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406 HW 7 Solutions

April 25, 2006

1 14.1.7: 9,10, 11, 12, 15, 16

Problem 9 We first prove a
Lemma If Xi is a countable collection of Gδ sets, then i Xi is a Gδ set,
as is ∪i Xi .
Proof Each Xi is a countable intersection of open sets Aji , i.e. Xi = ∩j Aji
for open sets Aji . Thus
\ \
Xi = Aji .
i (i,j)∈N×N

This proves that ∩i Xi is in fact Gδ , since N × N is countable. To prove that

∪i Xi is Gδ , we write
[ [ \ j \ µ [ j¶
Xi = Ai = Ai
i i j j i

which shows that ∪i Xi is Gδ , because if each Aji is open, so is ∪i Aji for each
j. We are finished.
We will now complete the exercise by showing that the intervals (here a or
b may be infinite if the interval is open at the endpoint) (a, b], [a, b), (a, b)
and [a, b] are Gδ -sets. By the lemma, if this is so, any countable union of
intervals is Gδ , and thus so is any countable intersection of countable unions
of intervals. To show that (a, b] is Gδ , write

(a, b] = (a, b) ∪ ∩∞
j=1 (b − 1/j, b + 1/j),

a union of two Gδ -sets. An identical proof shows that [a, b) is a Gδ -set. The
interval (a, b) is itself an open set and so is Gδ . Finally, we have

[a, b] = (a, b) ∪ ∩j (a − 1/j, a + 1/j) ∪ ∩k (b − 1/k, b + 1/k)
which shows that it is Gδ . This finishes the proof.
Problem 10 We need to show that a finite union of rectangles is a finite
disjoint union of rectangles. I take ”rectangle” to mean a product of n
finite intervals in R, which may be open, closed or half-open. Two facts are

1. Clearly the union of two rectangles is a disjoint union of a finite number

of rectangles; a little visualization will convince you of this.

2. If R1 , R2 are rectangles and not disjoint, and T = R1 ∩ R2 , then T is

a rectangle.

From these facts it follows by induction that a finite union of rectangles is

a finite disjoint union of rectangles. Hence the classes of finite unions of
rectangles and finite disjoint union of rectangles are equal. That they form
a field can be proved by observing that the intersection of two rectangles is
a rectangle; hence if R1 , . . . , Rk are rectangles, so is R1 ∩ R2 , (R1 ∩ R2 ) ∩ R3 ,
and so on. Hence the class of finite unions of rectangles is closed under finite
intersections and unions, and so forms a field.
Problem 11 Let A be the set of all rectangles in Rn with rational centers
having edges of rational length. A is clearly countable. We will first show
that any open connected set S can be expressed as a union of members of
A. Let Z ⊂ S be the set of points in S that can be covered by members of
A lying within S, and z ∈ Z. If ² > 0 is small enough, the ball B(x, ²) ⊂ S
can be covered by members of A. Hence B(x, ²) ⊂ Z, and Z is open in S. Z
is also closed in S; this is clear. Hence Z is open and closed in S, so every
open connected set in Rn can be written as the union of a countable number
of rectangles. Since every open set in Rn has at most a countable number
of components, this finishes the proof.
The rectangles can be taken to be disjoint, by an extension of the argument
in problem 10.
Problem 12 Let X = {x1 , . . . , xn } and pj = m(xj ), m being the measure
on the field of subsets of X. Let A ⊂ X. Since
A= {xj } ∩ A

we have

n ¶ Xn µa
n ¶
m(A) = m {xj } ∩ A = m {xj } ∩ A
j=1 j=1 j=1
= pj
xj ∈A

Problem 15 Each open covering of a compact set has a finite subcover.

The result follows immediately from this.
Problem 16 µF is obviously non-negative, and µF (∅) = µ(F ∩∅) = µ(∅) =
0. To prove σ-additivity, let A1 , . . . , An , . . . be disjoint. Then
∞ ¶ µa ¶ X X
µF Ai =µ (Ai ∩ F ) = µ(Ai ∩ F ) = µF (Ai ).
i=1 i i i

We are finished.

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