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The idea of same-sex marriage has been one of the controversial issue historically.
Thus, we consider different sides the positive and negative one. Many quiet agree about
it and some often disagree about it because of their religious beliefs. Same-sex
marriage is also known as gay marriage wherein two persons having the same
biological identity have come to be legalized. This kind of marriage is currently legal in
many places across the world. There are many reasons why people wants to legalize
same sex-marriage, one of this is that we all know that man have sin in nature. Another
reason is that people knows that marriage is a right of every individual, to live happily
with his/her love one without the authority of anybody. In addition, same-sex marriage
should be approved to end the discrimination among lesbian and gays or what we
called the LGBT family, for them to live and to become a better person in the society. In
the sense that every person deserves happiness and we must not prohibit it from them.

Actually, there are pros and cons about same-sex marriage here in our country.
Religious points out that marriage should be between man and a woman. According to
the bible, specifically in (Genesis19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1
Corinthians 6:9) it is clearly stated that homosexuality is a sin. God does not create a
person with homosexual desires. It is also stated in (Romans 1:24-27) that an individual
becomes homosexual actually because of sin and it is because of his own choice.
Some also believe that a child should preferably have a mother and a father and not two
parents belonging in the same identity. Having parents of the same sex might not be
healthy, kids need both mother and a father to have a normal childhood. Thus, kids rear
by two women one plays the role of a mother and the other plays the role of the father
but in this case father image is still lacking. If the child, ask questions about physical
changes of the body just like in puberty the one that is acting as a father cannot actually
answer that question because biologically she is born as a female and another thing is
that the one portraying his role as a mother in gay couples can also goes the same for
those who live with two female parents.

Some might not accept and embrace this kind of practice that’s why there are many
opponents of gay marriage. For them, legalization of homosexual marriage can only
bring problems in the near future specifically when children are involved. Other says,
that children rear by homosexuals couples are actually prone to bullying and that is one
of the problem that the child have the possibility to have the attitude of being alone
because he/she experiences bullying at schools and some actually end up with being
physically hurt by other kids.
In our country, house speaker “Pantaleon Alvarez” wants to legalize Same-sex
marriage. He filed a bill to legalize same-sex couples and revealed that the members of
lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender (LGBT) community really tend to deserve
their true happiness. Also he compared it to the preamble of our constitution and stated
that we all must respect the value of every individual.

All has a freedom to opposed about the said issue. One that opposes this bill is the
Catholic church just like how they were against to the reproductive health bill. The
house minority members have mixed opinions about this issue because it is really an
opinionated one. According to “Crisologo and Tiangco that their friends from LGBT were
not agreed upon the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Philippines. For them,
marriage is just only for man and woman and the bible restrains the same-sex marriage
as well.”

The bible says that marriage should be between opposite sex but we all know that some
people actually opposed with what others actually believe. Some might say that denying
some people to marry is discriminatory and it only creates a second class of citizens.
Thus, it just serves to hurt, to discriminate and to deprive same-sex couples for equal
dignity and rights. Other says that individuals should be able to love whomever they
wanted without getting judge by anyone and that is according with their preferences and
choice. For them, they are just person having feelings towards the sex they prefer.
People think that when two persons having the same biological identity got married, it
weakens the possibility of having a broken marriage or it decreases the undesirable
happening like divorce that might ruin the marriage life of every couple not just in our
country but across the world. According to gay and lesbian couples, homosexual
relationship is also the same with heterosexual relationship.

Same-sex couples can sometimes turn to adoption in order for them to gain the rights of
legal parents. Definitely, there are these lesbians and gay couples who want to start a
family and have their own children. They were looked down by the people and see it
negatively without knowing the fact that all people must be happy with their own and
must have equal rights. The fact that gay couples cannot really bear a child through in
Vivo fertilization or what we called the fertilization that occurs inside the female and
when there is the union of sperm and egg cell to form a zygote and become a fetus,
they can also use what we called the In Vitro fertilization which really has a big help
specially for those sterile couples having the inability to have their own child. This
process gets an egg cell from surrogate mothers and sperm donors, because of the
said process, gay couples or lesbian couples have the possibility to rear their own
children. Thus, people knows that child are like suns that in a magical way, bring
warmth, happiness and light into our lives. They can be the reason of tirelessness
whenever we do difficult task in our daily living.
I come up to a conclusion that people are actually different, our society is different today
and the existence of homosexuality is really occurring. Thus, what we can do is to
support people who are different and allow them to live life to their full potentials, to
reach and experience their full happiness and be fulfilled in life. I strongly agree about
same-sex marriage because we can actually see many homosexual couples are likely
to be happier and more positive about their relationships than those of heterosexuals.
Thus, heterosexual parents are group that are least likely to be there for each other, to
make their couple time and to talk openly to one another because of their careers. That
is one of the reason why heterosexual couples often lead to have a broken family. We
always have to remember that God alone forgive all the sins committed by us,
individuals. Thus, if it is a form of a sin. I know that God’s forgiveness is available
whenever we call his name and with those who always believe in Jesus Christ for their
salvation. According to (Romans 3:23) it stated there that “For all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God”. So, all of us are in need of forgiveness. God is there with
open arms to offer forgiveness. If others believe that being homosexuals is a sin, then
act what you like to do so because even if we prefer to act accordingly with the society
standards or norms people actually say things against us.

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