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Money - How You Spend Your Money Wisely

Do you have problem with your money spend? Spending problem often faced by college’s
students and other teenagers because they usually spend their money for some personal stuff
like magazine, entertainment, gadget. Young people also liked to spend their money for a
temporary pleasures like watching movies in cinema, playing games at cybercafé, karaoke and
others. Do you know how to overcome this problem? Here is some methods or tips that you can
use to spend your money wisely.

First, you must come with a budget. You need to track all you’re spending for a few
months so that you can work on your budget knowing where your money is going. you need to
make a list of your monthly expenses for example using your bills and the information you
gather. Review this list to determine where you can reduce expenses and by how much. Besides
that, you should avoid impulse buying so that you can avoid from purchase wasteful item.

Second method is how you spend money on your clothing. People these day like to spend
their money buying expensive clothes that have style and name brand like Edwin, Calvin Klein,
Alain Delon and many more. What you need to do is figured out what you need, the importance
of the item to have quality and the thing that are not. For example, it is unwise to spend too much
money on socks because it worn out very quickly. Buy a hundred dollar jeans that last for 6 years
is worth than buying a twenty dollar jeans that only last for 1 year.

Third, is how you spend your money on food and beverages? What you need to do is you
should make a shopping list of healthy foods that your body need and avoid adding sweet and
snacks in your list because it’s not good for your body. Besides that, you should avoid from
eating outside because of the higher price. Best way to avoid, is start packing lunch or dinner to

Learning how to save money is an important preparation for your financial future.
While saving money may not seem to be an easy thing to do, establishing short term goals as
well as long term ones makes the results seem more achievable. Establishing a savings routine
takes determination and dedication, but may be accomplished in part by changing daily routines.

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