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God is visiting the nations with his great revival power. This end time revival will par
excel the revival of the Acts of Apostles, though the pattern would be the same. God
entrusted Peter with a key to early church revival. So, it is inevitable for every one to
ponder the life of Peter who longs to play a major role in the coming revival. Peter tops
the list of Apostles everywhere in the Bible. Apostles and prophets spear head the coming
revival. That’s why we are going to delve deep into the life and ministry of Peter with the
help of the Holy Spirit. This is not the analytical research study of Peter. As a prophet, I
have looked at Peter and share with you some of the vital aspects of his life. I promise
you right at the outset theat this book would bless every one whose heart cry is to be used
by the Lord.
We regularly conduct ten days of Shor Term Course. Many of the participants shine
like stars in many part of the world. As a follow up we conduct Refresher’s Course to stir
up and fan the flame in the trainees. (This book is the out come of one such course)
I have presented to you in the book form , the messages I have shared there. The
spoken word has blessed ,revived, challenged their lives. Even now, we witness the
transformed lives of those who heard the message.
I thank God for Bro. Nelson Francis, Sis.Victoria, Sis.Rosary Royer and Sis.Debbie
for their tireless work in producing this book in English. I also owe much to Sis.Theolah
and Dulcie for their editorial assistance. They deserve your prayers.
It would not suffice just to read the book. Kindly meditate, rise up for action and be
aflame for Jesus. May the Lord anoint this book and make you a blessed vessel for the
Masters use
Yours in the revival

(V. Ezekiah Francis)

Chapter 1
Needed Vessel
All the vessels used by God were ordinary ones. Their experiences invariably had small
beginnings and a blessed ending. Peter stands foremost among the persons used by the
Lord in the New Testament. He was the one who inaugurated the first message on the day of
Pentecost. He performed the first miracle by raising a man born crippled. He led three
thousand people to Christ through a single message. He was instrumental for the birth of the
Church. He hoisted the banner of the Cross in Cornelius’ home. Well! Even his shadow
abounded with healing power. He spoke life even to the corpse like his Master.
Have you ever observed his first encounter with the Lord? It was a simple, insignificant
experience. Christ did not appear to him dramatically. He neither heard a thunderous voice
nor did he see a blinding light like Paul. His brother Andrew saw Jesus one day and came
home excited. He said, “We have found the Messiah” and lovingly took Peter to Jesus. Jesus
said, “ You are Simon, the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas”. It was as simple as
that. There was nothing spectacular about it. But that very day he became an ardent admirer
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My humble beginning
When I was young, I used to be perplexed by the awesome experiences of those who
described how Jesus appeared to them and lead them through supernatural experiences. At
such times I would be very discouraged. My salvation was a simple experience. I heard about
a Lutheren teacher who was casting out demons and healing the sick in a nearby village. I
went there as an on looker and understood that there was power in the Name of Jesus. I
became His admirer. But while hearing the supernatural experiences of others, I would sadly
wonder, “Why didn’t I face such extraordinary experiences? Won’t God use me in a mighty
way?” I was comforted to know that Peter’s ordinary salvation experience was not a
hindrance to an extraordinary future ministry. Today I’m thrilled about the experiences of
people who have seen Jesus face to face in my meetings. I have heard countless great
testimonies in my meetings, which I have not experienced in my own life.
Ordinary to Extra ordinary
Yes, my beloved, you may not have such costly experiences to be thrilled about. Your
testimonies may not be sensational to the hearers. Your salvation and baptism experiences
might look ordinary. But take heart! Our Lord takes delight to do extraordinary things
through ordinary people. He is an expert who does mighty exploits through simple vessels.
He will not despise your small beginning. Like Peter if you are faithful in small things, he
will entrust you with greater experiences. Though his beginning was simple, Peter saw
numerous visions as days went by. On the mount of transfiguration, he was enthralled and
overwhelmed to see the glorious transfiguration experiences. Angelic visitations were very
common. A great Sheet bound at the four corners descended to him from heaven. He
habitually heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. Supernaturals became very natural to him. Our
impartial God will do the same for you. Be faithful in the small experiences that you have. It
is certain that countless miracles will happen through your ordinary life.
Changed Name
The first thing that Jesus did to Peter was to change his name. He said, “You are Simon,
son of John. You will be called Cephas (which, when translated, is Peter.” (John 1:42).
Simon means ‘reed’. That was his previous name. Peter means a ‘stone’. It speaks of a
strong and steady personality. Jesus had already determined, “On this rock I will build My
Church” (Matt.16:18). But Peter’s real nature was exactly the opposite. There was none
who was unstable like Peter. The name that really suited him was ‘reed’. It was indeed
strange that Jesus looked at the oscillating reed and called him an unmovable stone. It was
amazing that God could call a timid Gideon, a mighty man of valour. It was a wonder that
he looked at the childless Abram and called him Abraham, the father of the nations. God
never sees like a man. Our estimations are entirely different from His. They are as far as the
heaven is from the earth.
Dearly beloved, are you displeased with your nature? Does your low estimate of yourself
make you put your head down? Has the criticism of others damaged your self esteem. Cheer
up! God does not depend on you to accomplish anything. Will He who said, “Trust not the
man who has breath in his nostrils” ever trust you for His purpose. Never! He has a blue print
for us and He has already depicted our complete picture. He does not look at us as raw
material but finds delight in seeing us as the finished product. Only with that hope He has
entrusted us with His magnificient mission and anointing.
The Lord once lavishly appreciated a minister who suffered from low self esteem. The
Lord praised him to the skies saying, “You have great patience; you have no blemish, no
guile and no fear in you.” The minister was taken aback and said, “Lord! These descriptions
don’t suit me. I’m just the opposite. I think these appreciations belong to someone else, not
to me Lord!” Then the Lord looked at him tenderly and said, “No my son! In my eyes you are
totally beautiful. I do not see you as you see yourself. Your view of yourself is like an
incomplete building. It does not look attractive. The stones are scattered all over. Everything
looks half done and disorganised. But the architect looks at it as a complete, beautiful,
colourful and shining building. He has the building plan in his heart. I do not see you as raw
material, but as a finished product.” What a comfort!
Our God is an awesome God who will take an ordinary log like you, chip away your
rough edges and fashion you into a beautiful throne on whom He will sit and reign as King of
Kings and Lord of Lords! Many people lose hope and get discouraged due to a lack of this
vision. They miscalculate that God cannot use them. They feel insufficient for God’s work
and even feeble. But the Lord speaks to you tenderly through these pages, “I know your
reed-like nature. I know that you are obstinate, the sinews of your neck were iron, your
forehead was bronze” (Is.48:4). I am dealing with your life, viewing, what you would be
after I complete the work in you. Yes, He has still not given up on us.
If the picture I had drawn for myself twenty years ago had been true, I would not have
accomplished anything for God. But the Lord, even then, saw me with a prophetic eye. He
knew that I would fight the good fight and raise Him an army and refresh weary ministers.
God foresees your future too. He sees the thousands who will be saved through you. He
sees how you are going to suffer for His sake. He sees even your glorious end. He sees the
nations and homes that you’re going to visit for His name’s sake. He sees the weak ones
whom you are going to lift up. He sees those who are going to be delivered through you. The
blue print that he has drawn for you is the one which makes Him work so patiently and
hopefully. When you see yourself like this, a new boldness will come upon you. A new
assurance will spring in your life, which whether small or big will shape your destiny. (Rom.
8:28) Yes, Everything happens for good. This revelation will motivate you.
Rise up! Be strong! Forget your past failures. See yourself through God’s eye. A great
task is ahead of you. There is no time to waste. So rise up and march on in haste!
Chapter 2

Gradual Growth

The men whom God used did not reach the pinnacle of success at the very beginning
nor did they attain a sudden height in their ministry. God doesn’t heap up heavy
responsibilities on our tender shoulders. He knows our bearing capacity. He does not
spring instant buildings. He keeps the blueprint of the palace of our lives and gradually
places stone upon stone to build us! At times, the previous day’s work is destroyed by the
night’s storm. But He doesn’t give up. He patiently cleans up the mess and builds again.
He does not do a haphazard job and finish His building in one day. He does each thing in
its season. (Eccl.3:1) As clay in the potter’s hand if you are plyable in His hands, He will
be able to accomplish His purposes in you quickly. All that God has permitted in your
life till today, is to fulfil His eternal purposes.
Into His home
Observe Peter carefully. At first the Lord sowed a seed thought in him. He said, “You
will be called Peter” He did not become ‘Peter’ immediately, but the seed was sown and
it was nurtured. The work that started in his heart that day spread into his home. Christ
went to Peter’s house. “As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and
John to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with fever,
and they told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand helped her up. The fever
left and she began to wait on him.” (Mk.1:29-31) The same God who sowed the hope in
him about a bright future, walked into his house a few days later. The eyes that spotted
Peter in a crowd now fell on his house. Do you know why?! The home of a budding man
of God must be a blessed one. I have seen this happen in my own life. Saved at the age
of fourteen, P1** I would often visualise myself preaching to thousands. I did not realise
at that time, that those visions were given to me by God. The work of God that started in
me affected my home. Right from the youngest member to the oldest every one in my
family were touched by God. At that time, God’s eyes had foreseen that we would work
for Him as a family, which is true today! These happenings are not accidental. All that
happens in the life of a man whom God chooses has a deep purpose.
Healing in the home
The Lord who entered his house healed his mother-in-law. Hooking the son-in-law
through his mother-in-law perhaps!?! Pas. Paul Yonggi Cho often says that the only
person whom he fears in the whole world is his mother-in-law. We do not know whether
Peter thought that Jesus had come there only for that purpose. Peter! What I have done
for your mother-in-law today, you will do for thousands! Every miracle that you see is
not only for your benefit.
You will do the same miracle that you see
You will surely perform the same miracles that you witness. So when you see anyone
in your home or dear to you being used mightily by God, understand that He is
challenging you to do the same. Thus He will strengthen your faith and prepare you for a
mighty ministry.
Minister’s home a meeting Hall
The Lord Jesus who healed Peter’s mother-in-law, now converted his home into a
meeting hall. At the the end of the day, many people who were sick and possessed
crowded at Peter’s doorstep. Many were healed and delivered. Christ had a two fold
purpose here!. On the one hand, He drove out demons and on the other was also
preparing a deliverer. On one side He healed the sick, while on the other, he trained a
healer! Do you stand in awe as you see others used by God and exercising their
supernatural gifts? A day will come when others will admire you as you admire them
now!. What I saw and admired in other ministers in my younger days, today I see the
same in my ministry. Likewise our impartial God will fulfill all your desires too. Believe
in His great plans for your life! Oh! how lovely it would be if you look through His
Widen your circle:
God’s plan for our lives are beyond our imagination. His thoughts are a thousand
times bigger than our thoughts. Very often our limited vision limits our actions. The Lord
taught Peter this lesson. After the night meeting the Lord went to a solitary place for
prayer. He heard the Father’s voice and received direction to move to the next town. But
Peter’s limited vision tried to hinder this. “Simon and his companions went to look for
Him, and when they found Him, they exclaimed: ‘Every one is looking for you!’”
(Mk.1:36,37) Peter was a good leader. He did not go alone in search of Jesus. He took a
team with him. He had the ability to draw people to go along with him. That’s why after
the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus he was able to take the other disciples for fishing as
well! Here, Peter said, “Every one is searching for you!” and he hoped to take Jesus to his
house again. His mother-in-law and a multitude were healed. May be Peter thought if
Christ could stay on for a few more days, it would bring a great revival to his home town.
May be he wanted to establish a main church there.
It is good to have a burden for our home, our town and our church. But it is not good
to be entangled in it for life. The Lord clearly demonstrated this to Peter. Jesus replied,
“Let us go somewhere else- to the nearby villages -so I can preach there also. That is why
I have come” (Mk.1:38) and took even Peter and the disciples to the other town. What
was Christ trying to convey to Peter? He implied “I have drawn a wider cirlce for you!
The plans that I have for you are not mere home size plans but nation wide plans. In fact,
it covers the whole world. You were not born to benefit your little town Peter, but you are
called to be a blessing to the whole world! Then He took Peter along with Him.
Just imagine! If Peter had stopped with his town that day, would he have found a
place in this book? Would his name be honoured in all the world? Down through the
centuries would he have been a blessing to the generations? Would his name literally
flash out of books, in thousands of languages?
May the Lord speak to you as He spoke to Peter, “You have witnessed many miracles
in and around you. The needs in your home and in your ministry are very real! But don’t
get caught up in your own problems. Come into the plans that I the Lord thy God have
for you!”. His prophetic voice challenges you to widen your circle.
Looking back...
Looking back at my own life, very often I have drawn circles for myself! I often
thought ‘This is my ministry’ and tried hard to limit myself. I moved according to the
need around me. My parents’ plan for me and my own plans for my future were also
limited. I wanted to be a doctor or a bank officer. But the plans that my beloved Lord had
for me were beyond my comprehension. My heart still melts with gratitude at the
thought of His goodness.
Yes beloved! Please do not be limited by your small plans. That is the curse of our
Church today! Some people run their race and even finish it by croaking hoarse like frogs
in a well. If our vision was vast, then India would have been saved and the revival fire
would have swept over our nation by now!
Enlarge your tents:
The Father’s heart of God is deeply grieved that His children have not perceived the
great plans that He has for them. Isaiah heard the voice of God and cried out. “Enlarge
the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your
cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your
descendants will dispossess the nations and settle in their desolate cities.” (Is.54:2,3) It is
you and not God who is holding back your ministry. Stop pleading with Him to enlarge
your tents and do it yourself. God longs to bless you. But He can do it to the extent of
your preparation and expectation. God never limits your boundaries, it is you who are
doing so! It is not a question of extending the tabernacle after the souls come in, but it is
extending the tabernacle in faith for the souls to come in.
Expect great things from God, who attempt great things for God. Those who are
fluent in English try to become fluent in other languages. Become a linguist. If you have
preached only in meetings, take an interest in mass media as well.
Lengthen your cords:
Lengthen your cords. Travel as far as you can. Beloved sisters! Are you going to
spend the rest of your lives in the kitchen like Martha? Do you wish to go to your grave
worrying about your household? Alongwith limiting yourself have you curbed your
husband’s initiatives too? Do you realise that it is sin? Will you cry out and ask the Lord
to forgive you?
Parents, when the Lord calls your child to a far off country, do you send him
cheerfully? Or do you stand in the way and refuse to release your child to the call of
God? Minister of God! When God uses the believers in your church do you prayerfully
bless and release them? I have a prophetic word for you! The Lord is stirring up the
believers and no man can stop it. Either the minister must use them or let them be used by
others.The Lord God Almighty is not going to stay quiet anymore. He will not tolerate
anyone who smothers the flame that He has lit!
Lengthen your cords and enlarge your vision. Expand your expectation. Prepare
yourself accordingly. Do not stop with your region. Flap your wings and fly in obedience
to the King’s call. When you listen to His plans in your life, the blessings will flow and
your joy will know no bounds. Let not anyone stop you from fulfilling His vision. Those
who were on fire for the Lord expected great things from God. They paid a price. Pastor.
Paul Yonggi Cho struggled greatly to learn the English language so that the whole world
would be benefitted. His burden for the European countries compelled him to learn
German. Later, God called him to Japan and today he can preach in the Japanese
language too! But we falter even in our own mother tongue. They enlarged their tents,
but we only shrink our tents.
Wake up! There is no time to waste! A great revival is sweeping our nation as never
before. During this revival you are the Peters who need to cast your nets and draw in
thousands of souls. You are the Esthers who must stand in the gap and plead for the
nations.Arise! Get Ready! May the Lord and not your needs influence you. Let the future
vision mould your present life and let your circle expand!
Chapter 3
Deeper Love
The vessels that God uses must have received the revelation about God’s unchanging
love. His love is the foundation of our life. God never uses a man because of his
His love chose us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. He
foreordained us even before the foundation of the earth. His love never fluctuates
according to our status / spiritual temperature.
The enemy, however, does not like us to have revelation of this supernatural love. He
paints a distorted picture of His love. He projects as if the love of Jesus increases while
we fast and pray and decreases when our love cools down.
But the love of God does not depend on us. That love is Divine, unconditional and
unconquerable. It is an altruistic and permanant love that always seeks our good. That is
the ‘agape’ love that cannot be comprehended by human intellect. That love has chosen
us, anointed us, made us fruitful and transformed us into a vessel of blessing. Jesus Christ
chose weak men and bestowed His unique love on them. That love did not diminish, nor
did it change till the end. (Jn. 13:1)
But look at Peter. His love was like a reed, oscilating in the wind. Jesus commended
him at first and reprimanded him when he wavered. But His affection and hope did not
diminish. What a consolation!
Another day, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the son of Man is?”
And they said, “Some say John, the Baptist; and others Elijah; but still others Jeremiah or
one of the prophets” Then Jesus said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And
Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God”. This
reply gladdened the heart of Jesus. He said, “Blessed are you Simon, Bar Jona! For flesh
and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father, who is in heaven. And I tell you,
you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not
prevail against it...” [Matt. 16:17,18]. Knowing Jesus as the son of God is not an ordinary
thing. It is a wonderful revelation
Many believers are discouraged that they have no special revelation. When we hear
others testifying of their heavenly experiences, like seeing Jesus and Apostles and
hearing the angelic choir, we see forlorn. At times I used to feel distressed too. But the
Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Have I not shown you wondrous things from the
Scriptures? Have I not given you the Rhema message for the Church? Are these not
revelations, my son?” Yes! to know Jesus is the greatest of revelations. To know the
Father and the Holy Spirit and His truth are the highest revelations. Flesh & blood cannot
reveal these. When we begin to praise and thank God for these revelations, He can give
us other visions and dreams easily!
Peter opened up and completely yielded himself to the revelation of God. The Lord
prophesied his future and said, “I will build my Church upon you! I will give you the
keys of the Kingdom of heaven. I will give you the power to bind and loosen.” Peter was
thrilled! Immediately, Jesus began to describe His sufferings. Peter was scandalized. His
heart opened to the enemy. As long as there were blessings, power, authority and a
glorious ministry, he was elated. But the very idea of sufferings, insults, sacrifice and
loss were not palatable.
In short, at one moment a heavenly revelation came to him. The next minute the
message from the gates of Hell overpowered him. When that happened Jesus said, “ Get
behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of
God, but the things of men” ( Matt.16:23) In a split second, Peter became a ‘satan’! He
became a stumbling stone to God and a slave to his carnal instincts! He was an open
house, and not a fenced Garden. He was more like a thoroughfare! At one point he was
spirit controlled, and the very next, he was satan controlled. Once a mouthpiece of God,
then a spokesman for the devil. The same speed with which he submitted to God, he
succumed to satan. How terrible?!
Beloved, are you in the same boat? Your heart bubbles with joy at the way the Holy
Spirit deals with you and feel that you are growing deeper in the Lord! But suddenly
everything disappears and you are oppressed with the thoughts and words of the devil!
You find the spirit of lust, spirit of irritation, spirit of worry and spirit of doubt trying to
torment you. Sometimes you can easily obey His commandment but find it hard at other
Remember, where ever you have received revelation, Satan cannot enter there. But
where you lack revelation, there satan will enter. Here Peter received revelation about the
glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hence the enemy couldn’t do any harm there. But he
received no light on the message of the cross and the enemy easily cornered him there.
But, take heart! Jesus understands you. He sympathises with your feeble reed like nature.
However, He wants to throw light in all the areas of your life.
However, what astonishes me is that Jesus, after chiding Peter saying, “Get behind
me, Satan you are a stumbling block to me”. did not discard him. Neither did he abandon
the plan He had for Peter. His confidence in Peter did not waver. Within six days of Satan
entering Peter, He took him to the Mount of transfiguration. [Matt. 17:1] He transfigured
before them in glory with Elijah and Moses. He even heard the voice of the Father. Jesus
shared His secrets with Peter.
This truth brings tears to my eyes. How could Jesus take Peter thy mountain of
glory, within such a short period of his yielding to Satan? He was not exasperated at his
becoming a tool in Satan’s hand. Nor did He condemn him as unreliable. How can we
describe this love? God had a marvellous plan for Peter. He was going to stand like a
rock for Him and Churches were going to be built upon him. He was going to be a
mighty revivalist. He is really ‘Peter’, a stable stone. Christ’s vision of him never
Beloved, he has not lost hope on you. So cheer up and do not lose hope! Lean on
your beloved’s bosom and cross this training period. Let me illustrate His love further.
Gethsemene Love:
The time of His passion drew near. He had the last supper with His disciples He
looked at them and said, “You will all fall away because of me this night”. But our
friend Peter declared, “Even though all may fall away, yet I will not” (Mk.14:29). Even
then Jesus knew the entire story of Peter. He said, “You yourself shall, this very night,
before the cock crows twice, three times deny me” He knew that Peter was going to deny
Him that night. He knew that when He was scourged and flinching in pain, Peter would
indifferently be warming himself. He also knew that Peter would swear before an
ordinary servant girl that he did not know him.
It’s surprising that inspite of knowing all this, Jesus took Peter and two other
disciples to pray. He began to be deeply distressed and troubled before them. He expected
Peter to pray, keeping watch atleast for one hour. How could He open His heart and cry
to the one who was going to deny him? How true that His love surpasses our
In Gethsemene he disappointed Him and in the palace he denied Him. But did Jesus
deny the one who denied him. Not at all.At that critical moment He had called out
“Peter”, he would have, perhaps, met his end. But he never opened his mouth. The cock
crowed, “And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of
the Lord, how He had told him!” Before a cock crows today, you will deny Me three
times! And he went out and wept bitterly” (Lk.22:61,62) The benign look of the kind
Lord convicted him of his weakness. His heart broke. Thereafter he had no opportunity to
speak to Jesus.
Jesus died and rose again on the third day. He sent word to his disciples through the
women who came to his tomb with spices and perfumes to embalm His body. What
was that message? “But go, tell His disciples and Peter, “He is going before you into
Galilee, there you will see Him, just as He said to you” (Mk.16:7) Consider the message
carefully. Does not the word ‘disciple’ include Peter? Why then did He mention Peter
specifically? He knew Peter’s heart well. His heart pricked him every time he failed. He
knew that guilt was killing him. Perhaps He recapiulated the words of Peter, when He
called him, first, to be His disciple. He remembered how he fell at His feet and said,
“Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man.” (Lk. 5:8) The affectionate heart of the
Lord, perhaps thought that Peter might not come, unless a specific call was given to him.
Beloved recall your past. “ Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the
quarry from which you were hewn” (Is.51:1) . Consider the numerous times when He
forgave you. “Did you not find grace abounding where sin increased?” (Rom.5:20) Has
not the Lord who converted Peter by His silent look, without exposing him before the
soldiers, covered your multitude of sins? Were there not thousands of occasions to
humble you before others? Has not His immense love covered all your sins? Has He not
taken you to the mount of transfiguration though you had yielded to Satan several times?
Though you had denied Him scores of times, Has He not given you His mighty ministry?
Will you not atleast now realise His unfathomable love? Come, now, out of your guilt
and lean on His divine love! Will you come back to the Lord and continue this ministry
with a new vigour?.
Fishing, again!
Let us meditate upon another episode. The risen Saviour had appeared to Peter twice,
but still he faltered. He went back to his profession, that he had given up three years ago.
He took six of the disciples fishing with him. How strange that Peter went fishing even
after having seen the risen Jesus!
But even then Jesus did not lose hope on him. He made haste and came to him, early
in the morning . He advised Peter to cast his nest on the right side and enabled him to
catch a good shaog of fish! Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land, full of large
fish, a hundred and fifty three.’ (Jn.21:11) He joyfully ate the bread and fish, that Jesus
cooked and served lovingly. When they had finished breakfast Jesus looked at Peter
again and said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love Me more than these?” (Jn.21:15)
Jesus asked him the same question a second and a third time. Is it because Jesus did not
know the love of Peter? How could he ask, “do you love more than these?” Actually,
Peter should have enquired of the Lord, “Inspite of my denying you still love me Lord?”.
Dearly beloved, does this not ring a bell in your ears? Don’t you hear the voice of
the Holy Spirit? Jesus is not discouraged even after your many failures. His call comes to
you once again. May be you have gone astray from His will. Even after labouring all
night like Peter, your net may still be empty. An unsatisfactory and disappointing life
may be your lot. When those who are called by God deviate from His will, they will not
find satisfaction. There will be disappointment both in their life and ministry.
That may well be the reason for your disappointments, loses and poverty. Jesus
however, comes looking for you. Jesus who did not condemn Peter, will be kind to you
also. He has a great hope on you and his affection has no bounds.
He has great plans concerning you. May be you had back slidden and been a
stumbling block for others. The good Shepherd who told Peter , “Tend my sheep” shall
give you also His priceless sheep! Very soon a great revival is going to come about! A
cloud as small as a man’s palm is going to shower a heavy deluge. You have a long way
to go. Your mission is very great. He is aware of your sense of helplessness and defeatist
tendencies. He knows your self condemnation. But today, His hands are still
outstretched towards you with love. He says, “Arise and shine forth! This is your greatest
Chapter 4
Total Surrender
The vessel that God uses must be a totally surrendered vessel. Every one who wants
to be used by God must learn this. Do you want to be mightily used by God? If so, Jesus
would like to make a covenant with you. He says, “Give me hundred percent of all that
you have and I will give you hundred percent of all that I have” who has more God or
we? Is not a profitable proposition surrendering totally to God?
This is one of the best lessons that I have learnt in my life. No man can truthfully say
that he has sacrificed anthing for God. If we give something to him, he always return
back a hundred fold. Those who have seen this truth will never with hold anything from
Here again watch Peter. One day Jesus was walking along the sea shore in Galilee.
Peter and his brother Andrew were fishing. Jesus said to them, “Follow me, I will make
you fishers of men.” Immediately they forsook all and followed Him. What did they
forsake on that day? Just a boat and a fishing net! What did they gain in return? They
won many hundreds and thousands of men. He gained respect and became a well known
apostle for generations. Even today, he is a challenge to all of us. Had he not abandoned
fishing when Jesus called him, he would have been lost without any trace today. He
would have earned handsomely one day and struggled penniless the next!
When Peter gave the life to Christ, offerings of gold and silver were heapep at his
feet. He could feed thousands of people. He never had to beg anyone for money but with
authority he questioned even the donors like Ananias and Sapphira. The centurion, a
military officer, fell at the feet of an ordinary fishermen. One who was preoccupied with
the sea for his living toured all the cities and towns, with great pomp and glory!
Celebrities waited upon him and his presence inspired awe and great respect.
How did this great honour come about in his life? All because of his commitment on
that first day. When he was a fisherman, even the fish did not obey him. But today the
devils trembled at his bidding, diseases disappeared at his command. Even the angel of
death bowed down in terror and gave the life of its victim Tabitha. (Act.9:40)
Yes, beloved you are not a loser when you give up anything for Christ. You are not a
sufferer when you sacrifice. The sons of Zebedee who were mending their nets became
the menders of the church. The tentmaker Paul became a church maker. Whoever has this
revelation, will not hesitate to relinquish their earthly jobs, nor will they have any
difficulty in giving up anything for Christ. Remember! “If the Lord demanding anything
from you, it is only to give something much better. There is none more insecure than one
who calculate to give to God.
Jesus preached to His disciples about total dedication. He said, “Blessed are the poor
in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” even in the very beginning of His sermon
on the mount [Matt.5:3] What is the meaning of being ‘poor in spirit?’ It means that the
spirit man does not want to hold on to anything else. They will be able to sing truthfully,
“Nothing, Dear Lord! I want nothing for myself” They will not claim any thing as their
own. When that simplicity of heart is attained, the kingdom of heaven belongs to him.
What else do they need?
Let us meditate on my favourite parable. [Matt.44-48] The Kingdom of heaven is
like a treasure of rare value, hidden in the earth. A man found it by chance. His joy knew
no bounds. He went and sold all that he owned and purchased that field. In other words it
is a rags to riches stay.
“Again, the Kingdom of heaven is likea merchant seeking fine pearls and upon
finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
(Matt.13:45,46) Why did Jesus narrate this parable? He tried to convey that living for
Him is like possessing a great treasure. Jesus becomes all our sufficiency. Nothing that
we can ever match that wonderful life. The Lord asks only a little of us but what He
repays is immeasurable. He wants us to give up fishing but in return He makes us fishers
of men. He made a fish supplier into a blessing supplier.
I wanted to become a political leader. Later I changed my mind and wanted to
become of great physician or an executive in a commercial bank. When I gave up that
ambition by obeying the call of the Lord, He blessed me as no politician had ever been
blessed. Today without drugs or injections I cure the sick and deliver the possessed by
using my authority. I am thrilled to see tumours dissolve, sicknesses disappear and the
evil spirits depart in fright. That is why I can never say ‘no’ to anything that the Lord
wants of me.
What do you seek? Earthly power? or the power of God? Earthly life or heavenly
life? Your answer will determine your future. Do not hesitate to pay the price that the
Lord asks of you. He will make you a river of blessing. When you bless, people will be
blessed. If you say to anyone ‘Peace be with you’ he will find true peace. What you curse
shall be cursed as well. Whatever you have lost or whatever you have givenup for the
Lord, you shall receive a thousand fold. This is the secret of becoming a blessing unto
Once a young man came to Jesus. He wanted to know what he should do to gain
eternal life. Jesus was moved with compassion. He pointed out the one area that he was
found lacking. Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect go and sell your possessions
and give to the poor..” The young man was a rich man, and he was attached to his riches.
When he heard what Jesus said, he was sad. He went away grieved. (Matt. 19:20-22)
I feel sad for this young man. Had he given up everything as Peter did, and followed
Him, perhaps I would have written books about him, too!! How sad! He lost an
opportunity of a life time! Even his name was not mentioned in the Bible. Had he given
up his riches, do you think he would have become poor or penniless? No, certainly not.
Offerings and gifts would have been heaped upon him from Corinth, Antioch, Jerusalem,
Galatia and Rome and several other places. This foolish young man who hesitated to give
up everything for Jesus is really an imbecite and had a sad ending.
When this youngman retrieved his steps sadly, Peter watched the entire drama with
keen interest. He saw an opportune moment and asked Jesus, “Behold, we have left
everything and followed you, what then, will there for us? Jesus, then enumerated all the
blessings that they were going to inherit. [Matt. 19:27-30] “Peter answered him, “We
have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” Jesus said to them, “I
tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious
throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve
tribes of Isreal. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or
mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will
inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be
first” Peter enjoyed the blessings of this glorious promise in his life time. How many
homes he had! How many brothers and sisters and spiritual children!.
And Jesus did not stop there He issued a warning as well. “But many who are first
will be last, and the last first” (Matt.19:30) This is a shocking truth! Many will rise for
Jesus, but only those who lost anything for Him shall shine in the lime light. To become
first or last in God’s ministry depends solely on what they lose for Him.
When I was a student in college, several students were saved along with me. When
they prayed, in those days, it would look as if the heavens were coming down and the
anointing came down as fire and consumed them. I was sure that some of them were
going to shake the world and shine more glamourously. But unforunately many of them
have settled for a very routine life and are satisfied with their household chores and
profession. But some of those who looked very ordinary then are shining in the ministry.
When I looke back, I understood one fact the secret is that whoever had sacrificed
themselves for Christ, are shining and the others have become lacklustre.
Beloved, do you find anything too difficult to give up? Having led a comfortable life
so far, do you find it difficult to come down? What made the rich young man to withdraw
from Jesus was his love for money. I do not know what holds you back from Christ, but
you certainly know. Many who shows brilliantly have lost their lustre today. Even those
who dod mighty exploit have become silent. The only reason for their plight is their fear
of losing!
Peter knew this well. Of course there were a few draw backs in his life. But the virtue
which deserves to be praised and emulated is this. He gave himself up completely. He
opened his house for the Lord and gave his boat as the dais from where Jesus could
preach. Finally he left everything behind and followed him. That is why he dared to ask
Jesus, “We left every thing for you and what shall we get in return?” His house became a
house of blessing. His boat which carried the rotten fish hitherto, became the Lord’s
That is not all. The eternal King of Kings spoke from the earthen vessel of Peter.
Even his shadow was blessed. The Divine Power gushed out of him like a mighty flood.
In fact, Peter left behind was hardly anything, but gained everything. ‘Howmuch you
empty yourself for God, that much the Kingdom of God will fill you’. Fortunately Jesus
taught Peter a good lesson. The day He reprimanded him saying, “Get behind me, Satan”
that very day Jesus taught him what it meant to be a true disciple. “Then Jesus said to
His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his
cross and follow me, For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
life for me will find it” (Matt.16:23,25) Whoever is to follow Jesus must hate his ‘self’
take up his cross and follow him. who ever seeks to save his life shall lose it, but whoever
loses it for Him shall save it. This lesson was clearly imprinted in his mind.
Yes, young people, is Jesus speaking specifically to you? Does He want you to leave
anything for His sake?! Yield to His command wholeheartedly and happily. If not great
shall be your loss.
I am reminded of an interesting anecdote. A monkey had been cazed. Nuts were
strewn a little away from the cage. The monkey grabbed the nuts in its hands and tried to
take it inside the cage. But it couldn’t . The monkey knew that it could leave behind the
nuts and drew its hands inside but it was not ready to lose those nuts. It struggled to pull
its nut filled hands. With the abrasions it developed, it started to bleed. Still the monkey
did not want to give up the nuts. The struggle became more intense and the monkey
started bleeding profusely. Finally it fell down and died due to loss of blood. Just for a
hand ful of nuts, the monkey lost its life. Are we also like this monkey. Do we cling on to
something, which the Lord wants us to give up and in the process lose our lives?!
“Lord, like Peter, I, too want to give up everything and follow you. Take me and all
that I have, in you hands, O Lord!” Let us surrender ourselves totally at the altar.
Chapter 5
Intimacy with God
In the days ahead, God will use only those who long for a closer intimacy with Him.
Our goal should not be thirty or sixty but hundred percent. In a Christian life, a hunger
and thirst for God is a must. Take a look at the lives of those whom God has used
mightily in the past. They were not satisfied if they merely did not backslide. They were
atleast one step higher than the average ministers.
Can a student who aims at just a pass mark secure the first rank in his class?
Similarly in a christian life, we should not be satisfied with merely praying, giving and
preaching well. Our goal should, we should take a vow to love God more than anyone
else and receive all the blessings that He has in store for us. Only those who move above
the normal boundary do unusual things for God! Peter is a very good example.
Inner Circle
Among the thronging crowd,Jesus chose twelve disciples to be with Him. From the
outer circle they stepped into the inner circle. They gave up all that they had to have this
privilege. Of these twelve, three stuck even closer to him. They asked him questions and
learnt what the others did not know. They stood by Christ and saw special miracles that
the others did not see! In other words, they had come to the inner most circle! Of these
three, Peter held the first place!
We earlier saw that, as far as ministry is concerned, we should not be with in a
smaller circle. Jesus taught Peter this. Our ministry circle should keep on expanding We
should not stop with ministering only to our church, our city and our region. We should
desire to be a blessing to the whole world. However in our relationship with Him, we
should be the opposite. We should not be one among the many in the outer circle. But we
should have fellowship with Him in the innermost circle. Like Peter, we shoul desire to
love Him more than any one else. Like John we should lean on His bosom.
Every person has many levels of relationships. For example, I love all men. I have
special love to ministers of God. Next, the trainees who have been trained at Berachah
Prophetic Ministries, key leaders, Prayer warriors, my counsellors, my family members.
Thus we have an outer and an inner circle. Our beloved Lord invites us to the inner
chamber and longs for a deeper intimacy with us. Though I have various kinds of
relationships, I always find that the ‘Jesus and me’ relationship exceeds all the others.
This is what I like most about Peter. He always claimed a special place with Jesus.
He will use those who say, “ I am not satisfied with just an ordinary relationship with
you. Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord”
Many disciples went back and walked no more with Jesus. Then Jesus asked the
twelve “Will ye also go away?” (Jn.6:67) Before the others could answer, Peter spoke
up. “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life” He thrilled the
heart of God.

More Love
Jesus had a plan to entrust Him with greater responsibilities. That is why after His
resurrection, He asked Peter : “Simon, son of John, do you truly love me than these?”
(Jn.21:15) Inspite of denying Jesus thrice, Peter did not doubt his love for Jesus and
vehemently replied, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you” (Jn. 21:15)
Great Desire
It was dark all around. Waves lashed the side of the boat. The disciples trembled on
the storm tossed sea. Amidst this confusion and chaos, a soft radiance lit a corner of the
lake. Here comes Jesus walking on the water. Fear gripped their hearts and they thought
it was ghost. Jesus roared , “It is I, do not be afraid.” Immediately Peter said, “If it is you
command me to walk on the water and come to you..” What love! How he longed to
draw nigh to Jesus! Wonder how he got the desire to walk on the water like Jesus! How
did that desire and faith arise in Peter even before he could hear Jesus’ proclamation “He
that believeth in me shall do the things that I do”. That only portrays the intensity of his
relationship with Jesus! Jesus was overwhelmed with joy and said, “Come”. So strong
his desire to go to Jesus that he came out of the boat and dared to step on the water. He
even started walking. The fear of death did not hold him. In fact, he did not walk on the
water but on His Word. (Matt. 14:28)
Dearly beloved, will you love Him more than anyone else? Will you walk on His
word? Or will you sit like the remaining eleven disciples in the security of a rocking
boat? Will you attempt to walk differently like Peter? Three out of the twelve. One out of
three. Like Peter will you strive hard to be one among the three.
In spiritual things, such a desire is an absolute necessity. The need of the hour, is not
those who are satisfied with a normal ministry, but who will trust His Word and dare to
attempt great things for God. Only such people will do mighty miracles in the days to
I once heard about a healing minister. Even before praying for healing, he would ask
the lame to throw away their crutches. This is daring faith. What was the reason for Peter
to be filled with this holy boldness? His love for Jesus and His faith in Him was much
higher than that of a average person. He had a unique desire. In these last days God will
take and use such people. He will entrust them with the key of revival.
On the Mount of Transfiguration
“After six days Jesus took with Him Peter, James and John, the brother of James and
led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them”
(Matt.17:1-2) Often Jesus went alone to pray. But on that night He wanted His disciples
to see Him in glory. He gave them the privilege of seeing heavenly experiences.
In these last days, God is going to grant glorious experiences to those who live close
to Him. Some of His friends will enthrall us with their unusual God-given experiences.
some of those experiences cannot be comprehended by analytic brain. We have heard
how certain ministers have gone to heaven in their spirit, and explained what they saw
there. Such experiences will increase in the days ahead. When Peter saw the bright cloud
and heard the voice of God, he fell down in His awesome presence and was unable to rise
up for a while. In these last days such a supernatural experiences are going to be a natural
Peter went everywhere with Jesus. He had personally witnessed great miracles.He
was amazed to see the daughter of Jairu being raised from the dead. The other disciples
saw sick people being healed. But Peter saw greater miracles.
People live. Many do ministry! All die. But only a few make history. Their lives are a
challenge to others..
Enoch and Noah crossed the boundaries of a average relationship and reached greater
heights with God.
When everyone was behind the river, Abraham took a bold step to go beyond the
river. Many Kings lived and died. But David stood head shoulders above the rest. He
received the honour of being called a man after God’s own heart. Many sons of the
prophets stayed back. Some in Jericho, some in Gilgal, some in Bethel and some in
Jordan. But Elisha stood in the forefront.
The voice of God thunders, “In these last days, I will do mighty miracles through
those who draw closer to my heart and I will give them phenominal experiences.
Friend, are you going to live as an average believer? Will you be satisfied with an
ordinary ministry? Or do you long to be a Peter in the mount of transfiguration? Would
you like to delight with Elijah, Moses and our beloved Saviour? Or do you want to be in
the valley with other disciples staggering to cast out demons. The Lord is waiting with
outstretched arms and beckons you to a deeper relationship. Step in - to the inner most
Chapter 6

Swift to Listen
Every Bible Hero was habituated to hear the voice of God. They shared their heart
aches with God and received God’s answer. This aspect of David’s life appealed most to
me. He “enquired of God” at every step. That was the main reason behind his excellence
and victory. Carefully consider the vessels whom God used. They did not build their
ministries on the opinions of others. They went directly to God, received His revelation
and built their ministry. The closer you walk with God, the clearer will you listen to
Him. The more you learn to enquire from God, the more you will have His revelations.
The anointing of God is directly proportional to the revelations you receive. Let us learn
this art by taking a look at Peter’s life.
Peter asked more questions to the Lord than the others. Jesus gladly answered all his
questions. We would have missed many vital truths from the gospels if Peter had been
less inquisitive. Thanks to Peter!
Once Jesus said that what goes into a man’s mouth does not defile him but what
proceeds out of a man defiles him. The other disciples did not bother about it. They did
not make an attempt to understand it. But it was our Peter who asked an explanation of
the parable. In response Jesus brought out a beautiful truth which blesses us even today.
(Matt.15:15) From this we understand that all sin proceeds from the heart. It was Peter
who brought out this most important truth from the lips of the Master. Though Jesus
called him a ‘dull headed fellow’, Peter did not stop asking questions! Thus he was
instrumental in bringing many truths to the church!
On another occasion, Jesus spoke some parables about the second coming. Jesus

about the servants who opened the door when the master came after the wedding and
about coming like a thief.
Then Peter asked Him, “Lord! is this parable meant only for us or for everyone?”
Jesus began to illustrate more about the second coming which throws light even today on
that subject. (Lk.12:41)
Apparently, Peter might have had a problem about forgiving his brother at some
point of time. He did not speak to anyone else about this. He went to Jesus directly.
“Lord, How many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to
seven times?” (Matt.18: 21-35). As a result, he became the reason for a great truth on
forgiveness to bloom out of the blessed mouth of Jesus! We will delve on that subject
later. Here is a lesson for us. We should never keep our life’s problems in mind and let
them disturb us. We should not run after counselling sessions. God alone has the
ultimate solution for our problems. We should straight away take our problems to Him.
His answers will not only solve our problems, but also be a blessing to the nations.
Moses also had this habit of listening to God. Thousands of people brought their
problems to him. He would take every one of their problems to God for the answer. God
would happily answer him. This is how he filled the first pages of the Bible.The
Pentateuch that Moses wrote are now a blessing to the whole world.
Apostle Paul also was accustomed to take the queries of the church to God. That is
why he could boldly affirm that its not he but the Lord who says this. That’s how he, an
unmarried person, could give God’s definite directions about many problems of married
He did not have the privilege of sitting with Jesus at the last supper. But while talking
about the communion, he starts with saying, “For I received from the Lord what I also
passed on to you;” beautifully portrays how Jesus broke the bread on that night. Yes
friend, God still seeks those who can hear the pure Word of the Lord for every issue in
life. (1 Cor.11:23)
Beloved, even today, God seeks those whose lifestyle would be one in which they
would enquire of God at every point of need. The church and the world today longs to
see such people! This will become the life style of those, who like Peter seek an intimacy
with Jesus. Do you desire such a life?
Another day, a disciple showed Jesus the beautiful stones of the temple. Jesus saw
that building with a prophetic look. He briefly spoke about it being destroyed in the
future. If the conversation ended with that, we would have missed some of the glorious
truths on second coming. Immediately Peter, John, James and Andrew asked Him
privately, “Tell us when will these things happen? and what will be the sign that they are
all about to be fulfilled?” (Mk.13:3,4) The result of these words was the revelation of the
second coming from Jesus. This group that came to Him was also led by Peter! Today
we hear many sermons and read many books about the second coming. The confusing
thing is that each one gives their own interpretation for the second coming, which differ
from one another. The hidden truths cannot be interpreted by our natural mind. Even
thousands of teachers cannot give clarity. But the author of the scripture alone can reveal
this to our spirit. “No one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God” (I
Cor.2:11). Instead of coming to a conclusion after much discussion and argument, how
good it would be if we spend few precious moments to enquire from the Lord.
I know a certain minister to whom the Lord said, “You come apart and pray, I want
to reveal certain secrets about My second coming to you. He spent twenty- five days at
the feet of the Lord in privacy. God revealed many great secrets to him. Even today God
seeks those who would spend time alone with Him and learn the secrets of His Word at
His feet.
One day with a great burden Jesus said to His disciples that one of them would
betray Him. The disciples were puzzled about whom He referred to. Even John who
leaned on His bosom was silent. But our Peter signalled to John to ask whom He referred
to. (Jn. 13:24). Only he who has learned to enquire of God can inspire others to listen. I
have learnt this truth after many years of my ministry. The urgent need of the church
today is for prophets who can hear God and lead the church into this blessed habit. This is
my heart-cry. Beloved, whenever you read the Word of God, when you seek to study any
important topic, gather all the verses relating to that topic. On your knees or with a
prayerful attitude or with fasting ask God for the needed light. Seek to know His mind on
the subject.
Today when people take an important topic, they go straight into the books and
commentaries on that topic. As a result a beautiful sermon is formed. I do not say that
this is wrong. However, we must realize that there can be no comparison to the teaching
of a revelation received directly from the Holy Spirit. An open Bible, a quiet spirit and
an attitude of prayer will pave the way.
Decide to fast specifically to know the truths of the Bible. Several times, I fast just to
know the Word of God more deeply. Whenever I spend enough time to speak in tongues
and meditate His word, many awesome truths are revealed to

me which I myself am amazed at. People sit spellbound for hours together to hear such
forth right messages. Such messages break people. It stirs up their faith and establishes
many churches and ministries.
By the abundant grace of God, I have had the opportunity of sharing the Word of
God in different parts of the world. With all humility I can say that many senior
ministers have testified that those messages were original and new. The secret is that I
take all the subjects to God and look to Him for fresh insight. Sometimes, it astonishes
me to see the same truths that God revealed to me in other books after years. At those
moments I feel encouraged to know that the Holy Spirit is speaking to others what He
has spoken to me. I am thrilled to know for certain that those were things which God had
spoken to me, and it was not a brainwave of mine.
In these last days, God is going to throw a new light in revealing His truths as never
before. He seeks listening ears. He longs for friends who will spend time alone with Him.
He seeks humble people who will not lean on their own understanding and education.
Don’t twist the scriptures as untaught and unstable people do. Do not blindly follow the
ideas of others. Whenever you hear some truths which you cannot understand, please
don’t be quick to judge it as unscriptural. Take such truths to the Lord and ask Him for
clarification with all humility. See that nothing comes between you and God. Bring
God’s direct counsels to the church. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak” (James. 1:19)

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