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At the end of 2016, there was a change of land used arround the

intersection of Jalan Danau Toba and Jalan Ranugrati, that was the establishment
of a new shopping center, Giant Sawojajar Malang, located on Jalan Danau Toba,
Kelurahan Lesanpuro, Kecamatan Kedungkandang, Malang. Sawojajar Malang
Giant ShoppingCenter is located in one of the crowded spots that allows traffic and
traffic around at the intersction of Giant Sawojajar Malang highway. From changes
land use and existing problems, it was need to do an eavluation to find out how
much impact the generation and attraction that causd by operating Giant Sawojajar
Malang towards the intersection of Jalan Danau Toba dan simpang Jalan Ranugrati.
In supporting this study, data volumes and vehicle queues are needed with
a valid condition survey for three days starting on Saturday, 17 February 2018 until
Monday, 19 February 2018. Analysis of intersection performance using the
Indonesian road chaos (PKJI) 2014 to calculate the degree of saturation , queue,
and delay. To evaluated the highway service level or intersection performance using
the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 96 of 2015.
Based on the results of the Giant Sawojajar Malang generation and
attraction analysis, the largest vehicle trip rate occurred on Sunday, with a visit rate
of 0.2306 kend / m2 / 15min for incoming motor vehicles and 0.1855 kend / m2 /
15min for outgoing motor vehicles while the incoming car vehicle was 0.0905 kend
/ m2 / 15 minutes and the car came out at 0.0859 kend / m2 / 15 minutes. The results
of Danau Toba Road intersection work. Found the traffic volume that occurred on
Sunday amounted to 1539 credits / hour, the degree of accuracy was 0.89 and the
vehicle delay was 17.65 sec / hour with the level of service C, for the intersection
of Jalan Ranugrati the highest traffic volume occurred on Monday amounting to
2148 credits / hour, degree of saturation of 1.06 and delay of vehicle 136.30 det /
credits with service level of road F. The big impact operations of Giant Sawojajar
for the performance of the big Danau Toba Road intersection that occurred on
Sunday, peak hour days at 18.45 - 19.45 at 5.93%. And the performance of the
intersection before and after the operation of Giant Sawojaulang is seen from the
Road Service Level Index (ITP) never. The magnitude of the degree of saturation
in the two intersections is not due to the influence of the Giant Sawojajar movement,
but also with the movement of traffic and traffic from other places to the Malang
Giant Sawojajar settlement.

Keywords: attraction, trip rate, intersection performance, impact


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