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Team Sneha,

Here are the notes on what was discussed in our group.

Worship Leaders:
1. Sending the song list on time will help the team prepare
2. Send the songs with links
3. Give clear cues on stage
4. Come prepared for practice
5. Conduct a proper review so it helps the team grow
6. Be mindful of the band when choosing songs (what instruments are
available, etc.)
7. Bring more flavor in the types of songs
8. Be confident with the songs, the order, etc.
9. Give the scales earlier
10. There should be a balance between the types of songs (eg: Tempo)

1. Be prepared with BPM
2. Keep time with the metronome
3. Stay with what was practiced

1. Play the parts expected
2. Maintain dynamics (eg: not suddenly loud)

1. When there are 2 – work out who is going to play on which octave
2. Maintain volumes on stage keeping the vocalists in mind

1. Come in at the time when you need to (according to the track or the
WL’s instruction during practice)
2. Be as enthusiastic as the leader
3. Sing what God is putting in your heart
4. If you feel led to do something communicate that to the WL/MD
1. Join in during free worship
2. Catch on with what is happening at the moment
3. Unity in Spirit
4. Keep your eye on the WL (watch body language, etc.)
5. Be in tune with the Holy Spirit
6. Know when you are rostered
7. Know your part well and come prepared (after practicing at home)
for practice
8. Links given are a framework and we may not do the song in exactly
that structure
9. When the songs and keys are sent give your input to the WL (eg: if
the key is too high/low) and clarify any questions
10. Keep listening to the new songs during the week
11. Be open to different possibilities and make an effort
12. Maintain an off stage relationship with WLs
13. Its not about the WL and not up to the WL alone
14. Be punctual
15. Don’t treat this as an obligation
16. Learn the number system
17. Know that God’s presence is also there during practice
18. Follow a proper sequence during worship (Chord progression, etc.)
19. Be more honest with each other (picking the right time to do that)
20. Send songs to each other so that everyone hears new songs and can
include them in their lists sometimes

Sound Engineer:
1. Stay in line with what is happening on stage

Team Joyce

Worship leader expectations

Practice the structure of the song
Read the sermon for week helps to focus
Know the song ( if it’s a particular
Send setlist early with details ( in case of Medly etc )
TransposR ( May want to check using some apps that help )
Be on time
Come prepared with your part and also the song
Communicate parts to musicians
Each team member should own the set
During rehearsal practice like you will actually sing or play on
Worship time
Worship leader to lead strong. Instructions
Have the freedom to worship
Have a time of prayer


Hi Roshan,

Here are the points from our group at the last WT meeting.

Worship Leader expectations of the team

1) Reply promptly for practice time availability
2) Plan to be available on Friday or Saturday for practice
3) Be on time or early for practice
4) Make notes of parts/ dynamics by listening to the links in
preparation for practice
5) Keep looking at the Worship Leader for cues on Sunday
6) Know the structure but keep room for God to move
7) Share reviews on Sunday
8) Keep constantly communicating with the Worship Leader prior to
Sunday for any doubts
9) It's good to have one of the backup vocalists sing melody and one
sing the part. Listen to the worship leader for leads

Worship team expectations of the worship leader

1) Have the song list sent early in the week to allow time for practice
2) While sharing links, confirm if you're expecting the team to follow
the structure or style or if it is only for reference for familiarity of the
3) Worship Leaders to let vocalists know if there's any specific points
where they want more harmony, dynamics, etc.
4) Share the focus for Sunday
5) Avoid too many unfamiliar songs
6) Find mutually comfortable keys for male and female vocals
7) Specify the structure of the song and parts that will not be done.
Sharing a skeleton structure before practice will help the team be
better prepared and also keeping a base structure for free worship of
any of the songs.
8) Avoid spending too much time on repeating songs multiple times
to fix small mistakes. Instead practice to fix the portions with small
9) Use consistent cues during practice and service

What the expects Worship leader from team --

-Have to be sensitive to what God is doing

-Be sensitive to the crowd
-Be sensitive towards the holy spirit and what he is doing in the room
- it is not a burden to be a worship leader but it is a burden on the
whole to
- know the vision for the set
- paint a picture
- listen to God completely - voice of God

- pray for every band member throughout the week

- pray for a breakthrough
- pray as a team for the congregation and Sunday
- it's all about God

Musicians -

- serve the Visions for the set

- we are all carrying the burden of the
- trust the worship leader ( it will change you)
- spend time with each other
- vocalists should also listen and understand
- body language is important
- just worship
- sing and play and worship
- enjoy the music
- backup vocalists should actually back up even when it's spontaneous
- play what God wants you to play when you're being spontaneous
and don't feel bad because you didn't "practice" it
- play with control
- be flexible

What the band expects from the worship leader -

- clear cut communication

- they need to restructure so it doesn't seem like we're falling flat
- rectify during rehearsal time
- similar keys - better flow
- structure
- song list by Tuesday at least
- dynamics
- give importance to the vocalists also
- range of the other vocalists capability
- structure ( build up, break down, etc)
- push team to pray during the week
- ask the team what they've been learning as well
- encourage them to sing and worshiping also

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