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0 Introduction

When electromagnetic (EM) signals travel in the air, they travel as waves because the

conductivity is zero. The energy is transformed from the electric field to the magnetic field

and back again. If there is no loss during this conversion, the EM wave will propagate

indefinitely. Propagation of EM waves is described by Maxwell’s equations and includes

displacement current. Amplitude of the only decreases through geometric effects (1/r ).

The wave travels at velocity 𝑣 (m/s) with wavelength 𝜆 (m) and frequency 𝑓 (Hertz or

cycles per second). These quantities are related through the equation, 𝑣 = 𝑓𝜆. Depending

n When electromagnetic signals enter the Earth, they propagate by diffusion. The time-

varying magnetic field induces an oscillating electric current in the Earth. As this electric

current flows, energy is converted to heat. This energy cannot be converted back into

electric or magnetic fields and is lost from the signal. This causes the amplitude of the EM

signal to decrease. Can show the amplitude decreases exponentially with distances as,
𝐸(𝑧) = 𝐸𝑜 𝑒 𝛿 . 𝛿 is called the skin depth, and in metres it is defined as, 𝛿 = . As
frequency increases, the skin depth decreases. Similarly, as conductivity increases, the skin
depth decreases. Thus deep imaging requires a low conductivity or a low frequency.
Amplitude decreases by both geometrical spreading and attenuation. To determine if
wave propagation or diffusion will dominate, can consider the ratio defined as, = 2𝜋𝑓𝜀 .
where f is the frequency, ε is the permittivity of the subsurface and σ is the electrical
conductivity. Assume that the permittivity has the free space value, 𝜀 = 𝜀𝑜 = 8.85 × 10−12 𝑚𝐹 .
If r is large, then EM diffusion will occur. If r is small then wave propagation occurs.

2.0 Methodology

We use Computer Simulating Technology (CST) software. Computer Simulating

Technology (CST) is used to discritize each Maxwell’s equations at low frequency to

investigate the resistivity contrast. For finite integration technique, Computer simulation

technology software is used as a tool for low frequency to rectify any issues. FIM was

utilized to identify deep target hydrocarbon beneath 3000m from seafloor by utilizing CST

software. CST program was used to detect target hydrocarbon between 1000m to 400m

underneath seabed. Condition with and without hydrocarbon were additionally arranged

for correlation reason later. There were few steps involved in generating the CST simulated

model. Initial step was to set parameters for aluminium antenna. For this situation we use

the length of 300m, frequency of 0.1Hz, 1Hz, and 100Hz, and current of 1000A. Second

step was to set parameters for the model. Air thickness was set as 200m, sea water depth of

500m, overburden thickness of 500m, hydrocarbon thickness of 200m. Third step was to

apply electric boundary conditions. Fourth step was to run low frequency full wave solver

to simulate the seabed model. The final step was post processing to create the simulated

data for results analysis at different target depths and frequencies. Maxwell’s equations for

magnetic and electric fields are used as a code in the software to get the magnetic and

electric field responses with and without hydrocarbon. Schematic graph of

proposed seabed model with CST simulated model is shown in Figure 1.

3.0 Results and Discussion

Table 1: Thickness, relative permittivity, conductivity and density values of air, sea water

overburden/under burden and oil.

Material Thickness Relative Conductivity Thermal Density

(m) Permittivity Conductivity

Air 200 1.006 1.0e-11 0.024 1.293

Sea water 500 81 4 0.593 1.025

Overburden/ Under 3500 30 1.5 2 2600


Oil 200 4 0.001 0.492 900

Figure 1: Model of simulation with the arrangement of layer from top (air, sea water,

overburden, oil, under burden)

Table 2: Intensity of B-field at X,Y and Z axis when using frequencies of 0.1,1 and 100 Hz

B-field Intensity
0.1Hz 1 Hz 100 Hz
Distance X axis Y axis Z axis X axis Y axis Z axis X axis Y axis Z axis
1017.964 3.00E-15 9.55E-16 7.89E-08 2.24E-15 7.03E-15 7.76E-08 1.58E-15 1.16E-16 7.11E-08

3113.772 9.61E-15 7.79E-15 1.50E-07 9.51E-16 2.33E-15 1.47E-07 1.12E-14 9.83E-16 1.35E-07

5059.88 1.05E-09 8.70E-10 6.54E-07 6.66E-10 2.31E-11 6.53E-07 5.82E-12 9.28E-13 6.23E-07

7664.671 9.82E-15 7.81E-15 1.08E-07 4.14E-16 2.67E-15 1.06E-07 2.08E-14 3.02E-15 9.71E-08

9401.198 6.21E-16 1.07E-14 7.53E-08 3.12E-15 3.59E-15 7.41E-08 2.36E-15 1.93E-15 6.78E-08

Table 3: Intensity of E-field at X,Y and Z axis when using frequencies of 0.1,1 and 100 Hz

Distance E-field Intensity

0.1Hz 1 Hz 100 Hz
X axis Y axis Z axis X axis Y axis Z axis X axis Y axis Z axis
1017.964 2.99E-05 6.59E-09 5.46E-11 0.000109 9.72E-10 1.67E-11 0.002035 5.43E-07 6.84E-11

3113.772 5.77E-05 1.61E-06 7.73E-10 0.000207 1.41E-06 2.32E-11 0.003864 3.48E-06 4.08E-10

5059.88 2.454109 13.85559 5.90E-08 2.454145 13.85544 1.87E-08 2.454959 13.85221 1.30E-07

7664.671 4.10E-05 3.53E-08 2.46E-10 0.000148 5.43E-09 3.80E-11 0.002779 1.39E-06 5.75E-10

9401.198 2.86E-05 3.67E-09 1.00E-11 0.000104 5.67E-10 9.67E-12 0.001942 3.16E-07 1.73E-10
B-field in 0.1 Hz

-2E-07 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Distance, m

B-field x axis B-field y axis B-field z axis


E-field in 0.1 Hz





4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Distance, m

E-field x axis E-field y axis E-field z axis


Figure 2: The responses of B-field component (a) and E-field component (b) in frequency
of 0.1 Hz
B-field in 1 Hz

-2E-07 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Distance, m

B-field x axis B-field y axis B-field z axis


E-field in 1 Hz




4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Distance. m

E-field x axis E-field y axis E-field z axis


Figure 3: The responses of B-field component (a) and E-field component (b) in frequency
of 1 Hz
B-field in 100 Hz
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Distance, m

B-field x axis B-field y axis B-field z axis


E-field in 100 Hz




4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Distance. m

E-field x axis E-field y axis E-field z axis


Figure 3: The responses of B-field component (a) and E-field component (b) in frequency
of 100 Hz
Based on Table 2, the intensity of B-field in Z axis in all frequency are much higher

compare to the X axis and Y axis. Besides, the maximum intensity peak in Z axis could be

obtained around distance of 3100m – 3200m and 7600m – 7700m. However, the maximum

intensity in X axis and Y axis could not be determine as the data are varies and does not shown

any pattern. From the Table 2 also, at frequency 0.1Hz, the intensity of B-field are much higher

compare to the intensity of B-field at frequency of 1Hz and 100Hz.

Based on Table 3, the intensity of E-field in Y axis in all frequency are much higher

compare to the Y axis and Z axis. Besides, the maximum intensity peak in Y axis could be

obtained around distance of 5000m – 5100m while in X axis, two maximum intensity peak

could be obtained around distance of 4800m – 4900m and 5100m – 5200m. However, the

maximum intensity in Z axis could not be determine as the data are varies and does not shown

any pattern. From the Table 3 also, at frequency 100Hz, the intensity of E-field are much higher

compare to the intensity of E-field at frequency 0.1Hz and 1Hz.

From this simulation also, we could approved that E-field and B-field are perpendicular

to each other and propagate at X axis.

Figure 4: The relationship between E-field and B-field

4.0 Conclusion

In conclusion from this simulation, we were able to prove that it is indeed possible to

gather subsurface information by applying electromagnetic waves and receiving the waves

reflected. These received waves were able to show us that there is hydrocarbon content

inside our simulation. In particular, we were able to successfully design an antenna of

length 300m for detecting subsurface hydrocarbon and we were able to observe the

difference in the results for each of the three frequencies 0.1Hz, 1Hz, and 100Hz. This

simulation also serves as a proof of concept on the viability of this technique of

hydrocarbon survey as the resistivity difference prove to be an invaluable source of


As a follow-up, we can further expand upon this simulation by using different

configurations of the antennas, including the direction of configuration, length of antennas,

depth of the receiving antenna with respect to water, dielectric constant of the antennas,

and thickness of antennas, et cetera. We can also modify this simulation by applying a

different set of frequencies of electromagnetic wave to compare and contrast the results

with the values from gathered from this run of the simulation.

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