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Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Computación Electrónica y Mecatrónica.

Propiedad de los materiales

Profesor: Dr. Rubén Alejos Palomares

Homework 02

Atomic structure

Sergio Zaid Cruz Martínez

ID: 156803

San Andrés Cholula, Puebla

05 de Febrero del 2018

During the last century technological advances have been constantly evolving and
with this, other areas of mathematics, physics and chemistry have taken a very
important role in the daily life of people. We know that every body whether solid,
liquid or gas is made up of small particles, this is known as atomic structure.

Basically, the atomic structure is the way in which each of the particles that make
up an atom is distributed, the links that form between them and how they are
grouped together. As we already know and the main particles are protons,
electrons and neutrons.

Atoms are composed of different properties such as the atomic number or mass of
the atom, the spatial distribution of electrons and their amount of energy. The
electrons in particular are the ones that determine most of the electrical,
mechanical, thermal and chemical properties of the atoms.

Quantum theory is based on the fact that atoms exhibit wave properties and
particles with a wave behavior and whose valid solutions can be numbered by
means of a set of three integer values called quantum numbers. Likewise quantum
numbers are divided into four: main (n), secondary (ℓ), magnetic ℓ
and spin

Later we talk about the electronic configuration and the order in which the quantum
levels that go from lower to higher energy are filled. With this we can find that each
of the elements has different types of chemical reactivity and are classified into
three main groups, the electropositive elements of a metallic nature that tend to
donate electrons in chemical reactions and become positive ions or cations. The
electronegative elements of non-metallic nature and that tend to accept electrons
to produce negative ions and finally the oxidation number that are the electrons
capable of donating an element atom.

With all this we can talk about statistical mechanics whose main objective is to
analyze the behavior of sets of identical particles or systems in a probabilistic way.
The most probable values of the properties are derived for a particle at a given
time. The basic purpose is to demonstrate that a system in any state is the same
for all states.

When we talk about probability density functions, it is because in a wave model the
exact position of an electron can not be determined, which is why population
density functions are used to describe its position in space.

Depending on the constraints you have, the appropriate formulas are used for each
case, for example, the distribution of Mxwell Boltzman is used when there are no
restrictions in terms of energy and amount of energy. The Fermi Dirac statistic
occupies the restriction that a quantum state does not accept more than one
particle in the same location as another, finally we have the Bose Einstein
distribution since it discovers that not all the fundamental particles, among them
the photons obey the Pauli's principle.

Based on the above we come to the periodic table, originally developed by Dimitri
Mendeleyev and Julius Lothar Mayer, which ordered the elements by their
chemical properties and their atomic numbers.

The atomic number tells us the number of protons or positively charged particles
contained in the nucleus. We also found the unit of atomic mass that by general
agreement of steps and measures, was assigned the value 12 of atomic mass
relative to the isotope 12 of carbon, this tells us that its nucleus has 6 protons and
6 neutrons.

In the periodic table we find four main types of elements, the inert gas type, which
is characterized by having its outermost quantum level of the configuration s ^ 2 p ^
6, with the exception of helium. As well as the representative elements, transition
and internal transition, each with its main characteristics and different from those of
the other groups.

Now we will talk a little about thermodynamics, which studies the relationships
between the thermal properties of matter and the external variables of the system,
be it pressure, temperature and composition. These thermal conditions help us
determine the chemical and physical reactions. With the above we also find
kinetics, to determine the speed with which reactions occur.

We also know that the hydrogen atom is considered the simplest atomic structure,
since it has a nucleus that contains a single proton and a single electron spinning
around it.

With the above we could know considerably the atomic structure of the elements,
which are the elementary particles and their function in the nucleus, the electronic
configuration of the elements and also the density functions, we knew the division
in the periodic table and we reviewed some quantum numbers and atomic mass of

Finally I can only mention that the unit helped me a lot to understand the
functioning of the particles and atoms in each of the bodies since it depends a lot
on their atomic structure to know their behavior and how they should be used.


1. i Gispert, J. C. (1997). Estructura atómica y enlace químico. Reverté.

2. Smith, W. F., & Hashemi, J. (1998). Fundamentos de la Ciencia e Ingeniería
de Materiales (pp. 123-124). New York: McGraw-Hill.
3. Hein, M., Arena, S., & Hidalgo, C. (2001). Fundamentos de química.

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