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Distribution System State Estimation Model

Using a Reduced Quasi-Symmetric Impedance

Article in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems · December 2014

DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2374537


5 35

2 authors:

Paulo M. De Oliveira-De Jesus Andres A. Rojas Quintana

Los Andes University (Colombia) Simon Bolívar University


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Distribution System State Estimation Model Using a

Reduced Quasi-Symmetric Impedance Matrix
P. M. De Oliveira-De Jesus, Senior Member, IEEE, and Andrés A. Rojas Quintana

Abstract—This paper presents a novel formulation of the Distri- Model constraint .

bution System State Estimation (DSSE) optimization model. For a
given electric three-phase circuit feeder, network models are built ) Set of calculated variables.
using a quasi-symmetric impedance matrix TRX representing the
entire structure and topology of the radial network. As a key con- Submatrix of .
tribution, the state variables of demands and generators connected Set of injected currents .
to large-scale distribution grids are obtained by using a convenient
matrix reduction technique. As a result, the size of the optimiza- Real part of current set .
tion problem is considerably reduced with respect to the jacobian
formulation by considering radial and weakly meshed exploitation Imaginary part of current set .
and elimination of interconnecting nodes. Results and compara-
Injected currents vector (meshed)
tive analysis are presented using the IEEE 4-, 13-, 37-, 123-, and
8500-node test systems. Real part of branch current set .
Index Terms—Energy management, power distribution, state Imaginary part of branch current set .
Set of branch currents .

NOMENCLATURE Set of measured branch currents .

Load assignment factor at node at time
Power factor angle at node .
Submatrix of
Set of measurements .
Submatrix of .
Set of calculated .
Submatrix of .
Variance of a measurement .
Number of measurements or observations.
Voltage module at node .
Number of virtual measurements.
Solver tolerance at .
Number of direct measurements.
Solver tolerance at .
Number of nodes, excluding the origin.
Solver tolerance at .
Number of constraints.
Submatrix of .
Number of load nodes.
Submatrix of .
Number of state variables.
Susceptance of branch .
Set of injected active power .
Conductance of branch .
Set of measured injected active power .
Number of degrees of freedom.
Active power demanded at node .
Objective function, overall error or residual.
Active power generated at node .
Set of injected reactive power .
Manuscript received December 13, 2013; revised April 14, 2014, August 01, Set of measured injected reactive power .
2014, and September 29, 2014; accepted November 07, 2014. Date of publica-
tion December 18, 2014; date of current version August 03, 2015. This work Reactive power demanded at node .
was sponsored by Venezuelan MPPCTII-FONACIT PEI Project 2012000092.
Paper no. TPWRS-01371-2013. Reactive power generated at node .
The authors are with the Conversion and Energy Delivery Department, Simon
Bolivar University, Caracas Ap.89000, Venezuela (e-mail:; Residual or error .
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online Transformer resistance (%).
Resistance between node and node .
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2374537

0885-8950 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Set of branch resistances. (DAS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
systems as well as improved billing data by application of auto-
Triangular topology connectivity matrix.
matic meter reading (AMR) systems provide enough informa-
Connectivity matrix (meshed). tion to perform a better assessment of the energy balance of the
System impedance matrix (meshed). system.
The initial efforts to apply SSE into electric distribution
Reduced system impedance matrix. systems were made by Wu [3] and later by Roytelman [4]. A
System impedance matrix. complete formulation was proposed in [5], using a three-phase
model solved also with the Normal equation and iterative
Set of nodal voltages . Newton method. In [6]–[8], the problem is solved using the
Voltage module at node . current branch measurements.
Recently, a number of approaches to the distribution system
Voltage drop vector (meshed). state estimation (DSSE) formulation have been published. The
Set of measured nodal voltages . potential for improvements on DSSE based on phasor measure-
ments units (PMU) and smart metering is discussed [9]–[11].
Real part of voltage set .
Reference [12]presents a WLS robust state estimator based
Imaginary part of voltage set . upon the solution of the Normal equation to estimate the level,
Set of branch reactances. location, and impact of voltage unbalance on a real distribution
network. Reference [13], presents a WLS robust state estimator
Sets of state variables , . based upon the solution of the normal equation and machine
Sets of state variables at node 0. learning algorithm. In [14]–[16], DSSE procedures with billing
energy data as pseudomeasurements are introduced.
Sets of state variables (meshed).
The concept of exploitation of radial network characteristics
Sets of state variables at node 0 (meshed). in order to reduce the size of the optimization problem is dis-
Transformer reactance (%). cussed in [17]. This contribution presents an approach based
on an interior point optimization by reducing the estimation
Reactance between node and node . problem to load measurement groups which are located in mea-
Set of weights . surement areas or measurement subsystems[18], [19]. The opti-
mization problem is stated as the minimization of all data noise
Active energy consumed at node (MWh).
(powers, currents, and voltages) subject to global power equa-
Set of branch impedances . tions: active and reactive powers at slack bus are equal to loads
plus losses. In the next step, power losses and bus voltage mag-
Positive sequence impedance (ohms/mile).
nitudes are calculated using an external load flow program with
Teng's Impedance matrix (meshed). the updated values of the load group scaling factors.
Kron's matrix of . A DSSE model based upon Kersting's ladder iterative method
[20] and branch current measurements is presented in [21]. In
General impedance matrix (meshed). [22], a three-phase DSSE algorithm is proposed based on the re-
All entries are in per unit, except otherwise stated. taining of nonlinearity taking advantage of the characteristics of
the radial feeder and is suitable for systems with high R/X ratios.
In [23], the authors briefly present how radial exploitation tech-
I. INTRODUCTION niques could be applied into the single-phase DSSE problem
by introducing the concept of a global radial-exploited distribu-

F UNDAMENTAL contributions on System State Estima-

tion (SSE) procedures applied to meshed electrical net-
works were first introduced by Schweppe in the early 1970s
tion matrix [24]. However, it is observed that, in previous
contributions, the size of the optimization problem is an impor-
tant issue to consider due to the large number of nodes of the
[1]. The model was based on a minimum weighted least squares distribution system.
(WLS) optimization problem. In general, the minimum error is This paper presents a comprehensive formulation for single-
obtained by iteratively solving the Normal equations that de- and three-phase DSSE optimization problems based upon the
scribe the system and its state. Since then, a lot of research has system voltage drop formula and the system quasi-symmetric
been carried out about SSE application in transmission systems. matrix [24]. This proposal, noted as TRX-DSSE in the
Distribution network operation and control have basic differ- remainder of this paper, is suitable to be applied in large-scale
ences from those of transmission systems which make it diffi- radial-exploited distribution feeders by eliminating intercon-
cult to apply the transmission SSE techniques directly to distri- necting nodes with null-injected active and reactive powers.
bution systems. The main difference lies in the fact that active As a result, the size of the optimization problem is signif-
and reactive power injected at distribution buses are unknown, icantly reduced in order to get voltages and angles at loads
and then load allocation techniques must be applied based upon and generators. The state of the system of eliminated nodes
historical (statistical) energy data as pseudomeasurements [2]. can be assessed by running a power flow program. Results of
However, recent application of distribution automation systems the application of proposed formulation and comparison with

the Jacobian procedure are presented using IEEE 4-, 13-, 37-, where is the set of voltages at nodes, corresponds to volt-
123-,and 8500-node test systems. ages at origin, and is the set of injected currents at nodes.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II addresses the System voltages are a function of injected powers by accom-
TRX-DSSE formulation. Comparative case studies are shown plishing Kirchhoff Current Laws (KCL) and Kirchhoff Voltage
in Section III. Conclusions are drawn in Section IV. Laws (KCL) through a reduced impedance matrix . This
matrix has a quasisymmetric structure, taking advantage of the
II. PROPOSED FORMULATION representation of large radial networks and expressly including
all nodes of the system. This representation should not be con-
This section presents the proposed formulation. In the fol-
fused with the phase matrix in the two-terminal voltage
lowing, overlined entries are complex numbers and bold are ar-
equation at a given branch : . The pro-
rays. All quantities are in p.u. except otherwise stated.
posed WLS state estimation model is written as a constrained
According to Monticelli [25], a generalized state estimation
optimization problem. In this formulation, the derivatives of the
model can be defined by using the following constrained opti-
measurement functions are not explicit as a function of the en-
mization problem:
tries of the TRX matrix, then voltage drop equation and mea-
(1) surement functions should be expressly included as constraints
in the optimization problem.
The objective is to get the state of the system that minimizes Under this representation, loads are regarded as constant ac-
global measurement noise produced by the difference between tive and reactive powers and vector groupings of transformers
measured variables and calculated variables or measurement are considered under wye-wye connection. However, other load
function . Symbol denotes vector/matrix transposition, representations and vector groupings could be included in the
and is set of weights. Any constrained optimization algo- TRX-DSSE according to models presented in [20]. This issue
rithm could be applied to solve linear or quadratic state estima- is beyond the scope of this paper.
tion models.
In general, the standard WLS optimization problem is set as A. Complete TRX-DSSE Formulation
follows: Let us define a radially exploited distribution network with
nodes (substation is denoted as node 0) with nodes with
(2) loads, generation, or both, and interconnecting nodes.
The basic formulation of the TRX-DSSE optimization
(3) problem is denoted as follows:

(4) (8)

where is the residual of a measurement and (9)

is the number of measurements. are the calculated value
of a measurement . These measurements could be nodal volt- (10)
ages, power line flows, or net power injections. For instance, the
calculated value for net powers are given by
The objective is to estimate the state of the system that mini-
(5) mizes global measurement noise. The state of the system is de-
fined by all nodal voltages: , where
, and the voltage at root node 0: ,
(6) where .
Overall error is given by the difference between the set of
where is the number of the nodes of the network. measured variables and the set of calculated variables
WLS state estimation can be solved through the statement of a . The set of direct measurements and their respec-
unconstrained optimization problem. Solution is iteratively ob- tive calculated values comprises load or generating active and
tained through the Normal equation because measurement func- reactive power injections, currents, and voltages at main feeder
tion derivatives are well defined [25]. Several extensions for in substation and branch currents at reclosers installed across
DSSE models were proposed by a number of authors [3]–[17], the grid. Virtual measurements are defined by exact active-re-
[21], [22]. active null-injections at interconnection nodes, and they are not
In this paper, an alternative formulation for the DSSE included in . Weights should be identified for each measure-
problem is presented. In the remainder of this paper, the pro- ment, . The number of state variables is given by
posed model is identified as TRX-DSSE. , and the number of available measurements is . The total
The proposal is based upon the reduction of the generalized number of observations is given by , where
system voltage drop equation stated in [24]. The voltage drop and are the number of direct and virtual or indirect measure-
equation is expressed as follows: ments, respectively. In order to apply WLS, the over-determined
estimation problem must accomplish . The number of
(7) degree of freedom is .


Under single-phase (positive sequence) approach, the system

has state variables, considering the angle at root
node as a reference. The number of direct measurements is .
The number of virtual measurements at interconnecting nodes
is . As a result, . If
residuals are included in this model as constraints, the number
of constraints is given by . Otherwise, residual
calculations can be directly included in the objective and the
number of constraints is fixed .
Alternatively, in three-phase distribution networks, the
number of state variables is , considering angles Fig. 1. General structure of the radial distribution network.
at root node a known reference value. The number of virtual
measurements are . In distribution systems
with two or single-phase feeders, should be determined
according to the network structure. In this case, if residuals
are included in the model ; otherwise .

B. Data Setup
Data required to apply the proposed model is detailed in
Fig. 2. Daily aggregated demand at node .
Table I.
1) Topology and Network Impedance Matrices : For
a radial distribution system with nodes and branches, pro-
posed formulation requires that all branches and nodes are orga- used as weights in the objective function: . Second,
nized according to an appropriate numbering scheme, as shown power injections , could be screened
in Fig. 1. The root node 0 (Grid Supply Point, GSP), is not con- directly via SCADA or regarded as pseudomeasurements which
sidered part of the distribution network. Under this appropriate values are allocated from historical or statistical data taken
numbering scheme, a relationship between the set injected cur- from load profiling studies. Variances of the pseudomeasure-
rents and the set of branch currents is set through an upper ments should be assessed from aggregated power histograms at
triangular matrix accomplishing the KCL: . distribution transformer taking into account the class error of
The model network structure and topology can be given in the metering equipment connected at LV customers.
single-phase or three-phase approach. The impedance At given time (i.e., maximum demand), the model requires
matrix has a quasisymmetric structure establishing an estimation of power injections at load trans-
former and generating nodes, where
and . Some of these parameters could
be obtained from monitored equipment as capacitor banks, dis-
tributed generators, or special loads.
where and are the series branch impedance parameters. However, most of the load buses are not directly monitored.
The matrix dimension is under single-phase If at given node an equivalent per unit daily load curve for
approach and under three-phase approach, where active power is known (using statistical or historical form billing
is the number of nodes. Details about the TRX matrix structure database), then active load power injected at given time can
can be found in [24]. be estimated, as shown in Fig. 2.
2) Weights, Measurements, and Pseudomeasurements: Let If global energy consumed in MWh, during a time
us define the set of direct measurements in the distribution billing frame, i.e., a month (30 days), by all users connected at
system as . Two types of direct mea- distribution transformer (node ) is known, then active power
surements are considered. First, voltage and branch injected at is expressed as
current could be screened directly via SCADA,
with their corresponding weights . Inverses of mea-
surement variances of monitoring equipment are normally

where the assignment factor is where is the set of voltages at load and generating nodes,
corresponds to voltages at origin, and is the set of in-
jected currents at load or generating nodes. System voltages are
(14) a function of injected powers by accomplishing KCL and KVL
through a reduced impedance matrix .
After reduction, a load flow is required to calculate the state
Reactive power injection calculation will depend on
of the system of eliminated nodes. Current load flow algorithms
historical information about daily power factor angle curve
are able to solve large distribution systems very fast [27], [28].
with its respective variance .
By solving a reduced TRX-DSSE and performing an additional
C. Constraint Calculations load flow, better computational results are expected than solving
the complete TRX-DSSE problem.
In order to determine the system voltage drop equation, let
us define , and E. TRX-DSSE Formulation for Weakly Meshed Systems
represented in rectangular form as follows [23], [24]:
The TRX-DSSE model is suitable to be applied on weakly
meshed distribution systems. In this case, the TRX matrix and
the voltage drop equation stated in (10) should be modified in
order to include additional equations corresponding to existing
where injected current entries of and are [23], [24] loops in the network.
Let us define . This matrix is filled with complex num-
(16) bers according to the following structure:

(17) (21)

According to (8), the values of the measurement set must where is the modified upper triangular matrix and
be compared with the calculated set . Total error is then modified impedance matrix according to [26]. Then, the
must be calculated taking into account the modified voltage drop equation can be written as
inverses of measurement variances by defining a diagonal ma-
trix of weights , where . Let us (22)
define . Entries of are given in the following
subsections. where are structured as
1) Nodal Voltages: Measured are compared with
calculated . At given node , magnitude value is
Applying Kron's reduction to , the modified voltage
2) Branch Currents: are compared with equation for weakly meshed networks can be expressed as
. At given branch , magnitude is given by
where .
where real and imaginary parts of currents are given by All entries of previous equations correspond to matrices
and . and vectors with complex numbers. In order to apply the
3) Power Injections: and are compared TRX-DSSE model, equations should be expressed in real
with and , respectively. Calculated injec- numbers. After some algebra, (24) can be expressed as follows:
tions are directly obtained of the set of system voltages.
D. Network Reduction: From to
If is an interconnecting node, there exist no injection real where is a quasi-symmetric matrix
or reactive powers, and . In this case, the
impedance matrix could be reduced to by elim-
inating corresponding files and rows to node. As a result, the
problem size is considerably reduced by replacing (10) by (20)
in the optimization model. where and .
For instance, a single-phase network with nodes, where Finally, in order to include meshed networks in the TRX-
are load or generating nodes, the dimension of could be DSSE model, (10) should be substituted by the following ex-
reduced to from to to yield pression:

(20) (27)


Fig. 3. IEEE 4-node test system—single-phase model.


solution [29]. Case B: measurements with an arbitrary error

at power demands at node 3. Equipment variances are
also provided for each measurement. The weight matrix is
In order to illustrate and evaluate the proposal, the IEEE 4-, The formulation of the single-phase optimization model is
13-, 37-, 123-, and 8500-node test systems are used. given by

A. IEEE 4-Node Test System

The formulation was applied for illustrative purposes using (29)
the IEEE 4-node system [29]. Studies for balanced single-phase
and unbalanced three-phase conditions are provided. The
single-phase example has been previously discussed in detail
in a short paper [23] and rewritten with slight differences for (30)
comparison purposes. MSN Excel Solver's Newton has been
used to obtain all solutions [30].
1) Single-Phase—Complete TRX-DSSE: The system has
four nodes including the root node, with only one load node. (31)
Then, and . It is considered to be a four-wire
configuration and a step-down transformer 6 MVA, 12.47/4.16
kV under wye-wye connection. The one-line diagram is shown
in Fig. 3. (32)
According to [29], positive sequence impedance of the line (33)
feeder is per mile. Transformer
impedances are and . Line lengths (34)
are 0.378 and 0.473 miles, for high and low voltage, respec- General characteristics of the optimization problem stated in
tively. Line and transformer impedances are calculated in all study cases discussed in this paper are presented in Table III.
p.u. as , , In particular, for the IEEE 4-node test system, the characteris-
. Impedance bases are tics of the WLS optimization problem in complete single-phase
25.92 and 2.8843 . The 3 3 topology matrix model are: four direct measurements: , , ,
is , and and four trivial or indirect measurements at inter-
. According to [23], [24], and connecting nodes 1 and 2. Note in (30) that
(12), the 6 6 impedance matrix is given by , and then . There
are seven state of the system variables: ,
, and then . The
angle at the substation is known and taken as reference
. In this case, it is seen that there are more observations
than parameters to estimate .
As a result, the problem is overdetermined with one degree of
(28) freedom: . In this formulation, residuals
Table II shows measurements in p.u.: voltage at root have been included as constraints, then . However, if
node, branch current at main feeder, and active and reactive residuals calculations are directly included in the objective, only
load measurements. The set of measurements is defined as constraints are required.
. There are two set of measure- This proposal has significant differences with respect to the
ments. Case A: measurements coincide with the power flow Jacobian-based approach discussed in [6]. Measurements


Measurements coincide with load flow solution [29].

and measurements do not coincide with load flow solution.

must consider all net power measurements, including null-in-

jected powers or currents at interconnecting nodes. These
measurements and their corresponding calculated values can be
written as . Then, the residuals and calculated
values are different than zero . On the contrary,
under the presented approach, only direct measurements are
Fig. 4. IEEE 4-node test system—three-phase model.
stored in the measurements set . Null-injected powers at
interconnecting nodes are directly included in the system
voltage drop equation and their exact value is zero. These TABLE VI
interconnecting nodes are suitable to be eliminated in order to
reduce the size of the optimization problem.
The results are displayed in Table IV. Calculated variables are
and overall residual is
for Case A and for Case B. To solve (30), MSN
Excel Solver was applied using .
2) Single-Phase—Reduced TRX-DSSE: As indicated above,
if a system has null-injected powers, the optimization problem
is suitable to be reduced maintaining information of generating
or load nodes. As nodes 1 and 2 have no power injections, the
number of nodes of the reduced system is , and the number
of load nodes is . The reduced impedance matrix is given
by 2 2 by eliminating {1,2,4,5} rows and columns in
: , , and , zero trivial measurements
, and three state variables: ,
. In this case, it is seen
that there are more observations than parameters to estimate
The formulation of the reduced single-phase optimization . As a result, the problem is
model is written as the same objective with six constraints overdetermined with one degree of freedom: .
Note that the number of state variables of the DSEE model
(35) were reduced from seven to three. To solve (35), MSN Excel
solver was applied using .
The results obtained by solving the reduced optimization
(36) model are displayed in Table V. As expected, results are the
same than reported in the previous example.
3) Three-Phase Approach: The method was applied to the
IEEE 4-node test system. The three-phase line diagram is shown
in Fig. 4.
Table VI shows system measurements in p.u.: three-phase
(38) voltage at root node, three-phase branch current at main feeder,
(39) and three-phase active and reactive power at load in node 3.
(40) As previous examples, there are two set of measurements: Case
A, where measurements coincide with the power flow solution
Characteristics of the reduced single-phase model are [29], and Case B, with an arbitrary error at power demands at
presented in Table III. Four direct measurements: , node 3. Variances are also provided for each measurement.



Reduced TRX-DSSE model s.t.

Complete TRX-DSSE model s.t.
Standard model based in Jacobian formulation [6]

TRX and Ybus matrix. When comparing the reduced TRX-

DSSE results with respect to the complete ones (TRX-DSSE
and Jacobian-based DSSE), a significant result is observed with
less computation time and number of iterations. Note that the
reduced approach is almost 15 times faster than complete ones.
Under these conditions, performing a load flow to get the entire
Measurements coincide with load flow solution [29]. state of the system is absolutely justified.
and measurements do not coincide with load flow solution.
The reduced and complete TRX-DSSE optimization prob-
lems have different size and structure. Under reduced TRX-
Characteristics of the complete and reduced three-phase DSSE formulation, there is a smaller amount of state variables
TRX-DSSE model are presented in Table III. In both cases, and constraints because equations and entries of no-load and
the number of degree of freedom is . Note that the size no-generating buses are excluded. As a result, the dimension of
of the problem is reduced from 21 to nine state variables. The the feasible region is reduced, and the solution requires less CPU
results obtained by solving the reduced three-phase model are time and fewer numbers of iterations to reach the same conver-
displayed in Table VII. gence criteria with respect to the Jacobian DSSE solution.
These results show similar CPU times, with slight differ-
B. Comparative Analysis: IEEE 4-, 37-, and 123-Node Systems ences between both complete approaches: TRX-DSSE and Ja-
cobian-based DSSE formulation. Additional research will be
The computational performances for the solution of the pro- carried on in order to compare both methods. Comparison re-
posed three-phase complete and reduced TRX-DSSE models sults between the reduced TRX-DSSE approach and the reduced
were compared with the performance of a Jacobian-based Jacobian DSSE approach (by eliminating interconnection nodes
DSSE approach [6]. Three test systems: IEEE 4-node [29], via admittance matrix reduction) is not included. However, the
IEEE 37-node [31] and IEEE 123-node [32] are used. All results show similar behavior, as indicated above.
models were solved using the same field measurements. The
three optimization problems were coded in GAMS format and
C. IEEE 13-Node Test System—Weakly Meshed Network
solutions obtained using Knitro solver under NEOS platform
[33]. Flat voltages are used as starting vector. Knitro optimiza- The TRX-DSSE model has been applied for weakly meshed
tion tool includes two interior-point methods and an active-set networks using the IEEE 13-node test system as an illustrative
method. In order to get fast and robust solutions, the package example [35]. This test network is radial. In order to convert it
provides crossover techniques between algorithmic options as into a weakly meshed network, node 632 has been connected
well as automatic selection of options and settings [34]. with node 675 through an underground cable AA250MCM
Measurements comprise three-phase voltage at root node, 2000 feet long. . Measurements are voltage at root node, branch
branch current at main feeder, and active and reactive power current (magnitude and angle) at main feeder, and active and
at loads. Load measurements have been taken from the load reactive load measurements.
flow solution reported in each case uniformly altered with The complete optimization problem has state vari-
changes of 0.5%. Characteristics of the complete and re- ables and observations, where are direct
duced TRX-DSSE model applied to the IEEE test systems measurements and are virtual measurements asso-
are presented in Table III. Knitro's stop criteria was fixed in ciated with interconnecting nodes with no loads. In this case,
, and . it is seen that there are more observations than parameters to
The results are displayed in Table VIII. All cases reach the estimate . As a result,
same voltage and angle solution. In general, better performances the problem is overdetermined with three degree of freedom:
are seen of complete TRX-DSSE with respect to the complete .
Jacobian-based DSSE [6]. Table IX shows the results of the TRX-DSSE model for ra-
The computation cost for eliminating the zero injection nodes dial and weakly meshed configuration (WM). Major errors were
of TRX matrix is very low (0.03 s). If topology of the IEEE cases applied to currents and power factors measured at main feeder
change, a similar CPU time is observed to rebuild the complete at substation.


Radial topology. Measurements coincide with load flow solution [36].

Weakly meshed topology (WM). Load powers and current measurements altered with stochastic noise.

Fig. 5. System voltages for IEEE 13-node test system.

Fig. 6. System voltages for IEEE 8500-node test system.

Voltage profiles are depicted in Fig. 5.
In this case, it is shown that a connection between nodes 632
and 675 improves the overall performance of the system. For Characteristics of the complete and reduced three-phase
instance, power losses are slightly reduced and voltage drops TRX-DSSE model applied to the IEEE 8500-node system are
are improved in high loaded phases and . presented in Table III. The complete model has
state variables, and observations, where
D. IEEE 8500-Node Test System are direct measurements and are
The reduced TRX-DSSE model has been applied to a virtual measurements associated to interconnecting nodes.
large-scale test system [36]. The IEEE 8500-node test case has The reduction technique discussed in Section II-D lets us
structured as only one feeder of 2516 medium voltage nodes diminish the original number state variables at MV level. The
with 1177 medium-voltage (MV) load nodes along 170 km with reduced model is characterized by state variables.
single-, two- and three-phase line configurations. A total of This represents a reduction of 84% with respect to the com-
1189 single-phase MV loads are identified. Low-voltage (LV) plete formulation. In fact, the size of the matrix is
network and loads are not expressly included in the model. near 80 MB. It has observations,
The set of measurements comprise three-phase voltage at direct measurements, and virtual measurements as-
root node, three-phase branch current at main feeder (angle and sociated with interconnecting nodes. In this case, it is seen
magnitude), and three-phase active and reactive power load that there are more observations than parameters to estimate
injections measurements at medium-voltage level (12.47 kV). . As a result,
Solutions were obtained using a large-scale Knitro solver the problem is overdetermined with six degrees of freedom:
under NEOS platform [33], [34]. State vectors start to cor- .
respond to the voltage profile of the power flow solution The general results are displayed in Table X. Stop criteria
performed using load measurements. Two cases are studied. were fixed in for the states, for
Case A: the set of load measurements has no errors, they the objective, and for the constraints. Case A's
coincide with the power flow solution. Case B: the set of load voltage profiles per phase are shown in Fig. 6. In Case A, as ex-
measurements were altered randomly using a normal distribu- pected, residual is very low: . In Case B, residual
tion with standard deviation of 0.5%. is . These differences are due to the measurement

vector being stochastically altered with errors in all measure- [7] M. E. Baran and A. W. Kelley, “A branch-current-based state estima-
ments. As a result, Case B's residual is times higher than tion method for distribution systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol.
10, no. 1, pp. 483–491, Feb. 1995.
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Proc. IEEE PES T and D, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2010, pp. 1–6. operation and smart grids.

P. M. De Oliveira-De Jesus (M’03–SM’14)

received the M.Sc. and the B.Sc. and M.Sc. de-
grees from Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas,
Venezuela, in 1995 and 2002, respectively, and the
Ph.D. degree from Oporto University, Portugal, in
He is currently a Full Professor with Universidad
Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela. His research in-
terests include technical and economic issues of elec-
tric power systems.

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