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Bourne High School

21 Century Learning Expectation: (1) Reading Comprehension Rubric
Effective Users of Skills and Strategies
Criteria Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic
4 3 2 1
 Sets a Purpose Establishes a clear and focused Establishes a purpose Establishes a purpose when Relies on an explicitly stated
B purpose independently independently reminded purpose

E  Previews Text Previews text thoroughly with Previews text purposefully Previews text randomly and/or Previews when reminded.
F focused intent incompletely
Requires activities to activate
O  Accesses Prior Makes numerous connections Connects prior knowledge Accesses prior knowledge prior knowledge
Knowledge which activate prior knowledge with selection when prompted
R Makes vague or unjustified
E  Makes Predictions Makes insightful predictions Makes meaningful Makes predictions predictions
using prior knowledge predictions inconsistently
 Confirms/Adjusts Checks accuracy and adjusts Checks accuracy of Checks to confirm predictions Checks predictions when
Predictions predictions continually predictions most of the time reminded

 Visualizes Visualizes elaborately through Visualizes with increasing Visualizes some details Visualizes with few details
D writing, drawing, or verbal detail
U communication.

R  Makes Connections Makes elaborate and valid text- Readily makes text-to-self, Makes personal connections to Needs opportunity to hear
to-self, text-to-text, and text-to- text-to-text, and/or text-to- text when prompted others share personal
I world connections world connections connections before attempting
N independently to state own

G Asks questions of self or text Asks questions of self or text Asks questions of self or text Asks questions of self or text
 Asks Questions that demonstrate higher level and considers things to some of the time in a limited way
thinking and raises issues to ponder
R ponder
E  Determines Importance Distinguishes important ideas Distinguishes important ideas Distinguishes important ideas Lacks ability to distinguish
A from details consistently from details from details inconsistently important ideas from
unimportant details
I  Monitors Comprehension Monitors comprehension Monitors comprehension Monitors comprehension with Monitors comprehension
automatically to clarify most of the time to clarify reminders to clarify confusion sporadically or ineffectively
N confusion or answer questions confusion or answer to clarify confusion
about the text questions
 Uses Fix-up Strategies Applies fix-up strategies in the Applies appropriate fix-up Applies fix-up strategies with Applies few or no fix-up
(Re-read, reads on, adjusts rate, reading process naturally strategies most of the time limited, but increasing success strategies
uses word parts and context clues)
Bourne High School
Reading Comprehension Rubric

Assessed Targets Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic

4 3 2 1
Comprehends Explains theme or message in Restates understanding of theme Identifies theme or message Identifies theme or message
 Identifies theme or own words, acknowledging or message and identifies inconsistently with guidance
message and supporting different interpretations, and supporting details
details offering supportive evidence

 Summarizes with Summarizes in own words by Summarizes in own words by Attempts to summarize in own Recognizes a summary
evidence identifying three main points identifying three or more main words, but lacks one or more statement, but lacks ability to
and elaborating with evidence points from text main points or includes write a summary
using correct form unnecessary details independently/ Retells
selection randomly
 Makes inferences Recognizes subtle clues in Makes independent inferences Makes inferences when Works with others to
F selection and consistently based on numerous ideas in the coached or given obvious clues understand inferences when
T makes valid inferences selection from selection explained
E  Interprets vocabulary Applies word structure, origin, Interprets meanings of Decodes unfamiliar words but Attempts to decode
R and context clues to interpret unfamiliar words is not always able to interpret unfamiliar words in text, but
meanings of unfamiliar words meaning from context does not independently
interpret meaning
R Analyzes Analyzes how literary elements Applies understanding of how Identifies and applies limited Identifies but does not apply
 Applies understanding of contribute to meaning literary elements contribute to understanding of how literary understanding of how literary
E literary elements meaning elements contribute to meaning elements contribute to
D  Applies understanding of Analyzes how informational Applies understanding of how Recognizes basic knowledge of Disregards or does not
informational text text features contribute to the informational text features informational text features but understand informational text
I features reader’s understanding of the contribute to understanding does not to aid understanding features
N text

G  Compares/contrasts Compares/contrasts elements Compares/contrasts elements Compares/contrasts some Compares/contrasts one

elements within and by elaborating with well- using examples that demonstrate elements, but may not element that is safe or
between texts chosen examples that understanding of text demonstrate in-depth obvious and may be non-
demonstrate understanding of understanding of text essential to understanding
the text text

 Makes connections Makes in-depth connections Makes connections and/or Makes a vague connection or Requires guidance to make a
(cause and effect) and/or establishes cause and establishes cause/effect attempts to establish a general connection or establish a
between parts of a text effect relationships relationships specific cause/effect relationship simple cause/effect
Bourne High School
Reading Comprehension Rubric

Target Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic

4 3 2 1
Thinks Critically Analyzes author’s purpose and Analyzes author’s purpose States author’s purpose in Attempts to clearly state
A  Analyzes author’s effectiveness, challenging and effectiveness giving general terms author’s purpose in simple
F purpose and/or author’s ideas, implied bias, or examples, and recognizing terms
effectiveness for distortions with clear rationale author’s bias
T different audiences or arguments
E Expresses an opinion and seeks Expresses an opinion and Recognizes an opinion and Struggles to recognize an
 Identifies facts and
R opinions unique ways/evidence to uses specific examples from provides general support and/or opinion, and /or may not
enhance interpretation of text the text to defend opinion facts from the text when identify facts from the text to
prompted support opinion
 Identifies author’s Elaborates insightfully to Identifies author’s Expresses a vague idea of Recognizes author’s
E assumptions or beliefs author’s assumptions and assumptions and beliefs author’s beliefs assumptions or beliefs when
A beliefs coached

D  Evaluates reasoning and Makes a solid, defensible Makes and defends judgment Makes a judgment about the Demonstrates uncertainty
ideas/themes related to judgment about the reasoning about the reasoning and/or reasoning and/or ideas in text and/or confusion when asked
I text and/or main ideas related to the main ideas in text to make a judgment about
N text ideas in text
G  Extends information Makes consistent and accurate Applies information in text to Applies information in text to Struggles to apply or
beyond text applications of information in own life or world own life or world when misapplies information in text
own life and world prompted to own life or world

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