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sE - 482

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B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.) (Semester - VIID

Examination, November - 2018
Sub. Code:67819

Day and Date : Thursday, 15 - lf - 2018 Total Marhs : 100

Time : 10.00 a.m. to 01.00

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicates full rnarks.
3) Assume suitable data if necessary.
Ql) Solve any two. t16l
a) With block schematic explain different par:ameters measured in
b) Explairi different steps ofdesign process in mechatronics.
c) Explain with block diagram Programmable Logic Controllers.

Q2) Solve any two. lr8l

4 Explain working principle and application areas ofhydraulic actuators.
b) Draw the schematic of electromagnet type D.C. Motors & explain its
c) Explain with block diagram digital controiler wirh florv chart.

Q3) Solve any two. u6l

a) Desuibe with diagram any application ofProportional controller & Their
b) Principle of operation of induction moior'.
c) What is valve? Describe the principle of operation of solenoid valve with
schernatic diagram.

sE - 482
Q4) Attempt any two. [16]
a) Draw & explain basic structure ofPLC in detail.

b) Differentiate between PLC & Computer.

c) Explain any two logic flinctions using Ladder diagram.

QS) Atempt any two. 116l

,) Compare NC & CNC with conventional system.

b) What are the basic elements of Robot? Explain them briefly.

c) Wth neat diagram explain Numerical Control system.

Q6)Write shofl note on (Any Three) I18l

a) Sensors & actuators in an EMS

b) Highspeedtiltingtrains
c) Automatic car parking system

d) Coin corurter



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