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(A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Dharma Karya
Universitas Terbuka Pondok Cabe)
A Skripsi
Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences for Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in
Department of English Education

Asteti Hilda



Asteti Hilda, 1110014000036. The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in

Teaching Reading of Recount Text (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eight
Grade Students of SMP Dharma Karya UT Pondok Cabe). Skripsi, Department of
English Education, Faculty of Educational Science, Syarif Hidayatullah
University Jakarta, 2017.
Advisors : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Atik Yuliyani, MA. TESOL.
Key Words : Reading, Jigsaw Technique, Recount Text
The purpose of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence of the
effectiveness of using jigsaw technique in teaching reading of recount text. This
study was held in March 2017 at eight grade of SMP Dharma Karya UT. The
method used in this study was quantitative method in design of quasi experimental
study. Two classes were taken as the subjects of this study namely experimental
class and controlled class. The data got from both experimental class and
controlled class were analyzed by using T-test formula. The sampling technique
used in this study was quota sampling. The experimental class was taught by
using jigsaw techniue and the controlled class was taught by Grammar Translation
Method (GTM). Before giving the treatment, the students from both classes were
given pre-test to know their ability in reading recount text. At the end of
treatment, the students were given a post-test.
The result of the study showed that there was improvement of the students
achievement in reading recount text. Gained score of the experimental class
(18.50) is higher than controlled class (8.20). From the result of statistic
calculation is obtained that value of t-observation (to) is 2.17 and degree of
freedom (df) is 58. In the table significance 5% the value of degree of significance
is 2.002. comparing those values, the result is 2.17 > 2.002 which mean t-
observation (t0) is higher than t-table (tt). In the other word, the Alternative
Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted than the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Therefore,
jigsaw technique is effective in teaching reading of recount text.


Asteti Hilda, 1110014000036. Keefektifan Jigsaw Teknik Dalam Pengajaran

Membaca Teks Recount (Sebuah Penelitian Kuasi-Eksperimen di Kelas VIII
SMP Dharma Karya UT Pondok Cabe). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta, 2017.
Kata Kunci: Membaca, Teknik Jigsaw, Teks Recount
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang keefektifitasan
penggunaan jigsaw dalam pengajara membaca teks recount. Penelitian ini telah
dilaksanakan pada Maret 2017 di SMP Dharma Karya UT. Metode yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian
kuasi-eksperimen. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu sampel
kuota. Pada kelas eksperimen diajarkan menggunakan teknik jigsaw sedangkan
pada kelas kontrol diajarkan menggunakan Grammar Translation Method (GTM).
Sebelum diajarkan diberikan perlakuan kedua kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol
diberikan tes awal untuk mengetahui kemampuan mereka dalam pemahaman
membaca teks recount. Pada akhir perlakuan, siswa diberikan tes akhir.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan pemahaman
siswa dalam membaca teks recount. Gained score yang diperoleh kelas
eksperimen (18.50) lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol (8.20). Dari hasil kalkulasi
statistik, dapat diperoleh bahwa nilai dari t-observasi (t0) adalah 2.17 dan degree
of freedom (df) adalah 2.002. dengan membandingkan nilai- nilai tersebut,
hasilnya adalah 2.17> 2.002 yang berarti skor t-observasi (t0) lebih besar dari skor
t-table (tt). Dengan kata lain, Hipotesis Alternatif (Ha) diterima dan Hipotesis Null
(Ho) ditolak. Oleh karena itu, teknik jigsaw efektif terhadap pemahaman membaca
murid-murid dalam teks membaca teks recount.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the lord of the world, who always gives His mercy
and and blessing upon the writer in completing this “Skripsi”. Peace and
salutation be upon to Prophet Muhammad, his families, his companion, and his
This research could not be completed without a great deal of help of many
people. So, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the help, support, and contribution to
all of lecturers, institution, family, and friends who have contributed hence this
skripsi is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to
Department of English Education of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training,
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University as partial fulfillment of requirements
for the degree of strata I (S1).
First of all, the writer also conveys special gratitude to her beloved parents
Mr. Djalanin and Mrs. Fitriati who have given her all of their infinite love, pray,
care, support, and help. The writer believes that it almost impossible to finish this
skripsi without them in her side.
And also the writer would like to express her great honor and deepest
gratitude to her advisors, Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd and Atik Yuliyani,M.A
TESOL. Who have patiently given valuable advice, critical remarks, time,
suggestions and guidance to refine and finish this skripsi.
The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya,M.A., the Dean of the Facultyof Tarbiyah and
Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.
2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department
3. Zahril Anasy, M.Hum., the secretary of English Education Department
4. All of the lecturers in learning English Education Department especially
Dr. Sita Ratnaningsih , M.Pd., the statistic lecturer who gave valuable
suggestion and advice.

5. All of staffs and officers of Library of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University Jakarta.
6. Drs. H. Warjoko, MM., the Head Master of SMP Dharma Karya UT
7. All the teacahers of SMP Dharma Karya UT especially for Hastutiningsih
S.Pd, as the English teacher.
8. All of the students of SMP Dharma Karya especially the second grade
9. Her beloved husband Maulana Firdaus A.Md., thanks for always beside
her to help finishing this skripsi
10. She also would like to express her thanks, great gratitude an appreciation
to her beloved sister Djamila Selayati for her continuous supports and
encouragement to finish her study
11. Tuhfah Hayati, S.Pd., and Nurul Ajizah, S.Pd., who always gives her
support, care, love, and spirit to the writer.
12. All of her friends in English Education Department, especially for all
friend in academic year 2010 who cannot mentioned one by one. Who
gives nice experience an togetherness, as amazing friends.
May Allah bless them for all of what they have done, because only Him
who knows how much contributions and motivations received by the writer, and
finally the writer hopes the constructive critics to make this skripsi better.
Jakarta, 31 Juli 2017

The writer


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. i
ABSTRAK..................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ v
LIST OF TABLE .......................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICE ................................................................................. viii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

A. The Background of the Study........................................ 1
B. Identification of the Problem......................................... 4
C. Limitation of the Study ................................................. 4
D. Problem Formulation ................................................... 5
E. Objective of the Study .................................................. 5
F. Significance of the Study .............................................. 5

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...................................... 6

A. Reading ........................................................................ 6
1. Definition of Reading ............................................... 6
2. Kinds of Reading ..................................................... 7
3. The Purpose of Reading ........................................... 8
B. Recount Text ................................................................ 8
1. Definition of Recount ............................................... 8
2. Kinds of Recount ..................................................... 9
3. Schematic Structure of Recount ................................ 9
4. Language Features of Recount.................................. 11
5. Purpose of Recount .................................................. 13
C. Jigsaw ........................................................................... 13
1. Definition of Jigsaw ................................................. 13
2. Stages of Jigsaw ....................................................... 14

D. Implementating Jigsaw in Teaching Recount Text ........ 16
1. Advantages of Jigsaw ............................................... 17
2. Disadvantages of Jigsaw ......................................... 17
E. Previous Study .............................................................. 18
F. Theoretical Framework ................................................. 19
G. Theoretical Hypothesis ................................................. 20

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................... 21

A. Place and Time of Research .......................................... 21
B. Method and Design of Research.................................... 21
C. The Population and Sample of the Research.................. 22
D. Technique of Data Collection........................................ 22
E. Instrument of Data ........................................................ 23
F. The Data Analysis Technique ....................................... 23
G. The Statistical Hypothesis ............................................. 25


A. The Data Description .................................................... 27
1. The Pre-test Score .................................................... 27
2. The Post-test Score................................................... 29
3. The Gained Scores ................................................... 30
B. The Data Analysis......................................................... 32
C. Interpretation ................................................................ 36

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 39

A. Conclusion.................................................................... 39
B. Suggestion .................................................................... 39

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 41
APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 42


Table 4.1. The Students’ Pre-test Score

Table 4.2. The Students’ Post-test Score

Table 4.3. The Gained Scores of the Experimental Class and Controlled


Table 4.4. The Comparison Scores of Each Student in the Experimental

Class and the Controlled Class

Appendix 1. Homogenity Test of Variances

Appendix 2. Normality Test of Pre-test and Post-test

Appendix 3. Instrument Uji Validitas

Appendix 4. Answer Key of Uji Validitas

Appendix 5. Kisi-kisi Instrument Uji Validitas

Appendix 6. Anatest Result

Appendix 7. Kisi-kisi Instrument of Pre-test and Post-test

Appendix 8. The Instrument of Pre-test

Appendix 9. The Answer Key of Pre-test

Appendix 10. The Instrument of Post-test

Appendix 11. The Answer Key of Post-test

Appendix 12. Lesson Plan of Experimental Class in Treatment 1

Appendix 13. Lesson Plan of Controlled Class in Treatment 1

Appendix 14. Lesson Plan of Experimental Class in Treatment 2

Appendix 15. Lesson Plan of Controlled Class in Treatement 2

Appendix 16. Lesson Plan of Experimental Class in Treatment 3

Appendix 17. Lesson Plan of Controlled Class in Treatment 3

Appendix 18. Students’ Exercise Score

Appendix 19. The Result of Students’ Work

Appendix 20. Surat Permohonan Ijin Penelitian

Appendix 21. Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi

Appendix 22. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi


A. The Background of the Study

Reading is one of the important skills for English language learners, especially
for students who learn English as a foreign language. Grabe and Stoller stated that
reading is a critical means of learning for students in order to gain new
information or comprehend by using ifferent understanding.1
In Indonesia, English has become compulsory subject taught from Junior High
School and Senior High School. It is because in Indonesia, there are a lot of
information such as science, technologies, and cultures of other countries come
through English. Therefore, it is importance people to learn English especially at
school, it starts from Elementary School.
In the Junior High School level, Indonesian government hopes that students
have to be able to master English in four skills they are listening, speaking,
reading, and writting.2 In order that the students are able to communicate and to
comprehend a discourse on the certain step literacy. It means that if someone is
able to communicate, he is also able to understand and produce oral and written
text which can be applied into four skills; listening, reading, speaking, and
Listening and reading comprise receptive skills while speaking and writing
comprise productive skills. As one of the receptive skills, reading also becomes
important for everyone in order to broaen his knowledge. They would find the
actual reading materials such as a newspaper, letters, booklets, leaflets,
advertisement, labels, magazines, the social media and so on.
The students of Junior High School especially on second grade have to
achieve some indicators based on the curriculum. The indicators are identifying

William Grabe and Freddicka L. Stoller, Reading for Academic Puposes: Guidelines for the
ESL/EFL Teacher, Teaching English as A Second of oreign Language, 3rd ED. Marianne Celce-
Murcia (Boston: Heinle&Heinle, 2001), p. 87.
Standar Kompetensi Kelulusan Untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah,
(Jakarta:BSNP, 2006), p. 3.

the schematic structures, the contextual meaning, the rhetorical step, the
communicative purpose, the linguistic features of the text and responding the
meaning of the text. But in fact, mostly students argue that to achieve those
indicators is very difficult.
Based on writer’s experience during the Praktek Profesi Keguruan Terpadu
(PPKT) especially on second grade, she found that the second grade students still
face some mistake in answering and understanding the text especially recount
text. They did not understand the meaning of one sentences on the text. They
always asked teacher the meaning of words because they did not know the
meaning in Bahasa. They had no motivation to find the meaning of unfamiliar
words. In the studens’ opinion, they did not understand the text unless they
understand every word.
As one of the reading text types, recount text is a part of recent target in
teaching English for the eight grade stuents and it always appears in National
Examination. Hence, the students in the eight grade should be mastered recount
Recount text is a telling the reader about one story, activity or the past
experiences of the writer.3 The social function of recount text is to retell past
events or experiences for the purpose of informing or entertaining the reader.4
However, the students were difficult to find both schematic and linguistic
structure in reading recount text. They could not identify the contextual meaning,
communicative purpose and did not respond the meaning of the text. This
condition showed that they did not achieve the indicators which have been
proposed in the curriculum.
The writer chose the cooperative learning approach in this study. Cooperative
learning could help students to share strength and develop their skills in the small
group. In this approach, students may work together in a group cooperatively. As
Richard Arends proposed that, “ the cooperative learning was developed to
achieve at least three insturctional goals: academic achievement, toleranc and
Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester 2, CV.Media Adi Karya, p. 28.
Rudi Hartono, Genres of Texts, Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language and
Art Semarang State University, 2005), p. 6.

acceptance of diversity and social skill development.”5 In the other word,
cooperative learning is learning in small groups where interaction is structured
according to carefully worked-out principles. The writer hopes this approach can
help students in learning reading of recount text.
One of types of cooperative learning is jigsaw technique . Jigsaw is a
technique that can help students study the material by teach each other in which
the studetns involved and has active role in teaching and learning to get deep
understanding.6 The technique that the writer chose is Jigsaw Technique to help
students understand reading materials and to promote students’ social skill.
Theoretically, Jigsaw Technique has potential as a powerful teaching strategy in
inclusive classroom imapcting both academic and social skills. As one of
cooperative learning jigsaw technique is a technique through grouping stuents in
learning material. It is proven in Jing Meng research. Students learn to do
teamwork in learning material that had been divided into several parts and the
members of each group will meet other groups discuss their topic and return to
their group.7 Besides, students can also promote students’ positive
interdependence and individual acoountability by contribute affectively because
each students have their own important roles in the group.
Based on the explanation above, the writer intended to conduct a quasi
experimental research entitled “ The Effectiveness of Using Jigsaw Technique in
Teaching Reading of Recount Text (A quasi Experimental Study at the Eight
Grade Students of SMP Dharma Karya UT)”.

Richard I. Arends, Learning to Teach, (New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.,2007), p. 356.
Shlomo Sharan, Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods, London: Praeger, 1994, p.
Jing M. (2010, July). College of Foreign Language, Qingdao University of Sciences and
technology, Qingdao. Jigsaw Cooperative Learning in English Reading. I (501-504. July 2010), p.

B. Identifiacation of the Problem
Based on the background above, problems could be identified as follows:
1. Reading was seen as boring learning activity by most SMP Dharma Karya
UT students because they do not have the same curiousity in reading
English text.
2. The students still had some mistake in answering the question from the
recount text.
3. The students did not understand the meaning of the sentence.
4. The students had no motivation to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.
5. The students were difficult to find both the schematic and linguistic
structure in reading recount text.
6. The teaching and learning technique was teacher-centered, it made the
students seems as a passive object receiving new information from the
7. The teacher did not encourage the students to consult their dictionary to
find the meaning of some vocabularies.
8. The whole class explanation technique in SMP Dharma Karya UT did not
allow students to promote students’ social skill because students did not
get sufficient opportunity to interact with others in this technique.
9. Jigsaw technique has not applied appropriately in teaching and learning by
English teacher in the classroom because of teacher’s failure to consider
the teacher’s and students’ role in this technique, the lack of meetings in
giving the materials to the students.

C. Limitation of the Study

From the identification of the problem above, the limitation of the study is
focused on the teaching reading of recount text using Jigsaw technique at eight
grade of Junior High School.

D. Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the writter formulates the research question as
Was there any effect of using Jigsaw Technique to improve the students’ reading
comprehension of recount text at eight grade of SMP Dhrma Karya UT?

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find empirical evidence wether or not Jigsaw
technique is effective to be used in teaching reading of recount text on eight grade
students of SMP Dharma Karya UT.

F. Significance of the Study

The findings result of the study are expected to provide useful information
about Jigsaw technique in affecting students’ reading comprehension of recount
text at the eight grade of SMP Dharma Karya UT. It s expected that these findings
can contibute to:
1. Teachers
The result of this research is expected to be useful for teachers to improve and
create their skill in teaching English especially in teaching reading of recount
2. Students
The result of this research is expected to be useful information for the students
to encourage them to master the skills.
3. Headmaster
The result of this research is expected to be useful information for the
haedmaster to make a policy related to the English teaching and learning
process in the classroom.


A. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
Reading is the skill or activity of getting information from books. It is an
important skill for students to learn. Hence, a student who is not engaged in
reading activity, he/she will miss new information. Harmer assumes that reading
is useful for language acquisition; the most the students read, the better they get at
it. in addition, reading also has positive effect on students’ vocabulary knowledge,
on their spelling, on their writing.8 McDonough supports by stating reading is
clearly one of the most important.9 When people read, then try to find and
comprehend the meaning in order to get the information based on their own
perception because they want to give.
In order to know correctly what reading is, there are some definition of
reading below based on some experts.
J. Harris and Edward R. Sipay states that reading is mainly concerned with
learning to recognize the printed symbols wich represent speech and to respond
intellectually and emotionally. Moreover it is very compex process in which the
recognition and comprehension of written symbols.10
David A. Sousa states that reading is a relatively new phenomenon in the
development of humans. As far as we know, the genes have not incorporated
reading into theird coded structure.11
Alderson states that, “ reading is essentially devided into two componenets:
decoding (word recognition) and comprehension”12 It means that on reading

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English NewEd, (Kuala Lumpur:Pearson Longman, 2007),
p. 99.
Jo McDonough and Christoper Shaw, Materials and Method in ELT: A Teacher’s Guide-
2nd,(Malden:Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 89.
Albert J. Harris and Edward R. Sipay, How to Increase Reading Ability, 6th Ed. (USA:
David McGay Company, 1977), p. 7.
David A. Sousa, How the Brains Learn to Read, (USA: Crown Press, 2005), p. 32.

activity, people communicate through the text that has printed and type. In this
communication there are many various symbols and language that written to
transfer the information.
In summary, reading is the way to get some idea and information from
written text through continously process in which the reader can make decision to
confirm, reject, or refine the idea itself. Reading is an active process of
communication that involves the writer and the reader interaction through the text.
It is a communication that the reader wants to understan the writer’s idea by using
some strategies. The reader has to use strategies, because in reading, there are a lot
of symbol and letters that should be comprehend.
2. Kinds of Reading
Harmer divides kinds of reading in two kinds, namely extensive reading and
intensive reading.13
a. Extensive reading
The term refers to reading which students do often but ni exclusively away
from the classrooms. Where possible, extensive reading should involve
reading for pleasure or a joyful reading. This is enhanced if students have
a chance to choose what they are willing to read.
b. Intesive reading
It refers to the detailed focus on the construction of reading texts which
takes place usually but not always in classrooms. Teachers may ask the
students to look at extracts from magazines, poems, internet webesites,
novels, newspapers, plays, and wide range of the other text genres.
Intensive reading is usually accompanied by study activities.
While Laura Donahue Latulipe divides the kinds of reading into:
a. Skimming
It is process of reading in which happen quickly running one’s eyes over a
text to get the gist of it.

J. Charles Alderson, Assesing Reading, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000),
Jeremy Harmmer. loc. cit. p. 99.

b. Scanning
It is a process of reading in which quickly gooing through a text to find a
particular piece of information.14
3. Purposes of Reading
Every reader has their own purpose in reading text. People read novels,
comics, or magazine probably because they think that they can get pleasure from
these. Then, others may read textbook, newspaper, or journal because they want to
get factual information.
Good readers are different with usual readers because good readers have a
purpose for reading and use their experiences and background knowledge to make
sense of the text. We do not comprehend a text unless we make connections and
are able to process the words that we read at the thinking level.
Based on the statement above, the purpose of reading are mostly about to
understand the content of the text and also to discover one’s point of view from
the writer that is witten through printed words.
In the other hand, Laura mentioned two purposes in reading:
a. Reading for pleasure
b. Reading for information (in order to find out something or in ordder to do
something with the information someone gets).15

B. Recount Text
1. Definition of Recount Text
A recount is a piece of the text that retells past events, usually in the order in
which the happened. its purpose is either to inform or entrtain the audience.
Recount are used to reconstruct and describe something that has already
happened. They are used to retell experinces and may include the author’s or other
people’s feeling and responses to these experiences. Example of recount text can

Laura Donahue Latulipe, Developing Academic Reading Skills, (USA: Prentice-Hall,
1987), p. 4.
Ibid., p. 5.
John Baruick, Targetting Text: Recount, Procedure: Upper Level, (USA: Blake Education,
2011), p. 4.

be found in a biography, news item, a journal, or a testimony of a witness of an
event or incident.17
Further, when writing recount text we also should concern on the sequence of
the events that can be more developed, shortened, or ommited. We have already
known that recount has sequence of events that should be concern. Therefore we
supposed to see a common action verb and temporal connectives in the recount.
From some definitions above, we can conclude that recount text tell
something that has already happened, such as past experience in the chronological
2. Kinds of Recount Text
There are three kinds of recount text, those are:
a. Personal Recount
A personal recount text usually retells an experience in which the writer was
personally involved. It lists and describe past event experiemces by retelling
events. It presents the events chronologically (in order in which they happened).
The purpose of personal recount text is to inform or to entertain the reader.18
b. Procedural Recount
A procedural recount records events such as a science experiment or a cooking
experience. The purpose of procedural recount text is to inform the reader about
the procedure to do something.19
c. Biographical Recount
The purpose of biographical recount is to inform the reader by telling past
events and achievements in a person’s life. A biographical ecount uses spesifics
names of the people involved in the biography.20
3. Schematic Structure of Recount
Even though there are several kinds of recount text, basically they have the
same characteristic in the schematic structures. A recount text consist of three

Ibid., p. 4.
Mukarto,, English on Sky 2,(Jakarta:Erlangga,2007), p. 62.
Ibid., p. 93.
Ibid., p. 174.

part, those are orientation, events, and reorientation. Those will be described as
a. Orientation
Orientation is introducing the participants who involved in the story, the place
where the story happened and when the story happened. It orients the readers to
the events that follow which introduce character in a setting of time or place. In
some recounts, introduced to Indonesian students, has an opening salutation such
as “ Hi, my name is Adi,”, in the beginning of the sory. 21 Since orientation is the
first part of a recount text, therefore it must be interesting in order to attract
readers’ attention.
b. Events
Event is the main important activities or events that occured in that story of
text. The function of events is to give a sequences of events. It presents the events
chronologically. 22
c. Reorientatition
Reorientation is optional. It returns the reader to the point of depature and
sometimes the writer also give comments on the whole sequences of events
describe. Some recounts have an evaluative comments or a conclusion which may
constitute the writer’s comment on events describe previously, but this is just
optional. The conclusion is written in the last paragraph, and because this part is
optional, some recounts may not have this conclusion paragraph.23
The following text is the example of schematic structure of personal recount text :
My Summer Holiday
Last summer holiday, my faily and I spent one night at the countyside. We
stayed in a small house. It had a big garden with lost of colorful flowers and a
swimming pool. (Orientation)
First, we made a fire in front of the house. Then, we sat around the fire and
sang lots of songs of the house. Next, we sat in the living room and we watched a
movie. Finally, everybody fell asleep there. (Sequence of Events).
John Baruick. op. cit. p. 5.
John Baruick. op. cit. p. 6.
Ibid., p. 6.

We woke up very late in the morning and had breakfast. In the afternoon
we were all very happy. (Reorientation) 24
4. Language Features of Recount Text
According to Pardiyono the language features are used in recount text are:25
a. Active and Passive
The decision of wether to use active or passive is much infuenced by the
writer’s orientation in expressing ideas. Example: Surabaya is well known as “
Kota Pahlawan”. Using passive verb is more appropriate to be used than used “
Kota Pahlawan is Surabaya”.
b.Past Tense
Past form is very appropriate to tell past activities or what happened like in the
recount text. Recount is the record of events in the past time. The events are
reported in sequences with the use of number of conjuction and sequence marker.
Example: Present verb Past verb
-Have - had
- Think - thought
- Leave - left
c. Past Continuous Tense
This tense is to show the activity is in the progress in the past time. Example: I
went into room where everybody was waiting for me.
1) The use of Adverb
Adverb used to give and ehance the clarity in the sentences, students can use
the adverb in phrase form or clause. Example:
 Adverbial phrase showing time: Last month, early morning, last week, etc.
 Adverbial clause showing time: soon after the school exam was over,
before finally we decides to back to Solo, etc.
 Adverbial clause showing reason: because we thought that place was nice
and the people were friendly.

Rudi Hartono, M.Pd, Genres of Text, (Semarang: State University, 2005), p. 42.
Pardiyono, M.Pd, Pasti Bisa Teaching Genre Based Writing, (Yogyakarta: CV. Andi
Offset, 2007), pp. 76—81.

2) Verb of ‘being’ and ‘having’
Verb being is always followed by noun, adjective, or adverb and they are
usually in the form of phrase.
Example of verb being : it was very terrible day. It was very nice
Example of verb having : he had no money at all
3) Verb Patterns
There are several verb patterns to recognize that will help us write better:
 Verb + to verb
Within one sentences, if a verb is followed by another verb, the later
should be with ‘to invinitive’. Example: Fina decided to go with her mom
and dad a call.
 Adjective + to verb
 Should an adjective is to be followed by a verb, the verb takes the form of
‘to infinitive’. Example: She was very nice to help.
 intransitive verb + adjective
 Intransitive verb is very common to be followed by adjective, besides
adverb. Example: She felt very sad.
4) Connecting Words and Conjuction
The connecting words are used to sequence event that happened. Then, the
conjuction in recount text used for combines clause.
Connecting words: first, second, then, last, finally, etc.
Conjunction : when, then, and but.
5) Uses Reported Speech.
E.g. Mr. Ron said that the accident wa causing the traffic.
This is the example of recount text:
On Saturday I went to Mount Krakatau. I stayed at Rini and Irfan’s house
at Pasirmae Pandegelang. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and
On Saturday Hilda and I saw Citaman Jiout and went on the scenic ride
on horseback. It was scary. Then we went to set a closer look at the mountain. We
took picture of the beautiful sceneries there.

On Monday we went to the zoo at Chunjuran. We saw cockatoos having a
shower. In the afternoon we went homes. It was fun.
The languages feature of recount text of the passage above is to inform the
reader that there are some proper nouns, a decriptive word, that show past tense,
and words shows time.
5. Purposes of Recount Text
The purpose of recount text is to tell or amuse the reader or audience. Artono
Wardiman stated that social function of recount text is to describe what and when
event happened and to tell past events for informating and entertaining. It
means that recount text is not only retelling the past activities that happened, but
also to inform the reader about some information that happened. Besides, the
purpose of recount text is also to entertain means that the recount that expected
amuses the reader about the text that has written. Utami Widiyati also supported
that the social function of recount text is telling the past. Events for informing and
entertaining.27 It means recount text has some purposes, to retell, to inform or to
entertain the reader about past events. Based on the description above, the purpose
of recount text is to inform the reader about the past event, or to entertain the
reader by the content of the text.

C. Jigsaw
There are many developed learning techniques that can be applied to help the
students learn effectively and more quickly in language teaching and learning.
One of those is jigsaw.
1. Definition of Jigsaw Technique
Nilawati gave a brief definition of jigsaw technique that is, one of the
cooperative learning techniques that has been used in language teaching and
learning. This strategy is efficient ways of teaching material that also encourage

Artono Wardiman, English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs),
(Pusat Perbukuan Departement Pendidikan Nasional, 2008), p. 124.
Utami, Widiyawati, et al, Contextual and Teaching Learning Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII,
(Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Nasional, 2008), p. 29.

listening, engagement, interaction, teaching, and cooperation by giving each
member of the group essential part to play in the academic activity.28
There are many ways of grouping that can be used by the teacher. The teacher
can choose students randomly from attendance list, account off, and can group the
students according to the result of stasrting scores. In jigsaw, grouping is very
essential. It means that the application of student group is one of the keys to
succesful cooperative learning. Succesful jigsaw technique also needs effective
implementation of student groups.
The organization in the jigsaw activities, first of all, the students should work
in the expert groups. In these groups, students work in the same group of four to
six members and each member in a team become an expert on a topic. After
mastering the material and sharing the information, the students present and teach
their material to the new group. Then, each student tells the other member of the
group about the topic. After informationsharing and discussion, the groups have
an opportunity to review the material before taking a quiz. 29
From all definitions above, jigsaw is cooperative learning technique that
reduce racila conflict among children, promote better learning, improve students
motivation and increase enjoyment of the learning experience often using to
describe to the concept of per tutoring and work partner.
2. Stages of Jigsaw Technique
Although the jigsaw approcah has been vey flexible applied with limitless
variations, there are four generic stages in the process:30
a. Stage 1 : Introduction
The teacher organizes the class into heterogenous ‘home’ groups, for example:
Home Group A: Avi, Nada, Sudir, Lara
Home Group B: Emi, Sarah, Joko, Nida

Hadisantosa, Nilawati, V.M, Using Jigsaw as a Cooperative Learing Technique in the
University Level, (Jakarta: Atma Jaya Catholic University), p. 224.
Carolyn Kessler, Cooperative Language Learning, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1992), p.
Sharan Shlomo, Handbook of Cooperative Learning Mehods, (USA: Prager, 1994), pp.

Next the teacher introduces a topic, text, information, or material to the class
and helps the stuents to understand why they are studying this topic, how it fits
with what they have done before, and what they will study in the future. It is
important in this stage that the students become interested in what they are
studying. The teacher explains how student learning will be assesed throughout
the learning experience. Many teachers also provide a rationale for the value of
the small-group process for this particular learning experience. Each member in
the home group is given, or select, a part of the subject matter to be explored.
b. Stage 2: Focus Exploration
Students reorganize to form focus group. Members of each focus group work
together to learn about a specific topic/perspective:
For example:
Focus Group 1 : Avi & Emi
Focus Group 2 : Nada & Sarah
Focus Group 3 : Sudir & Joko
Focus Group 4 : Lara & Nida
During this stage, students need encouragement to think out loud in order to
clarify their ideas and bulid understanding together. Sometimes teachers also
encourage exploratory writing where students jot down the main ideas they are
working on to help them clarify and focus thinking. Teachers may also provide a
guided set of questions to help students explore the ideas in their assigned
c. Stage 3: Reporting and Reshaping
Students return their home groups to take turns describing the ideas generated
in their focus group. During the reportingstage, group members are encourage to
pose questions and discuss ideas in depth. Often as students work through
understanding each other’s past, they begin to reshape their understanding of the
d. Stage 4: Integrating and Evaluation

The teacher may design an individual, small-group, or whole-class activity
where students can actively integrate their learning. For example, students may
carry out a demonstration task in their group.
The teacher will ask questions to help students reflect on how they worked
together and what they might do the same or differently the next time they work
together. In the process stages of jigsaw technique the teacher as a guide and give
chance for students to generating ideas to imprive critical thinking, experiencing,
and integrating alternate ideas improves creativity in cooperative learning.

D. Implementating Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Recount Text

The following is steps in teaching recount text using jigsaw technique31
1. Grouping and division of the task
The teacher divided the class int groups of four or six depending on the
number of the oieces of the text. These are the ‘home group’. Then the teacher
distributes the pieces of the text. Each receives the pieces from the text consisting
of different information but they are related constructing a story or a topic. The
students are given some time to read and study their text before they leave their
‘home group’.
2. Working in the expert groups
Each students leaving his/her home group, from a group with people from
other groups who have the same pieces of text. These are their ‘ expert team’.
Each students working in the expert group, has task that is discussing the pieces of
the text with the students in his/her expert group: first, learn the pieces of the texr
and then listen to the other students in his/her expert group to take a conclusion.
So, that each expert has two tasks, those are:
 To learn the texts so that will be expert about the pieces of the text.
 To be ready to teach their teammates when they later return to their home
3. Working in the jigsaw group

Carolyn Kessler. op. cit. p. 137.

The students return to their home groups, which is called jigsaw group. The
teacher asks the members of each jigsaw group to teach each other what have
learned. The time to teach each other is limited. The teacher emphasized to the
students that they have a responsible to their teammates to be good teachers as
well as good listeners. Teacher may wish to have the expert question after they
explain to see that they explain to see that they have learned the material and they
are ready for the quiz. The teacher distributes the quizzes and allows time for
everyone to finish. It can be group or an individual work.
Based on the explanation above, there are some steps in teaching recount text
by using jigsaw technique. First, the teacher should divided students into group of
four. Each group received a different materials and it called by home group. After
that, each student in home team leaves the group to work in new expert group to
learn and discussed the materials. The last, students go back to home teach each
member of group the material and after that the teacher gives evaluation.
1. Advantages of Jigsaw Technique
Carolyn Kessler mentioned some advanteges of applying jigsaw technique in the
a. Provide opportunities for sudents to work in racially and culturally mixed
b. Provide an excellent learning environment for the acquisition of language
through relevant content.
c. Support the communicative approach in language teaching.
d. Develop students’ skills of analysis, comparison, evaluation, and synthesis of
The advantages stated by Carolyn Kessler are mostly from the students
because as students have main role in jigsaw technique process, students should
get involved well in the process. Therefore, the ambience of learning process that
provides the opportunities for the students to work in groups and share ideas will
likely to be effective. Besides, jigsaw technique can also enable the students to

Ibid., p. 137.

develp their skills. The advantages are mostly to improve students’ reading ability
in the term of comprehension.
2. Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique
These are some disadvantages accordning Shlomo Sharan33, they are:
a. For some students, it may create an over sense of pressure to perform when
they return to their home group.
b. Students may wrong about their second language communication skill, learning
difficulties, or social status, blocking their ability to contribute in their home
Based on the explanation above, jigsaw technique give students responsible
for learning and teacing the other about what they have learned. In other side, it
makes students difficult to communicate in second language and may it blocking
students’ ability to give a contribution for their home group.

E. Previous Study
In this research, the writer summarizes the previous study to prove the
originality of the research. The first research entitle “ Developing Students’
Reading Comprehension of Recount Text Through Jigsaw Learning Activity” was
conducted by Saved Sri Hesti Lestari (2012) in Jakarta Indonesia. The purpose is
to find out whether jigsaw technique can improve student’s learning reading
comprehension at the second gradde of SMPN 1 Pusakanegara. This research is
categorized as Classroom Action Research (CAR). Her CAR design that used in
his research is Kurt Lewin’s design it consist of two cycles those are planning,
acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of her research is the students of
class VIII-H of SMPN I Pusakanegara. Incollecting the data, this research uses
observation, intervies, and test. Based on the result and discussion of this research,
it can be said that jigsaw technique in teaching reading comprehension is success.
The second research has been conducted by Yuli Prihastiwi (2013) entitled “
The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique to Improve Students’ Ability in Reading

Shlomo Sharan. op.cit. p. 47.

Recount Text on The First Grae Students MAN Purworejo in The Academic Year
oF 2012/2013”. The purpose of this research is to find out whetrher jigsaw
technique is effective to improve students’ ability in reading recount text on the
first grade students MAN Purworejo. The mean of experimental group is 72.88
and the contol group is 69.18. based on significance level, the valu of t-table is
2.00. the reult of computation shows that t-value is higher than t-table 2.347>
2.00. She conclude that jigsaw technique is effective to improve student’s ability
in reading recount text.
The last research has been conducted by Aisyah Noer Muallam (2008), a
student of English Education Department, the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’
Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta entitled “The
Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension”. The
purpose of this research is to find out whether there was any significant difference
on students’ reading achievements in reading comprehension competence with or
without jigsaw technique. This study enclosed 48 students of the first grade MAN
02 Bekasi. The result showed that there was a significant different between the
students that were taught by using jigsaw technique and it also applicable to be
used by the teachers in teaching reading.
From those previous above, the writer will apply thedifferent way to conduct
the research. This research will use experimental method with design of quasi
experimental research. The writer chooses the subject from the second grade
students of SMP Dharma Karya UT Tangerang Selatan. The sample is divided
into two classes, experimental group and control group. The experimental group
taught by using jigsaw technique and the control group is taught by using
Grammar Transaltion Method (GTM).

F. Theoretical Framework
Jigsaw technique requires the students to have a more active role in the
learning process. Jigsaw technique is seen to be effective in learning readinng
because each student has different chapters, lessons, materials, or text given by
the teachers and they have responsibility to make their friends in their group to

comprehend it well. The grouping process in jigsaw technique is not simple
because there has to be two groups; home group and expert group thaat get the
same material gatheres and discuss it until it is finished. Then, if each student has
already comprehended it well they get together to the expert group with different
In this occasion, an interest towards the effectiveness of using jigsaw
technique as a technique used in teaching reading of recount text comes up. The
writer assumed that the use of jigsaw technique can make the students to
participate actively in the teaching learning process. Jigsaw technique also
provides an opportunity to work in groups to have a discussion among peers. At
the end of the activity, jigsaw technique in the teaching learning process is
accepted to be effecvtive in teaching reading on recount text.

G. Theroretical Hypothesis
In line with the question of the study, the writer formulates two hypotheses
that be tested by t-test. Hypothesis are formulated to draw a connection between
two variables.34 According to Burke Johnson and Lary Christensen, there are two
kinds of hypothesis which have to be made before the researchers do theirs
experimental research. The two hypotheses are null hypothesis (Ho) and
alternative hypothesis (Ha) that describe as follow:
1. If there is a difference in the main gains of the reading scores that taught by
jigsaw technique and for those who were taught without jigsaw technique. It
means that jigsaw technique is effective in teaching reading on recount text and it
is an alternative hypotheses (Ha).
2. If there is no significant difference in the main gains of the reading scores that
taught by jigsaw technique and for those who were taught without jigsaw
technique. It means that jigsaw technique is not effective in teaching reading on
recount text and it is a null hypothese (Ho).

Burke Johnson and Lary Christensen, Education Research : Quantitative, Qualitative, and
Mixed Approaches 4th Ed, (UK: Sage Publications, 2012), p. 491.


A. Place and Time of Research

The research was held in SMP Dharma Karya UT Which is located on Jl.
Pondok Cabe Ilir No. 30, Pamulang Tangerang Selatan. This research was carried
out for three weeks, there are three treatments in each class. it started from 14th
March, 2017,4th April, 2017 on the second semester 2016/2017.

B. Method and Design of Research

The method used in this research was quantitative research. Meanwhile this
study was quasi-experiment. This study took two classes of eight grade studetns
of Junior High School on the second semester as the experiment class and the
control class to see the effectiveness of using jigsaw technique by looking pre-test
and post-test measurement and comparing the gained scores between both classes.
The effectiveness can be seen from the improvement of students’ score of
experiment class in post test after the had been given some treatments and from
the comparation of both classes.
This research implements jigsaw technique in the first class and Grammar
Translation Method (GTM) is implemented in the second class. this study focuses
on giving treatement to experimental class by applying jigsaw technique in
teaching reading of recount text, and then the research observes the result through
classroom observation and test (pre-test and post-test) in order to know whether or
not jigsaw technique is effective on students’ reading recount text.
The process of this research can be presented by using the illustration below:

Group Pretest Treatment Posttest

Experimental --- 0 ----------- X --------------- 0
Control --------- 0 ---------------------------------- 0

C. The Population and Sample of the Research
A population is a group of elements or cases of the research. In this case, the
population of this research is the eight grade students of SMP Dharma Karya UT
Pamulang Tangerang Selatan. There are only two classes of the second grade,
therefore the technique of sampling that used by writer is Quota sampling. Quota
sampling is used when researcher is unable to take probability sample but is still
able to select subject on the basis of characteristics of the population.35
In this research. The population were 60 students, second grade students in
two classes. The writer took VIII.2 as the experimental class that has 30 students
and VIII.1 as the controlled class that has 30 students. VIII. 2 was chosen as the
experimental class because it had lower mean score in pre-test than VIII.1. VIII. I
was 62,17 and VIII. 2 was 57,17 . The experimental class was taught reading of
recount text through jigsaw technique, while the other was taught through
Grammar Translation Method (GTM). The teaching and learning process was
carried out for four meetings.
In the last, the writer got 30 students’ data as sample in each class. the data
was gotten completely because all of the students in the class VIII.1 and VIII.2
came in each meeting, either in pre-test, treatment, or post-test. Hence, the writer
could complete based the total students in the class.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The techniques of collecting data used in this research are:
Pre-test was applied for experimental class and controlled class and it was
conducted before the technique of jigsaw tecnhnique was given. The purpose of
this test is to know whether the students as the sample have the same background
knowledge in research variable.

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,
2013), p. 184.

2. Post-test
Post-test was applied also for both classes and it will be conducted after
the technique of jigsaw technique was given to experiment class. the purpose of
this test is to find out the growth of the score measurement the effectiveness of
using jigsaw technique in teaching reading on recount text.

E. Instrument of the Research

The test was the instrument used in collecting the data. The test was used to
find out if there is an effectiveness of using jigsaw technique in teaching reading
on recount text. The test was given in the beginning and in the end of the
treatements. Each test was arranged into 20 items of multiple choices taken from
students’ English book. The test were given both to the experimental and
controlled classes’ stuents.
There are two kinds of test used:
1. Pre-test
Pre-test was delivered at the first time before the writer applied the treatement in
both experimental and controlled class. The pre-test was held on 14th March ,
2. Post-test
Post-test was held as the final test after the writer applied the treatement. It is used
to see whether or not jigsaw technique effective on students’ reading of recount
text. The post-test was held on 23rd March, 2017.

F. The Data Analysis Technique

The data that the writer got in this research were analyzed using statistical
calculation. The writer id the test twice that was pre-test and post-test. The data
were compared from growth of the score from pre-test and post-test and from the
growth score in both experiment and controlled class.
Next, the writer used T-test formula to calculate the data. It is because the
writer wanted to find out the degree of signficant different between the growth of
pre-test and post-test from both classes also between the achievement in

experiment class and controlled class. the purpose of this calculation is to find out
whether jigsaw technique is effective or not in teaching reading of recount text.
Two classes were compared, the experiment class was X variable and the
controlled class was Y variable. The formula of T-test was expressed as follows:36
1− 2
1− 2
M1 = Mean of Variable X
M2 = Mean of Variable Y
SE = Standard Error
In order to get the calculation of T-test, there are several steps to be taken,
they are as follows:
The procedures of calculation are as follows :
1. Determining Mean of Variable X, The Formula is:

Mx =

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y, the formula is:

My =

3. Determining Standard of Deviation score of Variable X, the Formula

is :


4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, the formula

is :

SDy = √

5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X, the formula is :

SEMx = √ 1 − 1
6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y, the formula is :
SEMy = √ 2 − 1

Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo
Persada,2006), pp. 314—316.

7. Determining Standard Error of Difference Mean of Variable X and
Variable Y, the formula is :
SEMx-my = √ 2+ 2
8. Determining t0 with Formula :


9. Determining t-table in significance level 5% with degree of freedom

(df) :
df = (N1+N2)-2

H. The Statistical Hypotheses

Before deciding the result of hypotheses, there are statistical research hypotheses
as follows:
Ho : {µ1 ≠ µ2}
Ha : {µ1 ≠ µ2}
Notes :
Ho = Null hypotheses
Ha = Alternative hypotheses
µ1 = Students’ reading achievement, who are taught through jigsaw
µ2 = Students’ reading achievement, who are taught without jigsaw
And then, the criteria used as follows:
1. If to < t-table
The Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted an alternative hypothesis (Ha) is
rejected. It means there is no significant difference of students’ reading of recount
text between students who are taught through jigsaw technique and students who
were taught through Grammar Translation Method (GTM).
2. If to > t-table
The Null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypotheses (Ha) is
accepeted. It means there is significant difference of students’ reading of recount

text between students who are taught through jigsaw technique and students who
were taught through Grammar Translation Method (GTM).


A. Research Finding
1. The Data Description
Before the writer gave the test to the sample, the wrtiter had tested the tests to
the ninth grade of students of SMPN 1 Panongan. It was held to know the validity
and realibility of the tests. The validation test was given to 35 students at ninth
grade of SMPN 1 Panonganand and were analyzed by Anastest. Total items was
30 items, there are 14 items were not significance. Thus the writer deleted 10
items and change 4 items. And the total was 20 items.
a. The Pre-test Scores
Table 4.1 reports the students’ pre-test score of the experimental class and the
controlled class. there are 30 students in both the experimental class and the
controlled class.
Table 4.1
The Students’ Pre-test Scores
Students The Pre-Test Scores of The Pre-Test of Controlled
Experimental Class Class
1 60 65
2 60 60
3 65 70
4 50 50
5 45 65
6 60 55
7 50 70
8 55 55
9 60 65
10 65 60
11 55 65
12 50 65

Students The Pre-Test Scores of The Pre-Test of Controlled
Experimental Class Class
13 55 60
14 60 75
15 50 55
16 55 65
17 45 60
18 75 55
19 65 50
20 70 55
21 40 70
22 55 60
23 55 55
24 60 70
25 55 50
26 50 65
27 55 75
28 55 75
29 75 65
30 65 70
1715 1865
Mean 57.17 62.17
Based on the data in table 4.1 above, it shows above the students’ pre-test score
of the the experimental class and controlled class. the test was given in the first
meeting before giving any instrument. The experimental class has 40 as the lowest
score and the controlled class has 50 as the lowest score of pre-test. 55 as the
medium score experimental class and 60 as the medium score of controlled class,
and 75 as the highest score of both class. besides, the mean score of experimental
class is 57.17 and the controlled classes is 62.17. hence,, it can be concluded that
the pre-test score of the experimental class is lower than the controlled class.

b. The Post-test Scores
Table 4.2 reports the students’ post-test score of the experimental class and
controlled class. Each class has 30 students as the sample.

Table 4.2
The Students’ Post-test Scores
Students The Post-Test Scores of The Post-Test of Controlled
Experimental Class Class
1 75 75
2 60 65
3 85 60
4 75 85
5 85 65
6 90 65
7 70 80
8 80 85
9 65 70
10 75 60
11 75 80
12 70 75
13 75 70
14 70 60
15 65 70
16 80 70
17 65 85
18 85 65
19 60 70
20 90 70
21 80 60

Students The Post-Test Scores of The Post-Test of Controlled
Experimental Class Class
22 90 60
23 80 70
24 66 60
25 75 75
26 75 70
27 85 70
28 70 75
29 80 70
30 75 75
2270 2110
Mean 75.67 70.33
Based on the data in table 4.2 above, it shows the post-test scores of the
experimental class and the controlled class. the post-test was gien in the last
meeting after the treatment. In the post-test, the lowest score of both classes are
60. Meanwhile, the median of the experimental class is 72,5 and the controlled
class is 70. Besides, the highest score of the experimental class is 90 and the
controlled class is 85. The mean of the experimental class is 75,67 and the
controlled class is 70,33. Therefore, it can be seen that the experimental class has
higher significant score than the controlled class. later, the writer did T-test to
know whether post-test score of the experimental class and the controlled class is
c. The Gained Scores
Table 4.3 belows reports the gained scores of the experimental class and the
controlled class. Both the experimental class and the controlled class have 30

Table 4.3
The Gained of the Experimental Class and the Controlled Class
Students The Gained Scores of The Gained Scores of
Experimental Class Controlled Class
1 15 10
2 0 5
3 20 -10
4 25 35
5 40 0
6 30 10
7 20 10
8 25 30
9 5 5
10 10 0
11 20 15
12 20 10
13 20 10
14 10 -15
15 15 15
16 25 5
17 20 25
18 10 10
19 -5 20
20 20 15
21 40 -10
22 35 0
23 25 15
24 5 -10
25 20 25
26 25 5

Students The Gained Scores of The Gained Scores of
Experimental Class Controlled Class
27 30 5
28 15 0
29 5 5
30 10 5
555 245
Mean 18.5 8.2
The data above describes that the gained score of the experimental class is
higher than the controlled class. The lowest gained score of the experimental class
is -5 and the controlled class is -15, while the highest gained score score of the
experimental class is 40 and the controlled class is 35. In addition, the mean of
gained score in the experimental class is 18,5 and the controlled class is 8,2.
2. The Data Analysis
This section is intended to answer the research question whether jigsaw
technique effective on stuents’ reading of recount text at the eight grade of SMP
Dharma Karya UT Pondok Cabe Pamulang. T-test was used to answer the
research question and conducted in both the experimental class and controlled
Table 4.4
The Comparison Scores of Each Student in The Experimental Class and The
Controlled class
Students X Y X-MX Y-MY (X-MX)² (Y-MY)²
1 15 10 -3.5 1.8 12.25 3.24
2 0 5 0 5 0 25
3 20 -10 20 -10 400 100
4 25 35 25 35 625 1225
5 40 0 40 0 1600 0
6 30 10 30 10 900 100
7 20 10 20 10 400 100
8 25 30 25 30 625 900

Students X Y X-MX Y-MY (X-MX)2 (Y-MY)2
9 5 5 5 5 25 25
10 10 0 10 0 100 0
11 20 15 20 15 400 225
12 20 10 20 10 400 100
13 20 10 20 10 400 100
14 10 -15 10 -15 100 225
15 15 15 15 15 225 225
16 25 5 25 5 625 25
17 20 25 20 25 400 625
18 10 10 10 10 100 100
19 -5 20 -5 20 25 625
20 20 15 20 15 400 225
21 40 -10 40 -10 1600 100
22 35 0 35 0 1225 0
23 25 15 25 15 625 225
24 5 -10 5 -10 25 100
25 20 25 20 25 400 625
26 25 5 25 5 625 25
27 30 5 30 5 900 25
28 15 0 15 0 225 0
29 5 5 5 5 25 25
30 10 5 10 5 100 25
555 245 0 0 13512.25 6103.24
Mean 18.5 8.2 0 0 450.41 203.44

The procedure of the calculation are as follow:

Firstly, the researcher had to find the mean gained score from the experimental
class and the controlled class.
From the experiment class the researcher got:


Mx =

Mx =

Mx = 18.5
The next step is to find out the mean gained score from the controlled class:

My =

My =

My = 8.2
From the calculation above the researcher got the mean gained score of each class
is 18.5 for experiment class and 8.2 for controlled class
After the researcher got the meand gained score of experimental class and
controlled class, she will find the deviation of each class, the calculation as

SDx =√
SDx =√
SDx = √450.4083

SDx = 21.22

This score is showed the deviation of the experimental classs. The next step is to
find out the deviation of controlled class.

SDy = √

SDy = √

SDy = √203.441
SDy = 14.26
After the researcher found the deviation of gained score of each class, she
determine standard error experiment as follow:

SEMx = √ 1 − 1

SEMx = √30 − 1
SEMx = √29
SEMx = 5.39

SEMX = 3.93
The next step is to find out standar error controlled class.
SEMy = √ 2 − 1
SEMy = √30 − 1
SEMy = √29
SEMy = 5.39
SEMy = 2.64
From the calculation above researcher got the mean standard error of each class is
(3.93) for experimental class and (2.64) for controlled class. Later, the researcher
determines the different score of standar error of experiment class and controlled
class. The formula is as follow:
SEMx-my = √ 2+ 2

SEMx-my = (3.93) + (2.64)²

SEMx-my = √15.44 + 6.96

SEMx-my = √22.4096
SEMx-my = 4.73

Next she calculated the score to the formula of t-test. The formula is as follow:

t0 =

. .
t0 =
t0 =
t0 = 2.17
Based on the calculation above, it is showed that the result of t-test from the
experimental class and controlled class is 2.17
After the researcher got the result from t-test, she should fin the degree of
freedom. It is used to find out the value of the t-test score in the t-table. To get the
value of t-test from the t-table, the researcher used the value of the significant of
5%. The procedure to get the degree of freedom is as follow:
df = (N1+N2) – 2
df = (30 + 30) – 2
df = 60 – 2
df = 58
Thus, based on the calculation above, the degree of freedom (df) is 58 and
the critical value of the df 58 by using the degree of significance 5% is 2.002 and
the tobserve is 2.17.
It can be seen that the post-test score of experimental class is higher than
the score of controlled class. The result of the comparison between tobserve and ttable
is 2.17 > 2.002 = tobserve > ttable .

B. Interpretation
Based on the analysis of the data, it found that there is a significant differentce
between students achievement of reading recount text in experimental class which
were given jigsaw technique and the controlled class which were not. It can be
seen from students’ pre-test and post-test score. The pre-test mean score of

students in experimental class was 57.17 and post-test mean score of the
experimental class was 75.67.
According to the calculation above, the mean gained of the experimental class
is 18.5 and the mean gained score of controlled class is 8.2. It means controlled
class is lower than experimental class. After each of mean gained was found, the
researcher calculated it into t-test. From the calculation, it is showed that result of
t-test (to) is 2.17. the score is the value taht is needed in testing the hypothesis with
t-table. To find the value of t-table, the researcher should find the degree of freedom
(df). It is found that (df) is 58. In the t-table, based on the degree of significance of
5%, it showed the value of t-table is 2.002. it means that the value is lower than
the result of t-test 2.17 > 2.002.
Further, in order to answer the question, the writer writes the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) and the null hypothesis (Ho) as follows:
1. The null hypothesis (Ho) :
There is no significant difference of students’ reading of recount text
achievement between students who are taught through jigsaw technique
and students who are taught withouw jigsaw technique.
2. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) : there is a significant difference of
students’ reading of recount text achievement between students who are
taught through jigsaw technique and students who are taught without
jigsaw technique.
To prove the hypothesis, the data obtained in experimental class and controlled
class are calculated by using ttest formula with assumption as follows:
1. If to < t table, the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted an alternative
hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It is proven that jigsaw technique is not
effective on students’ reading of recount.
2. If to > t table, the Null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative
hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It proven that jigsaw technique is effective on
students’ reading of recount.
In other word, the result reports that t-observe is higher than t-table (2.17 >
2.002). It means that hypothesis alternative was accepted and the null hypothesis

was rejected, and teaching reading of recount text by using jigsaw technique gives
influences on the students’ achievement of the eight grade of SMP Dharma Karya


A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the analysis, it can be said that using jigsaw technique
is effective. It can be seen from the students’ score who are taught using jigsaw
technique is better than the students’ who are not taught by using jigsaw
technique. The result showed that in significance degree of 5%, the value of t-test
(to) > t-table (tt) (2.17 > 2.002) . It could be said that t-observe was higher ithan t-
table. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It means that the answer of
research problem was proven that there was a significant difference between
students’ reading of recount text in experimental class which was taught by jigsaw
technique and in controlled class that was taught without using jigsaw technique.
Based on the analysis results of the research, the conclusion drawn was
jigsaw technique was effective and applicable for teaching reading of recount text
at the eight grade students of SMP Dharma Karya UT. Jigsaw technique also
could overcome students’ difficulties towards reading of recount text.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusions, some suggestions can be proposed that hopefully will
be useful for students, teachers, schools, and other researchers.
1. For Students
Students should be responsible for the discussion of the material given by the
teachers. In addition, students should participate more actively in groups. When
they are formed in groups, the should use their time wisely by discussing the
material well because each student has a responsibility to master the material.
2. For Teachers
In applying jigsaw technique, teachers should use time as efficiently as possible
because the teaching learning process by using jigsaw technique takes a long time.
So, teachers should be able to manage the time. Teacher also should provide the

material well because when the material provided is not really interesting,
students will not get interested in involvinf in jigsaw technique process. The
material can come from magazine, internet, and books and it will increase
students interest as well. Teachers should be well-prepared before coming to the
classroom. It means that teachers need to know everything that potentially
happens in the classroom not only conciousness but also under consciousness as
jigsaw technique is being applied.
3. For School
The suggestion that may be useful and be used as a consideration for school is
school should provide supporting facilities that can enable teachers to teach well
and effectively. The facilities can be a projector in the classroom and good books
or magazines as learning sources.
4. For other researchers
Researchers should practice what they have known and learned about the
knowledge in teaching. Researhers that want to conduct a research should also be
well-prepared and make an aambience of teaching learning process to be as good
as possible.

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