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We all have our interests and hobbies.

Not many schools offer the opportunity to study

them. At St. Charles Catholic School, I have done many STEM projects. The STEM learning

program is based off of science, technology, engineering, and math. This year we were assigned

to do an interest project. It had many parts to it including a 3-5 page essay, art piece,

presentation, pamphlet, bibliography, making a quiz, charts, and creating an activity that the

class could participate in. The objective of the project was to research, turn that research into an

essay, then make an art piece that was about our interest, and gather all the information and use it

to make a presentation and a pamphlet. The presentation and pamphlet had to include graphs that

were made by me. This was the math part of the project as I had to find averages, medians, and


In this project I learned to conduct better research using various sites in order to check if

all of the data I gathered was correct. I also learned to cite in MLA format by using This website will help me in future projects as it will make them look better and

organized. Injuries had always been something that I was interested in, especially while I was

receiving rehab for when I was injured. I would always go home and research my injury and how

long it would take to come back. I would also look at pictures of the muscles in my legs and how

they tear. Since we were asked to make a pamphlet, I had to learn how to use the different

templates on Google Docs. It was also hard to make graphs as I didn’t know how to use Google

Spreadsheets to make my graphs look presentable. These new resources will help advance my

This project had many good parts, but also some bad ones. For example, my art was

mediocre because I left it until the last day. It was 10:30 the night before it was due and I had

forgotten about it. I had to rush it and just do an art piece on Paint 3D late at night. I ended up

drawing a picture of Derrick Rose, an NBA player, who had gone through a variety of serious

injuries. I had researched him, as well as other athletes, and wrote about them in my essay. One

part that I would not change would be the research that I conducted. I had gathered so much data

on some of my favorite athletes. The essay was probably my favorite part about the whole


This assignment would apply to the SLE of Responsible Individual. A responsible

individual does their work on time and is organazied. Although I left the art piece until the last

minute, I completed the other parts of the project with some time to spare. Since the project was

about something that I chose to research, I did not get bored of looking for data. I watched plenty

of interviews that the athletes did after their injuries. I took notes of how they described the

rehab, or how they described the pain of the injury as it occurred. I also visited various websites

that each had different useful data about the surgery or the recovery. A part of the project was to

gather statistics and turn them into a graph. I made a graph that showed the recovery time for

each injury. Throughout this project, I was organized in all my research which led to an essay

full of information.

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