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Khansa Humaira Sardadi 1706024904

Self Reflection

Since I was a childhood, I always wanted to be like my mom. She is smart, active, and
well-organized person. What I really want to be like her is the fact that she’s very active at an
organization, she often attend some event where she became a committee in a social gathering,
such as “Boedoet Silver Reunion”. After that, I realize that I’m not that active when I was in
high school, so I want to be active in my campus. First, I tried to join an organization in my
university and it called UKOR PSUI, it is a sports activities unit in Universitas Indonesia. Then,
i registered myself as a club manager, although I haven’t experienced a lot to be in an
organization and still have no idea how to be accepted in some organization, where you should
interact with other people in the context of achieving the goals of an organization. But I always
believe in myself that there’s nothing that I cannot do, unless I don’t try it and don’t want to
learn from mistakes. After one week of waiting who’s the next club manager, finally and
luckily I got accepted as a club manager. I am very happy even though I’m a little less confident
with this (here’s my photo as a club manager
After that, I realized that I may have an openness to experience trait.

Openness to experience is commonly associated with being imaginative, curious, and

open minded to new and different ways of working (Derue et al., 2011). I’m kinda curious at
first in becoming a club manager, and imagine if I was in there, so I tried to search what kind
of task that a club manager is doing. Even though I’m not open minded to a new and different
ways of working, yet. I hope that as time goes by i can learn to be open minded as well. Also,
It’s a kind of fearlessness, optimism, confidence, and you’re not afraid of failure (Bennis,
2009). It showed that I’m not afraid to be a club manager, but it was hard to have a big
confidence on the first day I joined the club, and I have to speak to other people. But, openness
to experience is a necessary trait if you want to be a leader, openness to experience is a
personality trait that have been shown to have strong relationships with leadership effectiveness
(Judge et al., 2002).

I perceived that my mom has a coersive power, for example, she’d like to punish me if
I don’t behave. My mom forbade me to play with my cousins until I have finished my
homework. I just want to say that it was effective for me and I thought it shaped my behavior
so that I would finish the work I was working on first and then do another activity. For example,
even though I kinda exhausted by becoming a club manager and a lot of homework, I tried to
finish one task like my homework first then I can go to campus for my duty as a club manager.
It helps me a lot to manage my tasks very properly. My dad have an indulgent parenting style,
that he allowed me to join a make-up course and encouraged me to do it even though I was so
excited as first but then I became lazy to do it. He also bought makeup tools that I did not have
before, he’d like to support and encourage me to do something creative. My parents shaped my
personality and behavior, I really thank both of them for teaching me how to focus in one task
before the other task and encouraging me to do something positive and creative.

I’d like to use S.M.A.R.T goal to develop my plans. The specific achievement of this
goal is that in the age of 24 I want to have my own car by using my own money from my make-
up service, so I don’t have to beg my parents for it and I can learn to be independent and
travelling by myself. The measurement of this goal is that I have started my make-up job in
July 23rd, 2018 and in the past four months (until now) I’ve made millions already. Action-
oriented of this goal is that in order to achieve this goal, I should promote my page a lot
( and try my best to impress my client so hopefully
they can use me in the future, and I should save my earnings for the best. Results-focused of
this goal is I can travel alone through Jakarta using my own car and try different places here
because I like to spend my time alone by travelling, because I think that’s so therapeutic. Time-
bound of this goal is that as I turned 24 which means May 10th, 2023. Besides that, I also have
to time-managed myself so my occupation as a make-up artist so that this doesn’t interfere my
obligation and academic activities as a student in Universitas Indonesia.

I want to have my Then I started my Join a make-up Make my own

own car with my make-up service class and buy the make-up page
own money 😊 equipment and promote my
page a lot on
social media

Travel alone using Bought my own Save my earnings Try my best to

my car 😊 car impress my client

Derue, D. S., Nahrgang, J. D., Wellman, N., Humphrey, S. E. (2011). Trait and behavioural

theories of leadership: an integration and meta-analytic test of their relative validity.

Personnel Psychology, 64, 7–52.

Judge, T. A., Bono, J. E., Ilies, R., Gerhardt, M.W. (2002). Personality and leadership:

A qualitative and quantitative review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 765–780.

Bennis, W. (2009). On becoming a leader. United States: Basic Books

Panduan Wawancara

I. Pembukaan

a. Identitas diri

b. Tingkatan semester saat ini

c. Kesibukan di perkuliahan

d. Kegiatan lain di saat waktu luang

II. Isi

1. Akademis

a. Kesulitan yang dialami


2. Dosen pengajar

a. Peran dosen di kelas

b. Apakah dosen kamu sudah melakukan kewajibannya dengan baik?

c. Bagaimana dosen kamu memandu tugas2 kamu selama ini?

d. Bagaimana cara anda menghargai dosen saat berada di kelas?

e. Apa emosi yang dirasakan

f. Sejauh mana dosen membantu dalam assignment?

g. Sikap kepemimpinan dosen menurut kamu

h. Apakah sudah sesuai dengan yang diharapkan ?

i. Yang diharapkan kamu seperti apa

j. Hubungan dengan dosen seperti apa yang dapat memotivasi

k. Perlukah menjaga relasi yang baik di luar kelas dengan dosen?

l. Bisa tolong disebutkan alasan mengapa jawaban anda demikian?

3. Sikap terhadap dosen

a. Menghargai

b. Menghormati

4. Evaluasi


III. Penutup

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