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Design and Analysis Algorithms

Units of Credit: 4
Hours per Week: 2.5

Teddy Mantoro

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Sampoerna University
Course Repository

Online course repository:

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Course Description
This course teaches students how to effectively
design algorithms using a number of design
paradigms. There is a more in-depth focus on
the analysis of algorithms and the concept of
computability. The students will be introduced
to basic algorithm design paradigms such as
divide and conquer, dynamic programming,
branch and bound, recursion, brute force and
greedy algorithms. Other topics include
Polynomial (P) vs. NP, Computability, Turing
Machines and Complexity Theory.

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Upon successful completion of this course,
students will be able to assess whether a given
problem is
(a) solvable
(b) computable and
(c) able to be solved in an efficient manner, in
which case (case (c)) to choose an
appropriate algorithm paradigm in order to
write a clear, correct, efficient program to
solve it.
Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm
a. A familiarity with a number of paradigms in
order to solve a problem correctly in more
than just one way;
b. An ability to write algorithms that solve
problems efficiently and correctly;
c. An understanding of approximating the
solution to a problem;
d. An ability to understand whether a problem
may be solved in polynomial time or not and
e. A familiarity with problems that are not

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Course Outline
1. Algorithm Basics
2. Complexity of Algorithms
3. Brute Force Algorithms
4. Recursive Algorithms
5. Greedy Algorithms
6. Divide and Conquer Algorithms
7. Backtracking Algorithms
8. Branch and Bound Algorithms
9. Dynamic Programming
10. Turing Machines
11. Computability

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Carrano, F. Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (4th Edition).
Pearson Education, 2014.
Cormen, T., Leiserson, C., Rivest, R. and Stein, C. Introduction To
Algorithms (Third Edition). MIT Press, 2009.
Drozdek, A. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (Second Edition).
Cengage Learning, 2010.

Sedgewick, R. Algorithms (Fourth Edition). Addison-Wesley, 2011.
Anany Levitin, Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms,
3rd Edition, Pearson, 2003.

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Assessment Scheme 2015/16
Assignment components: 20 %, including ACM ICPC model and
pop up test
Group project : 20%
Midterm : 20%
Final exam: written, closed book, 3 hours (40%)

Assignment (1-3): written, 30% due 6pm a week after the session given.
topic area: the requirements of a tool set of Algorithm.
Major (Project) assignment: in 2 parts
topic area: ACM ICPC programming solution (tentative)
• (in teams) Short presentation (algorithm) and written report ,10%, joint report
and text of presentation due 9am a day before week 10, presentations by the
team in their registered lab class session of week 10.
• (individual) written final design and critique 5%, report due 6pm at the end of
week 13.
Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm
Assessment Scheme 2016
Final course mark
will be the sum of the components, minimum 40% in each major
component (assignments, exam).

Late penalties
written assignment reports will be accepted up to 5 days (120 hours)
after the due date, unless you have specific permission. Each additional
day past the due date will reduce the value of the mark awarded by a
further 10 percent (10% reduction for 1 day late, 20% for 2 days, etc.)

only for illness (medical certificate), personal or family emergencies, etc.

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Codes of Ethics and Conducts
 Compulsory
 Be punctual (do not read email, chat during
the class)
 On days which quizzes are conducted,
attending other section will be considered

 University Dress Code

If not abide, class canceled

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Codes of Ethics and Conducts
 Obtaining, providing, or using unauthorized information or data
during a test or examination, verbally, visually, electronically, or by
notes, books, or other materials.
 Taking an examination for another person or arranging for
someone else to take an examination for you.
 Using electronic devices to receive or distribute test or examination
questions or answers.
 representing another person’s words, ideas, data, or work as one’s
own without acknowledging the source
 all work submitted must be properly credited to the original
source(s) of the information.

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

Thakn yuo fro uryo attnetion.

Week 1, Design and Analysis Algorithm

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