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Where Mind without Politics and Body

without Science.
This isn’t a literary piece. You may use it as cheatsheet or quick reference, the snapshots of things
that may matter.

Getting started with a question… What men are capable of then these? Hate/Envy, Deceits,
Violence, Enslavement and Eating (Biblical joke is that man can even sell birth right for a meal); Big
heart, big mind and big life gets trivialized by necessities of life… Ours is the world of man. In talking
about men and women, see through the advertisements – you will have better view of society today
- in them, you will find women forefront; but, all ads are meant for men. Our world is an assortment
of male-volent projects. That’s our open secret, not to whine about or to react against, the reason
for unsustainable developments and imperfections.

Thinking back in time, men tried to respond to the transiency of life by offering and experimenting
numerous leads. Enlightenment period is an age of stupidity (India do not have one, as such) that
craftily replaced reality with ephemerality. Men framed ideologies and applied it catastrophically
(Capitalism vs Communism); reacted to ungraspable madness of mass violence in wars by ‘thinking’
philosophies and diverted to scientific engrossments. People today, model communities and
networks, build power structures on geopolitics and bioeconomic base, creating virtual empires of
influences. On Social Media, we keep on communicating... These unceasing thinking is intended for
unceasing doings. Do all our ‘talks’ turns into actions, actually?

We need to keep this in mind when we encounter “personally touchy” overtures in unlikely
circumstances – the network neighbourhood is in action on you - there is nothing coincidence in
life. Not anymore. The avaricious are developing powerful decisional force with technology and
science. Some of its evidences are use of software processes to govern, moderate and manipulate
polity, society and even religious lives. Software products as social catalysts is being used by the
sneaky few: it is evident, when you come across software programming, products and process terms
that are very anthropocentric.

Family system founded on caste is private circus arena in which we discover all sorts of tamed and
untamed animals (‘celebrities’ or otherwise). There are no glamorous and invincible people as we
are exposed to in tabloids and media. Everyone are like “plain text” (i.e. texts without style formats).

Clash of interests pronounced in the purported pluralism is a measure to stunt any unified efforts
towards personal or collective self-actualization. Divided we stand, thanks to the social framework of
jaded identities. Men make sure that we stand divided and our only uniting force should be
nationalism; that nationalism is stacked on religio-castism. Absolutely, every forms of nationalism
kills. The twentieth century is the disastrous manifest.

Generation gaps begets Historical Forgetfulness. Let humanity never forget the World Wars. Trail of
destruction, pain, agony and human tragedies… we haven’t experienced them, except in monuments
and memorial services. The wars were NOT just brutal acts of men, but that of devils. We fail in
Terror War because, men are in partnership with EVIL perpetuating the sinister conflicts, violence
and destructions (on others). As we are in this Post-War era (postmodernist), we need to be aware
of the one “impossible and irreconcilable fact” – the world wars had its psychic origin in what the
West once termed, “Orientalism” (Nazism is founded on it).
Post-war India has its own Gestapo, eliminating undesirables and threats at will. The “umbrella
organizations” found at all levels of lives actually enforcing Nazi agenda. Did you know that Brahmin
bureaucracy was hunting down social workers for nearly seventy+ years most ruthlessly to establish
the Hindu hegemony over the States, after British-India era? Now the colonization of Indian
subcontinent by Brahmins Raj has taken new face: corporate conquest of history, land, culture,
economy, art, language and lifestyle. Repression is the trademark of “Brahmin era”. They are out to
suppress everything ecological and natural – surprisingly contradictory to what they stand for.

Some visual representation of the things that matters to Indianity: politics is a persistent tug of war.
All kind of power network is human pyramid where very few sits on everybody else. The sway
masters running personal agencies of opinions; businesses are like bike-rides (that army men
showcase), all buggy with pros, but of frivolity. Shocking truth is that character-industries in India
kills human resources to replenish and induct into its glorious personas, globally evil! Indian power
framework is the nation-wide Deception Network System (DNS), whose “exclusive associates” live
behind rhythmic hate weaved into identity blindness. Our social immaturity is rock-hard to cope with
problems of “representative democracy”. To affect decisional act (i.e. “favourable poll stats”) men
go on network rampage using their brand of India’s in-house imperialism.

The resilient evil stupefies us with no answer: The caste polity has begun to use scientific
demonology to conduct ethnic cleansing of social classes… The creamy elites mint “mythical
historical facts” to countermand and abrogate historical truths… DNS engages in octopus-like grip
over personal freedom, dignity, privacy, thoughts… Alternatives prop-up to counter anything that is
threat to the de facto doctrine of monopolization… as usual.

We can always steer the wheel back to where we began. We can get back to the networkless
society that people once lived in. Interpersonal services not driven by objectives and anonymous
(outsourced) orders, no double lives, crypto-communications, human-chain of commands,
duplicitous women suppression and brave flesh missions, endless semantic referencing to provoke
negative emotions, false positives as hopes, ass-seeking-carrot visions (collective and personal)…

If politics dominates, science controls. We do not like either of them when it touches lives, in person.
Perhaps, this could be something of a revolutionary canto. “Say No to Politics” and “No Science
Please”. Our mind and body is not for power-steering or augmented super-consciousness.

- End of Article (953 words) -

Why? It is a known fact that Greek city-states utterly failed before avaricious and alluring empires of
ancient Asia. French revolution frothed with “alternative” vision for coexistences: Liberty, Equality
and Fraternity. We are having something shockingly contradictory to this revolutionary charter:
Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience (not many would even have heard of). Here is our dichotomous
order: Obedience versus Liberty, Chastity versus Fraternity, and Poverty versus Equality. The life has
proven that it is by losing, one gains it.

The enlightenment is that we are all fallen beings, branded with sin and death. Indeed, we carry
the marks of sin and death every day of our life and divert ourselves with preoccupations of living. It
is because, we choose godlessness both in mind and body. Body takes us to mind and mind brings us
back to body (Yoga). Every path of mind is godless. Just like body, our mind too is corruptible in
nature. Science and religion centred on mind and consciousness do not take us to God. We have
only notions of God, which is imperfect. Yet our life is the mark of God’s presence. Life comes with
all existential problems pointing to God, who is the only answer. Apostolic Creed offers answers to
all our existential (real) problems of life, if we consciously profess it.
Beyond the cacophony of professional intricacies about good and effective living, Christian wisdom is
simple and straightforward. It is time to return to our basic understanding of life and thinking.
Prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude are prime Christian virtues ("a habitual and firm
disposition to do the good"). Want to have better vision for life? Don’t hunt for junk spiritualties and
betterment books. Christian virtues are more challenging and applicable: Chastity, Temperance,
Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility against the vices (and passions): Lust, Gluttony,
Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Getting familiar with this itself will help you steer yourself to
Faith, Hope and Love, the true mark of God-centred life.

Catechism is all of Catholic lifestyle. Try reintroducing the seven virtues and seven vices, instead of
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People . Try seven corporal works of mercy in place of intricate
social work projects and fizzy actions for justice and peace. Grace contra Sin embodies Christian way
of living. Sciences is always tainted with plethora of sins. It is better to know the taxonomy of sin and
graces, which are very human and personal than conducting analysis like, SWOT.

No one thinks of life after death. Because, no one wish to think of death. This is the reason for
forgetfulness of transient living. It isn’t negativity intending to panic or go hopeless to point that we
are all branded with sin and death in life. We are crafted for something beyond everything we are,
do and relate. When persons begin to speak of heaven and hell, faith and holiness, sin and death,
they do not exactly face criticism, rather they get alienated from the mass. The visible reaction is one
of hostility. This is the base for all Christian persecutions, down the ages.

The true sustainability factor for every human initiative is God, without God-centeredness nothing
shall stand forever. Human endeavour must be to make mind, really God-oriented and modelled on
Jesus of Nazareth. The innate personal craving of people is actually neither money nor relationship,
not happiness or peace but ‘salvation’.

Jesus is never ancient, never ever irrelevant. Unlike anyone on earth, his life and actions were too
simple and radically contextual. Make Jesus your point of reference, not just devotionally, but really.

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