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Perennialism versus gnosticism

Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Erik Davis, The Electric Chrism Acid Test: The Problem of Psychedelic Gnosis #gnosticamerica

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Miguel Conner


We are going through psychedelic renaissance, fueled by neuroscience and a more open
society. Ayahuasca has become popular for mysticism and therapy.

How does psychedelic manifest and express itself in the Occult?

21:38 - 31 mar. 2018

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas
Gnosis might not be the best way to describe entheogenic experiences. People used in the 60s
used the language of perennialism (like Huxley), Eastern theology, and secularism (like William

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

But Gnosis is always countercultural and rebellious. There has to be Archons even if you think
the universe is fine. Davis says in ancient times “Archon” was used for specific, human people
as well.

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Archons always have a double meaning that includes an outside person and an inside spiritual

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Unlike demons, Archons aren’t tempting us but are already controlling us. They are stellar
lords that fate. Without Archons, Gnosticism simply becomes perennialism.

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas
Alan Watts writes about psychotherapy, saying that the goal is to liberate humans from the
chains of society and condition. Maya isn’t just illusion but world culture. We have to escape it.

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Timothy Leary in “How to Start Your Own Religion” talks about everyone starting in the Garden
of Eden. Yet each person finds themselves fallen into a restrictive social system. We are turned
to robots. People must actively fight these systems.

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Leary says Caesar has created a studio where each one of us an actor without free will. The
spiritual life gets you out and what is real. Social and psychological realities are where the
Archons rule.

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Robert Anton Wilson in The Illuminatus Trilogy interrogates the Gnostic idea of distrusting
reality. Illumination doesn’t get you out of the machine. In it, a priest says Gnosis leads
megalomania and insanity. Gnosis is very bad.

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Miguel Conner

20 hhace 20 horas

Later on, Mamasutra says only the Illuminati, with its promotion of science, is the only solution
to destructive mysticism. Basically, Davis is saying there is a risk in hacking any reality and this
has led to our paranoid modern times.

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Miguel Conner


20 hhace 20 horas

Gnosis can be dark as it liberates.

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