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We, specially the students have a main goal in life and that is to be successful in the future. In

order for us to achieve our goals in the life there Is a requirement we need to do. Education is one of the most

important elements in achieving our goals in life. Studying is one of the complicated challenges students must

deal. And one of the most common obstacles of every student will going to face is the Social Media so we need

to aid the Pitfall of Social Media Among the High Students of New Era University- Lipa City Branch.

Social media is the most recent form of media and having many features and characteristics. It has

many facilities on same channel like as communicating, texting, images sharing, audio and video sharing, fast

publishing, linking with all over world, direct connecting. Social media refers to the means of interaction among

people in which they create, share, exchange and comment among themselves in different networks. It is also

cheapest fast access to the world so it is very important for all age of peoples. Its use is increasing day by day

with high rate in all over the world. Social media is becoming a hobby of youth to kill the time. It can be access

anywhere, at any time, where an Internet connection is available. The main purpose of this research study is to

help the students to aid the pitfall of social media. This study aims to discuss the proper use and influences of

social media on youth and their life style, educational and political awareness, physical activities, social life,

their learning and so on.


Literature Review

According to Kubey, Lavin, and Barrows (2001), there is a correlation between academic performance

and the dependency on social media platforms. Researchers have conducted different studies to find out the

influence of social platforms users, for instance a study on ‘’impact of Facebook on undergraduate’s academic

performance’’, stated that social platforms have negative impact on students.

According to Jacka and Scott (2011), argued that ‘’there is no single recognized definition for social

media’’. However, some scholars have defined it in different perspectives over the past years.

According to Kaplan and Haenlein (2010), defined social media as a group of internet- based

applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the creation and

exchange of user-generated content.

According to the Oxford dictionary (2011), also defined social media as “websites and applications used

for social networking”. Another definition of social media is that it is a ‘’communication channel which is very

popular, extremely fast and broad, has proven to be highly effective, as well as trusted by billions of people, to

share and discover content concerning individuals, brands, information, entertainment and knowhow’’

(Dearborn, 2014). One theme that all these definitions underpin is that social media involves some form of

communication between individuals over the internet.

According to Boyd, Danah, Ellison and Nicole (2007), Social media began in the late 1990s with the

first recognized social media network called “Six Degrees “in 1997 and this technology enabled people to

upload a profile and make friend. There has been tremendous improvement since this era and today 6 there exist

uncountable social networking sites either developed for local use, specific purpose or international use. Kaplan

and Haenlein (2010), classified social media into six (6) different categories as follows;

1. Collaborative project (wikipedia)

2. Blogs and micro blogs (twitter)

3. Content communities (youtube)

4. Social networking sites (FB, 2go, BB chat)


5. Virtual game World (world of war craft)

6. Virtual second world (second life)

This classification of social media into classes has been useful to scholars and individuals for easy

identification and study of a particular social media type but today a difficulty may arise due the high

proliferation of social media and one may wonder which group a new developed social media type fits into.

Social media is considered to be the fastest growing web application in the 21 century and this rapid

development is being backed by technological advancement (Heyam, 2014). Mankind has enormously benefited

and continues to benefit from it and as such cannot underestimate its importance as far as communication is


According to Humphreys (2007), in his study titled “Mobile Social Networks and Social Practices”

social network applications have now been migrated from the computer to the 7 mobile phone, network

information and communication can be integrated into the public space; and these new services that are

developed for mobile phones allow users to create, develop, and strengthen their social ties.

The Pitfall of Social Media

Social media can waste your time

This is nothing we haven’t heard before, but it’s worth repeating. We are reminded in Ephesians 5:16-17

that the days are evil and we should make the best use of the time given to us. Consider for a moment what you

could be doing instead of checking all those sites. While waiting at an appointment, we could keep a list of

people to pray for on our phone and spend those extra minutes in prayer for our family and friends. Certainly, at

one time or another, we are all guilty of spending hours on Facebook in a day and never opening up the Word of

God. Since every moment is a gift from the Lord, it’s worth asking yourself, “Is there something more

worthwhile that I could be spending my time on?” Most of the time, the answer is probably yes.

Social media gives a platform to your every thought


I think the solidarity of posting on social media can trick you into thinking it’s OK to post just about

anything. We complain, we anonymously bash people, we disrespect people in authority, and we say whatever

we think about celebrities, as if they weren’t real people. And we believe we don’t really have to answer for any

of it. Don’t be fooled by the privacy of your room right now—there will be nothing private when we stand

before the living God and give an account for our words. Matthew warns us pretty plainly, “On the day of

judgment, people will give account for every careless word they speak.” Let us be reminded of this warning the

next time we update our status.

Social media can fuel discontentment

When we spend extended time pouring over what others are doing and saying, it draws our attention to

all the things we don’t have or are missing out on. It can cause us to question why our lives don’t look the same.

Why didn’t I think of that quote? I wish I had her sense of style. Their new house is way bigger than ours! If we

aren’t careful, thirty minutes on Facebook or Pinterest can leave you feeling unproductive, unattractive, and

underwhelmed with your own life. Hebrews exhorts us, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be

content with what you have, for He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” We can ultimately be

content with our lives as believers because we are given all that we need in Christ. Ask yourself whether your

use of social media is helping you believe this truth.

Social media can fuel pride and keep you inwardly focused

Social media can quickly become our own podium for self-promotion. We have to ask ourselves what

our motivation really is for posting the things that we do. Are we looking for sympathy or praise? Do we want

to be well thought of or brag about the fun things we’ve been doing? Do you constantly check how many

“likes” or “retweets” your post got? All of these things fuel pride and keep us focused on ourselves. This can be

a particularly hard pitfall for anyone who has a platform that extends beyond their friends and family. Whether

you do music or have a popular blog, just because thousands of people are listening doesn’t mean everything

that comes to mind is worth saying. We must remember that retweets, comments, and likes don’t automatically

give legitimacy to what we post. God sees the motivation of our hearts and is never fooled by a well-crafted

post. As I Samuel 2:3 cautions, “Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the

Lord is a God who knows and by Him deeds are weighed.”

Social media can distort our view of relationships

For every benefit social media has for relationships, there is a drawback. It is easy to keep up with the

ones you love (maybe too easy?). Do you still have deep, meaningful conversations in person? It is easy to keep

up with a lot of people you love—and a lot of people you don’t even know (maybe too many?). Are you

oversaturated with the details of 300 people’s lives that you’re not doing a good job of loving the 10 people you

see week to week? We can quickly train ourselves to be consumers of information instead of lovers of people.

Knowing about someone’s life and sharing everything about your own life via social media is not the same as

being a real friend. Of course Jesus is the perfect example of what it means to be a true friend. As Jesus teaches,

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down

his life for his friends.” Friendship is more than the sum of status updates and pictures. Friendship is sacrifice.

It’s bearing each other’s burdens. It’s not just virtual—it must be tangible.

Dealing with the Pitfall of Social Media

Know Who Wants to be your “Friend”: Firstly, may I quickly state that I know the ‘followers count’

thing is a big deal and we all want to be a ‘celebrity’ with thousands of followers for the Likes and

social media merriment. But it is important that you protect yourself first. There’s a reason we ask

“who’s there?” when we hear a knock on our doors at home. You don’t just open the door to just

anyone banging on it. Find out who they are and why they want to be friends with you. Do a quick

back ground check on Google, other social networks etc.

Be Careful What You Share on Social Media: ‘Internet never forgets’. This can’t be overstated.

Please do not post anything you wouldn’t be proud of in the next 5 years anywhere online. Also,

avoid posting anything that gives detailed personal information about yourself or family. It’s as

dangerous as it sounds. Don’t upload any information than is absolutely necessary. This will go a

long way to protect you from stalkers, cyber scammers etc.

Use Privacy Settings: All social networking sites have this feature under ‘Settings’. Use the Privacy

Settings to regulate who sees your post. Only the barest minimum should be made available for

public consumption. Make sure it’s only accepted followers that have access to your posts. Also be

aware of Auto-geotagging. Some platforms will automatically tag your status updates with GPS

information. If you don’t want everyone to know where you are, make sure your social networking

service doesn’t turn on this “feature” for your “convenience” automatically.

Schedule “Social Media Time”: This will probably be the hardest thing to do especially for someone

who is a social media addict already. However, it is achievable. Have a time frame for Social Media

activities? Login only at that time and make sure you sign out of all accounts once your time is up.

This way, you won’t get any notification that could trigger the urge to ‘quickly check what’s

popping’. Nothing is popping; focus on more rewarding tasks.

Report Suspected Fraudulent Users: Help protect other users including yourself from cybercrimes.

All social networking sites have a ‘report user’ button that helps to identify abusive users. Kindly

use this feature when you notice suspected fraudster accounts. Also, encourage your friends to do the


ALWAYS PAY ON DELIVERY: This can’t be over emphasized. Always pay on delivery! A

number of my friends have falling victim of supposed online stores that’ll display items for sale on

their Instagram pages, ask you to credit their account before delivering the item. Next thing is, they

get blocked by the scammers. Don’t fall for this; PAY ONLY ON DELIVERY!


This study is theories propounded by Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner and Abraham Maslow. Bandura's

Social Learning Theory, as social media made inroads into our living rooms, much of social learning has been

influenced by it, especially among the impressionable minds of high school. Adolescents have the most

impressionable minds, which explain their ability to learn and comprehend and quickly pick up behaviors from

their surrounding environment. Behavior patterns do not necessarily have to be taught to them - they are highly

receptive to learning through social networking. As media and its various forms have gradually intruded into

most households, social learning theories have identified the influence of media in shaping the social behavior

of adolescent and children. Social networking sites are virtual worlds for the internet users. Spending so much

time in the virtual worlds affects the academic learning abilities of young minds and the behavior of these

youths. It is from the constant exposure to and interaction in the virtual world as well as through chatting and

video sharing that students pick up many of their characteristics traits. There behavioral traits, learned as young

adults, continue throughout adulthood. These are potential influences of social learning patterns seen in

grownups. B. F. Skinner Operant Conditioning Theory is based upon the idea that learning is function of change

in overt behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of an individual's response to events that occur in the

environment. In the case of students who are engaging in social networking sites, the reason why students are

addicted to modern social media is the stimulus or the environment that drive them to practice such.

Psychological theory of needs theorized by Abraham Maslow pointed out that humans need to feel a sense of

belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from a large social group, such as clubs, office culture, religious

groups, professional organizations, sports teams, gangs, small social connections or even social networking

sites. They need to be love and be loved by others. In the absence of these elements, many people become

susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression. Behaviorist theorized that learning occurs

through interactions with the environments. Two other assumptions of this theory are that the environment

shapes behavior and that taking internal mental states such as thoughts, feelings and emotions into

considerations is useless in explaining behavior.




FIG. 1.0 Theoretical Framework


Described in this study that social media is a set of internet based application that constructs on the

ideological and technological foundation of wed and that permit the design and exchange of user generated

content. And that social media is means of connections among people in which they create, share, and

exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media as, it is various online

technology tools that enable people to communicate easily and people use social media to share information,

text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communication. social networking sites include-

Twitter, yahoo messenger, facebook messenger, wazapp messenger, Skype, 2go messenger, google talk,

google messenger, iphone and androids. These networking sites are used by most people to interact with old

and new friends, physical or internet friends. Social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals

to construct profiles, display user connections, and search and traverse within that list of connections. A social

media is an online service or platforms that Effects of Social Media on the Academic Performance, focus on

facilitating the building of social network among people who share interest, activities and background on real

life connections. It is a website that allows users to share information within a selected group. The advanced and

improved usage of social media platforms such as Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon for quite

some time. Though it all started has been a hobby for several computers literate’s individual has changed to

become a social norm and existence-style for students around the world. Students and teenagers have especially

recognized these social media platforms to be able to contact their peers, share information, reinvent their

personals and showcase their social live. Facebook users often experience poor academic performance. Social

media has a negative association with students’ academic performance which is much greater than the

advantages derived through the use of social media platforms. People around the globe have been addicted to

the internet which has given rise to more students using social media more often than before. Advised and

recommended that those who are addicted users love to use the internet to set back their personal and

professional responsibilities in which the final outcome is poor academic performance and that among the major

distraction of current generation that social media platform (such Facebook, Watzapp etc.) remains a major

distraction. There is a correlation between academic performance and the dependency on social media

platforms. Researchers have conducted different studies to find out the influence of social platforms users, for

instance a study on ‘’impact of Facebook on students’ academic performance’’, stated that social platforms have

negative impact on students. According to the outcome, students’ academic performance is affected the more

they use Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for socializing activities rather than academic.

In addition, that majority of students feel that social platforms have positive impact on academic growth. In a

different research, it was ascertaining that students use platforms mainly for chatting and making friends. ‘’The

consequences of internet and social platforms on students’ academic growth’’ it was seen that internet has

spread its wings to reach teenager’s school life. It was also observed that students are more dependent on

internet to access info that pertain their academic life as well as entertainment. Additionally, internets, though

takes a lot of time, and have less impact on studies. It was observed that impact of social platforms rest on the

degree of usage. Internet addiction is significantly and negatively related to students’ academic growth, as

well as emotional attributes. When he opined that the negative influence of internet is only on excessive users

and not on all users. The social platforms which are being used today with great desire and enthusiasm have

altered the way of using internets in this modern age by defining online tools and utilities which allow users for

communication, participation and collaboration of information online. Today’s young generation, especially

teens and youth are using technology through innovative ways due to which they are referred to as millennial

and have changed the way they think, work and communicate even though they are in formative years of their









FIG. 2.0 Conceptual Framework



Students have problems performing tasks even the most basic tasks because of this prohibited websites it

eats their capabilities to complete their tasks or to interact.

This study aims to determine:

1. Why the High School students use social media in their daily lives?

2. What are the impacts of social media on the behavior change of High School students?

3. What are the risks that come with use of social media among the high school students?

4. How to aid the pitfall among the High School Students?

5. What do you think are the reason why many people are being addicted in social media?


1. To know social media, risks, impacts of social media.

2. To aid the pitfall of social media.


The study was significant to the teachers, students and for the researchers and also significant for the

policy makers of education. As we all know, policy makers play a significant role in the education system as

every component in the system gets implemented on the basis of their decision, this study can help the policy

makers to spread awareness and information by taking up educational course for social media on its advantages

and disadvantages which can change the student’s perspectives and wrong notion on what social media is all

about and in addition it can also be a guideline on the usages of social media. In this way social media can be

used wisely by the teachers and students and they can improve themselves in gathering knowledge. The study

will also help the teachers of the school to know the influence that social media have on the students and the

various implications it has among the students. It will also assist the teachers to enlighten and create awareness

among the students on the usages of social media for educational purpose. This will help the students in

realizing the various opportunities provided by social media in getting useful information which will be

beneficial for the studies. The study will also help researchers with more information on the influence and

effects of social media on the student’s academic performance.


This study will focus on effects of using prohibited websites in students, he or she may see some

positive effects from it but there are still some bad effects that students can get. Using technology can change a

child’s brain. The use of technology can alter the actual wiring of the brain. More than a third of children under

the age of two use social media. This study tends to know the effects of social media addiction in the academic

performance of the students and also can aid the pitfall of social media in high school students.


Social Media: They are forms of electronic communication which facilitate interactive base on certain
interests. Social media include web and mobile technology

Social Networking Sites: A website where people put information about them and can send to others.

Effects: influence or cause someone or something to change

Academic: It is concerned with studying from books as opposed by a practical work. Students: A
student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution.

AID: Help, typically of a practical nature.

Pitfall: a hidden or unsuspected or danger or difficulty.

Pornography is a printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual
organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Distraction is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

Addiction: the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.

High School: Secondary Level School




The researcher chose a survey research design because it best served to answer the questions and the

purposes of the study. The survey research is one in which a group of people or items is studied by collecting

and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to be representative of the entire group. In other

words, only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are expected to be generalized to the

entire population defines the survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics by the use of

questionnaire and sampling methods.


The target population for this research defined to include the students in different grades in New Era University

Lipa City Branch. With the total population of 467 students from Grade 7 to 10, the formula that was used

under data collection was the Slovin’s formula, the population that is formulated are shown below:

FORMULA: 1 + Ne2

= 𝟏 + 𝟒𝟔𝟕 (𝟓%)𝟐

= 𝟏 + 𝟒𝟔𝟕 (𝟎.𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟓)

= 𝟐.𝟏𝟔𝟕𝟓

= 215.455594

= 215


The study has the respondents from the Junior High School students (Grade 7 to Grade 10) of New Era

University Lipa City Branch. These respondents answered the questionnaire that the researcher gave them

which contains the information needed.





7 61 29

8 60 28

9 44 20

10 50 23

TOTAL 215 100

For some studies, the population may be small enough to warrant the inclusion of all of them in the study. But a

study may entail a large population which cannot all be studied. That portion of the population that is studied is

called a sample of the population.

A sample in this study is, therefore, a smaller group of elements drawn through a definite procedure from an

accessible population. The elements making up this sample are those that are actually studied.

In this table, the ages of the respondents from Grade 7 to 10 are shown. In the grade of 7, there are 29% of

respondents, while in the grade of 8, there are 28% of respondents, there are 20% of respondents, in the grade of

9, and there are 23% of respondents in Grade10. In the total of 100%, there are 215 interviewee.


Data collection was done through interview and observation. The researchers used instruments such as mobile

phones and computers by this instrument the researchers used it to interview the students via online. The other

source of data was done by observation and own experience when the researchers was still in high school.


The main data techniques used in this research study were semi-structured interviews, participant

observation, and group discussion. Personal interviews constituted one of the most important and valuable

sources of information, the interviewees were chosen for their relevance to the conceptual questions rather than

their representativeness. The analysis of data firstly dealt with the description of each case based on the data

collected via the different instruments. Secondly, an analysis was done of similar and different patterns in each

case study. It is the author’s contention that the descriptions of the case studies allow one to gain insights into

the specific context. Finally, considering that this research study is composed of three different case sites, it was

necessary to search for patterns in all the cases. This enabled the researcher to develop a strong body of

evidence from the cases. Each researcher sent a message to every student that needed to be interviewed then ask

them about our topics questions after that collect all information or data that came out from the interviewees.

We asked each of them on what are the effects that students can get in using those prohibited sites.






12-13 120 56

14-16 93 43

17 above 2 1

TOTAL 215 100

In this table, the ages of the respondents from Grade 7 to 10 are shown. In the age of 12-13, there are 56% of

respondents these ages are in Grade 7-8, while in the age of 14-16, there are 43% of respondents, these ages are

in Grade 8-9 and some are in Grade 10. And in the age of 17 above, there are 1% of students. The total of


TABLE 4- The High School Students Use Social Media in Their Daily Lives

Use Social Media 4 3 2 1 TOTAL

in Their Daily
F % F % F % F % F %

To communicate 83 39% 72 33% 60 28% 0 0% 215 100%

To study purpose 77 36% 84 39% 54 25% 0 0% 215 100%

To entertain 86 40% 71 33% 58 27% 0 0% 215 100%

Others(pls. 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%


High school students use social media is to entertain.

TABLE 3-the impacts of social media on the behavior change of High School students
impacts of social 4 3 2 1 TOTAL

F % F % F % F % F %

Collaboration like 88 41% 80 37% 47 22% 0 0% 215 100%


The exchange of 80 37% 89 42% 46 21% 0 0% 215 100%

ideas between


Quick 82 38% 93 43% 40 19% 0 0% 215 100%


Dialogue between 86 40% 97 45% 32 15% 0 0% 0 0%

different language

Others(pls. 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%


Most students said that Collaboration like question/Answer is the most impact of social media.

TABLE 5- the risks that come with use of social media among the high school students.
4 3 2 1 TOTAL

RISKS F % F % F % F % F %

Bullying in social 93 43% 85 40% 37 17% 0 0% 215 100%


Cyber crime 84 40% 90 42% 41 18% 0 0% 215 100%

Psychological mis- 83 39% 97 45% 35 16% 0 0% 215 100%


Scamming 82 38% 94 44% 39 18% 0 0% 0 0%

Hacking of personal 41 19% 78 36% 96 45% 0 0% 0 0%

social media


Bullying in social media is the most danger or risk in using social media.

TABLE 6- Aid the Pitfall among the High School Students

4 3 2 1 TOTAL

AID F % F % F % F % F %

By knowing who 86 40% 92 43% 37 17% 0 0% 215 100%

wants to be your


By careful sharing 92 43% 106 49% 17 8% 0 0% 215 100%

of correct


By reporting 94 44% 69 32% 52 24% 0 0% 215 100%


fraudulent users

By configuring 96 45% 83 39% 36 16% 0 0% 0 0%

properly the privacy


By configuring properly the privacy settings said by the high school students to prevent pitfall social media.

TABLE 7- reason why many people are being addicted in social media

4 3 2 1 TOTAL

REASON F % F % F % F % F %

It increases 82 38% 94 44% 39 18% 0 0% 215 100%

comparison and


Fear of missing out 92 43% 106 49% 17 8% 0 0% 215 100%

It release stress out 84 40% 90 42% 41 18% 0 0% 215 100%

By configuring 77 36% 84 39% 54 25% 0 0% 0 0%

properly the privacy


Most of the students said that Fear of missing out is the most reason why they addicted.




In the result of the study that I gathered about the High School students about social media, students and

teenagers have especially recognized these social media platforms to be able to contact their peers, share

information, reinvent their personals and showcase their social live. Social media users often experience poor

academic performance. So that we need to action about this, to be aware what is social media risks and impacts

and how to aid pitfall in this study show us how to resolve this problem.


In the result of the study that I gathered about the High School students about social media is one of the

complicated challenges students must deal. And one of the most common obstacles of every student will going

to face is the Social Media so we need to aid. Social media is the most recent form of media and having many

features and characteristics. It has many facilities on same channel like as communicating, texting, images

sharing, audio and video sharing, fast publishing, linking with all over world, direct connecting. Social media

refers to the means of interaction among people in which they create, share, exchange and comment among

themselves in different networks. It is also cheapest fast access to the world so it is very important for all age of

peoples. Its use is increasing day by day with high rate in all over the world. Social media is becoming a hobby

of youth to kill the time. It can be access anywhere, at any time, where an Internet connection is available. The

main purpose of this research study is to help the students to aid the pitfall of social media. This study aims to

discuss the proper use and influences of social media on youth and their life style, educational and political

awareness, physical activities, social life, their learning and so on. So that we need to be aware in social media



All the students need to be aware in social media I recommend that the students need to less the use of

social media so that the students can achieve their goal in study. But we cannot avoid using social media

because in our daily lives this day the social media is one of the needs of every person.


https:// 14-21.pdf






Appendix A

New Era University

Lipa City Branch


Dear Mr. Andreo De Dios,

I, the students of 12 ABM are asking for your permission to conduct a survey on high school students for our
study titled “Social Media: Aid A Pitfall Among the High School Students of New Era University Lipa City
Branch”. I will conduct the following survey GRADE 7-10.

All the information I gather will be kept confidentially.

Respectfully yours,


Appendix B

Name(optional): ____________________
Grade & Section:
Gender: Male Female

Put a check (/) if you:

4-Strongly agree 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

1. Why the High School students use social media in their daily lives?
4 3 2 1 d. Others (please
a. To communicate
b. For study purposes ____________________
c. To entertain

2. What are the impacts of social media on the behavior changes of High School students?
4 3 2 1
a. Collaboration like question and thers (please specify):
b. The exchange of ideas between
people __________________
c. Quick communication
3. What are the
d. Dialogue between different risks that come with
language the use of social media
among the Junior High School student?
4 3 2 1

a. Bullying in social media f. Others (please

b. Cyber crime __________________
c. Psychological mis-behavior

d. Scamming

e. Hacking of personal social media


4. How to aid the pitfall among the Junior High School Students?

4 3 2 1

a. By knowing who wants to be your

b. By careful sharing of correct
c. By reporting suspected fraudulent

d. By configuring properly the

privacy settings
e. Others (please
specify) ___________________________________

5. What do you think are the reason why many people are being addicted in social media?

a. It increases
and self-
b. Fear of
missing out
c. It release
stress out

d. Others (please specify): ____________________________________



San Lucas Lipa City Batangas



Vocational : New Era University, Lipa City

: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Secondary : Inosluban Marawoy, National High School (2012-2017)

Elementary : San Lucas Elementary School (2007-2012)


Age : 18

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : August 27, 2000

Place of Birth : San Lucas Lipa City Batangas

Height : 5’4

Weight : 47 kg.

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Richelle C. Rubico


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