic cascade occurs at the cellular
uct of flow, cardiac output, and oxygen-carrying ca-
level. M e m b r a n e instability resulting f r o m altered en-
p a c i t y - h e m o g l o b i n concentration m u s t be rela-
ergy production allows sodium and w a t e r to flow
tively constant. Tissues deprived of oxygen are
into the cell, while p o t a s s i u m flows out; cellular
hypoxic and incur an "oxygen debt." That debt, an
e d e m a occurs. Intracellular acidosis, caused by the
overuse of oxygen, requires a period of increased
switch to anaerobic metabolism, will lead to extra-
oxygen delivery to allow repletion.
cellular acidemia due to excess lactic acid produc-
Global oxygen delivery is defined as the p r o d u c t
tion. Eventually, the cell loses its strnctural integrity
of cardiac output and arterial oxygen content. Car-
and dies. This p r o c e s s can be arrested and reversed
diac output is regulated by preload, contractility, and
in an intact cell by an adequate supply of oxygen,
afterload, w h e r e a s oxygen content is determined pri-
achieved by increasing cardiac output a n d / o r adding
marily by hemoglobin concentration and, to a lesser
additional oxygen-carrying capacity.
extent, by the degree of oxygen saturation. For prac-
tical purposes, the relationship b e t w e e n cardiac out-
put and arterial oxygen content is a s s u m e d to be lin- MECHANISMS OF ANEMIA
ear over the usual clinical ranges; it p r o b a b l y is not Anemia ( h e r e defined as a d e c r e a s e d RBC m a s s )
linear at the physiologic limits of survival. 4 Thus, is traditionally ascribed to several p r o m i n e n t mech-
global oxygen delivery m a y be increased by increas- anisms ( T a b l e I ) . Whereas all of these m e c h a n i s m s

2A-8S August26, 1996 The American Journal of Medicine® Volume 101 (suppl 2A)

quate n u m b e r s of m a t u r e red cells, as m a y o c c u r in

aplastic anemia. In addition, failure to p r o d u c e an
Mechanisms of Anemia
adequate n u m b e r of m a t u r e red cells m a y o c c u r in
Mechanism Proportion (%)
conditions such as thalassemia and vitamin B12 or
Acute bleeding 25 folate deficiency, despite hyperplastic bone marrow;
Iron deficiency 25
m u c h of the erythroid activity of patients with these
Infection/inflammation 25
Hemolysis/marrow failure 15 conditions is "ineffective."
Megaloblastosis 10 I n c r e a s e d RBC destruction can also lead to a de-
crease in RBC mass. The causes of increased extra-
vascular RBC destruction include various inmmno-
lead to d e c r e a s e d oxygen-carrying capacity, s o m e hemolytic diseases, hereditary spherocytosis,
p r o d u c e acute a n e m i a and others a chronic form. associated hemoglobinopathies, and enzyme defi-
ciencies. Since surgeons often see patients with
Blood Loss these underlying illnesses, they m u s t recognize such
Acute bleeding often a c c o m p a n i e s trauma. How- disorders and use t h e m as the basis for t n m s f u s i o n
ever, it m a y also be caused by acute or chronic gas- decisions w h e n appropriate.
trointestinal h e m o r r h a g e ( s e c o n d a r y to ulcer, in- Intravascular destruction of RBCs (lysis) can re-
flammatory b o w e l disease, tumor, or infection), s u l t f r o m a hemolytic transfusion reaction (lethal in
intraoperative blood loss, and excessive p h l e b o t o m y a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 p e r 100,000 transfusions), burns, in-
for diagnostic purposes. fection (e.g., malaria or infection with Clostridium
perfringens), or fresh-water drowning, or RBC lysis
Iron Deficiency m a y o c c u r in patients w h o are deficient in glucose-
Blood loss is the single m o s t important cause of 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and thus unable to me-
iron deficiency. When blood is lost externally, a cycle tabolize various drugs. Distinctly u n c o m m o n , the re-
of negative iron balance begins: output e x c e e d s in- sults of intravascular hemolysis can range f r o m mild
put. Eventually, the lack of iron stores b e c o m e s the reactions to severe or even lethal consequences. Car-
limiting factor in erythropoiesis. diopulmonary b y p a s s circuits and intraoperative cell
Failure of erythropoiesis is usually due to iron de- salvage techniques can also contribute to RBC de-
ficiency but is also associated with renal disease struction, but rarely to an extent requiring interven-
(erythropoietin deficiency), endocrine disorders tion. Although c a r d i o p u l m o n a r y b y p a s s circuits can
( e.g., thyroid and pituitary disease), and h e a v y metal fragment RBCs and p r o d u c e s e c o n d a r y hemolysis,
toxicity. the filters in the devices are usually sufficiently ef-
fective to obviate problems.
Chronic Illness or Inflammation These underlying m e c h a n i s m s of a n e m i a rarely re-
The a n e m i a of chronic illness and inflammation is quire surgical intervention, except for s p l e n e c t o m y
n o w a s s u m e d to be in part a defect of iron metabo- to m a n a g e spherocytosis or thalassemia. However,
lism. 7 D e c r e a s e d RBC survival, an impaired m a r r o w if an acute surgical p r o b l e m develops in a patient
response, and evidence of disturbed iron m e t a b o l i s m with one of these illnesses, an understanding of the
have b e e n d o c u m e n t e d in p e r s o n s with this type of cause of the a n e m i a and its pathophysiology will be
anemia. In addition, there is s o m e evidence of a dis- helpful in guiding management.
turbance in m o n o c y t e - m a c r o p h a g e release of iron Further exploration is needed to elucidate the role
that m a y be related to inflammatory cytokines. If this of iron deficiency ( d u e to chronic blood loss or in-
hypothesis is validated, the a n e m i a of chronic illness adequate intake) during postoperative recovery. If
or inflammation m a y be a rarity due to a state of recovery is related to the rate of restoration of RBC
functional iron deficiency. Moreover, cytokines m a y mass, intravascular volume, and normalitzation of
decrease the responsiveness of erythroid p r e c u r s o r s cardiovascular h o m e o s t a t i c mechanisms, then suffi-
to erythropoietin, as well as decrease erythropoietin cient iron stores are n e c e s s a r y to optimize erythro-
p r o d u c t i o n by the kidney or increase its rate of ca- poiesis, s
tabolism. In general, s e r u m erythropoietin levels are
inappropriately low for the degree of a n e m i a in pa-
tients with the a n e m i a of chronic disease. AVOIDING THE EFFECTS OF ANEMIA
Independently of which definition of ;~.nemia is
Hemolysis, Marrow Failure, and adopted, the i m p a c t of a decrease in oxygen-carrying
Megaloblastosis capacity on patient o u t c o m e is measurable. Whether
Anemia due to d e c r e a s e d RBC production results as an acute consequence of altered oxygen delivery
f r o m failure of the b o n e m a r r o w to p r o d u c e a d e - or as a delayed effect of impaired physiologic re-

August 26, 1996 The American Journal of Medicine® Volume 101 (suppl 2A) 2A-9S

sponse, a n e m i a can adversely affect patient out- rameters, the ability to define this point m a y be lim-
come. ited to the e n v i r o n m e n t of the intensive care unit or
Because the association of inadequate oxygen de- operating room.
livery with detrimental effects has b e e n both per- A biphasic relationship is a p p a r e n t b e t w e e n oxy-
ceived and documented, transfusion therapy is often gen c o n s u m p t i o n and oxygen delivery: a flow-inde-
used to prevent adverse outcomes. A n u m b e r of is- p e n d e n t oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n p h a s e is followed by
sues immediately arise with r e s p e c t to the transfu- a flow-dependent phase. 1 The point at which the pla-
sion decision. In effect, the decision is often b e t w e e n teau b e c o m e s apparent, w h e r e the slope of the flow-
transfusion avoidance a n d / o r blood conservation d e p e n d e n t oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n changes signifi-
techniques and the risks inherent in transfusion of cantly, is called the point of critical oxygen delivery.
allogeneic blood. Although the literature reports the Notably, this point c o r r e s p o n d s to a change in oxy-
a p p a r e n t statistical associations of adverse effects gen extraction ratio of > 0 . 3 - 0 . 3 5 and an increase in
with allogeneic transfusion, firm conclusions are not blood lactate levels that reflects a switch to anaero-
forthcoming. Since allogeneic or autologous RBC bic metabolism, a hallmark of p o o r tissue perfusion.
transfusions are the only m e t h o d s currently avail- With the availability of all these m e a s u r e m e n t s , the
able to increase oxygen-carrying capacity acutely, transfusion trigger should a p p r o x i m a t e the point of
risk a s s e s s m e n t is particularly important. Although critical oxygen delivery. In practical ten~as, the crit-
transfusion therapy is not free of p r o b l e m s and com- ical oxygen delivery point a p p e a r s to be a global ox-
plications, few alternatives exist to increase the ox- ygen delivery of 10-12 mL/min/kg. Some patients
ygen-carrying capacity w h e n required. 9 le m a y require an intervention with red cell transfusion
Some p o o r surgical o u t c o m e s are associated with before this point is reached if the goals of maintain-
anemia. The anaerobic environment of a fresh ing oxygen delivery or repaying oxygen debt are to
w o u n d is ideal for the establishment of infection, and be attained.
p o o r perfusion at the operative site increases the risk
of delayed w o u n d healing and w o u n d infection, la If CONCLUSIONS
the tissues around the w o u n d are adequately per- If the patient-oriented goal is to maximize oxygen
fused, better w o u n d healing results. Decreased tis- delivery, the first step is the optimization of ventila-
sue perfusion has b o t h immediate and delayed con- tion followed b y optimization of hemodynamics. In
sequences that remain poorly understood. In a taking these steps, the physician m u s t take into ac-
c o m m o n clinical scenario, an elderly patient ( w h o s e count the limitations in cardiac reserve, preexisting
b o d y is unable to c o m p e n s a t e for loss of hemoglobin disease, and pharmacologic therapy for a given pa-
with an increase in cardiac o u t p u t ) is put at risk peri- tient, a'2° Should these actions fail to optimize oxygen
operatively and allowed to undergo h y p o v o l e m i a delivery by normalizing the oxygen extraction ratio
and p o o r tissue perfusion. P o o r systemic perfusion or inclining it toward normal, intervention in the
can result in cerebral vascular accident (i.e., s t r o k e ) f o r m of transfused RBCs is p r o b a b l y indicated to
or myocardial infarction. Preoperative use of RBC provide additional oxygen-carrying capacity.
transfusion m a y obviate this r i s k . a'14-m Furthermore, In the future, alternative solutions will be available
postoperative mental confusion has b e e n associated to augment oxygen delivery without using allogeneic
with hypoxemia. RBCs. 2° Regardless, the minimal therapeutic objec-
The results of a recent study s h o w a clear survival tive should be normal oxygen delivery with a normal
advantage in high-risk surgical patients who have oxygen extraction ratio and d o c u m e n t a t i o n of flow-
adequate oxygen delivery, especially those with in- independent oxygen consumption.
creased metabolic needs. This is important evidence According to the c o n t e m p o r a r y definition of ane-
supporting the i m p r o v e m e n t of oxygen delivery to mia, normalization of oxygen delivery and tissue per-
effect beneficial o u t c o m e s in high-risk surgical pa- fusion will obviate the adverse effects of anemia. The
tients; such data suggest pursuing early, aggressive time has c o m e for us to consider global oxygen de-
m a n a g e m e n t of an oxygen debt related to p o o r per- livery and oxygen c o n s u m p t i o n physiology rather
fusion, iv- 19 than focus on static m e a s u r e s of hemoglobin or he-
matocrit in assessing the c o n s e q u e n c e s of anemia
THE "TRANSFUSION TRIGGER" and determining the point at which trallsfusion is
Is there an easily identified transfusion trigger? Is necessary. 1.21
it possible to identify the point at which insufficient
oxygen delivery b e c o m e s severe enough to require REFERENCES
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