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Commas Worksheet (Addresses)

Commas you use in writing are similar to pauses you use in speech. Commas are also used to group
similar items together.

Re-write the following addresses on the lines given below using commas
where necessary. Then write a sentence with each.

1340 Dell St. Sandford NV 92343

1340 Dell St., Sandford, NV 92343
I used to live at 1340 Dell St., Sandford, NV 92343.

1. 1340 Mooney Dr.,Arcadia,CA 91754- ___________________________________

2. 1730 Lakeview Dr.,Hampton,NV 91754- ________________________________

3. 1790 Gloria Dr.,Austin,TX 91754- ________________________________

4. 4350 Diamond St., Arcadia, CA 91754- __________________________________

5. 1253 Terrace Dr.,Hampton,TX 91754- ________________________________

6. 5643 Davis Dr.,Monrovia, HI 91754- ________________________________

7. 1932 Bradshawe St.,Monterey,CA 91754- ______________________________

8. 4528 Elm St.,Altadena,CA 91754- ______________________________

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