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Eighth grade


After looking at your grades last night, I will request that you catch up on the following:

1) Make sure Cornell Notes for The Hobbit, Chapters 1-4 and chapters 5-8 are done. I
counted the Mythology and the Hobbit assignment as Chapters 9-12.

2) Make sure that all of your Outside Novel Project Cornells (​Animal Farm,Lord of the Flies​)
are done. Any that were not submitted by deadline will be marked LATE.

3) I will excuse the vocabulary mini-meals that are not complete

4) If you did not do the Constructing a Thesis assignment, get it done. You can find it on the
language page:

5) If you were absent for the STEM Fridays for any of the STEM Friday activities. See me.

6) If you did not give me the MEAL paragraphs for the Outsider essay I willl need them for
LATE credit.

7) If you did not do the Verb tenses assignment from 5/7, you may still submit this for FULL
credit,You can find it on the language page:

8) The MOST IMPORTANT assignments for your FINAL GRADE are the TAKE HOME EXAM
and the ESSAY. Please be aware that if you share the document with anyone else but me this
will be viewed as ACADEMIC DISHONESTY and a disciplinary consequence will be given.

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