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USE this diccionary!

Readily: Adverb. Reacting quickly and willingly): immediatament; also easily,

fàcilment, sense inconvenients, sense problemes… P. ex: Michelle readily agreed

to help.

Willingly: (adverb): voluntàriament, per pròpia voluntat…

Vinicity: (around there): en les immediacions, al voltant, “alrededor”…

P. ex: small towns within the city’s vicinity often end up as dormitory towns full

of commuters.

Also closeness (proximitat): vecindad, cercania.

P. ex: The vicinity of the see makes this town a popular summer holiday


Commuters: pesona que viatja a diari entre la seva llar i el treball (JO!!!)

Suburbà: transport utilitzat pels commuters. P. ex: He took the commuter train
into the city

Per exemple: for example. Formal way: for instance

Idiomatic expressions

I agree with you up to a point …

To some extent… the report reflected what management (direcció) had been


I can see what you mean in a way, but that’s not how people see it.

From what I understand, you had no intention of going to the meeting

anyway. Pel que entenc…
Amusing: (adjective). It has 2 meenings: funny (divertit, graciós…) and enjoyable

(entretingut, amè, agradable…)

Apunts = notes It’s among my notes.

Among: entre, enmig, dins de … In UK it’s also said amongst

(to) dispel: dispersar, esparcir

To dispel sth: doubt, fear… p.ex: a phone call from her will dispel all my fears

Isolation: aislamiento

Outcome: resultat

(to) enable sth: activar, possibilitar, permetre … empower, make able

DO and MAKE Differences


They changed it without making a fuss: escàndol, queixa, pataleta (nens),

berrinche, also difficulty (lio).

Related to clothes:

(To) fade (clothes) = destenyir-se

Striped (adj) = deratlles, ratllat.

Pin =broche, imperdible, alfiler… pin-striped suit = traje de mudrar home

A chaked apron= chaked = a quadres

Apron = devantal (eiprun - pronounced)

Patterned (adj) = estampat p. ex: patterned dress

Overalls: protective clothing item. Mono

High-heeled = sabates de tacó
Nicely: educadament, de bona manera, kindly

Sleeved: amb mànigues- short-sleeved= de màniga curta

Blouse: brusa (blaus pronunciation)

Bell-bottomed jeans: de campana.

Cool place to live: un lloc per viure guai

a complete cross-section of society: mostrari, mostra representativa

cross-sectional = transversal, en diagonal, al bies…

jag= juerga, parranda … amb punta, dent, pua

jagged= adj. Dentat, serrat … geography: escarpado, puntiagudo, con picos…

racoon: animal. Mapache

saw: serra; (to) saw: serrar

Dashboard: salpicadero del cotxe. On hi ha tots els controls.

The part of a car that contains some of the controls used for driving and
the devices for measuring speed and distance.

Cockpit: cabina d’un avió, un vaixell o un cotxe.

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