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Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No.

02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
Page Page 1 of 14

General Arrangement is contain about calculations of gross tonnage. Gross
Tonnage is calculation of all volume of the ship located on under
shipboard including volume of enclosed spaces on board and
superstructures. Ship’s crew list adjusted by several conditions and
requirement of the ship depend on gross tonnage of the ship and statutory
of flagstate. One of which is KM-70. Another aspect for ship’s crew list is
provision efficiency, its mean caused limited of space, supplies of food,
fresh water and economic efficiency

1. Determining total Gross Tonnage Calculation
2. Estimate the total of Crew
3. Calculate payload
4. Calculate of frame and double bottom and bulkhead plan

1. The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ship, 1969
2. KM-70
3. American Bureu of Shipping


This document will explain about how to determine total gross tonnage,
estimate the total of crew, calculate payload and calculate of frame and
double bottom and bulkhead plan


No Key Equipment Reference Parameter Design
International to get the gross tonage
Convention on value corresponding to
1 Gross Tonnage
Tonnage the volume of the vessel
of Ship, 1969.
Total crew compatible
with The International
2 Crew KM-70 Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of Ship,
Frame, double American Bureu calculations according to
3 bottom, and of Shipping the rules American Bureu
bulkhead of Shipping

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
Page Page 2 of 14


No. Name Amount/Area/Diameter/Mass
1. Total Grosss Tonage 10682.69558
2. Total Crew 22
3. Payload 15428.0003 ton
4. Calculate Frame 0.7 m
5. Calculate Double Bottom 1.5 m
6. Calculate Bulkhead Plan 6


See attachment of Doc No. 02 – 42 17 105 025 - GT


See attachment of Doc No. 02 – 42 17 105 025 - GT

See Attachment of Dwg No. 01 – 42 17 105 025 – GA

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
Page Page 3 of 14

2.1 Sailing Route

Sailing route is the distance miles in a journey by means of
transportation of the ship. Both bulk carriers, passenger ships, etc.
Determination of shipping routes serves to determine the needs of fuel,
lubricants, logistics / food, etc. During sailing and transit vessels. In this
general arrangement plan, the sailing route used by MV. KARIADI with
details as follows:
Where the principal dimension is :
a. Name of Ship : MV. KARIADI
b. Length Between Perpendicular (LPP) : 137 m
c. Length of water Line (LWL) : 142.5 m
d. Breadth Moulded (B) : 25.2 m
e. Depth Moulded (H) : 13.7 m
f. Design Draft (T) : 11.6 m
g. Service speeds : 18 knot
h. Type Of Ship : Kontainer
i. Crouise Route : Surabaya-Japan
j. Sea Distance : 3107 Nm

2.2 Gross Tonnage

Gross Tonnage is the calculation of the volume of all the space located
below the deck of the vessel plus the volume of the enclosed space
located above the deck plus the contents of the room and all the
enclosed spaces located above the superstructure.

2.3 Determine total of crew

1. For gross tonnage vessels of GT 10,000 or more, the number of crew
members is 12 (twelve) persons with the number of positions and
certificates as follows:
a. 1 (one) master helper having certificate of nautical expert of level I
(ANT I), and has obtained inauguration as a captain and has
certificate as meant in Article 9 letter a.2) s / d 8);
b. 1 (one) Chief mate who has a certificate of nautical expert of level I
(ANT I) and has certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter a.2) s / d
c. 2 officers possessing a certificate of nautica expert level III (ANT III)
and having certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter d.2) to 7);
d. 1 (one) radio operator who has at least a certificate of REK II or 2
(two) persons who are captured by a captain and a mate who has
at least an ORU certificate;
e. 1 (one) person who has a certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter
f. 3 (three) helmsman who has the certificate referred to in Article 9
letter f;

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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g. 2 (two) seated persons who have the certificate as referred to in

Article 9 letter g;
h. 1 (one) chef who has the certificate referred to in Article 9 letter g;
i. 1 (one) servant who has the certificate referred to in Article 9 letter
2. For gross tonnage vessels GT 3000 s / d less than 10,000, total crew
of 12 (twelve) persons with the number of positions and certificates
as follows:
a. 1 (one) master helper having certificate of nautical expert of level I
(ANT I), and has obtained inauguration as a captain and has
certificate as meant in Article 9 letter a.2) s / d 8);
b. 1 (one person Chief mate) who has a certificate of expert nautika
level I (ANT I) and has certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter
a.2) to 8);
c. 2 officers possessing a certificate of nautica expert level III (ANT III)
and having certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter d.2) to 7);
d. 1 (one) radio operator who has at least a certificate of REK II or 2
(two) persons who are captured by a captain and a mate who has
at least an ORU certificate;
e. 1 (one) person who has a certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter
f. 3 (three) helmsman who has the certificate referred to in Article 9
g. 2 (two) seated persons who have the certificate as referred to in
Article 9 letter g;
h. 1 (one) chef who has the certificate referred to in Article 9 letter g;
i. 1 (one) servant who has the certificate referred to in Article 9 letter

3. For gross tonnage vessels GT 1500 s / d less than 3000, total crew of
12 (twelve) persons with the number of positions and certificates as
a. 1 (one) master helper having certificate of nautical expert of level I
(ANT I), and has obtained inauguration as a captain and has
certificate as meant in Article 9 letter a.2) s / d 8);
b. 1 (one person Chief mate) who has a certificate of expert nautika
level I (ANT I) and has certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter
a.2) to 8);
c. 2 officers possessing a certificate of nautica expert level III (ANT III)
and having certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter d.2) to 7);
d. 1 (one) radio operator who has at least a certificate of REK II or 2
(two) persons who are captured by a captain and a mate who has
at least an ORU certificate;
e. 1 (one) person who has a certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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f. 2 (three) helmsman who has the certificate referred to in Article 9

letter f;
g. 1 (one) chef who has the certificate referred to in Article 9 letter g;
4. Then on KM. 70 Article 14 b, that the number of crew of engine parts
on commercial vessels for all shipping areas, for boats with propulsion
of less 3000 Kw, the number of crew of 8 (nine) persons with the
following positions :
a. 1 (one) Chief Engine Room certified tehnika expert level I (ATT I),
and has a certificate referred to in Section 10 letter a.2) s / d 5);
b. 1 (one) person Machinist II certified experts tehnika level II (ATT
II) and has a certificate referred to in Section 10 letter a.2) s / d
c. 1 (one) people who have a certificate Machinist tehnika expert
level III (ATT III) and has a certificate referred to in Section 10
letter c.2) s / d 5);
d. 1 (one) of the machine foreman who has a certificate referred to
in Section 10 letter d;
e. 3 (three) oiler who has a certificate referred to in Section 10
letter d;
f. 1 (one) of the wiper who has a certificate referred to in Section 10

2.4 Calculating Gross Tonnage

Accordance “The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement
of ship, 1969” Gross Tonnage is calculation of all volume of the ship located
on under shipboard including volume of enclosed spaces on board and
superstructures. The calculation of gross tonnage explained based on
“Regulation 3,Annex -The International Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of ship, 1969”. Depend on two variable :
- V is total volume (m3).
- K is factor multiply according ships volume. (0,22 – 0,32)
Factor K represent volume of the ship expressed as Gross Tonnage.
The value of factor K depend on dimension of the ship, biggest or smallest.
Factor-K had variation value in the range and is calculated by the formula:
GT = K×Vtotal
K = 0.2+(0.02 Log10(V))

Calculating Volume Displacement Calculating volume displacement can also

be used as a reference volume calculation of ship below the water line by
using empirical formula is as follows:
volume Displacement = LWL x B x T x Cb
= 142.5 x 25.2 x 11.6 x 0.65
= 27076.1 m3

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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a. Calculating Volume of Freeboard

Sarat Luas (A) Fs A x Fs
11,6 1351,172 1 1351,172
12,65 1367,755 4 5471,02
13,7 1384,213 1 1384,213
Ʃ1 = 8206,405

Vfreeboard = 1/3 x h x ∑A.s Where, h = 1.05m

= 1/3 x 1.05 x 8206.405
= 5744.88 m3

b. Calculating Volume Main Deck (Deck to Poop Deck)

To calculate the volume of the main deck is used the Simpson
method of a horizontal cross section extends the vessel (water line)
to A Certain height attained from the Linesplan image. Here are the
main deck calculations:
Distance WL (h) = 1.3 m

Sarat Luas (A) Fs A x Fs

13,7 211,167 1 211,167
14,9 220,907 4 883,628
16,2 226,228 1 226,228
Ʃ1 = 1321,023

Vfreeboard = 1/3 x h x ∑A.s Where, h = 1.3m

= 1/3 x 1.05 x 1321.023
= 1144.89 m3

c. Calculating Volume Forecastle Deck

Sarat Luas (A) Fs A x Fs
13,7 25,995 1 25,995
14,9 31,4597 4 125,8388
16,2 35,6549 1 35,6549
Ʃ1 = 187,4887

Vfreeboard = 1/3 x h x ∑A.s Where, h = 1.3m

= 1/3 x 1.3 x 187.4887
= 162.49 m3
Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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d. Calculating Volume Superstructure of the ship

High Deck = 3 m
Volume Deck 1 =LxBxH
= 12 x 17,4 x 3
= 626.4 m3
Volume Deck 2 =LxBxH
= 9.6 x 13,5 x 3
= 388.8 m3
Volume Deck 3 =LxBxH
= 7,8 x 13,5 x 3
= 315.9 m3
Volume Deck 4 =LxBxH
= 7,8 x 13,5 x 3
= 315.9 m3
Volume Deck 5 =LxBxH
= 7,8 x 13,5 x 3
= 315.9 m3
Volume Bridge Deck =LxBxH
= 7.8 x 13.5 x 3
= 315.9 m3
Volume Navigation Deck =LxBxH
= 6.6 x 13.5 x 3
= 267.3 m3
Here is the volume conversion unit to tonnage:
V total = 36674.10024.
GT = K1 x Volume Total
K1 = 0.2 + 0.02LogVol.Total
= 0.2 + (0.02Log (35269.7 m3))
= 0.291
GT = 0.291 x 36674.10024 m3
= 10682.69558 Ton

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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2.5 Estimated The Total of Crew

Whereas with the enactment of the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Cerification and Watchkeeping for seaferers (STCW)
1995 as a refinement of the International Convention on Standards of
Training, Cerification and Watchkeeping for seaferers (STCW) 1978, it is
necessary to stipulate a Decree of the Minister of Transportation concerning
Commercial Vessel Ship No .70 Year 1998

Figur 1.1 Requirement of Crew

a. Deck Department
In accordance with KM. 70 Article 11 a, that the number of crew
members of the deck and service portions on commercial vessels for all
shipping areas, for GT gross tonnage vessels GT 3000 > 10000, of the
number of crew members 13 with the following positions.
No Rank Jml
1 Ma s ter 1
2 Chi ef Off 1
3 2nd Off 1
4 3nd Off 1
5 Ra di o Off 1
6 Boa s twa i n 1
7 Qua rter M 3
8 Sa i l or 2
9 Cook 1
10 Mes s Boy 1
tota l = 13
Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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b. Engine Department
Then on KM. 70 Article 12 a, that the number of crew of engine parts on
commercial vessels for all shipping areas, for boats with propulsion of
>3000 Kw, the number of crew of 9 persons with the following positions.
No Rank Jml
1 Chief Eng 1
2 2nd Eng 1
3 3nd Eng 1
4 4rd Eng 1
5 Eng Foreman 1
6 Oiler 3
7 Wiper 1
tota l = 9
So, the total of crew Deck Department + Engine Department = 22 Person.

2.6 Calculation Of Fuel Tanks, Lubricants And Needs Of Water

The need for fresh water, fuel and lubricants is very important in
supporting the ship's working system during operation. Therefore it needs to
be planned big needs either fresh water, fuel and lubricants. Determination
of the volume of the tank, determined based on the needs of the crew,
machinery, duration of the voyage, and so forth.
Placement of the tank as such is expected to obtain optimization both in
terms of space requirements and the stability of the ship. The planned tanks
 HFO fuel tank (Heavy Fuel Oil)
 MDO fuel tank (Marine Diesel Oil)
 Lubricant tank
 Fresh water tanks

a. Calculation of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

P = Power main Engine (BHPmcr)
= 9454.26 Kw
SFOC = Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
= 170.6 gr/kWh
S = Sailing route
= 384 Hours
V = 18 knots
(konstanta penambahan bahan bakar =1.02)
HFO FUEL = P x SFOC x (S/V dinas) x 1.5 x 10-6
= 619352467,8
= 619,352 Ton
= 624,977 m3
For the addition asumption 2% of Fuel expansion due to temperature
(ship design and construction)
Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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Vol HFO Tank = vol HFO + (vol HFO x 2%)

= 637,48 m3

b. Calculation MDO fuel oil

P = Power Main Engine (BHPmcr)
= 9454.26 Kw
SFOC = Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
= 170.6gr/kWh
S = Sailing Route
= 384 Hours
V = 18 knots

For the addition asumption of Fuel as Auxiliary, constanta is used 0.1 –

= 0.2 x WHFO
= 123,8705 ton
= 140.761 m3

W MDO aux = 10-20% W HFO

= 12% x W HFO
= 74.3222961 ton

Vol MDO aux = 84.4571547 m3

The tank volume needs to be Increased by 2% due to heat expansion and

2% due to the double bottom (if the tank is placed on the double bottom)
vol MDO total = 225.219
W MDO total = 198.193 ton
Vol MDO Tank = vol MDO + (vol MDO x 2%)
= 229.72 m3

c. Lubricating Oil
Weight of Lubricating Oil
WLO = BHP (Mcr) x SLOC x Endurance x 10-6
= 9454.26 x 1.4 x (384) x 10-6
= 1.634 Ton

VLO = W LO x massa jenis

= 1.634 x 0.9
= 1.47m3

d. Provision and Crew

Weight Provision = 3.5 - 5 kg person/ day and taken (C)=4 kg
The weight consists of 2 Kg of clothing and 2 Kg of food.
Wprov = C x n x (S/ Vdinas) x (1/24) x 10-3
= 1.408 ton

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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Number of Crew (n) = 22 Person

W Prov Lean = Crew x Consump x Lean time
= 0.88 ton

e. Consumable Water of Crew

Assumed, ratio water to drink during the voyage is C (Fwd) 10-20
kg/person/ day, while ration water to drink during the ship leaned is C
(FWS) 10-20 kg/person/day. Here is the calculation of the consumption
of heavy drinking:

FW/ Person (voyage) = 10 kg ρFW = 1 ton/ m3

= 0.01 m3 = 1000 kg/ m3
W FW drink = Crew x Consump x Endurance
= 3520 kg
= 3.52 ton

W Fwdrink Lean = Crew x Consump x Endurance

= 220 kg
= 0.22 ton

Assumed, ration water for washing and bathing during the cruise
is C (Fwd) 60-200 kg / person / day, while ration water for washing and
bathing during lean ship is C (FWS) 60-200 kg / person / day. Here is the
calculation of the consumption of heavy drinking:
FW/ Person (voyage) = 60 kg ρFW = 1 ton/ m3
= 0.06 m3 = 1000 kg/ m3
= 60 liter
FW/ Person (lean) = 60 kg
W FW Washing = Crew x Consump x Endurance
= 21120 kg
= 21.12 ton
W FW Washing Lean = Crew x Consump x Endurance
= 1320 kg
= 1.32 ton

Assumed the water supply for the needs of the main engine cooling and
auxiliary engines is 2-5 g / kW / h. Taken 5 g / kW / h for cooling needs.
Here is the calculation of the weight of water for cooling:
Water Supply =5 g/kWh
BHP MCR = 9454.3 kw
Endurance = 384 hours

W ME FW Cooler = BHP x water supply x Endurance

= 18.15 ton

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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W AE FW Cooler = 20% x W ME Fwcooler

= 3.63 ton

Total FW = 47.96 m3

f. Berat Cadangan
"Tentang Rencana Umum" Gaguk Suhardjito 2006 hal 17
WR = (0.5-1.5)% . Vdisp
WR = 1% x V disp
Displ = 27753.04
ρSW = 1.025 ton/m^3
WR = 277.530435

From those calculations, the total need of tanks capacity on board is

= 1071.99997 ton
So, the payload is
Payload = DWT - Wtotal
= 16500-1071.99997
= 15428.0003 ton

2.7 Calculation of frame and double bottom

a. Calculating of Frame
The standart frame spacing for ivory distance behind the bulkhead and after
peak tanks in front of the front bulkhead brewed must not exceed 600 mm.
To calculate Frame spacing according to rule of Amerika Bureu of Shipping L
is the distance in meter on the summer load line frome the fore side of the
stem to the centerline of rudder stock. L is not to be less than 96 % and need
to be greater than 97 % of the length on the summer load line. According to
rule of American Bureu of Shipping, Part 3, chapter 2, section 5, 1.7, the
formula to calculated frame spacing is:
= 137 m

L = 96 % LWL
= 96% 142.5
= 136.8 m

L = 97 % LWL
= 97% 142.5
= 138.225 m

S = Standard Frame spacing

= 2.08 L + 438 mm (for L<270 m)
= 2.08 x 138.225 + 438
= 725. 508 mm
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Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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= 700 mm
= 0.7 m

b. Calculating of Double Bottom

According to rule of American Bureu of Shipping, Part 3, chapter 2,
section 4, 3.1.1, the formula to calculated double bottom is:

Ddb = Height of Double Bottom ( for L < 427m)

= 32 x B + 190 x (d0.5) mm
= 32 x 25.2 + 190 x (11.60.5)
= 1453. 517
= 1500 mm
= 1.5 m

2.8 Bulkhead Plan

According to rule of American Bureu of Shipping, Part 3, chapter 1, section 1,
3.3, Lf is distance in meter on a waterline at 85 % of the least molded dept
measured from the top of the keel from the fore side of the stem to the
centerline of the rudder stock or 96% of the length on that waterline, whichever
is greater. According to rule of American Bureu of Shipping, Part 3, chapter 2,
section 9, 3.1.2, the formula to calculated distance of collision bulkhead is :
85 % H = 85 % x 13.7 m
= 11.645 m
LWL 85%H = 141.8 m

Foreside-AP = 137.1 m
96% LWL 85% H = 136.128 m
Lf = 137.01 m

Y1 = 0.05 x Lf
= 0.05 x 137.01 m
= 6.8505 m
Y1 = 10.2 m (according to frame)

According to rule BKI (Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia), volume III section 11, A 1.2.
The ship with 125 < l < 145 m and the machinery space located at the after of
ship, the number of watertight transverse bulkhead are 6.

Gross Tonnage Calculation, Doc. No. 02 – 42 17 105 025– GT
Estimate the Total of Crew,
Payload, Calculation of Frame Rev. No.
Double Bottom and Bulkhead
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No Type BKD Position from AP

1 Afterpeak 6,6 m
2 ER 24,6 m
3 Cargo Hold I 47 m
4 Cargo Hold II 68 m
5 Cargo Hold III 89 m
6 collision 125,4 m


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