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If it says know it means there is a question on this

- Select all on hypercalcemia

- Select all on 5fu

- Select all on if you get pricked with a needle from aids patient

- Know CD4 numbers and what they mean

- Know acyclovir is for herpes

- Question on mom has herpes answer if no outbreak can have normal delivery

- Chlamydia SS for female before diagnosed

- Prior to insertion of a cervical implant enema prescribed: Answer: nurse understands this is for decreasing
chance of implant being dislodged

- Nurse leads adult wellness class nurse instructs class about risk factors for developing breast cancer nurse
intervenes if Answer: woman with a history of benign breast disease have higher risk of developing breast

- Nurse cares for client diagnosed with cancer of the lung receiving chemo platelet counts of 60000. What’s
appropriate? Answer: Checks bristles on client’s toothbrush

- Testicular exam Answer report hardened lump in testicle to doctor

- Question post op Answer 8ml of output report

- Know stoma should be pink and moist Answer stoma is dry so report

- Know thrombocytopenia and what to look for ecchymosis petechial

- Question child has ALL answer report ecchymosis

- Know post mastectomy positioning

- Question woman had mastectomy years ago. Answer: hang sign above bed

- Know all about DIC

- Know high and low vent alarms and priority of what to assess for

-Know third spacing (Anasarca)

-Know albuterol what it does and side effects

-Know methotrexate 3 questions on this drug

- Know why methotrexate is used with Leucovorin and why

- Know SS for scabies

- Know syphilis SS

- Know Elisa and western blot tests for HIV

- Question on mac disease

- Know 1 part bleach 10 parts water to clean up after AIDS patient

- Patient has high calcium know what to do·

- Question cancer patient vomiting what fluid do you give them all fluids are options

- Know TNM

- Know rife and fire

- Know if you don't hear lung sounds think pneumothorax

-know what diffusion and perfusion are described oddly think question was on

- Know IVS midline port, central line

- Know NADIR

- Know steroids (Prednisone Deltasone) side effects

- Question patient misses dose of prednisone answer call doc

- Know what seropositive and seronegative are

- Question patient on hospice from cancer family in and out Answer: give private room

- Question on internal radiation answer elevate bed 15 degrees

- Know bowel obstruction ABGs

-know what to access after port Insertion

-know 5fu precautions and what to teach

- Know platelet levels and RBCs

- Know Procrit/Epogen

- Question on lobectomy Answer position patient on affected side to facilitate drainage good lung up to allow
lung to expand

- Patient teaching about Adriamycin Red urine

- Question patient says they want to commit suicide: Answer: either ask if they have a plan to commit suicide
or ask them how their feeling about this

- Question on if chemo patient should use a condom I put the answer with them sing condom

- Question on bone marrow aspiration apply pressure 10-15 minutes after

- Radiation treatment do not wash off markings

- Question on thrush

- Several orders from doc Answer elevate head of bed first

- Know all about PEEP like 3 questions

- Question chest tube issue Answer there’s too much drainage

- Question about transporting patient on chest tube Answer take off suction

- Know chest tube water stops bubbling Answer lung has expanded

- Know syphilis is contact precautions

- Know how HIV can be spread

- Know HIV diet high protein high calories and vitamins

- Question about blood transfusion Answer stop transfusion

- Question what to do before transfusion Answer baseline vitals

- Question on PCA pump

- Know what insitu means (pre-cancer)

- Question cardiac markers for breast cancer Answer BRCA 1 and 2

- Know about bone marrow biopsy what it is and nursing interventions

- Question on antineoplastic therapy

- Question on extravasation
. .
- Know bleomycin (Bleo 15K ) medication that treats testicular and Ovarian cancer

- Know tamoxifen (Soltamox) medication that treats Breast Cancer (prevents in women at high risk)

- Know Herceptin (Trastuzumab) medication that treats Breast Cancer

- Question about patient on chemo and sex answer think too tired or something

- Question on MOPP

- Question why use combination of drugs to treat cancer Answer works on diff parts of cell cycle

- Know neutropenic precautions

- Know TLS

- Question on side effects of bone cancer

- Know about SIADH and how it is associated with cancer

- Know Cyclophosphamide and vincristine what they do

- Know leukopenia

- Question on SVC (airway and icp)

- Question on suctioning while on vent Answer hyperventilate

- Know suctioning no longer than 10 secs

- Question on transferring a patient with a chest tube

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