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Pick Me Academy
School year: 2019
June 2019
Age group: 3-4

Name: Ilinca Ghita

Class: History
Teachers: Miss Ioana, Miss Mihaela & Miss Stefana
In this semester we had the chance to acquire plenty of useful information about us and what
surrounds us. Our first project was called “All about me” and the kids had the opportunity to learn
about their body and about how important is to live a healthy life. Then we all learned about “Weather
and Seasons” and about “Our Five Senses”. These two projects were perfect for children to
understand and explore the environment and the powers of the human body. Our journey continued
with projects like “Food”, “Animals around the world” and “Travel and transport”. All these projects
were created in order to teach our children how important is to take care not only of them but of their
planet and environment too. It was a great semester and we had such a great time. We will certainly
remember it with joy.

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

We encourage our children to express freely their feelings and we teach them how to behave well not only
in society but also in our classroom because we are a team, a team that works only if we respect ourselves
and our needs and desires. We made a lot of role-plays in which the children learned to act nicely, they
were taught different emotions and they learned how to appreciate their colleagues by highlighting what
makes us different and talking about our group issues. The little ones are now aware of the fact that playing
together is very nice, because in this way we can make friends. These activities were like an open door to
the personal, social and emotional development for each child.

Ilinca is a very happy and dynamic child she shows that every day. She is a friendly girl who loves to play
especially with the little girls. Sometimes, though, she rejects her friends if they do not adhere to her
decisions and we always try together to explain that it is natural to have our own opinions and we should
not be upset if someone does not think the same. We consider all of these to be funny moments, because
her anger does not take more than 5 minutes. We try to expose these situations as they are but we try to
relate to the real explanations for a correct perception and development.
Sometimes she can’t control her feelings and emotions and she starts to cry for no reason or if something
does not happen as she desires. In the past months she became more jealous and sensible than she ever
was and it is hard for her to understand some rules we have in kindergarten or to share the toys. She has
a sense of property very well developed and that’s why it is hard for her to accept that all the toys have to
be shared. We concentrated a lot this year on sharing games and we are sure that with exercise and
support Ilinca will finally understand that sharing is caring.
When it comes to learning, she is a curious child that knows the importance of learning. It is harder for her
on the practical side because she gets really fast bored and she’s attracted more into playing than into
working. However, she showed an increased development this school year in all areas. She has acquired
a great deal of information throughout these months even if she sometimes refuses to repeat or answer
when asked about something. We are really proud of her!

Throughout this project we managed to learn the letters and the sounds in many interesting ways.
Everything we learned was through games – from worksheets to games and flashcards, blending
exercises and also lots of songs because every new sound that we learned was linked to a funny song
and an inspirational story. More than that, we discussed certain topics related to the projects by using short
sentences and short answers. We practiced our writing not only on paper but on other specific materials,
having in this way the opportunity to discover how entertaining can be learning while playing.
This semester brought through Literacy the writing, spelling and blending the following letters and sounds:
s, a, t, I, p, n, ck, e, h, r, m, d, g, o, u, l, f.

Ilinca proved, not just once, that she has a great memory and an increased capacity in learning. Even if
she gives the impression that she is not attentive at all, she, somehow, succeeds to absorb all the given
information. She managed to learn all the letters we introduced this school year. If it happens to mistake
one with another, when she sees the specific movement of the sound she immediately figures out the right
answer. For now, she does not have the ability to blend the sounds and create words but by the end of the
year she will sure do. She is able, though, to recognize all the sounds in a word but she is not able yet to
produce the glide in order to read. She has no problem in joining the dots in order to write the letters but
she never finishes her worksheet.
Speaking of vocabulary, Ilinca’s vocabulary has enriched considerably in this school year. She knows how
to express in English and she likes to make simple sentences and to talk about her favorite things or her
life experiences. Every morning she is very active in our Circle Time activities and she likes to speak about
seasons, weather or other themes we introduce.
She loves listening to stories and she even likes to translate with her teacher the words she known. She
is able to recognize the main point of the story and remember the characters. This year we focused more
on stories that have a hidden message like a moral lesson and Ilinca was able to find out and understand
the message the story gives.


During our mathematics activities we revised counting from 1 to 10 and we also had our first steps in
recognizing and writing these numbers. We practiced also matching the right numbers with the right
elements in a picture and we also learned to classify objects by size, color. Then we moved on by learning
the 2D shapes and we also focused on sorting and classifying different patterns of certain objects. Positional
language was an important part of mathematics this semester and the little ones learned notions like “in”,
“on”, “over”, “under”, “big”, “small”, “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”. The children were very attracted and were
really fast in solving the tasks and they surely accomplished them.

Ilinca’s interest in Mathematics is at a low level for the moment when it comes to numbers. She has no
problem in counting from 1 to 10 but she has to work more in recognizing them and in finishing her “Join
the dots” worksheets.
She, though, likes to play with shapes. We focused this year on the most frequently used shapes: circle,
rectangle, square, heart, star, triangle. She knows them all and it’s a pleasure for her to match them in pairs.
Also, she showed us that she has no problem in matching the numbers with the right elements from a
picture. She likes to play with patterns and she sorted objects correctly.
Ilinca started to understand math concepts this year and she uses them correctly. Even if she sometimes
loses his focus and leave the task unfinished we don’t need to worry because this situation is often
encountered among children of her age.

Art, Design and Technology

This semester all the children were encouraged to speak their minds and feelings through art. During our
arts activities we built our own instruments, our body, our favorite animal, we created our own season trees
and we even painted using spices. For painting we used some unconventional objects like Q-tips, tea bags,
ice, feathers, sponges and even our own hands instead of classic brushes. The little ones simply loved to
get dirty and use their imagination at a maximum level.

Ilinca loves colors especially girlish colors like pink, purple, red. She is using predominantly these colors
while painting or coloring. She enjoys taking part in this kind of activities as long as she doesn’t have to get
dirty. She likes painting with brushes and other materials but never with her hands. That’s the reason why
she almost never gets involved in Sensory Fun activities.
This year experiences were full of music, dance, stories, painting on different materials, craving, shaping,
drawing, and cutting. These activities were perfect for Ilinca as she managed to relax and free his mind and
imagination. Even if she does not stay focused so much time, she seems to enjoy painting and crafting.

We made the children understand that through music you can have a good time, free yourself and your
imagination in order to became invincible. Music played an important part this semester because it was linked
to literacy, communication and language. Every sound that the little ones learned had a short song in relation
to it in order to make them learn while having fun. They managed in this way, not only to learn all the letters
but to improve their vocabulary too.

Ilinca loves to sing and she knows by heart all the songs we learned this year. She is never shy and she likes
to sing and perform in front of her friends but sometimes she can get stubborn enough not to sing a word. She
enjoys playing the percussion instruments we use during our Music classes and she is happy when she
manages to follow a specific rhythm.

General Comments

We have had lots of objectives during this year, and Ilinca has successfully achieved most of them:
 Present something in front of the class
 Interact with others, negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in conversation
 Give short but correct answers
 Recognize numbers from 1-10
 Count from 1-10
 Ask questions related to our stories showing a good understanding of them
 Practice handwriting skills (fine motor control and coordination)
 Clap following a patterned rhythm
 Focus on the given task
 Name the parts of the body
 Name the five senses and the organs we use for sensing
 Identify the first letter
 Name the 2D shapes(circle, square, triangle, heart, star)
 Name the parts of the body
 Name the polar animals
 Name ocean animals and savanna animals
 Name forest and jungle animals
 Name the 4 seasons and the 7 days of the week
 Name different types of fruits and vegetables
 Name different means of transport

Excellent work, Ilinca!

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