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White Paper: Movement System Diagnoses

in Neurologic Physical Therapy
Lois D. Hedman, PT, DScPT, MS, Lori Quinn, PT, EdD, Kathleen Gill-Body, PT, DPT, NCS, FAPTA,
David A. Brown, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Myla Quiben, PT, PhD, DPT, MS, GCS, NCS,
Nora Riley, PT, PhD, NCS, and Patricia L. Scheets, PT, MHS, DPT, NC

Background and Purpose: The APTA recently established a vision Recommendations for Clinical Practice: The Task Force proposes
for physical therapists to transform society by optimizing movement that diagnostic classifications of movement system problems need
to promote health and wellness, mitigate impairments, and prevent to be developed, tested, and validated with the long-range goal to
disability. An important element of this vision entails the integra- reach consensus on and adoption of a movement system diagnostic
tion of the movement system into the profession, and necessitates framework for clients with neurologic injury or disease states.
the development of movement system diagnoses by physical thera- Video Abstract available for more insights from the authors (see
pists. At this point in time, the profession as a whole has not agreed Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1, available at: http://links.lww.
upon diagnostic classifications or guidelines to assist in developing
movement system diagnoses that will consistently capture an individ- Key words: movement system, movement system diagnosis, stan-
ual’s movement problems. We propose that, going forward, diagnostic dardized tasks
classifications of movement system problems need to be developed,
tested, and validated. The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy’s (JNPT 2018;42: 110–117)
Movement System Task Force was convened to address these issues
with respect to management of movement system problems in pa-
tients with neurologic conditions. The purpose of this article is to
report on the work and recommendations of the Task Force.
Summary of Key Findings: The Task Force identified 4 essential T he APTA House of Delegates adopted a new vision for the
profession in 2013— “transforming society by optimiz-
ing movement to improve the human experience.”1 One of the
elements necessary to develop and implement movement system di-
agnoses for patients with primarily neurologic involvement from ex-
guiding principles associated with the vision is that the move-
isting movement system classifications. The Task Force considered
ment system, defined as “the collection of systems (cardio-
the potential impact of using movement system diagnoses on clinical
vascular, pulmonary, endocrine, integumentary, nervous, and
practice, education and, research. Recommendations were developed
musculoskeletal) that interact to move the body or its compo-
and provided recommendations for potential next steps to broaden
nent parts,”2 would become the core of physical therapist (PT)
this discussion and foster the development of movement system di-
practice, education, and research (Figure 1). With this vision
agnostic classifications.
statement and accompanying identity statements, we extend
an over 40-year discussion3-7 about our professional identity
as experts in the movement system.
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois (L.D.H.); Teachers College, Incorporating the movement system into clinical prac-
Columbia University, New York (L.Q.); Newton-Wellesley Hospital, New-
ton Massachusetts and MGH Institute of Health Professions, Charlestown, tice will require clinicians to evaluate and diagnose movement
Massachusetts (K.G.B.); University of Alabama at Birmingham (D.A.B.); dysfunction.8 While this practice may be inherent for many
University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, Texas PTs, the profession lacks a consistent approach to movement
(M.Q.); St Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa (N.R.); and Infinity Re- analysis and, importantly, lacks the terminology to describe
hab, Wilsonville, Oregon (P.L.S.).
The work of the Movement System Task Force was supported by the Academy movement dysfunction in a standardized manner.
of Neurologic Physical Therapy. Diagnoses identified by physicians that are based on a
The authors presented the Task Force’s work in a poster at the IV STEP meeting person’s health condition are not particularly helpful in guid-
in July 2016 and in an educational section at the 2017 Combined Sections ing rehabilitation because they typically do not link the health
Meeting of the APTA.
condition with specific movement impairments.9-12 Instead,
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citation movement system diagnoses that are created and used by PTs
appears in the printed text and is provided in the HTML and PDF versions will be composed of clinical findings from the PT’s exam-
of this article on the journal’s Web site ( ination to create classifications that are relevant to patient
Correspondence: Lois D. Hedman, PT, DScPT, MS, 645 N. Michigan Ste management.
1100, Chicago, IL 60611 (
Copyright C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA.
The APTA has previously attempted to develop patient
ISSN: 1557-0576/18/4202-0110 classifications, named Practice Patterns (PPs), in the Guide
DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000215 to Physical Therapy Practice Part II (1999). The PPs were

110 JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 White Paper

ucation, and research, and (3) provide recommendations for

potential next steps to broaden this discussion and foster the
development of diagnostic classifications based on the move-
ment system. Although the focus of the Task Force’s work has
been on movement system diagnoses relevant for patients with
primary nervous system involvement, we expect that these
ideas and recommendations may also apply to other areas of
PT practice.


The ANPT Board of Directors invited ANPT members
to apply for a position on the Movement System Task Force
in March 2015. Subsequently, the authors of this article were
chosen to serve on the Task Force. Task force members have
a mean of 30.7 years of experience working with individu-
als with neurologic disorders (range = 22-39 years). They
represent different geographic regions of the United States
(3 Midwest, 2 Northeast, 1 Southeast, and 1 Southwest),
Figure 1. The APTA’s movement system diagram that and varied primary roles (3 academician/researchers, 2 aca-
illustrates the interaction of all the body systems that demician/clinicians, 1 clinician/administrator, and 1 academi-
comprise the movement system (used with permission from cian/clinician/researcher). Of the 7 Task Force members, 3 are
American Physical Therapy Association). American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS)–
certified neurologic clinical specialists, and 1 is dual certified
by the ABPTS as a clinical specialist in both geriatric and
neurologic physical therapy. The Task Force was convened in
organized around pathology/health condition and included de- June 2015 and was charged to (1) develop expertise in the
scriptions of management for each pattern. These PPs were conversation regarding the movement system and diagnosis
never validated13 and were not included in the 3.0 revision of movement system problems by reading, studying, and dis-
of the Guide. Some concerns raised about the PPs were that cussing relevant writings, lectures, and professional materials,
no rationale was provided for sorting by pathology,14 the lan- and (2) develop examples of content (eg, terminology, de-
guage of the PP labels was potentially burdensome,7 and the scriptions, and labels) that may be used to describe human
PPs lacked the specificity necessary to be helpful in prescrib- movement system problems. The group conducted monthly
ing interventions3,7,14 and fostering intervention effectiveness phone conferences and one 2-day face-to-face meeting over
research.3 the 21-month period. The group presented their ideas in an
Achieving success with the profession’s new vision re- education session at the 2017 Combined Sections Meeting of
quires the development of a framework for movement system the APTA.
diagnoses that will be useful in clinical practice, education, Figure 2 depicts the Task Force’s process to develop
and research.15 The concept of diagnosis by PTs has been expertise in the movement system and diagnosis. Task Force
most notably influenced in recent years by the Diagnosis Di-
alog groups,16,17 and in 2015 the APTA endorsed “the de-
velopment of diagnostic labels and/or classification systems
that reflect and contribute to the physical therapist’s ability to
properly and effectively manage disorders of the movement
system.”8 Accordingly, the Academy of Neurologic Physical
Therapy (ANPT) appointed a Movement System Task Force
in 2015 to explore this issue for individuals with primary neu-
rologic dysfunction.
The purpose of this white paper is to report on the current
ideas and recommendations generated by the ANPT Move-
ment System Task Force as a result of 21 months of reviewing
existing literature and resources, and discussing the movement
system and approaches to patient classification. Specifically,
the purpose of this article is to (1) identify the essential ele-
ments necessary to develop and implement movement system
diagnoses for patients with primary neurologic involvement
along with examples of existing movement system classifica- Figure 2. Literature review process that led to the
tions from the literature, (2) discuss the potential impact of development of 4 critical characteristics for developing a
using movement system diagnoses on clinical practice, ed- movement system diagnosis framework.

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA 111

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Hedman et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

members initially read a series of seminal papers about the Table 1. Questions Developed by the Task Force to Guide
professional dialogue regarding the movement system, move- Article Reviews
ment system diagnosis, and physical therapy.3,4,6,7 To under-
1. Did the article describe classifications of patients for one health condition
stand the variety of approaches used to categorize patients into or across health conditions?
meaningful groups, members reviewed articles related to pa- 2. Did the article describe one classification of patients or more than one?
tient classification across physical therapy and other disciplines 3. Did the article describe a classification system related to a single task or
even if this was not the primary intent of the article. Over time, could it be used for a variety of tasks?
members narrowed the focus of the review to articles specific 4. What is the theoretical framework used and/or purpose of the
classification system?
to neurologic conditions. By the end of this process, the Task 5. Are the included classifications related to impairments, activity
Force identified 16 articles that represented varied approaches limitations, and participation restrictions?
to patient classification and/or movement analysis. The group 6. Have the authors provided labels for the classifications? Do they use
then identified 13 characteristics that we thought would be im- standard movement language?
7. Did the article provide a guide to clinical reasoning/decision-making?
portant to consider when assessing the utility of a diagnostic 8. Was an examination process for identifying the patient classifications
classification framework. These characteristics are embedded described? Does the clinical examination lead to movement system
in a set of questions that were used to conduct paired reviews diagnoses?
of each of the 16 articles to determine the presence of these 9. Are the classifications linked to prognosis?
characteristics (Table 1). Two task force members separately 10. Do the classifications lead to evidence-based interventions?
11. Does the classification system include a behavioral component?
reviewed the same articles and reached consensus when they 12. Will the classifications be useful for research?
disagreed. The results from this review are presented in the 13. Have the concepts of the classification system been validated?
Appendix (see the Appendix, Supplemental Digital Content 2,
available at:
Through this process, the Task Force gained an under-
standing of the movement-related classifications that have been demonstrated all 4 of these characteristics, we did find exam-
developed and how the logic used in these approaches might ples of each of these characteristics, as shown in Table 2. More
apply to a diagnostic framework. Based on our comparative details about the characteristics are provided in the second Task
analysis of these classifications, the Task Force then distilled Force recommendation at the end of this article.
4 characteristics that provide a foundation for moving forward The Task Force recognizes that the development and use
in developing movement system diagnoses relevant to patients of movement system diagnoses will have significant effects
with primary neurologic involvement. The Task Force recom- on physical therapy clinical practice, education, and research.
mends that movement system diagnoses should (1) be based on The following sections summarize these anticipated effects
a sound, evidence-based theoretical framework, (2) emphasize and identify likely implications for these areas.
movement observation and analysis of core standardized tasks
as central to the clinical examination and evaluation, (3) repre- CLINICAL PRACTICE
sent a unique cluster of movement observations and associated Clinical reasoning, the thinking and decision-making
examination findings that can impact a variety of tasks, and (4) processes used in clinical practice,18 is a cornerstone of the
provide unique and nonambiguous labels for each movement physical therapy profession. The Patient-Client Management
system diagnosis. While none of the 16 articles we reviewed Model13 identifies the iterative process used by PTs to make

Table 2. Examples of Critical Characteristics for Movement System Diagnoses

Characteristic Example of Each Characteristic
1. Based on sound, evidence-based theoretical Horak et al:55 The BESTest is a science-based approach derived from research around the
framework(s). motor control of balance in nonimpaired and neurologically-impaired individuals
associated with a variety of health conditions. It describes an interactive set of
constructs around the control of the center-of-mass relative to a stable or moving base
of support. Each construct has been reduced to specific tests and measurement variables
that can be used to generate hypotheses about why an individual may be experiencing
loss of balance.
2. Emphasize movement observation and analysis of core Scheets et al:56 This case illustrates how a diagnosis framework guided the clinical
standardized tasks as central to the clinical examination. examination process and led to the identification of 3 movement system diagnoses for a
patient after hip fracture. The appendices describe a detailed clinical examination
including movement observation of selected tasks.
3. Comprise a set of movement system diagnoses that each Quinn and Busse:52 This categorization was developed to characterize movement
represents a unique cluster of movement observations problems identified in people with Huntington’s disease. The authors identified
and associated examination findings that can impact a task-independent motor control issues such as exercise capacity and performance and
variety of tasks. planning and sequencing of tasks that can be identified with appropriate examination
4. Provide unique and nonambiguous labels for each Hedman et al:57 A consensus-driven Delphi process resulted in expert consensus on the
movement system diagnosis. labels and descriptions for requirements for successful locomotion. The study’s
methodology provides a model for the initial development of diagnostic classifications.
Abbreviation: BESTest, Balance Evaluation Systems Test.

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 White Paper

clinical decisions and manage each patient/client; it consists example of a useful framework to organize and describe move-
of the following elements: examination, evaluation, diagnosis, ment observations in a standard manner across all tasks. The
prognosis, intervention, and outcomes. The Task Force iden- 6 stages of the movement continuum consider movement from
tified 4 of these elements in which use of a movement system its preparation to outcome on the task goal and environment.
diagnosis can inform and strengthen clinical reasoning and The stages and the key movement attributes associated with
decision-making in neurologic physical therapy: examination, each stage are described in Figure 3. Descriptive and quan-
evaluation, diagnosis, and intervention. titative analyses of various functional tasks23,24 will also be
instrumental in identifying the critical aspects of movement
Examination that characterize each stage of a task. Identifying such critical
Physical therapists gather a range of multidimensional aspects of movement for each core standardized task25 could
information during the patient examination. The Guide to lead to the development of a standardized approach to move-
Physical Therapist Practice13 describes examination as includ- ment observation that can then be tested for reliability, validity,
ing patient history, body systems, and review tests and mea- and clinical utility. Such a standardized approach could include
sures of body structure and function, activity and participation visual observations and analysis as well as use of instrumented
(based on the International Classification of Functioning, Dis- technology to quantify and describe movement.
ability and Health). However, movement observation and anal-
ysis are not mentioned in the Guide and may not be a routine Evaluation and Diagnosis
part of clinical practice. The evaluation and diagnosis steps of clinical reasoning
The Task Force proposes that movement observation are closely linked. The goal of the evaluation is for the PT to
and analysis are critical to understanding why a patient is ex- arrive at an understanding of why a person is experiencing a
periencing a movement problem and how one might label the movement system problem so that interventions can be specif-
movement problem. Movement observation entails observing ically directed at that problem. Synthesis and interpretation of
and describing the way a person moves spontaneously or while movement observations of standardized tasks is a critical step.
performing a task or activity. Importantly, this description is Movement observations that are linked to particular stages of
far more detailed than a label of a patient’s level of indepen- movement22 can lead to hypotheses about how motor control is
dence. Movement analysis is the synthesis of the movement affected. This knowledge, in conjunction with other informa-
observations based on knowledge of motor control and taking tion gained during the patient examination, provides a strong
into consideration all other patient data (eg health condition foundation for the therapist to hypothesize what may under-
and impairments in body function). The observation/analysis lie different movement strategies. In arriving at the evaluation,
process is iterative, and we believe it is at the center of assign- the therapist needs to consider all possible sources from across
ing a diagnostic label or movement system diagnosis (see the the movement system (from Figure 1, nervous, cardiovascu-
Evaluation and Diagnosis subsection). lar, pulmonary, integumentary, musculoskeletal, and endocrine
Although there are well-described examples in the lit- systems) when determining possible underlying contributors
erature that demonstrate the usefulness of movement/task ob- to the movement problem.22 We believe that this iterative diag-
servation and analysis for clinical reasoning,19-21 there are nostic process is currently a standard component of practice,
currently no validated tools that can be used across a range although explicit movement observation and analysis of tasks
of tasks to reliably detect movement system problems. The are not routinely included.
Task Force recommends that key tasks be identified and used At the conclusion of the diagnostic process, a diagnostic
to systematically observe patients, as they perform each task label or movement system diagnosis should be assigned. This
in a standardized manner. The Task Force used a consensus is another potential missing component of practice that must
process to identify core standardized tasks (Table 3) that, when now be addressed by agreeing on and standardizing movement
observed in a systematic manner, can provide insights about
motor control impairments. The tasks listed in Table 3 place
differing demands on the movement system and are likely to
be useful across a broad range of patient types.
In addition to recommending a core set of standard-
ized tasks, the Task Force identified existing literature to in-
form future efforts to standardize movement observation. The
movement continuum, as described by Hedman et al,22 is an

Table 3. Recommended Core Tasks for Movement

Sit-to-stand, stand-to-sit Figure 3. The movement continuum is composed of
Walking 6 stages of movement that are identified in the figure along
Step up/down with movement-related parameters to consider with each
Reach, grasp, and manipulation stage (used with permission from Hedman et al22 ).

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA 113

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Hedman et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

system diagnoses. We posit that each movement system diag- neurologic curricula22 and an entire curricular design.44 PTEP
nosis needs to be associated with a clear description of a unique curricula will also need to incorporate movement system diag-
cluster of movement observations and associated examination noses, as they foster student development of clinical reasoning
findings. The clinician will need to interpret all patient ex- and decision-making. It will be critical that clinical faculty are
amination data including movement observations to recognize included in the process of changing curricula so that they are
these clusters that align with one or more movement system able to mentor students during their clinical education. The
diagnoses. This process of linking the clusters seen in each Task Force expects that these changes in curricula will ensure
patient’s clinical presentation to known descriptions of move- that entry-level therapists have the expertise needed to under-
ment system diagnoses25 represents a key and novel advance stand, implement, and further develop movement system diag-
in the decision-making processes used in practice. noses including the standardized movement observation and
analysis. The profession cannot, however, place the responsi-
Intervention bility of this paradigm shift on new graduates. All clinicians
Determination of a diagnostic label should guide the need to understand the importance of movement system diag-
practitioner’s plan of care, which may include a specific inter- noses and how to implement them in their clinical practice. We
vention or a defined set of intervention options. The movement anticipate that the Academy can help foster these outcomes by
system problem should be identified within the diagnostic la- engaging as many clinicians as possible in the process of creat-
bel to allow clinicians to more clearly state the “bottom line” ing and testing the movement diagnoses, sponsoring ongoing
about each patient from a movement system perspective. This, continuing education opportunities, and setting up mentoring
in turn, may advance clinical reasoning regarding how to select networks.
or apply elements of intervention.
Using a shared set of movement system diagnoses across RESEARCH
physical therapy practice will enable clinicians to more effi- While the concept of movement system diagnoses has
ciently identify and select the most effective interventions re- been discussed in our profession for many years, the research
lated to specific movement system problems. Currently, there supporting the development and use of such diagnostic labels
are no validated movement system diagnoses that organize has been limited. In 2011, the APTA recognized the need to
intervention selection. From the large array of intervention develop classification systems as a means to improve patient
options available in practice, more defined sets of evidence- outcomes; their updated research agenda included the charge
based interventions related to each specific movement system to develop and evaluate effective patient/client classification
diagnosis will emerge. methods to optimize clinical decision-making for PT manage-
Despite proliferation of practice guidelines, there is still ment of patients/clients. In addition, in 2015-2016, the Na-
considerable variability in neurologic PT practice.26-29 Un- tional Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, part of the
warranted variability in practice or “differences in care that National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health
cannot be explained by illness, medical need, or the dictates and Human Development, developed new priorities for reha-
of evidence-based medicine”30 undermines the integrity of PT bilitation research that included developing methods that may
practice and is associated with an increased cost of care and less predict rehabilitation treatment response and tailor interven-
favorable outcomes.31-33 The expectation is that development tions to individual patients.45 These 2 important agendas for
and use of movement system diagnoses such as the ones that rehabilitation and physical therapy research each place impor-
have been developed and tested for individuals with primarily tance on research that facilitates optimal clinical reasoning and
orthopedic34-41 and urogenital conditions42 may foster a con- decision-making to maximize patient outcomes. Development
sistent level of neurologic PT practice through the development of movement system diagnoses and classification systems is
of associated treatment planning algorithms, clinical pathways, central to these research strategies.
and clinical practice guidelines. Tools such as these may help Recent randomized controlled trials of rehabilitation in-
clinicians sort through evidence more efficiently and can facil- terventions for patients with neurologic health conditions have
itate reduction in unwarranted variability in clinical practice. demonstrated significant variability in participant responsive-
ness to the target intervention, even in patients with the same
EDUCATION health condition.46,47 At times, there is an effort to explain this
An “in depth, integrative knowledge of the movement variance by examining other factors in the study data such as
system and its component elements (anatomical structures patient age, gender, time since onset of condition, and extent
and physiological functions)”2 is needed for clinicians to in- and location of damage. Importantly, there has been a shift in
tegrate the movement system into practice. This requirement thinking about factors other than medical diagnosis that may
will necessitate that the movement system be the centerpiece of contribute to patient outcomes, such as a patient’s underlying
entry-level PT preparation. We therefore wholeheartedly sup- movement system problem. To understand which interventions
port Deusinger’s43 recent call for the profession to adopt the are effective, patients should be categorized, in part, according
human movement system as a common philosophy of physical to movement system problems, and not solely on the health
therapy education programs’ (PTEP) curricula. condition.
The Task Force recommends that PTEP curricula link the The Task Force suggests that specific diagnostic la-
development of clinical reasoning and decision-making with bels must be validated and tested empirically to move the
knowledge of the movement system. Examples from the liter- concept of movement system diagnoses forward in the pro-
ature illustrate how movement science can be integrated into fession. This process can utilize a data-driven approach, in

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 White Paper

which researchers utilize large data sets that are created with development of clinically meaningful movement system di-
standardized observations, outcome measures, and/or inter- agnoses. Movement system diagnoses should:
ventions to look for patterns among patient groups. Using a A. Be based on a sound, evidence-based theoretical frame-
data-driven approach, Bland et al48 identified 4 clusters of work. This theoretical framework should be based in
individuals poststroke based on their sensorimotor, cognition, movement science and offer clear operational defini-
language, and activity-level impairments. While the primary tions, theoretical constructs, measurable variables, and
goal of their study was to identify categories to guide posta- can lead to predictable hypotheses.
cute discharge recommendations, such groupings based on B. Emphasize movement observation and analysis of core
large data sets are a first step to developing diagnostic classi- standardized tasks as central to the clinical examination
fications that can use prognostic indicators to guide physical and evaluation. Once core standardized tests are devel-
therapy intervention. Another approach to validating diagnos- oped and tested, they will become an essential part of
tic labels is to use an experience-based approach, in which cat- the clinical examination to inform the selection of the
egories or classifications are developed based on clinical data. appropriate movement system diagnosis.
An experience-driven approach has been employed by sev- C. Represent a unique cluster of movement observations
eral clinician-researchers utilizing clinical experience to iden- and associated examination findings that can impact a
tify patterns of patient characteristics across different health variety of tasks. Defining the diagnostic categories of the
conditions.25,49,50 Experience-driven approaches could inform movement system will require synthesis of the essential
data analysis plans for data mining when large data sets are elements, including both movement observations and
available. Such data sets will become ubiquitous for physical associated examination findings, which occur together
therapy researchers in the upcoming years, particularly with as a cluster across tasks and health conditions.
the development registry data, such as APTA’s Physical Ther- D. Provide unique and nonambiguous labels for each move-
apy Outcomes Registry.51 The Task Force recommends mov- ment system diagnosis. The labels should be descriptive,
ing forward by creating movement system diagnoses based on unique, and nonambiguous. These labels should be ap-
clinical experience, initially testing them for face validity and plicable across a number of health conditions and tasks,
subsequently using large data sets to further test their validity. allowing for the identification of movement system prob-
Regardless of the health condition, a patient’s movement lems that are typically found in patients with primary
system problem may be a critical factor predicting respon- neurologic dysfunction.
siveness to rehabilitation intervention. Alternatively, within a 3. Test movement system diagnoses for their validity (includ-
given health condition, classification of patient problems based ing their ability to predict outcomes and responsiveness to
on movement system diagnosis may help better direct inter- intervention), their clinical utility, and their relationship to
ventions and ultimately affect outcomes. Such classification clinical practice guidelines. Importantly, any publications
systems are just beginning to be developed and empirically related to the development of these diagnoses should in-
tested.52-54 clude the search term “movement system diagnosis.”
4. Promote the movement system and movement system di-
agnoses as the core of entry-level curricula through publi-
SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS cations, continuing education, mentoring, and modification
The development and adoption of a coherent move- of Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Edu-
ment system diagnostic framework is an important step in cation (CAPTE) criteria. This fundamental change in PTEP
fully integrating the movement system concept into physical education will require multifaceted and ongoing education
therapy education, research, and clinical practice. Gaps exist of all stakeholders including academic and clinical faculty
in our understanding of the best way to develop and inte- and CAPTE.
grate movement system diagnoses into our profession, and we 5. Promote the establishment, dissemination, utilization, and
look forward to further dialogue on this topic. Since ideas on refinement of movement system diagnoses as priorities of
movement system diagnosis are at an early stage of develop- the ANPT. This can be accomplished by reporting on the
ment, time and financial resources must be dedicated by the work related to movement system diagnoses in ANPT publi-
leadership and members of the Academy. To assist with next cations, educational opportunities, research initiatives, and
stages of the process, the Task Force puts forth the following communications. Surveys of practice can help identify uti-
recommendations: lization of movement system diagnoses over time, and re-
veal barriers to their adoption that need to be addressed.
1. Develop and test a systematic process for movement ob- The transition to using movement system diagnoses will
servation and analysis of standardized tasks. This will in- be challenging, and a commitment to clear communication
volve applying the literature to determine key attributes of from the ANPT will be critical.
each task to construct a standardized movement observation
scheme that can be tested for validity and reliability. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
2. Clinicians and researchers should work together to develop
The authors are grateful for the support of the Academy
a set of movement system diagnoses that address the identi-
fied attributes using both experience-based and data-driven of Neurologic Physical Therapy for the Task Force. We also
approaches. The Task Force developed a set of 4 charac- acknowledge Dr Barbara Norton for providing feedback on an
teristics that are expected to form the foundation for the earlier version of this article.

C 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA 115

Copyright © 2018 Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, APTA. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Hedman et al JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018

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JNPT r Volume 42, April 2018 White Paper

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