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S.No. year Title Architect Detector Task Datasets

1 2018 A REAL-TIME MULTI-TASK pre-trained SSD Multi-Task 1Widderfaces

2 2018 Grid Loss: Detecting Occluded Developed Sliding Detection of 1.AFLW

Faces Grid Loss window occluded 2.PASCAL VOC
Architecture Architecture faces 3.FDDB 4.AFW

3 2018 SFace: An Efficient Network for Pre-trained Hybrid face detection 1.Widder
Face Detection in Large Scale Xception-39 anchor+ with scale faces
Variations Anchor-free variation 2.4K faces.

4 2018 FaceOff: Anonymizing Videos in Pretrained Fast R-CNN Anonymizing 1. Widder

the Operating Rooms VGG-16 on Faces faces
imagenet 2.Faceoff

5 2018 Face Recognition via centralized

Coordinate Learning

6 2018 Precise Box Score: Extract More 1. Widder

Information from Datasets to faces
Improve the Performance of 2.FDDB
Face Detection

7 2018 Face detection using deep pre-trained Fast R-CNN face detection 1.Widder
learning: an improved faster R- VGG-16 faces
CNN Approach 2.FDDB

8 2018 Supervised Transformer Network Cascade RPN+RCN Pose invariant 1.FDDB 2.AFW
for efficient Face Detection CNN face

9 2018 Using LIP to Gloss over Faces in

Single-Stage Face Detection

10 2018 A Survey on face detection in

the wild: past, present and
11 2018 DenseBox: Unifying Landmark Pretrained DenseBox Detection and 1.MALF
Localization with End to End VGG-19 on localization of 2.FITTI
Object Detection imagenet objects

12 2017 UnitBox: An Advanced Object Pretrained UnitBox detection

Detection network VGG-16
13 2017 Fast Deep Convolution Face DCNN detect faces
Detetion in the wild Exploiting with
Hard sample mining occulusion

14 2017 Classroom Attendence Auto- Faster R- classroom

management Based on CNN attaendence
DeepLearning sysytem

15 2017 Multi-Path Region-Based Cascade RPN+RCNN 1.Widder

Convolution Neural Network for CNN faces
Accurate for Unconstrained 2.FDDB
"Hard Faces"

16 2017 Face Detection With Diffirent Similar to Fast R-CNN 1.Widder

scale Based on faster Rcnn VGG-16 faces
4.Pascal faces

17 2017 PyramidBox: A context-assisted VGG-16 SSD 1.Widder

Single shot face dtector faces

18 2017 Improved Face Detection and Cascade 1.FDDB

alignment algorithm using CNN (12Net, 2.AFLW
Casacade Deep Convolution 24Net,
Network 48Net)

19 2017 A convoltion Neural Network Cascade Sliding

Casacde for face detection CNN (12Net, window
24Net, Architecture

20 2017 Face Reconition via Central Inception_R Face

Coordinate learning esnet_V1 recognition
21 2017 Faceness-Net: Face Detection Faceness- 1.Widder
through Deep facial Part Net (Inspired faces
Response By Alex net) 2.FDDB 3.AFW
4.Pascal faces

22 2017 HyperFace: A deep Multitask ResNet 101 HyperFace Detection,

learnng framework for Face landmark
Detection, Landmark localization,
Localization, Pose estimation, pose
and Gender Recognition estimation,

23 2017 A deep Pyramid Demorfable Part DP2MFD 1.AFW

Model for face dtetction combination 2.FDDB

24 2017 Joint Traing of cascaded CNN for Cascade RPN+RCNN 1.AflW

Face Detection CNN 3.FDDB 4.AFW

25 2016 UMDFaces: An Annotated Face

Dataset for Traing Deep Network

26 2016 Learning Deep Features for one-

class classiifcation

27 2016 Multi-View FaceDetection Using

DeepConvolution Network

28 2016 Face-Detection through Scale- ResNet-50 Fast R-CNN scale invariant 1.Widder
friendly Deep Convoltion face detecion faces
Network 2.FDDB

29 2016 Masquer Hunter: Adversial

Occlusion -aware Face detection

30 2016 Dockerface: an easy to install

and use faster RCNN face
detector in a Docker contanier

31 2015 MultiBranch Fully Convolution Resnet- 1.Widder

Network for face detection pretrained faces
on imagenet 2.FDDB
32 2015 Face R-CNN ConvNet R-CNN 1.Widder
(detail not faces
metioned) 2.FDDB

33 2015 CMS-RCNN: Contextual Pretrained R-CNN 1Widderfaces

MultiScale Region Based CNN for VGG-19 on 2.AFLW
Unconstrained Face Detection imagenet

34 2015 Face detection with the Faster R- Pretrained R-CNN 1.IJB-A

CNN VGG-16 on 2.FDDB

35 2015 Joint Face detection and Cascade 1.Widder

allignment using Multitask CNN (12Net, faces
cascaded convolutional network 24Net, 2.FDDB
48Net) 3.AFLW

36 S3FD:Single Shot Sacle -invariat pre-trained SSD 1.Widder

Face detecto VGG-16 faces
4.Pascal faces

37 Face Detection with end to end VGG-16

Integration of ConvNet and a 3-D

38 The Do's and Dont's CNN-Based

Face varification

39 SSH:Single Stage Headless Face 1.Widder

Detector faces
4.Pascal faces

40 Improvising Multiview Face 1.FDDB

Detection With Multi-Task Deep
Convolution Neural Network

41 Lightweight two-stream UAV

Convolution face detection Photography
42 Detecting Faces Using Region- ResNet-101
based Fully Convolution pretrined on
Networks Imagenet
43 From facial Parts Responses to Faceness-
Face Dtection: deeplearning Net (Inspired
approach By Alex net)

44 Facial Affect "in the wild": A

survey and new database
Evalution Notes
1 RoC , Precesion 1. Multi task framework (Face detection, fudicial points and head pose
and Recal estimation)
2.Abaltive Study 2.Used Pretrained VGG-16 Network.
3.Estimation errors 3.Proposed MTSSD approach
4.Fine tunning for SSD detector was done on Widder faces and AFLW

1.Compare TP and 1.To rduce Computational speed used techniques of Aggregated chanel
FP features (ACF) and fed CNN features extracted from ACF
2.Porposed Loss-Layer called Grid Loss
3.Fast version of proposed method run at 20FPS

Precision Recall 1.Proposed Novel face detection algorithm called Sfaces.

curve 2.Used pretrained xception-39 model trained on Imagenet dataset. handle problem of scale variation used both anchor and anchor free
detection algorithm

Precision Recall and 1.Proposed an CNN algorithm based on Fast R-Cnn to hide faces of doctor
F1 score and patients for preserving their identity.
2.they used Widder face dataset and introdused their own dataset
FACEOFF dataset of youtbe videos

Roc curve the author proposed traing stratigy for anchor type algorithm to extract
more information from dataset and improve the utilization of data set

Roc curve 1 the algorithm is proposed for improving available R-CNN detector

Roc curve 1.The proposed algorithm used for face detection in images with
large pose variations is two stage network first stage is region Proposal, second is RCNN
3.RPN, predict faces with facial landmarks 4.RCNN varifies it into face
and non face category

This paper shows the limitation and ways to fool the single stage
facedetection algorithm

PER This paper divides face dtetction algorithms into, two categogry:-
1.Rigid Templetes, a> Casade weak classifiers b> DCNN's
2.Denmofable models
Proposed face detection algorithm for detect and localize objects

Roc curve author claims, the proposed algorithm was tested on FDDB dataset and
showed better performance from aother algorithms
1.Introduce new lightweight dCNN and traing techniques.
2.It also provide to problem of face detection on extreme occulusion and
pose variation condition
3.The network can be deployed on mobile or UAV's

the automated attendence sysytem was made

its is two stage classifier, paper also prposed multipath RPN and
Multipath RCNN. The algorithm also uses Boosted forest classifier in
second stage

proposed cascade type fast R-CNN based network called Different Scale
Face Detector (DSFD). used to detect faces of various scales

Roc curve Paper introduces improved version of SSD (anchor type detection

1.this paper introduses an interesting HEM method whic improves

memory space and weight paprmeters automatically and also acclerate
the convergence.
2.Network also do detection clibration and allignment of faces
3. Extension of 2015 paper "A convoltion Neural Network
Casacde for face detection"

Algorithm drastically improves the speed for dtection

the aurthor proposed cnn architecture that also leverage the facial
attributes (by scoring facial parts)

the proposed alorithm is called hyperface. it consist of 3 Modules: first

one provide region proposals scond classify it into face and non face
region, third if the region is classifed as face then it:1. Detect, localize,
estmate pose and recognize geneder

the model consist cnn model as feature extractor


provide solution to feature learning problem in one class classification.

the proposed methods is used while traing CNN network

this paper is premitive of "Faceness-Net: Face Detection through Deep

facial Part Response"

resnet-50 is used to as cnn architecture and divided it into blocks and

each block serve as an output for rcnn

Proposed Adversial Occlusition-aware Face Detector(AOFD) based on fast

rCnn algorithm proposed [15]

Its is pretrained Fast RCNN detector ready to use

the aurthor proposed multibrach fullty convoltion network (MB-FCN) that

can deal with various issues such as scale variation and occulsion
it improve R-CNN for face detection by using available techniques

detect faces uder high occlusion, low resolution, high illumision , pose
variation and Image and videon artifact

it perform three task 1.detection 2.Localizaion 3.allignment

this paper is espacially dedeictaed for detecting small faces and redusing
flase positive rates for their detection. it is also quit slow 36 FPS on Nvidia
TitanX for VGA resolution images

the model predict facial key points relative high accuracy

This paper answer many question related face detection and recognision
task with CNN by training CNN network of available dataset and
comparing them

the proposed detector is two stage detetctor which detect faces with
with different sacles

the multitask deep learning scheme is introduced to enhance the

detection under extrme conditions such as (pose and illumination)

Propose R-FCN (based on resnet-101) provide better perormance and

adress the limitations of RCNN
detect faces in high occulusion, pose variations and bad illumination


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