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reakthrough Prayer with the Format like a Court Case

An effective prayer could take the format of a court proceeding as an advocate presenting his case
before a judge.

A pastor and a friend shared about the following three ways of praying:

1. Father-Son Relationship: We pray to our Father to present our needs to Him.

2. Friendship: We pray for our friend needs as a stand-in. This is intercessory.

3. Judge-Plaintiff Relationship: We present our case before the Judge as an advocate.

Is there any basis for type 3 format of prayer?

We have the Old Testament verses:

 “Come now and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they
shall be as white as snow …” (Isaiah 1:18)

 “Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be
acquitted.” (Isaiah 43:25)

We find God encouraging us to reason with Him and give Him reasons for Him to forgive us. Abraham
did that when he pleaded for Sodom(Genesis 18:16-33). Moses did that for his people (Numbers 14:11-

However, we also find:

 Pro 26:2 Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does
not alight.

So firstly, we have the good news that we are protected from any curse that does not have any valid
reason to catch hold of us. We can live safely and are protected.

Secondly, we have the danger part implied in the inverse of the verse. The curse can stay if there is any
valid cause. Peter warned us that the devil is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter
5:8). The devil is hunting for any cause to attack us.

While God is love, excessively by man standard. God is also just. God will have to extend that justice to
the devil too. So if the devil can find any legitimate reason such as our sin, he can attack us and block
our prayers from being answered. This is also the reason why Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, has to
become a man to die on the cross to pay for our sins and to arise to give us new lives.
In prayers for healing, unforgiveness is often a cause that blocks the healing from taking place. In the
Lord's prayer, "forgive us our sins as we have forgiven others" (Matthew 6:9-13) and Paul in Eph 4:32
"forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you". Healing usually takes place after the person
concerned had forgiven some particular others.

Thirdly, no matter what was the cause, as we discover it, we can plead the blood of Jesus to cover and
remove it as Jesus had paid the price for our deliverance. The Lord's Prayer Petition#7 is "But deliver us
from evil."

Fourthly, the difficulty lies in the cause, may not be due to us but due to our relatives or people around
us and also to our forefathers who we did not even know at all. Such are known as the generational
curses which could transfer 3 to 4 generations (Exodus 20:4-6). In such cases, our elders may know, and
we can also rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal to us.

Whatever, we can count on God.

 Heb 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Jesus has enabled us to confidently go to the throne of grace to receive mercy, not even plead, and to
get the grace empowerment, to get our needs fulfilled.

How does such prayer look like? Below are two posts that give us the details:

 How to Break a Generational Curse

 Battle Prayer Against Terminal Hodgkin's Disease

Finally, after reading this, please do not be alarmed so that you spend time digging into your past to find
any curses or sins. You should only do the digging when you are led to or when you are finding you are
not getting your answers after some long period of praying.

Building High Performance Teams According to the Bible Ephesians 4:14-16

This blog has been sharing the wisdom of Ancient Chinese and Western Modern Management. But there
is another great source of wisdom which is the Bible. This post will share about building a high-
performance team according to the Paul from the Bible Ephesians 4:14-16. The key ideas are diversified
members with specialized abilities, development of members from infants to maturity, mission,
leadership, modelling of maturity, communications and connection to link up all the members with love
seeking after the truth.
The Text of Ephesians 4:14-16 NIV

We break the sentences into sub-sentences to show the main concepts(in italics) better:

 14 Then we will no longer be

 infants,

 tossed back and forth by the waves,(unstable, changing all the time)

 and blown here and there by every wind of teaching (easily influenced
by others)

 and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful

scheming.(victims of evil people & wrong teachings)

 15 Instead,

 speaking the truth in love,(Know the Truth through Love)

 we will grow (from infant to maturity)

 to become in every respect the mature body of him (Jesus/Leader as the Model)

 who is the head, that is, Christ. (Jesus as the Leader)

 16 From him the whole body, (The Team as One body)

 joined and held together by every supporting ligament, (connection &


 grows and builds itself up in love, (Growth for the members & the team)

 as each part does its work. (Diversities & Specialization of Members)

What can we learn about Team Building?

 Members:

 They are in Different Stages of Growth:

 Infants

 uncertain, not stable

 changes often by others

 can be deceived
 Maturity

 stable - not easily influenced

 helping others to grow-up

 know his position and abilities and contribute accordinglyjoined up with

others, especially the infants-members

 know the mission of the team

 Follow and attain the standards of Jesus as the Model/Example

The Glues

 Mission - By Jesus - The Leadership

Some questions, seeking the truth, we should ask are:

 What is the mission of the Team? & Why?

 Truth

 Truth, facing the reality, is the key ingredient for teaming and performance
But the truth could hurt especially for the infant-members, and hence must be done through
Love. Infants must be coached with love else they get discouraged and give up or become
rebellious and destructive

 what is the true state of the members - infants?

 what is the true performance of the whole team?

 Do the members understand and embrace the mission?

 Is the team mission being accomplished or each one fighting for his own?

 What are the reasons for lack of performance?

 Model Of Maturity JesusThe leader should set the standards for maturity. He himself being the
model. Then the standards become the yardstick of measurements for good performance.

 Are members behaving like Jesus?

 Connection & Communication

The team must be bonded together to act as one and differentiated from others. They must
maintain a close relationship. This is done through frequent connection and truthful
 Do they meet often? Do they communicate truthfully with love?

 Specialized & Diversified

 Every member uses his abilities to work best in his particular function.

 Does everyone know its position/function?

 Are the assignment according to their special abilities?

 The Growth - Team & Its Members

 grows and builds itself up in love, Love does not mean without discipline. Any good father will
discipline his sons for their good.

 Do the members grow?

 Does the team grow?

 Self-organized & Directed

 Are the mature members self-directed and self-organized?

 Do they need to be supervised constantly?

By providing answers to question raised above, we can learn how to make improvements to our team.
May you spend the time to discover the true state and the problems that you are facing with your team
and get the improvements that you so desire.

Here is a mind-map:

0 Kingdom Laws for Business Success

In a recent overseas mission trip, I have the opportunities to share the "10 Kingdom Laws for Success" to
many young professional and entrepreneurs that are believers on 3 separate meetings. The original
posting Kingdom Laws & Principles is too much to share in a 1-2 hour session. A shortened version in
Chinese is shared and it is available here.

This post is the English version of the "10 Kingdom Laws for Business Success".

Understanding Work is a Ordained & Not a Curse

1. Work is Ordained by God. Gen 1:28, 2:15

2. Work happened before Sin & Curse. Gen 1:28,2:15 comes before the Curse in Gen 3:17-19.

3. Work is Worship. Hebrew Avodah = Work = Worship =Serving

4. Work is Our Calling Eph 2:10

5. The Curse of Work has been removed by Jesus. Work is stress-free & joyful. Gal 3:13, Col 1:20.

6. Work is not Worry. God provides when we sleep.

Ps 127:2 . Just following the Kingdom Principles and have worry free & fruitful work.

The 10 Laws are:

1. The Golden Law - Righteousness brings success

2. Law of Parallel Universes - Begins in Spirit

3. Law of Execution - Walk the Talk

4. Law of Harvests- Sowing and Reaping

5. Law of Seasons - Watch & Ride the Cycle

6. Law of Reciprocation Change begins with you

7. Law of Greatness - Servant Leadership

8. Law of Perseverance To Mission & Values

9. Law of Amplification Growth with Care for Details

10. Law of Humility - Learning & Renewal

1 The Golden Law - Righteousness brings success

Spiritual Health brings True & Total Success. Mat 6:33
God is in charge - Righteousness is Gain. Quality in Character & Quality in Offering (competence and
performance) are both important. Between the two, Character comes first; Character over Competence.
Venture Capitalists invest in people of Character.
Prov 23:5 Chase Money and it will fly away. This is the negative way of expressing the Golden Business

2 Law of Parallel Universes - Begins in Spirit

 What is seen is influenced by the things unseen Heb 11:3.

 Things seen is originated in the Unseen - From the Dream / Vision

 Get your calling and vision from God

 Inside determines outside

 Intrinsic Motivation is better than Extrinsic Motivation

 Have a Mission & Vision - Unique Customer Value Proposition

3 Law of Execution - Walk the Talk

 Doing realize the Vision. Mere talk does not. Remember to execute your plan.

 The Wise and the Foolish Builders - Matthew 7:24–27

 Hear + Do build strong & lasting thing

 Pro 14:23 Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty!

 Joh 13:17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them

 We must close the gap between knowing and doing.

4 Law of Harvests- Sowing and Reaping.

 Invest to Gain - Luk 6:38; 2Co 9:6-8

 You sow what you have; You get what you sow

 Hence, You sow what you need

 Invest in

 tithes & offering to the Lord

 people in needs;e.g. widow, poor, etc.

 business

 See the values of generosity

 It is also know as the Law of Proportional Returns: the more you give the more you get

5 Law of Seasons - Watch & Ride the Cycle

 Watch the Opportunity & Timing - Ride the Trends - Ecc 3:1-8

 Be watchful - Observe the changes and trends

 Strike at the Right Time

 Be at the leading edge and not the 1st mover bleeding edge

 Be Agile & Ready to act

 God provides the Growth and Set the Timing & Man does the Following of the laws of nature,
the seasons & timing established by God.

6 Law of Reciprocation Change begins with you

 You changed 1st to cause others to change Luk 6:37

 Law of Empathy- Do on to others what you want to receive.

 Reaction is a multiple of the Action

 Newton's Law is Reaction = Action

 Kingdom Law is Do good and Receive Better

7 Law of Greatness - Servant Leadership

 Lead by Serving - Mat 20:26

 Serve your staff to serve your customers who repay you with $$$

 People follow your actions rather than your words

 How to become Great in influence

 Leadership is about

 1 lead at the front with shared mission and vision

 2 serve from the back with as example and support

 3 coach in the middle with encouragement & correction

8 Law of Perseverance To Mission & Values

 Perseverance in righteousness Law#1 ; Luke 18:1–8

 Don't take short-cut, cut-corners due to pressure

 Plans/Methods can and should change,

 but the Purpose-Mission & Values remains

 Stick to your Vision to accomplish it

 Once the goal has been set, it must be pursued with a burning desire. The desire
must be maintained and sustained with discipline - Fred Smith

9 Law of Amplification Growth with Care for Details

 Growth & Scalability

 Get it right before you scale or multiply

 take care of the details

 unless there is character transformation, greater responsibility will show forth greater

 Faithful in Little leads to faithfulness in large - Luk 16:10

 Warren Buffet, "In looking for someone to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity,
intelligence and energy. But the most important is integrity, because if they don't have
that, the other two qualities, intelligence and energy, are going to kill you."

 Law of Promotion - Luk 16:11-12

 Strength or Defect get magnified with time and growth

 Also known as Law of Fidelity or Honesty

10 Law of Humility - Learning&Renewal

 Glory goes to those that are humble - ever learning & contributing. Mat 5:5

 Renewal is

 prepare for the future

 ride the changes

 Learning

 New capability building

 I Ching #15 謙 Humility - means:

 “have it” - resources, ability. If don't have them, there is nothing to be humble about.

 “don’t show it” and

 “use it”. When the situation calls for it and if you have it, humility requires you to use it
to help and not to hide it!

 It is not passive but quiet aggressive actions without drawing attention to self.

 6 stage lines provides additional teachings of:

 1. develop humility

 2. let your action do the talking

 3. accomplished and yet don’t claim credit but give credit

 4. do more good things

 5. do corrective actions to remove bad things

 6. expand humility to others that they may have it too

J#0 Business According to Jesus

Follow the Patterns of the Most Successful Organization in the World
(updated 27 Oct 2008)

This posting should actually be the first in this whole series of "Business by Jesus". The
earlier postings are BJ#1 The Golden Rule for Business Success, BJ#2 Have a Mission
Statement, BJ#3 Vision Statement.

One of the world most successful organization with the longest history and largest world
wide following would likely to be the Church established by Jesus Christ. The founding
pioneers, the disciples of Jesus, were generally fishermen, (though there was a good
accountant and tax consultant called Matthew). What had Jesus taught them that such a big
and growing organization was possible through average people. One may claimed it was
God. But God works through people and give us the examples where other can follow. What
are the principles and strategies that Jesus taught the Church. The answers are found in the
Bible. Bible is more than just a moral and ethical standards of behavior. I strongly believe
and will show in this series of postings that Bible also teach us the principles and the how-
to, the strategies for building long lasting successful enterprises that contribute to the well
beings of society.

Earlier postings have covered the Golden Rule for Business, Mission and Vision - what are
the important things that make good mission and vision statements. This posting is like a
table of content showing the additional topics that will be covered in future.

The TOC are:

 The Golden Rule for personal & business success
 Mission
 Personal Mission
 Vision
 Values
 Appreciation of Situations
 Strategies
 Resources
 The Balanced Scorecard
 Performance Measures
 Financial
 Customers
 Process - Execution
 Learning & Growth
 Competitors
I will use the current management terms to relate to the Bible so that we can find relevant
and immediately useful guidelines for making our business successful. The next posting
will be on Values - BJ#4 Values

BJ#1 The Golden Rule for Business Success

This is the 1st in a series of meditations on "Principles and Strategies for Business Success
according to Jesus". Being the first, the most important golden rule shall be covered here. I think
the foundational principle, upon which others are built, is
(Mat 6:33) But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things
will be added to you.

God wants you to be successful

Firstly, it reveals God's intention - God wants us to be successful in life. That is why He is giving
us the principle for success. It also reveals God's promise, or guarantee, or God's kingdom's
operating laws (like the natural laws of gravity), for our success. Do it God's way and you get
God's promised result. We can recall Joshua 1:8 - the Book is given that we may prosper. Now
we talk about the HOW - the method.

1. Reality of Life - God must come first

'Seek First God's'. Follow after God and all these things (foods, covers, things for life,
represented in money) will be added. The very 1st principle of Business Success is Put God
first. When we chase after God, money chases after us. In Mat 6:24, we cannot serves both
God and money. The advice is clear, serve God first and money will follows. Restated, money
follows Godly practices.

2. God's Kingdom - The Right Things - The Right Strategies.

It is the operating principles and laws, like the natural law of gravity, the Newtonian Laws, Laws
of Thermodynamics, etc of God's government. It is about the Right things to do. Jesus told of
commandments and many parables of how the Kingdom of God works. We will discuss this in
future postings.

3. God's Righteousness - Do Things Right - Walk the Talk. The Execution of Strategies.
Righteousness is not just about knowing the right things but to doing them right - reaching up to
the standards. It is about quality. Jesus not only tells us about God's kingdom rules, he has to
die for us (because we fail to do it!) to accomplish the requirements and obtain righteousness
for us. Integrity is about walking the talk. Business success is not just about the right strategies
but also about executing the strategies.

4. Do it Now.
Mat 6 ends with verse 34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be
anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Let us not be paralyzed by fear of
tomorrow. Tomorrow happenings is determined by today actions. Let us starting doing it now -
to know God and to act on it.

5. Going Long Term

In Mat 6:19-20, we are taught to lay up treasures in heaven. Success is not short term or
sporadic. It should last the test of time and stretches into eternality. The time period in our PV
(Present Value) calculations should include the eternal perspective. Following the Golden Rule
of God's 1st will create business that last.

6. A famous preacher rephrased this verse roughly as "Economic Success follows Spiritual
Revival". This is definitely supported by the development of Europe and US after the
rediscovery of salvation by faith alone.

BJ#2 Have A Mission Statement

This is part 2 of the series "Principles and Strategies for Business Success according to Jesus".
The 1st one is "The Golden Rule for Business Success". I have decided to change the long
name into a short one - "Business by Jesus" or in short form BJ for easier identification of my

Why You Need a Mission Statement

A mission statement gives us the purpose and meaning of our existence. It direct our efforts.
Mission is for the long term. The methods used to achieve the mission could change with time
but the purpose should remain. If the mission changes, then the corporate takes on a new
 Mat 6:21 Your heart will be where your treasure is.
Mission should be our treasure - the thing we hold to be of utmost important. If you don't feel for
your mission, either the mission is wrong or you need to change. If you are the owner, then
change it to the thing you treasure most. If you are working for a corporate where you could not
change the mission, you should perhaps change your job. If you are the Chairman or the CEO,
and you are passionate about your mission, you still need to do one more step, communicate
your passion about the mission down the line, all the way to the one serving your customers.
The mission should be the treasure in our heart and our heart should be for the mission.
Everyone in the company should feel the same way for the mission.

Mission Statement has a Single Purpose

 Mat 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body
shall be full of light.
Mission statement should create a single focus. If you felt that there are many targets you want
to achieve, then you are still not at the right mission statement yet. You need to go a level
higher, abstract all the targets to a single purpose. You may need to ask why ... why do you
want to achieve this target or goal ? or What is the purpose you are trying to achieve when you
want to reach this target. Some one says we should ask WHY 5 times. Eventually, we should
have a hierarchy of goals with the top-most, the root, being the Mission. Mat 6:24 tells us that no
man can serve two masters, so we need to get the mission down to one purpose.

Example of the Best Mission Statement

 Mat 28:18 Then Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to
Me in heaven and on earth.
 Mat 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
 Mat 28:20 "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am
with you always, even to the end of the age."
The mission statement is "Go make Jesus' Disciples of All Nations".

The single purpose is "make Jesus' disciples". It is action packed with GO and the extend and
scope of work is "All Nations" or "Globally" in today language.

The other parts tell of the HOW to make disciples:

1. Baptize them into the Body of the Church
2. Teach them (what Jesus taught)
and the Resources given.
1. Authority of Christ v18
2. Presence & Empowerment of Christ v20
3. The Bible - what Jesus taught.
What makes a Good Mission Statement
We can summarized into the following qualities:
1. Of Long Term Value and Worth - treasures of the heart.
2. Singleness in Purpose
3. Action Verbs: GO, Become, Be .....
4. The Scope, the How and the What of resources.
Can you apply the above 4 points to your present mission statement and see it can be improved

Additional Views for Christians about the Commission of Christ.

1. We are called not just to make converts, though it is the first step, but to bring
them up into disciples of Christ, or Clones of Christ in modern terms.
2. We must, ourselves, be Christ's disciple, before we can help others to be like-
Christ. We should have His Word in our hearts, think and feel as Him, through
communicating with Him daily and through His Words, and behave as He would behave.
3. We must be Role-Model for others to follow.The method is to teach His Word
(not our opinions) and by our exemplified living out His Word. i.e teaching is more than
talking. we teach by talking and walking, each reinforces the other.
4. Some one put it this way... 1st I show you. 2nd You do as I do. 3rd You show
others. 4th Others do as You .....

2Ti 2:2 and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to
faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

For a personal mission statement, please see #BJ2a

BJ#2a Your Personal Mission Statement

It is not for us to create our own mission. We need to discover the calling God has planned for

The highest calling for all man is "we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one
another, just as he has commanded us 1 Jn 3:23". It is through knowing Jesus that we can truly
know our Father God. It is with Jesus' love that we can love others. This is the NT extension of
"Love God and Love others like oneself".

Man is a created being. Created being does not know the answer as to why he was created. We
need the answer from the Creator rather than the created. As created beings, we can guess at
the answer from the creation, but we will never really and truly know the right answer. Only our
Creator can tell us why he created us for.

We need get the "Who am I?" answer from God.

A more meaningful and pertinent question is "Whose am I?"

It provides us relationship, identity and accountability. No one standalone. Identity and life is
defined from how we relate to others. Knowing who I belong to, or have relationship with, is of
vital importance.
Eph 1:4-5 tells us that God has chosen and predestined to be His sons through Jesus Christ
before the foundation of the world.

The sequence of event is like this:

1. God planned to create men as His sons through Jesus Christ.
2. He created the whole universe for man.
3. After the universe is all ready, then He created man. The universe is designed for
life - the life of man,
4. Man rejected God's leadership and bring forth sin and death.
5. Jesus Christ came to die for man and give them a rebirth of new Godly life.
6. Through acceptance of Jesus' redemption, man rebirths as Sons of God.
We are now God's sons. We belong to God. God is our Father. We are loved. As God's sons,
we have God's righteous character and authority.

The Amplified Bible gives a very clear picture of our mission in Eph 2:10
 For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born
anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us
[taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life
which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].
God has a different calling or mission for each of us. His plan for us is good life.
 Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and
not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
God gives us the instructions and ability too.
 Jos 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on
it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then
you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
 Php 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Please remember that we are God's children with His attributes - creativity, ability and

We are blessed with talents and gifts for a divine purpose that God has created us for. It is up to
us to discover what this is. This discovery process may take time. But, let's start now.

Additional information on this can be found in Bible for Business Seminar#4.

To find out how to write a Mission Statement, go to BJ#

BJ#3 Vision Statement
Vision Statement

Vision Statement is a visualization, a picture of what it will look like as you accomplished the
milestones in your mission. It is what you become in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. It is adding a time
dimension and a visual dimension to mission. It makes the mission come alive. It gives focus. It
show the benefits of the mission clearly and gives the motivation. Mission gives the purpose,
vision shows the picture.
Hab 2:2 Then the LORD answered me and said, "Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run.
Vision gives a clear picture that can be easily recorded in the mind and in the heart, so that they
can quickly run to bring it to pass.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.Mark

We need first to have picture that we can believe in and then it outcome will be certain. Prov
29:18 (KJV) Where there is no vision, the people perish. Or in (ESV) Where there is no
prophetic vision the people cast off restraint. Vision gives the guides.
Pro 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he
Examples of Vision Statements
Follow me and I will make you fishers of men Mt 4:19.
Jesus, when speaking to fishermen, used the picture that they could best understand. 'Making
Disciples' is like having a big catch of fish - net breaking load of fish. They can associate with it
and can feel the joy and excitement of such a catch.

To the woman at the well, he said, "Follow me and you will never be thirsty again". John 4:13
He also said "I am the bread of life;he who comes to Me shall not hunger" John 6:35

When painting a vision, use things that the readers can best understand and be motivated by.
Put them in the context and background of the readers. Use their terms.

Here are additional visions:

John 3:16 "....whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."
John 7:38 "He who believes in Me, .... From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living
John 8:32 and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall
live even if he dies,
Mat 11:28 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Notice that the benefits are to the people involved - who believed.

Vision must include the benefits to the corporations and to the customers, employees and
owners in the order.

Vision must be as specific as possible so that the reader can have a clear vision in their mind
and in their heart. Most corporate vision speaks of revenues, market ranking, and physical sizes
like number of people and number of countries or cities they will be operating in. These are ok
but there needs to be further illustrations and other areas as well. What do those measures
mean to the customers, the employees and the owners. Listed corporations like to have
measures in terms of the shares-owners values, such as Total Shareholder Return (TSR). But
one should remember that profits is a by-product of providing good value to customers with
good execution by the employees. In painting the vision, one should describe the impacts to the
customers, and to the employees. The corporate cultures, the working environment, the pre-
sale and after-sale, and other things that relate to employees and customers.

The clearer the vision, the easier it will be in deciding the strategies and their execution later.

Where are the measures and the timing?

The above vision statement like "become fishers of men" is visualized mission statement of "Go
make disciples". Jesus used fishers of men because Peter and the others are fishermen. They
will understand the vision and mission well.

The measurement of the catch is very obvious - the number or the weight of the fish caught.
The best measurement is one that is very easy to see. You don't need to have an instrument to
tell. A good one is reaching a destination. When you reach a destination, you know you have

Putting a man on the moon by end of the decade is a good vision statement.

The measure is obvious - a man landed on the moon (alive and return is implied).
The timing is before the end of the decade (it was by 1970).

Jesus did not specify the targets and timing then. It was up the disciples each to determine for
themselves when they followed Jesus and learned more.
BJ#4 Your Values
This is part 4 of Business by Jesus Series. See BJ#0 for overview.

Your values - what you value and believe in, are important in providing decision making
framework where there are no clear guidelines. It determines the Corporate character
that is the sum total of the individuals working in the corporation.

The 1st and basic value is Commitment to the Mission, Vision and Values of the
Corporate. Without this commitment, all other stated values are mere talk and are

The next is to realize that Corporation is an an organization of Individuals working

together to achieve a common mission. The Bible uses the metaphor of a Living
Organism of many parts of different functions to describe the Corporate Church (Rom
12, 1 Cor 12, Eph 4). Two key points are:

1. Difference (function) is valued and "Respected". All parts cannot be the same.
2. Difference need to be aligned and synchronized toward achieving the mission.

The underlying value to unite the differences is LOVE. But love is such a misunderstood
and misused term that need to be further qualified. The Bible uses another metaphor - A
Family to describe an organization. We are to treat each other as brothers and sisters.

Jesus uses the "Golden Rule" to give substance to love. He said in Mat 7:12 "Therefore
all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for
this is the law and the prophets." or in modern language "Treat others as you want them
to treat you".

Someone is quick to point out that due to difference in personality, cultures or taste,
what you like is not what others may like. But if you study the statement in context, v12
starts with therefore, which means it is the followup of previous verses. The earlier
verse spoke about people asking for things first and the father supplying them. To me,
this verse means the following: (The similar verse Luke 6:31 has a similar context of
request and more than satisfying the request - the spirit of service )

1. Put yourself in their position first- understand them from their point of view.
2. Ask them what they would like.
3. Do for them what they ask.

So, someone has nicely re-phrase it in the Platinum rule as "Do Unto Others as They
Would Have You Do Unto Them".

The value we need is "Empathy" or "Understanding" and "Service".

Misunderstanding comes often from lack of communication. Communicate often and
transparently and honestly facilitates understanding. Differences in personality, cultures,
and other background also behooves more communication to minimize
misunderstanding and to create trust. "Respect" of individual differences helps in
gaining understanding and creating trust. Trust comes from "Integrity". Integrity is made
up of "Honesty" and "Competence". Competence is delivering the commitment made.

Living and Healthy Organism grows. The other value that Corporate must have is
"Learning" resulting in "Innovations". Learning is about overcoming limitations, gaining
new knowledge, being innovative, being adaptable to changes, and being agile. One
must be humble to learn and be corrected. Humility is a value to have.

In the midst of performance targets, we may quickly forget the basic rule of love and
hence, adding in "compassionate" and "care" are good values for our reminders. Life is
more than just materials earnings and profits.

Others may want to add "value-adding" but I think this should be or implied in the
mission statement. No corporation can survive without providing value-add.

(12 Feb 2011) add the following:

Values should be balancing.

For example, love at the extreme, ignoring justice, leads to indulgence and lawlessness.
Bravery to the extreme is recklessness. We need to be hardworking and smart.
Successful entrepreneurs are not risk taker but minimizing risk bold mover. They probe
and test key assumptions before making the big bold move. Chinese' animal year of
birth signs have an interesting balanced values to tell. See Complementary Values from
Chinese Zodiac Signs.

Values must support the Mission

Not all values support the mission directly. If you are in the food industry, then personal
hygiene, health, cleanliness are key values.

Values must be Implemented

Values are not the statements that you put on the wall. They must be practiced. It is
better to have policies and rules made up from the values. Back to the Food Industry
example. The value of cleanliness must be implemented in rules such as regular
cleaning of the work place, washing of hands, clothes and so forth. Values are best
communicated with frequent citing of good behavior that reflect such values. It is good
to have a book of testimonies showing such values. They also best contributed by staff,
customers and partners. With the social media technology available now, it is easy and
good to have such stories told and shared.
BJ#5 Appreciation of Situations
Two key points with regards to "Appreciation of Situations" are:

1. Facing up the Realities

2. Know the Trends and Be Ready.

1. Facing-Up the Realities

a. Be Observant - Not be Blind-Sighted.
Most common mistakes of Corporations is to ignore the realities within and the changes in the
external environment - the market place. We are admonished by Jesus to have good eyes and
to be observant. Without sights, we will be in darkness and ignorance.
Mt 6:22 "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be
full of light. Mt 6:23 "But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore
the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
i. Causes of Blind-sighted - Cause#1 Pride
The major cause of our blindness is pride. Pride says I am right; I am OK; I am better. Pride is
presumptuous. It will ignore any signals to the contrary. It is no wonder that the Bible has a lot to
say against the proud people. Someone says that "Good is the greatest barrier to Greatness".
The greatest failure of many comes just after their initial successes. Peter said he would die with
Jesus but when the reality struck, he denied Jesus three times. Elijah, just after his great
success of killing the prophets of Baal, ran for his life when he heard that the queen was after
his life. Samson was so sure of himself that he flirted his life away. However, I am not saying
that we should go to their extreme of being in fear. It is facing with the realities of our strength
and weaknesses as compared with the Market and Competitors.
ii. Causes of Blind-sighted - Cause#2 Fear
Another cause of our blind-sightedness is fear. It is the Ostrich way handling danger --- if I don't
see it, it is not there! But reality is reality whether we see it nor not. It is better for us to see it
clearly and earlier so that we can plan to overcome it. Jesus spent much time telling us not to
fear - not to fear man or the future but to just have faith in Him. Courage allows us to see things
clearly so that actions can be taken.
A good book is "Confronting Realities" by Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan --- "As a leader, you
have to wrestle the behaviors of unreality to the ground not only for yourself but also throughout
your organization."
b. Be observant - Not be misled
Mt 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravenous wolves.
16 "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from
Here we have a warning that false-prophets will look like, camouflage as, the real ones.
Outwardly, it is difficult to tell them apart - all look like sheep. But there are ways to tell the real
ones from the false ones. You can judge them by their fruits. We should be wary of expert
advices of consultants, industry gurus, etc. Many reviews are influenced by the advertising
dollars behind them. It is typical for large corporations to fund 'independent' consultants to come
out with reports that give good reviews for their products or services. Consultants are also
influenced are what other say and creating a either an over-endorsement or an over-
condemnation of products or trends. We need to do our homework - to trace the true cause-
effects, getting first hand information at the source, asking not just one but a range of
customers, see the outcomes not just believing the marketing or sales claims.
Please read "Seeing What's Next - Theory of Innovations" by Clayton Christensen showing how
leading corporations are disruptively removed from market by new entrants and how to prevent
it from happening.
c. Be Observant - Watch the External
Besides looking inwardly, one needs to look outwardly. Need to do "Environmental Scan" and
do "Intelligence Collection". External should include the customers, suppliers, competitors,
industry, government and its regulations, other countries, environmental, social, economical and
political events.
Need to accedes to Jesus warning of "wolves in sheep clothing" that we must guard what is
received: filtered lies, incorrect market intelligence, mistakes of experts, mistakes under
pressure and any other things. Competitors could feed wrong information to media, consulting
channels. and make over ambitious claims, etc.
d. Doing a Proper SWOT Analysis
We have 2 passges in the Bible that highlight this very well:
Lu 14:28 "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost,
whether he has enough to finish it 29 lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to
finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 "saying, 'This man began to build and was not able
to finish.'
14:31 "Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and
consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty
thousand? Lu 14:32 "Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and
asks conditions of peace
The framework of SWOT analysis is easily available. Just do a google search for it. The
problem lies in how we put in the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Remember the
earlier saying of facing up realities. To prevent our own prejudices and blind sightedness, our
claims of SWOT must be validated from external means such as our customers, suppliers.
fellow competitors, and outside consultants. Strength or Weaknesses should not be what we
claimed but need to be compared against our competitors (a range of them) and customer
The other error in SWOT Analysis is lack of following through. We are to come out with follow-
on strategies where by we can use our strength to exploit the opportunities and also either
overcome or convert the Threats to Opportunities. We are to come out with strategies to
compensate for our weaknesses as well. Actually, strengths and weaknesses could be
dependent on the market we are after. It may sometime be easier to change your markets so
that it suits your profile where your so-called weakness could become a strength. A typical large
corporation strength of economy of scale is also very weak in meeting the total special needs of
his customers. In the world of giant corporations, there are many boutiques suppliers.
Please see my thinking blog http://mind- and for innovations.
2. Know the Trends and the Future.
Most people plan in situ, as if competitors are inanimate death objects, and as if the
marketplace won't change. But Jesus tells us often to know what is coming and be ready for it.
Mat 24:25 "Behold, I have told you in advance Mk 13:23.
Be ready all the time:
Mar 13:36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
Read the signs and watch the trends:
Mat 16:3 ...'There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Do you know how to
discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times?
How can we be ready all the time and any time ?
It is being watchful and be agile. Just being watchful is not enough. One needs to be agile and
be ready to adapt and exploit the changes. One need not be super agile - but just need to be
one step ahead of competitor.
There are changes happening all the time. One need not be catching up with all the changes.
The key is to detect those that will become the major trends and quickly adapt and exploit them.
Overcoming corporate inertia is a much discussed topic. Please read Geoffery Moore's "Dealing
with Darwin" showing the market development curve (including crossing the chasm) of
innovation and different stages of innovations needing different strategies.

Bible for Business Seminar#6 Appreciation of Situations

BJ#0 Business According to Jesus T
BJ#6 Strategies
While Vision gives the Mission a more concrete picture in some future time, Strategies are the
how to realize the Vision. Strategies are not just some broad statements of direction. Strategies
must be executable... walk the talk. In the future posting on "The Balanced Scorecard
Methodology" we will share how to execute the strategies. In this posting, we concentrate on the
attributes of good strategies.

What Makes Good Strategies?

1. Must be shaped by Values.

Strategies must be defined within the framework set by the values of the organization.
Or in more positive terms, Strategies should be so constructed that they reflects or
highlight the values held. Some good values are in Mat 5 The Beatitudes. These values
are reflected in James 3:17 The Wisdom from above are...
 Poor in Spirit Mat 5:3 - Face up with the realities and know your needs (Recall
the earlier stop of SWOT analysis?).
 Mourn - or Compassionate & Empathy Mat 5:4
 Peacemakers Mat 5:5. Try to resolve issues with customers, suppliers or staff
amicably and to maintain good and close relationships.
 Pure Mat 5:8. Ensure practices are legal, ethical & above reproach. Keep things
transparent and opened.
 Merciful Mat 5:7
 Righteousness Mat 5:6
 Meek or Humility Mat 5:5
 Willing to suffer loss for Righteousness Mat 5:10-12.

2. Pursue Perfection Mat 5:48

 Salt - Must create differentiated values to customers Mat 5:15
 Exceeds the Standard Requirements Mat 5:41,42
 Exceeds the Expectation of Customers, Staff and Competitors. Mat 5:40, Mat
 Set New Standards of performance Mat 5:21-22, Mat 5:27-28

3. Build Relationships
 Develop long term relationships with stakeholders Mat 5:31-32
Stakeholders are customers, staff, suppliers, owners, community & competitors
 Before - Select wisely. Choose the right one.
 After - Be the right Employer or Partner. Don't 'play-out' partners.
 e.g. Toyota vs GM's suppliers relationships. GM pick suppliers that offer
the best pricing and have short-term relationships with their suppliers. Toyota does not
just go on price alone and try to maintain long term relationship with suppliers. Toyota
will involves and help their suppliers to become better.
 Honor Your Contracts and Commitments. Mat 5:33-37
 Do not over-promise
 Do not under-deliver

4. Brand & Communications

 Show and Tell and Deliver the Value-add you are providing to customers Mat
 Do not do things just for appearance sake (hypocrites) - forms without substance.
Do it out of the heart with passion and sincerity. Project the right Image and Branding.
Do not seek sympathy nor be boastful Mat 6:1-4 Charity Mat 6:17-19 Fasting... Tell the
right thing at the right time.

5. Cut Losses & Stop Bleedings

 When surgery is needed, don't postpone it. Mat 5:29-30

6. Take Positive Initiatives and never react negatively against problems.

 Never react negative to 'bad' events. You have the choice to choose your
reactions. Take back the initiatives. Mat 5:39
7. Work with Your Competitors wisely Mat 5:43-57
 e.g. Toyota shared their hybrid technology that it becomes the standards and
creating greater efficiencies
 e.g. Sun license Java for free can becomes a standard.

Strategy is what you do and not what you say. Mat 7:24-27
 Hear + Do = Rock Foundation
 Hear only or Talk only = Sandy Foundation.
Under fair weather, when things are going well, there seems to be no difference between the
two. However, when difficult times come, the Rock-Foundation ones survive and prosper.
Strategies must be Internalised and Reflected in our decision making process.
Strategies should be so promoted and executed such that they are what we do all the time.
Mark 7:18-23. It is not what you take-in but what come-out, the outcomes of your decisions that
build or destroy a company. External things and events should not affect you badly, They
happen to all. It is your inside, how you run the company that makes you a good or a bad

The Globalization Strategy of the Church

1. Act 1:8 But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power.
2. Step 1: Jerusalem - Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem
 The Growth :Act 2:47 while praising God. Everyone liked them, and each day
the Lord added to their group others who were being saved.
 The Mission Push: Act 5:42 Every day they spent time in the temple and in one
home after another. They never stopped teaching and telling the good news that Jesus
is the Messiah.
 Group & Task for Effectiveness: Act 6:3 My friends, choose seven men who
are respected and wise and filled with God's Spirit. We will put them in charge of these
things. Act 6:4 We can spend our time praying and serving God by preaching."

3. Step 2 in all Judea
God uses Saul to push the Believers to go out of Jerusalem Act 8:1

4. Step 3 in Samaria,

 Act 8:5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.
 Act 8:25 And they, when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord, returned
to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.
5. Step 4: everywhere in the world

 Act 8:40 But Philip was found at Azotus (transported by God): and passing through he
preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.
 Conversion of Saul at Demacus Syria Act 9
 Peter at Joppa Act 9:39 and Caesarea Act 10 for the Centuriion by God again.
 New Customer Segments Acts 11:19-20
 Another HQ setup at Antioch Act 11:22,26,24
 Barnabas & Saul Sent Out Act 13:2
 Paul in Rome Act 28:16
See also: Bible for Business Seminar#7 Designing Strategies
Bible for Business Seminar#7 Designing Strategies
Some who attended the seminars previously felt that as employee, the talks on mission, vision,
values and strategies seem not too relevant to work. As employee, we need to understand how
our work contributes to our company's mission and visions. I wish to encourage that all to think
like your bosses or owners so that one day you will be one. The values covered the previous
and this talk tell us the how to behave so that we will be promoted and be successful in life.

We covered the 2nd point of "Appreciation Situations" that not completed due to lack of time.
That is to understand the trend and be ready all the time and at any time. We covered Porter's
Five Competitive Forces that determines the profitability of a business in the medium & long run.

With the materials given in BJ#6 Strategies the following additional points were added:
1. The Beatitudes of Mat 5 could be seen as the "Commandments" of NT. These
are positive commands - be meek, seek righteousness, be merciful, be pure, be peace-
makers etc. This list is comparable to James 3:17. We should and are able to do all
these because we are rebirthed as children of God with Jesus in us. We gave the
business viewpoints of those virtues.
2. Branding & Communications - we should have strategies to create our brand,
deliver to expectation and to communicate. We are light for the world to see that bring
glory to God. We cited Mat 6:1-4 charity giving, 6:17-19 fasting not as exaltation not to
tell but exaltation not to be hypocrites. We are not to give to charity to gain glory or to
fast to show our piety. Branding is both - telling and fulfilling the expectation. Branding is
a promise. Branding should have consistency of experience, look-and-feel, quality,
differentiation and repeated exposure. All strategies, while described in details, should
have a tagline for ease of communication and memory. e.g. Customer Intimacy, or High
Touch Experience, Operational Excellence etc.
3. Cutting costs uniformly, cutting marketing, training etc are short-term methods
with harms on the future. The better method is to cut wisely. Cut the dead weights either
in offerings or customers. Be innovative to do more with less. Build employees
enthusiam. Outsourcing wisely.
4. In the Globalization Strategy of the Church, we stressed how God used Saul to
get the church to move out of Jerusalem. We sometimes need to have or to create crisis
to move us out of our comfort zone to move into higher plane. God used Paul to address
a wider market segment - from the Jews to the Gentiles and setting up an HQ in Antioch
to address to expanded market.
5. The Strategies Check List is summarized as:
1. Support the Values of Corporations
2. Pursue Differentiation & Excellent / Perfection
3. Building Relationships – Customers, Staff, Suppliers
4. Branding (Authentic Experience) & Communications
5. Be Lean – Cut Losses, Remove Dead weights.
6. Take Positive Initiatives
7. Work with Your Competitors Wisely
8. Do the Talk
9. Internalized by Staff
About 8 of us gathered together for the seminar. We have a good time of sharing after the talk.
Some are reflected in the feedback report below:

The overall score is 84% with the highest score to Speaker Knowledge, Subject Area Coverage,
and the lower scores to length of talk 74% and time of talk 66%.

Like Best
1. Cut loss & stop bleeding, prune the tree so that it bear more fruit
2. Toyota sharing their technology and expertise with competitor & supplier
3. Cut loses & Stop Bleedings It is very practical.
4. Pt 6 take positive initiatives - nuggets of biblical truths which can apply even for
personal working life.
5. Also more examples given this time to explain & expand the various points
Like Least
1. Ending seems a bit hasty, probably due to the shortage of time.
1. Give assignments for completion
2. It will be good to slow down and not to cover too much information in such a
short time
BJ#7 Resources
Before we design and execute our strategies, it is important that we know about the special
resources that Jesus has provided for us.
1. Jesus & Holy Spirit - Our Comforter & Guide
Jesus promised that he would be with us all the time Mt 28:20. He will not leave us as orphans
Jn 14:18. He and His Father, our Heavenly Father will make Their home with us Jn 14:23. He
will send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth from the Father, to us Jn 15:26,16:8. They will give
us the power, wisdom, guidance, help and whatever that is needed to accomplish His purpose
for us when we are willing to abide.

We tend to plan our future according to what we had. God wants us to take our eyes off relying
on ourselves and our resources but to trust Him and see His plan for us. Planning according to
our limited resources keep us where we are. He who called us will also provide to us to
accomplish His purpose for us. In 1Ti 6:17, we are not to set our hopes on the uncertainty of
riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

In the 2 miracles of feeding the multitudes,

1. 5 loaves and 2 fish fed 5000 men with 12 baskets left over ... Mat 14:17-21
2. 7 loaves of bread and a few fish feeds 4000 with 7 baskets left over ...Mat 15:34-
The formula seems to be "the lesser the starting resources the greater the final impact".
Count on God and not be limited by what we have now.

You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth (Deu

2. Word - Bible
The Bible is our "Instruction Manual" for a truly successful life. We need to refer to it and follow it
in all our strategies. “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for
every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16–17)

3. Authority
Believers has Spiritual Authority that non-believers don't have. As Believers, we should exercise
our authorities to command health, wealth, favors, good relationships that we had in the spiritual
world to be realised in this physical world. We can breakthrough the obstacles that the enmey
put on our way. We are given authority when we heed Mat 28:18-20.

In Luk 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all
the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

1Jn 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is
greater than he who is in the world.

4. The Church or Body of Christ

We are not alone physically in this world. We have the brothers and sisters in the Church of God
that could help us. They can be our source of wisdom, encouragement, correction and help.
BJ#8 Balanced Scorecard
Strategy is the "how" to realize our vision. BJ#6 Strategies talk about what make a good
strategy. It must be shaped by our values, pursue with perfection, be about building
relationships, communicated with branding, be positive, taking up initiatives, facing up realities &
cut losses if necessary, be innovative and even working with competitors wisely.

However, Strategy must be described in a form that is detailed enough to be executable. The
above qualities of a Strategy, like, "build intimate long term relationship with customers" is good
strategic theme to start from but is not an executable strategy. Firstly, it is unclear. What does
intimacy with customers mean? How can you tell whether a relationship is intimate or not. When
will you be satisfied with the intimacy of a relationship ? So, to make a Strategy clear, we must
be able to measure it. We can tend set a target to show the progress and the expectation that
we want.

We would call "Build Intimate Relationship with Customer" as a Strategic Objective. We must
then defined the measures, known loosely, as Strategic Drivers(SD) or Critical Success Factors
(CSF) or Key Performance Indicators(KPI). One measure could be "repeat-business", "contract
renewal rate", etc. It could also defined in rank/phases/steps forms, like 1-open tender bid, 2-
invited bid, 3-closed-bid, 4-pre-tender discussion, 5-joint planning.

The strategy is still incomplete. We need to know how to build the intimate relationship. How do
we engage the customer so that we can be his 'trusted' supplier'. Some may suggest frequent
contacts. We must understand his needs. Others may say we need to have good and innovative
value-proposition to help him be effectiveness. This PROCESS of engaging the customers must
be documented and the procedure & system put in place. The Job description, known
an Strategy Job Role, should be created and is to be filled by a "Sale-Person" who is trained to
do the job well. For the Sales-Person to be effective, you may use computer systems (IT
Application) to keep track of the past, present and future interactions, deliveries and plans of the

If we have done a good job of knowing customers needs (sometimes thinking ahead of him and
show him how his life can be better is important too) and deliver as our promised to him, he may
be happy to reward us with orders and payments over a long time, giving the revenues and
profits for our business to grow.

The "Stategy Map driven Balanced Scorecard" work of Kaplan & Norton provide a more
complete and concise framework of Strategy Execution. Please refer to it for more details.

The key is that for Strategy to be executable, it be measurable, and must address the 4-6
perspectives of financial, customers, processes, learning & growth (HR job spec, IT infra,
organization change) and others added employees and environmental perspectives.

Once the details are spelled out, we can tie the objectives to owners giving accountability and to
tie them up with person/team rewards & incentives to provide the external motivators.
 Mt 6:4b your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
 Mt 5:12 "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven
 Mt 16:27 "and then He will reward each according to his works.
We then go on to the execution and subsequent monitoring and review of strategy execution.
When things did not turned up as expected (below targets or above targets), we may need to
examine the causes - change the person, the training, process, to job spec, etc and even the
strategy itself ( e.g. It could be that developing long-term intimate relationship is not suitable for
the types of services, or products or the processes and competence of the company. The
company may be better off, due to its existing culture and processes, people, and products or
services, to pursue a different kind of strategy. e.g. lost-cost mass customer supplier)

The Benefits of Strategy Map

Strategy Map is a cause and effect linkage of objectives. Following it will result in focus and
alignment of execution by all saving time and wastages. It starts with

1. Singleness of Objective:
Mt 6:24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or
else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

2. Address the Key Issue, the King Pin

Mark 3:27 (KJV) No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he
will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

3. Focus by pruning
 Step 1 make sure there is fruit.
John 15:2a "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away(lift up from the dirts);
 Step 2 optimization
John 15:2b and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
a. channel the energy towards the objective - the fruit
b. cut away non-objective oriented activities - the leaves -good for show but no-value.
4. Get the Priority Right - don't loose Big because of Small things

Mt 5:29 "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more
profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
Mt 5:30 "And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more
profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

See also Bible for Business Seminar#8 Resources & Balanced Scorecards
Bible for Business Seminar#8 Resources & Balanced Scorecards
We covered two key topics in the seminar:
 Resources
 The Balanced Scorecard
As Christians, we can draw upon the special resources provided by God. We covered Prov 3:1-
14 showing God's vision for us and the strategies to realize the vision:
We covered the process of learning as given in 2 Tim 3:16-17 Judging Rightly
1. Teaching-Doctrines: learn the truth and put into practice.
2. Reproof - when practices, there could be an error, point out the error.
3. Correction - point out the right way to do.
4. Training in Righteousness - build up the right quality standards of behavior &
Most people need training 1st before counseling. Or put in another way, so-called counseling is
actually very time consuming and effort wasting training - it is training one on one.

Strategy Map Driven Balanced Scorecards

We covered the Strategy Map as the cause-effect business model of objectives across 4 or
more perspectives. Each perspective is an earlier on view. Each objective must be related, with
measures defined, and target set. When actual achievement is below the target, the strategic
initiative will then be undertaken to close the gap. Such method will ensure focus and alignment
of resources and people toward achieving the corporate vision. Focus means saying NO to
everything else. Alignment means unity in purpose and actions. We use a budget airline
example to illustrate the drawing of the Strategy Map and the setting up of balanced scorecards.

The Unified Corporate Performance Management Framework.

The various management methodology is unified and illustrated with the strategy map below:

The Biblical Basis for BSC

 Alignment – Concentrate All Energy towards Fruit, not Leaves
 The secret to fruitfulness is not adding more. It is pruning – channel the energy
from growing leaves into growing fruit.
 Every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. (John 15:2)
 Objective Driven
 “…Run in such a way that you may win. Therefore I run in such a way, as not
without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air” (1 Cor. 9:24, 26).
 Continual
 “…Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily
entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1).
 Focused
 “ but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies
ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.
The Gathering & Feedback
About 12 of us gathered together for the seminar. The overall rating is 90%. The highest scores
of 96% go to Subject Area Coverage, Expectation Met, Knowledge of Speaker, Technical Level,
and the lowest score is the length of talk 70%. I am surprised by the high score on the technical
level as I was concerned whether the BSC topic is too in depth but the scoring put me at ease.

We have a good time sharing after the talk. We spoke about 2 main aspect of Corporate
Performance - The Method, such as BSC and The People. Highly passionate and motivated
staff needs to know the method to channel their efforts to achieve excellence. Just having
passion without the right methods will result in fighting, activities without positive outcomes.
Methods alone without passion will result in the achievement of minimum standards. Some
other points are reflected in the feedback report below:

Like Best
1. Strategy Map & Scorecards
2. BSC
3. Prov 3:1-4 Teachings - completeness + God vision + Strategies for us
4. Less is more - 2 miracles in the Bible - Putting our faith in God + obey
5. We are no greater than our belief.
6. Scorecard
7. Introduction of the strategy map & balanced scorecard. Learned new things. It
gives a guideline to running an organization, yet not confusing between the overall
picture & profitability

Like Least
1. The ending seems a bit hasty, probably due to the shortage of time.
1. Please give us the example of BSC
2. Maybe can change the seminar title to Bible for Success so that more people can
attend and benefit
Posted by Liat Lim at 11:21 am
Bible for Business Seminar#10 Performance Measures
Highly recommended books are "Transforming Performance Measurement" by Dean Spitzer
and the books and writings of E W Deming.

In the Strategy Map talk, we stressed much the need to define measure to enhance
understanding about the objective, to help define what success looks like and then to set target.
Measures direct behavior, focus attention, increase objectivity, enable accountability, bring
visibility and enable prediction .... etc.

D Spitzer, in his book, pointed out 4 important aspects about measurement. The Context,
Focus, Integration and Interactivity. The context of measurements is the most important but
often neglected issue. The context involves not just the measures, the measurement process,
but include the most important factor of all - the People. The perceived consequences and
controllability of the measures determine the how people will respond to the measure - either
positively or negatively.

Wrongly defined measures will create dyfunctional behavior. Typical example is measuring the
number of calls handled per hour to try to increase the productivity of the Call-Center. The end
result is unhappy customers with calls being diverted or abruptly ended as operators try to meet
or exceed targets.

The Focus and Integration of Measures correspond to the drawing of the Strategy Map of
Cause and Effect Objectives. By doing the strategy map first, we can bring out focus and
integration. Interactivity of Measures refer to continued review and improvement of measures
and measuring systems to increase learning.

Two Main Uses of Measures

1. System centric: As information to gain understanding of the improvement and
working of system. i.e. to increase knowledge and wisdom.
2. People Centric: As monitoring and control with intention to rewards or punish.
It is strongly recommended that measures be used for usage-1 only -gaining insight to the
operation of the system and looking into areas for improvement. For People-Centric usage of
rewards and punishment, it is important that the measures be outcome and value based. The
effects of the contribution of either the individual or team or system must be identifiable. It is
very difficult in team work to identify the contribution of any particular individual. E W Deming's
System of Profound Knowledge also explains why incentive for pay does not work. Incentive is
an Extrinsic Motivator where as Recognition is an Intrinsic Motivator. There is the need to
understand the motivators better.

In the Bible, Luk 6:37-42, we discussed judging is finding out the internal intention of the heart.
In context, Jesus was not trying to tell not to judge but to judge wisely. Correct our brothers is
our responsibility and we can't do that without judging. We need to be trained to be like our
Teacher (v40) to judge wisely. SeeJudging Rightly and Judge Not yet Correcting

Target Settings
4 ways
1. According to your Vision - Goals - Where you want to be.
2. According to your Market Standing - Relative Rank or Share of Market
3. Relative to your Competitor - To beat or catch up with your target competitor.
4. Relative to your Past performance - what improvement over last year.
Deming System of Profound Knowledge

Do a google search on the above topic and you will find a lot of good information about it.
It has four main parts
1. Appreciation of System
 system exists to accomplish a purpose or aim
 made up of interdependent sub-systems
 whole greater than the sum of its parts
 must optimize for the whole and not of its parts
 system does not improve itself - It is manager's responsibility
2. Understanding Variation
 understanding probability
 variation is to be expected
 find out the particular outcome is due to common or special causes.
 no tempering or ranking
 understand system capability.
 See The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable and Fooled by
Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets and
The Halo Effect: ... and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers
3. Theory of Knowledge
 Highest form is Prediction
 Learning from theory and experience
 Operational Definitions (see Measures above)
 PDSA for learning and improvement
4. Psychology
 Understand People and Behaviour and interactions
 Motivation - Intrinsic vs Extrinsic. Deming's Forces of Destruction.
 Beliefs and Assumptions
Management is about Accurate Prediction of Good Outcomes.

Management is responsible for

 improving the system; no one will
 prediction vs prescription
 application of Profound Knowledge
The Gathering & Feedback
About 12 of us gathered together for the seminar. The overall rating is 90%. The highest scores
of 100% go to Knowledge of Speaker, followed by Expectation Met, Recommend to Friend, and
the lowest score is Relevance to Job 78%. The feedback from the attendees are shown below:

Like Best
 Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation
 Traditional vs Positive Measures
 Application of Profound Knowledge. Like & Agree with the idea that we are in a world of
 Also the fact it that with humans around, there is always psychology involved and there
is variation (random outcomes)
 Lk 6:37-42 Understand what is judging
Like Least
 nil
 Good session. Not too fast and not too much materials in one go.
 Good participation from audience.
 I would recommend more group discussion.
 Sometimes audience can be a little shy or slow to start asking questions.
 So may be help with some prepared questions.
 As usual, the speaker has good in-depth and practical examples.
 Because the participants are regulars and probably those who are really interested,
perhaps small group setting may encourage more interactions.

BJ#9 Financial Perspective

How the Business is Doing - We must know.
Any business worth doing is worth keeping it growing over the long term. How can we tell we
are running a good busines? Financial Measures like Revenues, Costs, Profits, Cash-on-hand,
tell us how our business is doing. Without such measures, we do not know. Such Measures, like
profits, are purely indicators and is amoral. Making profits is the result of the delivery of a good
value to customers. There is nothing bad or evil in making profit. It is what you do to make
profits that decide whether it is good or evil.

Optimization of Resources - We must do

Without financial measures, we do not know how to optimize our usage of resources.
Optimization of our God given talents and resources are thought in the parables of the Good
Stewards (Mat 25:14-30, Luk_19:11-27). So, we must familiarize ourselves with all the

Watch the Cash Flow besides the Profits & Loss

A company can make profits and yet still close down due to lack of cash. Profits is a computed
and delayed measure. If the profit is realistically and accurately computed, it will result in
increasing cash. If you have a large cash pool to start your business with, you can sustain a
business without making profits for a number of years --- until you run out of cash or credit line.

So, we have a very basic principle, or saying, "Cash is King" or "He who has the cash has the

The key points in the business are:

1. What is the Business Model ? How does the business make profits?
2. What is the Profit&Loss Projection?
3. What is the Cash-Flow ?
4. What is the Balance Sheet?
5. What is the Value of the Business?
The Financial Measures

1. The P&L statements tell us whether is business will make profit to survive. Key measures are
Net Profit After Tax, Net Profit Margin %, Gross Margin%.
But it does not tell us how much resources, or capitals (cash, building, machineries, etc) are
used in making the profits. So other measures are needed like:

2. Returns on Capital Employed (ROCE) , Economic Value Add (EVA) and EVA returns are
measures for capital efficiency.
3. For listed company, the Market Value of the business and Shares Holders returns are
important. A typical good measure used 3-5 year rolling Total Shareholder Return (TSR).

4. Since Cash is most important, cash flow measures are important too. Because profits are
subjected to manipulations, financial analysts recommend the use of FCF Free Cash Flow. FCF
= Net Operating Case - Capital Expenditure. It represents the cash that are in excess of the
operation & capital needs of the company and can be freely used for dividends, shares buy
back etc. Some others proposed used of structural free cash flow = Net income + depreciation +
amortization +/- onetime items - capital expenditures.
Other Key Points

1. Time have value. Watchout for the time value of money. A $1 now is of greater
value than $1 at year end.
2. Options have value. Keeping the decision options opened have value. If two
plans give the same return, go for the one with greater options. A 3% interest rate for a
6-month and a 12-month fixed deposits are not equal in value.
What to do with the Profits
Firstly, we realize that "Lay up treasures in heaven, not on earth Mt 6:20". Hence, the 1st
portion of the profit is for the Lord. Secondly, profits is put back into the business as longer term
investment for the future profits. Lastly, take it out and distribute to the owners (shares-holders)
as returns for their investment.

BJ#10 Customer Perspective

Defining Your Customers - Who ?
We need to consider carefully the group(s) of customers that we can serve best. Do your
customers really see the values you claim to deliver to them. It is always best to ask them. They
may not fully appreciate what you products or services can do for them. Please see the mind
map below to find out how you can segment your customers for better value delivery; to
understand that customer's value-curve has multiple factors - utility and emotional ones. You
are to create a value-curve that differentiate yourself from your competitors. Finally, the value
the customer pays you is dependent on the market and competitive offering. Customer buying
decision is more emotional than rational. It is an experience.

Customer's Experience
Whether a customer will be your long term client depends on his experience with you. A good
packaging is important in attracting the potential customers for a try. However, you must deliver
the real excellent value in the use of your products or services.
1. Exceeds the Competitor

Mat 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the
righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of
Applying the above in business, the value we deliver must exceed that of our
competitors that we may enter into the heart of our customers to enjoy a long term

2. Price is dependent on the Value Given

Mark 4:24-25 (KJV) with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto
you that hear shall more be given. [25] For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he
that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.

The value they give to you is proportional to the value you deliver to them. If you don't
deliver real value, you will loose your business soon.

3. Delighting Them - Exceeds their Expectation

Mt 5:39-42 is all about exceeding the expectation of the customers. Please note also
that giving is based on what you have and can. Don't borrow to give and

4. Do not make promises that you can't deliver. see also Mat 5:37.

5. Quality at the Core

Most organization go for ISO certification to gain recognition for quality. In reality, the
spirit of quality is seldom instilled in the staff. They do the necessary to pass the exam
but see extra work as a necessary evil. Mat 5:22, 2:28 shows us that we must embrace
quality in our Heart, Head and the Hand.

6. Be Bold in Facing the Defects and Handling Complains

As in Mat 5:29-30, face up with realities in our organization and take the bold and tough
steps of cutting off units, departments, teams or even people for not delivering after
attempts to train, change or develop them. The market and technology may have moved
and you have to face up withe realities to cut them out. Don't let the sick part of
department or people destroy the whole company.

7. Branding

Most people think of branding as just telling. Branding is much more than nice packaging
and a catchy message. Branding is acquired after a long series of experience by many
customers. The fastest way to destroy a brand is to tell one thing and deliver another
thing. Branding is "Projecting Right Kind of Image and Making sure the Image is Really
you." It is what comes from the hearts - revealed in what you said and delivered in the
long run that creates the branding of who you are and what you stand for. Mark 7:18-23.
It is your differentiating and consolidated identity . A good brand is reason for
employees, investors and customers to want to do business with you and your asset for
long term survival & profitability.

8. Outcomes vs Output

Outcomes are Customers' purchase orders, goods received in good order and payment
Outputs are the things you do or deliver to the customers. Spending lots of time, output
measures in man-hours, with customers may not leads to the right Outcome - signed

Hence, make sure you spend your output wisely :

 Make sure you are doing the right things with the customers.
 Listens carefully to his needs; expressed, implied, unawared.
 Make sure your proposal deliver the right value to him.
 May need to demonstrate your ability to deliver to gain trust in proposal stage.
 A signed contract is a trust. Customer trusts that you can deliver according to
your promise.
 Your price can be lower than competitors and still loose the deal because of lack
of trust
Customers Relationship is, in the 1st and final analysis, about trust. Customers give you
the contract and the money trusting that you deliver according to your promise to him. If you
delivery according to promise or more, the trust increases and the Customers are likely to give
you more work. Any failure though, is breach of trust and will result in reduced confidence in
you. Take care that you think for your customer, in setting expectation, making promises and
then delivery more than your promises to create a delightful experience with your products and

Bible for Business Seminar#11 Customers & Blue Ocean Strategy

For the Customer Perspective in the Strategy Driven Map Balanced Scorecard, we must know
the following:
1. The Offering is a multi-dimensional vector of factors like price, features, service,
branding and so forth. The vector of the offering is known as a Strategy Curve in the
Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) methodology.
2. Customer buying decision is both rational and emotional. The encounter brings
an experience. Frequent pleasant experience causes Engagement and brings Loyalty,
Customer Profitability and Lifetime value.
3. We must segment our market so that we can address the customers needs
better. Segment tends to be done through demographics like sex, age, incomes, etc. A
more precision and effective approach is by the 'task' or 'job' performed. e.g. washing
machine for the housewives, Visical for the business manager or accountants etc.
4. The values that Customers desire have moved from Rational, Emotional into
Human Values and Significance. Customers may pay more for a product that is
'sustainable' - ie. protect the environment in its manufacturing and use.
We discussed Blue Ocean Strategy in details and with examples like Cirque du Soleil,
Southwest Airline, MacDonalds etc. The methodology includes the Strategy Canvas, The 6
pathways to identify factors, and then applying ERRC (Eliminate, Reduce, Raise, Create) to
come out with your unique Strategy Curve, looking at 3 tiers of non-customers, BOI Index
(Buyer Utility, Price, Cost, Adoption), The Matrix of Buyer Utility Map, Profit Model and Pricing

We also discussed the need for Re-positioning, using Blockbuster (VRC Rental), Netflix (
Internet DVD Rental) , and Video-on-Demand and Apple iPod as an example of how the market
shifted with technology changes.

Finally, we discussed Customer Relationship, see point 2 above.

About 10 people came together for the Seminar. The overall rating was 90% with Length of talk
scoring 100%, followed by Subject area coverage, Tech Level, Speaker Knowledge at 94%, and
lowest Time of Talk at 80%. The feedbacks were:

Like Best
 Application and example
 About the chart comparison of various circus
 Blue Ocean Strategy & Application in real life example eg Google
 Red Ocean and Blue Ocean Strategy
 should use some pictures or logos to capture our vision while showing so we can enjoy
the session more
 Is it possible to take this seminar as a case study - how to market to more people -
through email to other churches, advertisement

aking Back the Initiative - Going the Extra Mile

With reference Mat 5:38-48, especially v39, "...But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn
to him the other also", many people are confused about what it means. Some people even
misunderstand it to mean Christians are to give in to bullies.

In the passage, we have the contrasting teachings of the world and the kingdom of God.
The worldly teaching is
1. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. vs38
2. You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. vs43
In contrast, the Kingdom of God's teaching is:
1. Do not resist the one who is evil - give more than than he needs. v39-42
2. Love your enemies & pray for those who persecute you.
In v39, we must first differentiate the 'one', the person, from his 'evil' deed. The evil deed is
defined in the context of slapping (one has not such right to hit another), suing to take tunic ( he
is using legal means to get something that is probably not his), going the extra mile ( the special
privilege of the Roman soldier) and so forth. The evil is making unreasonable demand on

Surprise him - Do more than is Needed!

The worldly wisdom is for us to fight for our own right and to strike back or counter sue. Here,
Kingdom's teaching wants us to look the need of the person who resorted to such evil act. He
must be in dire needs to do such thing. Our reaction is not to fight back, but to find out the
person's motivation and needs behind those evil actions. Jesus want us to ignore the bad acts
and to empathize with the person and to help him instead. We need to go deeper to fix the
problem at the root. Instead of fighting back, we ask "why are you doing it?", "what is your real
need". Once we find out, we go out of our way to truly help him out.

Making unexpected reaction will surprise the aggressor (he expected us to fight back) and we
take back the initiative so that we can be in position to influence and change the outcome for

Let's go One Step Further!

Not resisting evil and going the extra-mile while is good, is still not good enough. It is relatively
passive in helping others; we are waiting for them to take action first before we response. So,
Jesus go further in v44 that we should take the proactive step of loving enemy; praying for them

Before we argue with God that it is impossible for us to that, we need to know that God already
know that we could not. That is why God has given us Jesus Christ in us to enable us. Because
we are children of God with God's identity, then we could what God want us to do (v45, 48). We
are to love with the love of Jesus that is in us. I call this the Rhodium Rule (Rodium is about 4-6
times the price of Platinum). As a side track, the three rules of love are:
1. The Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would others do unto you (empathy is
2. The Platinum Rule - Do Unto Others as They Would Have You Do Unto Them
(Do they know what is best for themselves?)
3. The Rhodium Rule - Do unto others as Jesus would have us do unto them (For
their Good from God's viewpoint).
Applying Them in Our Lives
We can apply the "Going the Extra Mile Rule" in our lives - in our business, family, and friends
tec. In business, it means delighting the customers and differentiating our services from our
competitors. Innovation Rules (BVITS's Intensified/Extremity) operator) tells us to look the
needs and feedback not just from our normal customers, but the extreme ends of our
customers. Those that are extremely happy with us and those that hate us. Digging deeper into
their feedbacks can tell us a lot about our product and services and give us leads on to how to
improve our products and services.

In business, going the extra mile for staff means

1. as staff: giving our best in our works from our hearts as if we are working for
Jesus Christ (Eph 6:5-8).
2. as bosses: treating our staff with fairness, recognition, appreciation, trust and
delegation of decision making authority, accountability and forgiveness for failures (Eph
As a spouse, as parent, as children, etc are all covered well in Eph and Col.
Posted by Liat Lim at 10:05 pm

Business Value Innovative Thinking Symbols

BVITS is a systematic thinking methods for creative and breakthrough ideas on demand. By
following BVITS, users can come out with break through ideas easily. BVITS is easy to learn but
it is extensible to suit the domain of your problems or business.
BVITS is an integration of many creative and innovative thinking methods, visual and mind
mapping, axiomatic design, system thinking and others for breakthrough innovative thinking. It
is useful for generating new innovative ideas, problem solving, process re-engineering, new
products and services, and even Business Strategies and policies.

Innovative thinking differs from just creative thinking in that the thinking must result in
providing business value to the users of the methods, services or products.

BVITS is shown in the diagram below:

BVITS has 3 Key Steps and Components

1. System & Environment: Relate the System-Object to its environment.

2. Operator Symbols: Apply the Operators to System+Environment.
BVITS has 10 thinking operators represented by the simple symbols of - take out,+
combine, x multiply, / divide, ζ irregularize, ←adopt, →outsource, ~ invert, ∞
intensify, v drop-in or pictorially shown later.
3. Dimension of space, time, transformation and others. The Thinking Symbol Operator
when applied to System+Environment can be done across the Dimension of space, time
and transformation.
BVITS can be used for ideas generation or problem solving. In this overview, we will use it for
idea generations.

For the first example, we use a product for illustration. Let take a desktop computer.


First step is to identify the system and relate to its environment.

1a. System Components: CPU, Storage, Monitor, Keyboard and mouse.

1b. Environment: Printer, Power, Table, TV, Tape-Recorder, Network, Lights

We need not be exhaustive at first. BVITS is a iterative method. We can analyze the system and
its environment more when we reach a jam.

System does not exists alone. It is related to its environment. The boundary and interfaces
between the systems and the environment, and the components in the environment provides
opportunities for new innovations or answers to the problems faced in the system. As proponents
of Triz method like to say "the solution to the problems lies in its environment".

Step two is to Apply the Operator

Which operator to start with is not important. We are also encourage to combine the operators.
The generate ideas through the various combinations are to challenge our mind and break our
thinking inertia. Hence it is important not to throw out the ideas immediately as nonsense or
impractical. It is to challenge to think of possible uses and value of the proposed ideas.

Operator + Combine

Combine is to merge two or more parts into one part while still providing the same functions as
before. Other wording for combine is converge, unify or consolidate.

Product ideas:

 Merge CPU+Monitor+Keyboard+Mouse into one unit .... that is a Laptop.

 Combine Keyboard+Mouse into a single piece .... keyboard with a trackball, keyboard
with button type joy-stick, touchpad (no mouse but achieves the function of a mouse).
 Combine Storage + Monitor ?
 Combine CPU+Storage... the Brick Computer - A cheap portable.

Operator - Take Out

Take away, minus, one or more component of the system.

 Computer without CPU .... a modular computer with easy CPU upgrades.
 Computer without Storage ... a network Java computer.
 Computer without keyboard and mouse monitor... server farm.
 Computer less CPU, keyboards etc with only storage.... network storage system or thumb

Operator / Divide

Divide is to segment the system or components further and/or make it removable/pluggable

 from fixed disk storage to removable storage.

 divide the disk storage further --- multiple disks, USB disk, cd-rom, etc.
 divide the CPU further - special processors for Disc IO, graphics processor, etc.
 divide the keyboard further ... folderable keyboards, numeric pad only, etc.
 divide the monitor further .... the multiple windows system (by software), multiple
monitors handle by one cpu.

Operator x Multiply

Create multiple copies of the components and/or change some properties of copies.

 multiply cpus .... dual core, quad core, multiple processors

 multiply Computers... grid computing
 multiply monitors... newer laptop now can support extended window on another screen.
 multiply keyboards... multi-users shared one computer. This is great savings.

Operator → outsource
Replace a component/function from the system by an object in the environment.

 replace the monitor by the TV in the environment instead.... Apple II c micro-computer,

the US$100 pc.
 remove the storage and use the Network for storage .... network storage, internet storage;
or Disc Storage by Tape/VCR.
 remove the keyboard and use finger or pen of the operator ... touch screen input, the tablet
 outsource CPU to the environment ... Biocomputing ?

Operator ← Adopt

Take a function presently done the Environment and get it done by the System. This is the
opposite of outsource.

 Bring TV into the computer - Computer with TV-add on allowing watching TV on

computer screen.
 Bring Tape recording function into the computer - ability to play and store music with
mp3 software/media player.
 Bring Printer into the Computer - New HP computer with printer incorporated.
 Bring TV, tape-recorder, etc into the computer - Media Center PC, Apple.

Operator ζ irregularize

Make the properties of the system or its components non-uniform or irregular. Symmetry is a
typical psychological inertia of our mind. Making it irregular breaks this inertia. Symmetry
means unchanging with respect to certain axis or property. To break the symmetry, just create a
dependency relationships between properties of the system components or the system and its

 Create a dependency between Computer and Table - furniture tailored made for computer
or vice versa. Make computer a decoration piece of furniture.
 Create a dependency between TV and computer. Let the computer control the TV or vice
versa (Invert Operator)
 Create a dependency between computer and lights - the LCD panel light is dependent on
the environmental lightings e.g. Acer ambient light sensitive LCD Laptop.

Operator ~ invert

Reverse the relationships between the components of the system or its relationships with the
environment. The relationship can be relative spatial, time or other physical attributes as in the
Dimension described above.

Invert Operator is the most common operator taught in Creative Thinking.

 Inversing the Desktop components spatial relationships into all integrated one give rise to
the laptop computer.
 We can also split out all the components of the computer into separate single function
standalone portable components e.g. portable drive, thumb-drive. monitor of different
types, keyboards, mouse, etc.

Operator ∞ intensify

Change a parameter of the system or its component and increase it to the extreme value either
positive or negative direction.

 Intensify CPU - have super-computing power.

 intensify Storage - unlimited storage on one end or no-storage on the other.
 intensify Monitor - super large monitor or super-small monitor (wearable spectacle's
 intensify Keyboard - super large keyboard, special keyboard, or no keyboard for disable
 Changing the size of the Desktop computer gives portable, laptop, ultra-laptop, PDA,
wearable. The wearable computers uses many operators described in BVITS
(keyboardless(voice command), small visor for monitor, power by motions, clothing as
conductor etc.)

Operator v drop-in
Learn from the best practices of other industries, countries & cultures or living organisms and
apply it to the system and its environment.

 Learning from the Aircraft industries to ensure secured and reliable software and to make
reliable hardware.
 Learning from different languages such as Chinese Input to enhance English input
methods with picking from a list of possible words.

Step 3 Introducing Another Dimension

In step 2 when we apply the operator on the system & environment, we tend to think in terms of
physical objects or group of people if we use BVITS for management. Dimension tells us there
are more ways to look at the issue. For those familiar with Triz, this Dimension thing provides of
breaking of contradictions (A Contradiction is a dilemma that requires two conflict attributes to
exist at the same time. See Triz literatures for physical and technical contradictions).

When we can't say Divide an component into physically, we can divide them across the time
dimension, or change its physical state of solid into say liquid or gas and so forth. We could
applies the dimension together say at the beginning it is liquid and later it is solid (e.g. Concrete).

Dimension can be

1. Space:
1. where, location
2. Magnitude
3. 2 D Shape & Area Size
4. 3 D Volume or Another Dimension
5. Relationships between 2 or more objects
1. inside, cover, outside, Nesting
2. left, right, top, bottom
3. upside down
4. tilt at an angle, from horizontal (on table), mount it on wall
5. from vertical relationship to horizontal relationship
6. centralized, decentralized
7. first -> last
6. speed
1. Mobility
2. continuous improvement
3. dynamic teams
4. vibration - resonant frequency
2. Time:
1. start, duration, end
2. pre-action, in-action, post-action
3. stages of a life-cycle
4. frequency
5. time of day, week, seasons,
6. states change
7. sequence, timing
8. concurrent actions
3. Transformation:
1. color and its transparency
2. solid-liquid-gas
3. fixed, joints, multiple joints, flexible
4. smooth, holes, porous
5. gravity, mechanical, thermal, chemical, sonar, electromagnetic
4. Others:
1. optimization, introduce intermediary, self-serve

Consolidating and Actualization

The Operators can be used in conjunctions to generate many ideas. The ideas can be consolidated
into new innovative product.

Ideas Generator Program

The BVITS methods described here can be easily computerized. In fact, it is better for a machine
to generate ideas than for us to manually go through them. It will prevent our bias and inertia
from stopping the seemingly ridiculous ideas.

The program is written with the Axon Idea Processor It is included as a program in the
Generator Demo Section of the Axon software.

You can try it by downloading the trial version and test it out. It is also my pleasure to introduce
Axon Idea Processor to you for your other thinking work.

BJ#10a Golden Rule of Service

In BJ#1 The Golden Rule for Business Success We have Mat 6:33 as the Golden Rule of
Business. The next golden rule, for serving our customers, is the Golden Rule of Service
 Mt 7:12 "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is
the Law and the Prophets.
There are two key points to this rule.

Firstly, the obvious one, it is about understanding their needs and then creating products and
services that meet their needs - i.e. delivering the value that customers want.

Secondly, by taking a perspective of time , it is about continually create new value for our
customers. This is to be done through dedication, passion and innovativeness.

"Industrial Clock-speed" by Charles H. Fine and "Living on the Fault Line" by Geoffrey A.
Moore teach us that the competitive advantage created by a once great innovation is not
sustainable in the long run. In the long run, the competitors and other industry factors will catch-
up and commoditize the innovation. A continuous innovative culture must be fostered for the
long term success of a company.

BJ#11 Process & Execution

Talking is Just the Start - Need to Do it
Most people have the understanding that talking is enough. Issues are raised in meeting and
ended when the meeting ends. There is no follow-up work. They, even CEOs, may feel that
their job is to raise the issue and others are to do the work. Knowing the issue and do nothing
about it is like building on the sands Mt 7:24-27 ... the rain descended, the floods came,.... great
was its fall. Business Magazine surveys show that <10% style="font-weight: bold;">Doing is
About Process
We need to design and align the Processes that deliver the maximum impact on our chosen
customers. In the Strategy Map driven Balanced Scorecard We have set-up measures and
targets for the Internal Process Strategic Objectives (SO). If we have SO and there is no
process, we need to design one. If there is a process, but the SO target is not achieved, then
we need to change the process to one that can achieve the target.

Just Do it
Once we have designed the Process, then we must boldly do it accordingly. Go the customers
and deliver your product & services - Mark 1:39 Jesus went to their meeting places to preach
and cast out demons. Do not worry Mat 6:34 (this verse does not tell us not to plan, just not to
worry but trust God). Do those thongs under your control, leave the growing or changes to God.
 Mark 4:26-29 (KJV) ... a man should cast seed into the ground; [27] And should sleep,
and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. [28] For
the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the
ear. [29] But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the
harvest is come.
Operation Excellence
Almost all companies' strategies include the Operation Excellence theme. It involves principles
taught by Jesus.
1. Proper Use of Things.
Mark 2:21 a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be
set on a candlestick?
2. Watchout for the Multiplier Effects - Both ways - For Good or Bad
Mark 4:30-32 (KJV) [31] It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the
earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: [32] But when it is sown, it groweth
up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the
fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.
3. Sharing of Best Practices
Mark 5:19 (KJV) Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy
friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had
compassion on thee.
4. Internalize the Practice, not just for show (or to pass ISO certification)
Seeing the practice as a guide for efficiency and effectiveness and not as a necessary
evils improve the performance in the long run. Following them not just to the letters of
the laws but in the spirit is key for productivity.
 Fasting Mat 6:18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father
which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
 Giving Mat 6:4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in
secret himself shall reward thee openly.
 Praying Mat 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when
thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth
in secret shall reward thee openly.

5. The Template - Get them Aligned towards Types of Customers Served.

Typical company processes have the following and we need to have processes
designed for them. The key is not just the processes but the design must be aligned to
deliver the impact on the customers. For example, a company trying to build intimate key
customer relationship must have its processes tuned to deliver that intimate relationship
of trust, flexibility, innovation etc. It cannot be supported by a process that produce
goods and services for the general customers. e.g. Dell's processes for the retail
customers cannot be used to support IBM's key intimate customers.

The Value Chain:

Supply (SCM) -> Production -> Distribute -> Customer (CRM)
...............\---- Corp Perf Mgt (EIS, ESS, CPM) --/

For Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the selection, acquiring, retention and

There is need for Innovation and also to be aware of the Government and other
Regulatory controls. There is a need for Risk Management through out the engagement
process from Customers to the Suppliers.

6. Innovation
This area is the greatest needs for any company to days. With globalization and Internet,
many barriers are broken. Breaking free from commoditized world and markets by
creating your own new differentiated market needs innovations. Innovations is more than
just technology breakthrough. It could be in processes, services, and business models.
There are many companies selling breads but Breadtalk seems to out shine and out run
others. Old Chang Kee used to be just a small shop selling Curry Puff but is now an
internationally business.

Innovation relates to creativity. Most people were taught that Creativity means Breaking
Rules. That is not a correct wording. Breaking Rules should be changed to "Breaking
man made traditions, prejudices, biases, lies and deception" and "Knowing the Real

 John 8:32 ... know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Lie is an untruth or deception that we thought is the truth and that binds us.

Creativity is not limited by lack resources. Everyone can do more when given more. The
larger companies you are competing with have more resources to outdo you. It takes
creativity to do more with less. Please read my BVITS for systematic break through
innovations and my blog on thinking to become more innovative.
7. Follow Deming - Blame the System not the Trained People

If a process does not deliver the targets, change the process and not blame the people,
especially when they have be trained do the job accordingly. Please read the writings of
E W Deming. The key thoughts are:

 All measure has a value and a variation. Take actions only when they are out of
control limits. Don't jump on variation within the limits.
 Don't fire the people when the system is at faults
See also Bible for Business Seminar#12 Processes

Bible for Business Seminar#12 Processes

About 10 of us get together for the seminar#12 on Processes and Operation Excellence.

The Aims or Strategic Themes for Processes are usually

1. Efficiency - change cost structures, digitize processes

2. Differentiation - becoming a customer centric enterprise
3. Resilience & Agility - Ensure stability and flexibility
Vision and Strategies without Processes to deliver them will remains as unfulfilled dreams. Mat
7:24-27 tells us to do it to have a strong foundation.

People who are doing Strategic Map driven Balanced Scorecard tend to be very concern about
the possible effort and need to revamp processes. Processes are the how's to achieve the
Strategic Objective Targets. If the present processes are able to achieve the targets, then there
is no need to change the existing processes. If the existing processes are not delivering the
targeted results, then resources (money and man effort) must be spent, known as Strategic
Initiatives, to improve or re-design the processes.

The typical Inductive Bible Study Method of Observation, Interpretation & Application will not
benefit us if we do not apply what we learned into practice. The Bible teaches us the following
Operation Principles.

Operation Excellence Principles

1. Just Do it:
 Mat 6:34, Mark 4:26-29
2. Go & See:
 Mark 1:39
3. Right Usage:
 Mark 2:21
 Fishbone Chart (5ME/6M, 8P's, 4 S's), Root Cause Analysis.
4. Alignment: Align Processes to deliver the offering to the Customer Segments
5. Butterfly Effect - Attention to Details.
 Mark 4:30-32, Luke 16:10.
 The 6-Sigma Methodology: control variation, optimize, breakthrough.
 Improvement with DMAIC: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.
 Design with DMADV - Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify.
6. Sharing of Best Practices
 Mark 5:19
 Knowledge Management
7. Internalize The Practices (Not for Show Only)
 Mat 6:18 Fasting
 Mat 5:4 Giving
 Mat 6:6 Praying
8. Working like Owners - Law of Promotion
 Luke 16:11
9. No Waste, Be Lean
 Mat 14:20
 Lean Methodology - Eliminate Waste All the Time
 5 Principles - Value (no waste), Value-Stream, Flow, Pull, Perfection
 Waste are: waiting, over-production, rework, motion, processing waste,
inventory, transportation and waste of Talent.
 Flow - Have the "Decision Rights" with the right "Information Flow" are
more important than "Motivators" & "Organisation Structure" for successful execution.
10. Innovation
 Operation Innovation guides are
 set stretched goals - Mat 5:20
 look for role models in other industry
 identify and eliminate constraining assumptions - John 8:32
 rethink the work - purpose, environment, information needs, tools, etc.
See Lean Methodology above.
11. System & People - Sabbath for the People
 Mark 2:27
 Don’t Attribute System Variation to People and wrongly punish or reward the
 See E W Deming's Profound Knowledge, Read Beans Experiment.

BJ#12 Learning & Growth - Strategic Job Roles

After you have picked the customers you want to serve, designed the processes that will deliver
the maximum impact on the customers, you now need to define the scope of work for the staff
to do. This scope of work is known as "Strategic Job Roles" or "Strategic Job families". The
person doing this job must have the necessary skills i.e. competence at the job. In a small start-
up, a person may need to multi-task and have to do multiple "Strategic Jobs". For a large
company, there could be many people doing the same "Strategic Job". For an existing
company, there may need to be a re-assignment of job duties so that people are taking up
strategy jobs and leaving the non-strategy jobs ( they can be outsourced too.).

Examples in Church Organization

Eph 5:11-12 shows us that the Church has the Five-Fold ministries (Strategic Job Roles) of
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. In Rom 12:6-13 and 1 Cor 12:28, we find
other job roles. e.g. healers, miracle workers, helpers/ Servers, organizers /ruler/managers,
giver, exhorter (coaches?), and those that Sheweth-mercy.

All working together in unity as members of the body of Christ to build each other up into
maturity and fullness in Christ. Eph 4:13.

In the OT, we can find the proper organization of processes and distribution of Job Roles(Tasks)
towards accomplishing the worship of God and life in God. In the Book of Numbers we have
Distribution of Tasks and The Levi Groups, Processes, Distribution of Work from Moses to 70
Elders 11:6, Trumpets and Signals - Command Control Communications for Orderly Movement

Competence & Training

As a company, you need to develop your staff. But you need to develop your staff according to
your strategies and the derived "Strategic Job Roles or Job Families". Your staff must have the
right competence level to perform the tasks either through training or self-learning.
 Integrity or Trust = honesty + ability
Integrity is more than just being honest. It must have the ability or competence to deliver the
promised. It is only in meeting the expectation that trust can be earned.

A common misunderstanding about training is to treat it as a rewards. Staff are sent for training
because of some good performance. This creates two problems with training. Firstly, if training
is a rewards, then I do not need to learn well. Secondly, the staff is likely to be sent to a training
that has nothing to do with his job. It is not unusual to hear people attending training saying "I
am not sure why I am sent to this training". Mat 7:6 shows us that your good intentions may not
be appreciated. We have the following 2 principles for training.
1. Training should be planned according to the Strategies of the Company
2. Staff attending the training should be briefed properly on the purposes and
expectations of the training.
Teaching Methods
1. Teaching by Engaging Full Channels
Everyone has their own learning styles. Some prefers listening to lectures while others
prefer reading. Some learn better through pictures. Some prefer watching a movie. We
have the 5 senses - hear, see, feel/touch, taste and smell and one more, motion or
learning by play-acting. See Maximize Learning Channels how Jesus instituted Baptism
and the Holy Communion as wonderful object lessons for us to remember the teachings

2. Teaching by Story-Telling
Jesus frequently taught the people through parables - ie.. stories. A story facilitates a

return to the basics of human connection, inspiration and common purpose. The
power of a story to breakdown fences and get conviction can be seen in the story told by
Prophet Nathan to King David to get David convicted of his act of murder. (2 Sam 12:1-
Watch out for False Prophets (Mat 7:15-20). "by their fruits ye shall know them" teaches us to
select our Trainers, Consultants or Mentors carefully. Ask for references and see their works
and not just hear their speeches and their brochures.
Our Attitudes towards Training & Learning
There is a famous saying - "You can bring the horse to the water but you cannot force the horse
to drink". We can send our staff for training but we cannot be sure he can learned. The word
"Training" put the responsibility of gaining-skill unto the trainers. Some organization prefer to
use the word "Learning" to highlight the responsibility of gaining-skill is with the staff - the
learner. We could say that Company provide Training and Development opportunities and we
the staff must do the learning - acquiring of skills and knowledge. The important guides for
learning are:
1. Learning is a never ending process. If we don't learn, we don't grow. By staying
still, we would be left behind. We should always stay up-to-date.
2. There is no short-cut to life. Mat 7:13-14 read the Message Bible version.
3. By tutoring others we also learned. Mat 7:12.
4. Have courage, confidence and ask, seek, explore and you shall surely find. Mat
5. Going for Excellence - Beyond Normal Expectation. Mat 5:3-12 The Beatitudes.
Your may want to compare it with the teaching from the Ancient Chinese on learning. See Mind
Value: What Ancient Chinese Can Teach Us about Learning

Succession Planning and Coaching

One major success factor of Jesus' Ministry is "Disciplining" - Creating your own clones that
they will also make their clones. Mark 3:14-15, Mark 6:7-13 contains the methods Jesus used to
train up his 12 disciples. It is teaching, practical practices and feedback. Luke 10:1-17 show
Jesus picked 70 disciples and send them out and review their experience.

Matching of Personal & Corporate Goals

The corporate objectives are successively cascaded downwards from unit to department to
teams to individuals. Individual must align their own personal goals with the corporate goals.
Any mis-alignment will result in poor performance and dissatisfaction.

Bible for Business Seminar#13 Learning & Growth

12 of us met together to for the topic Learning & Growth . The additional information covered
1. Using the 5-fold ministries of the Church model into Business Organization.
 Apostles as church planters are comparable to the Entrepreneur starting new
businesses and/or in new countries. The key to send the 1st rate staff to opening new
businesses and not the 'who want to go' staff. Local companies tend to send their 2nd
rate staff to open up new territory and loosing them later as they could never come back
to HQ because their vacated position would be filled up. This must be fixed for a
globalizing company.
 Prophets are equivalent to the Intelligence Officer or the Scout. They collect
market intelligence, scan the PEST, and keep the company informed of the trends and
happening the the forefront. Scanning and picking opportunities or sensing pending
dangers are very important in this fast changing world. "Re-positioning" with respect to
the customers and offerings is a constant need of business.
 Evangelists are the offering marketeers of the company.
 Pastors are Teachers are the developers of the company equivalent to the HR
Directors & Trainers/Consultants, continuing ensuring talent peopled are recruited,
developed, retained, motivated and challenge to give of the their best to accomplishing
the company's strategies and vision.
 In Rom 12:6-13 and 1 Cor 12:28, we find other operational and supporting roles.
The key is to remember that jobs(roles) are to be derived from strategic processes.
2. Readiness
 How can you tell how ready are you to execute the strategies?
 The HR readiness is measured by (over the total job roles)
= Actual_No_of_Certified_People/Required_No_of_Certified_People
 For IT and other support applications can be measured similarity by introducing
the stages of readiness. e.g. feasibility study, project-approved, started, development,
testing, pilot, delivered.
 For organizational & culture readiness, we speak of matching of staff personal
goals & corporate objectives. The extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Leadership (Servant
Leadership). Change Agenda - Communications+Communications of mission, vision,
strategies, goals.
3. 4 Types of Listeners & 4 Types of Staff
 In the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:3-20), Jesus shared that there were 4 types of
listeners, despite all your good effort in trying to communicate and motivate (it is the
same Word that is shared to the 4 types of listeners) with four very different outcomes.
 1. Paths - Indifferent and Disengaged Staff.
 They are not interested in doing or improving things.
 May be they are victims of many initiatives and frequent changes in
strategies that they don't see the good results of anything 'new' initiatives.
 They are the depressed and given-up staff.
 If not motivated and changed, they may degrade to be actively
disengaged staff that will sabotage the work of others.
 Their bad attitudes and behaviour may spread and caused others to
follow suit.
 The answer is to change them or get rid of them.
 2. Rocks - Head Only Listeners
 They are excited quickly and rush to implement.
 They are easily discouraged and give up especially when they do not see
short term results.
 Very often, their failures are due to misunderstanding, lack of depth of
knowledge, lack of preparation and unrealistic expectations.
 3. Thorns - Own Agendas
 They have different agendas than the corporates.
 They will do only those corporate objectives that agree with their goals.
 Answer: align staff & corporate goals. Go for win-win. Never compromise.
 4. Soils - Heart, Head, Hand & Habits
 The 4 Hs are the terms used in "Lead like Jesus" for ease of
remembering .
 These people not only understand with their minds, but have taken them
into their hearts.
 They are committed to achieving the success and will execute them
 Long term practice makes them good habits that are done without extra
supervision. They produce the fruits.
 Answer: keep them … continually challenge them.
The feedback from the people attending are as follows:
The overall rating is 84% with the higher scores going to Speaker's knowledge 96%, Subject
Area Coverage, length of talk,... and lower scores to technical level 80% and presentation style
 Like Best
 Strategic Planning & Goal Setting
 Five fold theories (5 fold ministry applying to Business)
 Sharing of Experience and Insights by trainer
 Human Resource Capital Management cannot be overemphasized enough.
More often than not, companies tend to overlook the HR aspect, expecting to replace talents
that have exited from the companies, not realizing that it costs them more to replace than to
 Break the lesson into 2 parts if this is necessary.
 Biblical Principles. Never saw the Bible as beng so analytical if we study it
 Encourage us to take personal responsibilities for our own performance & growth
 Like the training. It opens up my mind to more things.
 learning many things about the different aspects of running a business
 4 types of listeners
 Using Church Model to Business
 Overview, concept, 5 aspect of the system.
 Organization challenges & market forces
 Like Least
 some of the principles was too brief due to timing
 Others
 Miss the last 12 lessons. Do I need to know the past lesson.
 Share more examples for application of these theories (Speaker business &
organisation mgt experience)
 Real company case studies
 too much info but could not cover all in tnis 1.5 hrs
 would like to know more about knowledge in sales & marketing.
 want to know about processes, how to break it down/create & communicate it.
 Thank you
 More case studies / situational analysis, apply Jesus' teaching into the
management system.
BJ#13 Learning & Growth - Technology
In TRIZ (Russian for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), a problem solving method that is
gaining popularity among the major corporates and is rated as one of the best Innovative
Thinking methods, there is a principle called "Principle of Idealilty".

 Ideality = Benefits / (Harms + Costs)

An Ideal system is one that gives all the benefits without any harmful effects and without costs.
In other words, an ideal technological system does not exist as a physical entity but fully
performs the required function.

There is another principle in TRIZ, which is relate to the environment (see BVITS for an easier
and wider scoped Innovation Method). The solution to a problem can usually be found in the
environment. We are know that to get rid of the durian taste and smell on our hands or mouths,
we use the water that runs through the durian crust. To get rid of the flies coming to our
exposed foods, we use water stored in transparent plastic bags. See photo below.

What have all these to do with Business and Jesus ?

The answer is that Jesus used the environment to arrive at the ideal Public Address system
when he preached to the crowds on mountains or from boats. Without the modern day PA
systems, how could Jesus preached to five thousands men (if we count the women and
children, we could get 20,000 people) on the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish and to four
thousands people on another 7 loaves and a few fish food-multiplying miracle. With an Ideality
Principle system, we get the effects (PA) without the costs (no equipments to carry, no power
needed, no wires to run etc).

This is not to say that we don't want to use technology. On the contrary, we want to use the best
and continually improve to come out with better ones, for our business and to use them share
the Good News. Having the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16 and Christ In You Col 1:27), we can be
creative and innovative in our work and life.

BJ#14 Learning & Growth - Organization & Culture

There are four key aspects we want to discuss further in Organization and Culture.

1. Communication
Most common error in corporate performance is lack of communication, resulting in
misunderstanding and subsequent internal in-fighting, unintentional conflicts, duplicated and
wasted resources and so forth. Without clear and constant communication, mission, visions,
values and strategies cannot be shared.

In the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:3-20), Jesus shared that there were 4 types of listeners,
despite all your good effort in trying to communicate and motivate (it is the same Word that is
shared to the 4 types of listeners) with four very different outcomes.

1. Paths - Indifferent and Disengaged Staff. They are not interested in doing or
improving things. May be they are victims of many initiatives and frequent changes in
strategies that they don't see the good results of anything 'new' initiatives. They are the
depressed and given-up staff. If not motivated and changed, they may degrade to be
actively disengaged staff that will sabotage the work of others. Their bad attitudes and
behaviour may spread and caused others to follow suit. The answer is to change them
or get rid of them.
2. Rocks - Head Only Listeners. They are excited quickly and rush to implement.
They are easily discouraged and give up especially when they do not see short term
results. Very often, their failures are due to misunderstanding, lack of preparation and
unrealistic expectations.
3. Thorns - Own Agendas. They have different agendas than the corporates. They
will do only those corporate objectives that agree with their goals.
4. Soils - Heart, Head, Hand & Habits. The 4 Hs are the terms used in "Lead like
Jesus" for ease of remembering . These people not only understand with their minds, but
have taken them into their hearts. They are committed to achieving the success and will
execute them (Hands). Long term practice makes them good habits that are done
without extra supervision. They produce the fruits.
The key then is to keep and to develop Type-4 Staff; renew the mindset of Type 3, motivate the
Type 2 and may be get rid of Type 1 after giving them 2nd chance. Selecting the right staff,
identifying their talents, putting them in the right fitting jobs, developing their strength (with the
right managers and mentors) may be a good way to develop type 4 staff. "Discipling like Jesus"
is a good way to follow.

Type 4 4H staff , or Actively Engaged Staff, are so important for the success of corporate that
we find in Num 11:17 that God took the spirit of Moses and put upon the other leaders so that all
can share in the same vision and carry the burdens together.

2. Leadership
Leadership is a subject that is extensively covered in business and biblical literatures. I just want
to highlight the following key points:
 Servant Leadership : Mt 20:26, Mk 9:35-37, Mk 10:43-45 the Greatest Serve. Leadership
is not measured by the number of people serving you but by the number of people you serve
and influence for the corporate and their good. Leaders are to be role models. Leaders lead
from the front. They do first - showing others how to do. Then they teach others and watch while
others do. Finally, they delegate them to do.
 The Heart is more important than the rules. Mt 5:20-22. Go after the heart and just the
head even though you reach the heart through the head and hands (examplified living)
 Pursue of Excellence - Better than the Common Norm Mat 5:43-48 Be ye perfect as your
Father in heaven.
3. Team Work & Alignment
 Team Work is a synergy of differences and not of the same. Accept another's
differences . Rom 14:1, 15:7.
 It is a Body of many and different parts working together. Each part doing its parts
contributing to the well-being of the corporate. Rom 12:4-21. Difference in functions but all equal
in value. Rewards are to be distributed according to the performance and value delivered.
 Unity and Love for One-another is a distinguish attribute of Christians (John 13:35).
Divided we fall , United we stand Mark 3:24-26. We are all ONE is Christ and in the Father John
17:21. Organization and its staff should be similar.
 Segment into Groups for greater effectiveness Mark 6:39-40.
 Be objective in your judgment. Don't fix people. Mat 7:1-5
4. Taking a Break
 Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and
rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

We need to take regular breaks from our routines of business to rest and reflect. To take stock
of life and re-plan.

BJ#15 Competitors
Does the Bible famous "Love your enemies" (Mat 5:44,Luke 6:27,35) apply to business? The
answer seems to be a resounding yes. Grouping of competitors in a particular location seem to
be a powerful drawing force e.g. Sim Lim Square, Funan Building for the IT people. We have
associations of various professional and interest groups to speak as a force, to unify practices,
to establish common interfaces etc. All these co-operative works of competitors together create
productivity not only for themselves but also for the society as a whole. They key is to work
together and yet create your niche of value-add to serve your customers.

Another main reason is that we really don't know who are our competitors in this fast changing
world. Your staff may start a new company to compete with you. Your customers may decide to
take thing in-house instead of buying from you. With so much merges going on, your
competitors may become your associate. e.g. Peoplesoft and Oracle used to be competitors in
application software business until Oracle bought them. Peoplesoft itself has earlier bought over
his competitor JD Edwards.

What could stand the change of times and events is the unchanging principles of God. We
are to love our enemies (competitors). But we are not to go to the other extreme of being
cheated. Mt 10:16 tells us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. "The Arts of War" tells
us that "war is the last and worse course of action".

Finally, we can differentiate the person and his acts. We are to love the person and to hate his
evil acts. In summary, we need not be afraid of our competitors. We can work with them on
certain areas, compete with them on others areas and we are to create our new blue ocean of
market place. At all times, we keep our integrity with biblical based business practices.

May God bless your business as your try to run your business based on His Words.

(this series of articles on Business by Jesus is just the beginning of a compiling of Biblical
Principles for Business. It is a framework where future contents can be easily added and
shared. There are much to be discovered from the Bible for business.)

---updated 18 Jan 2008----

I was re-reading Edwards Deming' The New Economics 2nd ed. On page 56, it says that a
system includes competitors. Competitors can work together to expand the pie of the market
rather than just fight over market share. Competitors can focus together on how to improve the
value, products or services to the customers such as lower costs or environmental protection.
The automobiles industry could focus on producing a safer, more fuel efficient and 'greener'
cars. Toyota is talking about sustainable mobility and sharing its technology in hybrid cars with
others. It is a good example.

ible for Business Seminar#14 Competitors & Summary

We have an intensive coverage of competition and argued that in many cases, working together
brings benefits to members that are competitors! e.g. Co-location create presence and attract
customers; speaking as single voice to address needs of the members; getting Government
support to train the people for the skills needed. The discussion is summarized in the mind-map

The High Performance Organization

So far, we use the Norton&Kaplan Strategy Map Driven Balanced Scorecard(BSC) as the
framework for building successful corporation. It was very methods based. Knowing that
Organization is about People, we look at Corporate Performance from the People's viewpoint
and use Ken Blanchard's work on High Performance Organisation. Please click on the
link HPO to find out more.

We show how Ken Blanchard HPO SCORES model can be mapped to Kaplan Norton's
Strategy-Map and giving us additional insights to how best to run the company for performance.
In a way, it also validates the use of the K&N S-Map framework.
1. Center - Triple Bottom Lines - Investment of Choice is the Financial View of S-
2. Compelling Vision: Purpose and Values - Same the top Mission-Vision-Values of
3. Relentless Focus on Customer Results - Customer perspective of S-Map.
4. Energizing Systems & Structures - This is the "Internal Process" perspective of
5. Shared-Power & High Involvement - This belongs to the Learning-&-Growth
(Organization Capital) perspective of S-Map.
6. Shared Information & Open Communication - Maps to the Learning&Growth
perspective of IT & Infrastructure.
7. On-going Learning - Maps to the Learning&Growth of Human Capital, Knowledge
Management, and the whole implementation of BSC - continued monitoring, learning
and upgrading of the understanding of how the organization should work for higher
The Unified Corporate Performance Model(CPM)

Combining from the literature on CPM, the following Unified CPM Model was presented.

The expanded model is:

The feedback
About 15 people got together for the Seminar. The overall rating was 90% with the higher
scores went to Speaker's knowledge, Expectation Met, and the lower scores to Relevance to
Job 86% and location 82%.

Like Best
 The correct approach to a good leader/organization. E.g. top of hierarchy must set goal
and follow all they way down.
 Lim Liat, excellent sharing tonight! I learnt a lot. I enjoyed very much - driven vs servant
leader, set/create a compelling vision+mission+human sigma.
 Sharing of Experience and Insights by trainer
 Competition, because it is enlightening to know we should not focus on competitions to
keep us on our feet as they can be way off in reading customers' needs. We should focus on
customers as they are the ones who give us our bacon.
 Love your enemies (competitors). Able to see the competitors differently
 More interactions between speakers and among participants
 Team & structure
 High Performance Organization
Like Least
 nil
 to give us topic related to Human Sigma.

Entrepreneur Leadership - Kingdom Principles in Business

Participated in the Chinese FGBF Singapore Kallang organized Asia-Pac Entrepreneurship
Conference as speaker and audience. I learned and benefited much. Since the conference was
in Mandarin, I will share some of learning here in English so that it can benefit the English

The content presented below is my own learning from what I heard and may not be exactly what
the speaker say. If there be any error, it is due to my perception. We see things with our colored
glasses and may only want to hear what we like. As I am writing on the mind-map while
listening, my notes are incomplete too. With that as a warning, let me share what I learned.

From Dr Ma, learn the following keys:

From Dr Jerry Chu, I learn the following keys:
Dr Ian Chung pointed out that mindset of the CEO should be:
The other topics are rather technical in nature and not shared here.

My sharing is on innovation can be found in my mindvalue-blogs and website - BVITS

Innovative Thinking Methods. The spiritual aspect of my talk is shared in this blog.

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