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Tyler Dobbins

EDU 280


Multicultural Subject, Standard and Goal

The subject I am choosing to teach would be Physical Education, as for the grade level it

would be for high school.

The ​Curriculum Standard​, since the President's Council on physical fitness and sport wants us

educators to work on three major health benefits of physical activity, these benefits will and

should help teach the students learn how to stay active throughout their life to help them

maintain a healthy lifestyle, those benefits are:

Help build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints

Helps control weight, build lean muscle and reduce fat

Prevents or delays the development of high blood pressure and helps reduce blood pressure in

some of the adolescents with hypertension

My very first ​concept​ would be to teach the kids some breathing techniques to help be able to

control their breathing when they are tired, it would be along the lines of learning how to breathe

in through their nose and out their mouth, how to use deeper breaths in order to slow down their

breathing, and to put their hands on top of their head in order to open up more airways to the

lungs which helps get more air in the lungs.

The ​multicultural goal​ that stuck out the most to me was building social relationships to

promote interest in differences and include others in school and different social activities.


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