Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Step Description Simple Machine/Energy


1. The elastic attached to the Inclined plane

popsicle stick, is attached to
the box. You pull the stick Energy Before: ​Elastic
with the elastic band, which potential energy
will hit the toy car.
Energy After:​ Kinetic energy

2. The car rolls down, which Inclined plane

creates friction as well. It then
goes into the first cup. The Energy Before: ​Kinetic
first cup will go down due to energy
the car weight.
Energy After: ​Gravitational
potential energy

3. While the first cup goes Pulley

down, the second one goes
up. The second cup will also Energy Before: ​Gravitational
hit the bells. The second cup potential energy
will end up hitting the first
Energy After: ​Sound energy

4. The first ball then hits the Pulley

second ball, rolling into the
hole of the tape. The tape will Energy Before: ​Kinetic
roll down. energy

Energy After: ​Kinetic energy

5. The second ball in the tape Lever

hits the mousetrap, snapping
off the popsicle stick holdin Energy Before​: Gravitational
the lever. The sponge potential energy
attached to the lever will fall
Energy After: ​Kinetic energy

6. There is tin foil under the Energy Before: ​Elastic and

sponge. The candle is under kinetic energy
the sponge, so when the
sponge goes down, it will Energy After: ​Thermal
extinguish the candle. energy
Energy lost in contraption

The step that will lose most of its energy would be the final step. Step 6 is when it loses all of its
energy due to the flame being extinguished at the end. All the energy gained from steps 1-5 will
be lost as the flame goes out.

Specifications of contraption

Length of box: 50cm

Height of box: 28cm
Width of box: 35cm

Length of car: 4.5cm

Width of car: 3.0cm

First Inclined plane: 19.0cm, width- 7.1cm

Flat platform: 15.7cm

Last Inclined plane: 26.8cm, width- 7.8cm

Height of cup:19.0cm
Diameter of cup: 7.5cm
Diameter of pulley wheel: 5.5cm

Diameter of blue ball: 6.0cm

Area of blue ball: 4 π r 2 = 113.09cm​2
Diameter of tennis ball: 5.5cm
Area of tennis ball: 4 π r​2 ​= 95.02cm​2

Width of the lever: 7.0cm

Length of the lever: 31.2cm
Height of the lever above candle: 13.5cm

Length of popsicle stick (For first step of elastic): 15.5cm

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