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A <

‘,’,, ~ w. R. McL~od~’”Jr;
Member AIM% MinistryOf petro~eumand Mines> San ?@rnandQ#Trinidad~
... . A. P. BUWO% The Univo of,~lsa~ w~sa~ Okla.) and DentonR“ ~ie~and)Member A~J’ :
7 DowellJDiv. of,,DowChemicalCo., Tulsa, Okla. i,
,, ,.
:, PublicationRiRhts Re$erve&
Th~s paper is {o be”presentedat the j$)thAnnualFall Meetingof the Socidtyof.PetroleumEngineers
on 9ct. 11-14, 1964, in Houeton,‘Tex.,and ia consideredthe propertyof the Societyof PetroleumEngi-
“neer$. Permissiont.opublishis herebyrestrictedto an abstractof’not.more than 300 words, with no
UUustrations, unless the paper is speci.ficall.y
releasedto the press by the Editor of Journalof Petro-”
l~,umTechrwli)gy or ‘theExe@rtiveSecretary. Such abstractshou>dcontainconspicuousac~,owledgment~
where and by whom the pager is presented. Publicationelsewhereafter publicationin @@@. of Petro-
kum Technologyor Societyof PetroleumEngineersJournal is grantedon request,providingproper credit
. is given khat publicationand the original presentationof’the ~aper. .’
‘c”, ,..
btsc,uewion of thisjpaperisinvited. T&ee copies of any discussionshouldbe sent to the Society’ :
of’Petrole* Ei@neers office. Such discussionmay be presentedat the above meetingand considered
for publicationin one.ofthe two SPE magazineswith the paper.
,. ,:

Presentedare experimentalresults Today more than ever before,there is an
obtainedfqr preseuredrop in a two-phase intensifiedneed for a reliablemethod of pre-
flowof a flashingfluid. Liquid’propane, dictingpressuredrop in two-phaseflow.
the flashingfluid;’andkerostnewe,remixed
Previousinvestigators hwe
at differentpressuresand flashedin a one- correlatefrictionalpressuredrop with fluid
.half inch insulatedhorizontalcopper line
properties,mass velocities.conduitdiameter,
140.3 feet in length, Twenty-sixtest runs and lengthin two-phaseflow. Of these
were performed. ‘Initial saturationpressures approachesthe most wtdely acceptedcorrela-
varied from 35 to 65 psia, and mass flow tion have utilizedthe followingmethods.
ratesvaried from 281 to 412 lb/ft2-sec.
The HomogeneousModel
An equationbaeed oma homogeneousmodel
and includingthe kineticenergy termwaa In this method the two phases are treated
developed. The data obtainedwhen using as an equivalentsingle-phasehaving average
this equationwere comparedwith results ~ropertiea, Tyb @ of this approachis the
:whenusing ths originalLockhatt- work of Bankoff.[
Martinelliand the Un$’versityof Houstoncor- tie AnnularFlow Model
relations,‘aswell as modfficat.toneof these
,twoequationswhich includedthe kinetic In this appro4chthe lfquidoccupieethe
energy term. outer ring and the gas flows as a centralcore
in the conduit. Most noteworthyof this
It was observedfrom the flow tests that approachiQ the experimentalwork of Lockhart
the frictionfactorfor”a flashingfluid is a and Martinelli(2)and the theoreticalapproach ~
— --function-of-the-position
in~the-line,-“’-Zt-iB-- by-hvy:O”- - ‘-”-‘- ‘- ‘“--”--”““-”--”-‘-----”-””’
recommendedthat a two-phasefrictionfactor
shouldbe used when computingpressurelosses Lockhartand Msrtinelliamociated four
in two-phaseflow. flow mechaniams.withtwo-phasetwo-componenc
— -,
-. -.

fiOw -- turbulent-turbulent, v~acous-turbulent, APPARATUS

turbulent-viscous, and viscous-viscous.This Figure 1 1s.a achamat:;cdrawingof the
mathod relatesthe pressuregradientfor twc- ‘ apparatueuttlized. Kerosinewas pumped
phase flow to that of a gas and l~quid flowing from two storagetanks (S-1) into a surge
separatelyac the same mass flow rate. The tank (S-2)by means.nfsix poeitivedisplace-
ratioof these two pressuredrops AFL/APG, to D6 connectedin parallel).
ment pumps .(LIl
is a dimensionlessparametercalled The flow rate of the ~erosinewas measured
x. Anotherdimensionlessparameter,@LOr @G, by’a rotsmeter(C) and a liquid levelwas
obtainedexperimentally,relatesthe pressure maintainedin gauge glass IE), Liquid pro- ‘
gradientfor the singlephases to that for two- pane was drawn from a 500 ~allon tank to
phase flow as a uni~tierelationship. (S-2) througha regulator(F) which in turn
and Model Theory ~ was co~trolledby an a~r-operatedcontrol
~his method utilizesexperimentaldata
(as amodel) and developsa’relat.ionship which !J!he
kerosine-pr~pane mtxtul”eleaving /
appliesequallywell to other data taken at the surge tank (S-2)was flashedin an insu- ..
other conditionsand in other systems. Ass: Iated copper line, 0.627 inchesin diameter
resultof researchunder the directionof and 140.30 feet in length (whichincludeda
AGA-APICommitteeon mu tiphaseflow, the visual eection8 inches long at each end of
Universityof Houaton(4 $ has utilfz?ed
the the teet line), and into two separators
similarityanalysisapproachand developeda , (s-3)”.Pressure(l?2to p14) and temperature
ueries of equationsfor evaluatingfrictional (Tl toT3) thenuocoupleprobeswere located
prassuredrob. as shown i IFigure1. : A manometerboard
waa locatednear the end of the ,teetsection.
NumericalSolutionof tie Equationof Motion
The propanegas from the separatorswas
a numertcalsolt+tion.for transportedthroughtwo 3/4 inch lines to a
evaluatingthe performanceof a two-phase’flow furnace. TWO positivedisplacementpumps
ayetern. This system is treatedas a continuous were ueed to return the kerosinefrom the
‘mediun-withequal turbulentexchangesof momen- separatorto the I;erosines:orage tank$[S-1).
tum and den@itybased on the Prandtlmixing . ,
length theory’and the potentialflow equations. INSTRUMENTATION
DimensionalAnalyeis An air-operatedpressurecontroller.was
This approachwas recentlyappliedto exper- used to maintaina predetenainedpressureon
imentalwork carriedout at the Univerattyof the inlet surge tank. Flowing pressuresin
Cairo,(6).h thie4work’ the phase mass ~atio the ltne were m~asuredby Bourdon tube gaugee,
of vapor to liquidwas consideredthe main ConventionalU-tubemanometerswera used to
non-dimensionalparameteraffectingpressure recordpreseureenear the end of the test
drop. With this premise in mind the authors section. A rotamaterwas used to measu’re,the
then correlated.experimentalresultsby means * kerosineflow.
hlmostall of the studiesutflizingthe
abovemodels were based on iso-thermalcon-, The procedureof performingthe tests
ditionsand systemswhera the per cent of . cons~s,tedof first flowingkerosinethrough
liquid and gas,dtdnot vary along the length the test line to check the performanceof
of the line. Furthermore,the effecto~ the equipment.After the equipmenthad been
kineticenergywas neglected. In nearly tested,a “valveon Ehe flow-line,atxinches
every caee a singlephase Fanningtype fric- downstreamfrom the surge tank,wa6 cloeed
tion factorwas used in evaluatingthe frac- and the valve.on the returnline was opened,
tionalpreesuredrop. caustngthe kerosineto by-pasa the surge
chamberand circulatethroughthe kerosine
In this study an equationwaa developed storagetanks. Liquidpropanewaa then
which incluC&dthe kineticenergy term based introducedinto the bottomof the surge tank
on a homogeneousmodel. This homogeneous which containedkerostneat a high”level so.
model conceptwas also appliedto the Lock- ae’to reduce the vapor space-.The mixture
hart-Marttnelli and the Universityof Bouston was allowedto come to equilibriumat some
corr~+ytions. Experimentaldata’on two-phase predeterminedpressure. This Was achieved
flow was used in calculatingthe instan- by the manuallyadjustedmicrometerscrewon
taneousfrictigq.factor as a functionof a the pressurecontroller.
‘ - .. ...— —
fr’ictionfactorswerk also obtainedusing After equilibriumhad-beeri esCab~~shed--
the modifiedLockhart-Marttnellt and the Uni- in the tank, the l/2”inchgate valve,which
versityof Houetonequatione. .— had been previouslyshut,was fullyopened.
Simultaneous~y, the keroeinebypass Line was

.. . . . .. . . ..... .. ..:
, ,, ~
closed and the ker.osine
againdirectedto the Each of the publi,6hed
methods for pre-
@urge tank. dietingtwo-phasepressuredrop preeentsits
$he mixture leavingthe surge tank was own mathod of obtainingthe frictionfactor,
It is normallyexpressedas a functionof
flashedin the test line. After.conditions
,hadreachedsteadystate,pressures,temper= Reynoldsnumber as is done with single-phase
flow. ‘
aturee,andflow rate were recorded. From
khe “resulti?g
pressureversus lengthdata, ‘l!he
method proposedfor %on-slipffflow
instantaneouspressuregradientswere in the Universityof Houston reportis to
obtainedby numericaldifferentiation. use the...atandard
A,totalof twenty-sixtest rqns were equaitionfor turbulentflow,
performedhaving inlet pressuresranging f .= .00140: 0.125/(NM)0”32 (13)
from 35 tia65 psia, and mass,flow,ratee
vqrying from 281 to 41{2lbli%2-sec. The Reynoldsfn,umber,N~> equals DG/um
I where D is the tube’diameter,G is the total.
AN~LYSISOF DATA mass velocityass~ing homogeneousflow, and
is a mean viscosityweightedaccordidgto
Itwas the purposeof th%s study to measure
% e volume fractionof each phase.
instantaneousfrictionfactorsobtainedin a
two-phaseflow line and comparethese values The method proposedin the Lopkhart-
with thosepreviouslypublishedin the lit- Martinellireport recommendsthe uee of a
erature, z 2 single-phasefrictionfactor foy turbu%ent
Experimentalfrictionfactorswere flow,
f = .046/(Nm)O’2,wtiereDis the
obtained:indirectly.ThatAs, testswere
made on a flow syskemwhich yieldedpressure tube diameter,G is ‘thetotal mass velocity,
va lengthcurves for a given flow rate~ dia- ~is the liquidviscosityandXis the weight
meter and inlet composition;.Frictionfactors fractionof vapor at a given’potnt.
were then llback-calculatedly
using various
flow equatione. Since therehave been several In order+to compare the various friction
flow aquationspublished,severalsets of factors,a plot of frictionfactorvereus
frictionfactorswere calculatedfrom the same Reynoldsnumber is shown in Figures 2 and 3
basic data. These are listedas follows: for two typicaltest runs. There are 5
—. curve~ on each figure,.The conditionsfor
Universityof HoustonMethod the two test runs are shown in Table 1.
Curve (10) is,a plot of frictionfactor
This method treats the two-phaseflowing defined in equation(10) versus the Reynolds
fluid as an equ+valenfsingle-phasefluid number definedin equation(14). Curve+(4)
having a mean specificvolumeV . It does is a plot”offrictionfactorde-fined $n
not includea term for change~n velocity equation(4) vereus the’Reynoldsnumber
along the pipe. Equation” gives the defined in equa’”y (14). Curve (9,)is a
value of the frictionfactorin terms of plot of friction.i
Eactordefined in equation.
the variousmea,pured parameters. (9) versus Reynolds”number defined inequa-
Modified Universityof HoustonMethhd tion {12). Curve (11) tu a plot of friction
factoras definedby equatfon(11). Curve
Thts is the same ae aboveex~~pt that (13) 1s aplotof frictionfactor as defined
a velocitygradienttexm has been incorpor- by equation(13).
ated. Equation(4) gives the value of the
‘Inadditionto instantaneoid”friction
friczionfactorin terms of the various
measuredparameters. The change in volume factorsdiscussedabove,mean frictionfat-
tors over the entire lengthof the line
with pressureunder adiabaticflow condf-
tionswas calculatedfrom point to point . were calculatedfor all of the test’runs.
These.dreplottedin Figure 4 in groups
by enthalpybalanceaesuminghomogeneous
model flow conditions, The met od was pre- correspondingto the ,curvesof Figures2,and
! 3.
sented in a thes~sby Mci.eod.(7
The svl~d line representsthe best fit
Method vf the data analyzedby the modtfied,Unfver-
‘Equation(9) gives the frictionfactor sity of Houstonmethod as a functionof Rey-
nolds number describedin equation(14). The
tor th~s method in terms of the measured
variables. The velocitygradientterm has equatfonof the best fit line for the mean
been addedwhich introducesthe mean vol- frfctionfactoris:
--”~e-t~~, -VM,--:–~~-+alue
-of-X,--thefractfon---–:..;- -- -f:--*.oi51./(Nm)!”:?!....... . ...(E5.).
vaporized, at any point in the line was
Ustng the mean frictionfactoras a
calculatedby enthalpybalance” ar@ assuming
homogeneous.flow. The value of 0 was constantvalue, equations,(4),(9),,and(109
obtainedfrom the correlationsof%ackhart were ~ntegratedto find a pr%d’ictedpressure
veruus lengthcurve, The potnts along the
“andMertinelli. ‘
. . .. -- ?. . . . . -. .. ... . . .
“ ‘-””-’”SPE
I%ne are plotted in IH.Gwx?5 for Test Run 2 NOMENCLATURE
‘usingthis method. A comparisonwith experi-
rnen~alpointd is also shown. A crose-sectional area for flow, sq, ft. ‘
D ci.nslde pipe diameter,ft,
f friction;actor,dimensionless -
gc conversionfactor,32,2 (lb, mass) ft/lb forct
Xn examiningFigures2 and 3 it can be
seen that no matter which method of analysis Sec.2
g local gravitational- acceleration;ft.lsec, 2
is used, the instantaneousfrictionfactor
G mtissvelocity,wIA, Iiblsec.-sq.ft.
exhibitsboth-aminim’um and a maximum. While
cprves (4) and (10) show an increasing R6ynolds L e’quival,ent-lengthof flow, ft.
.nbmberalong the line becauseof decreasing p pressure,lb/
mean viscosity,curve (9) shows a decreasing. P pressure,lb/sq.ft.
Reynoldsnumber along the Iine”since, nothing n 3,1415926---
$n Reynoldsnumber changesgreatlyexcept the ‘ NRe Reynoldsnumber,dimensionless
(1-x) term. The numberson the curves cor- u linearvelocity,ft.lsec, ‘ ,.
re~ponditothe number of.t.he.equatiod within V specificvolume,cu. ft./lb. o
the body of the text. wmass flow rate, lbm/$ec.
x weight fractionof vapor in the two-phase’
At)a point near the pipe entrance,the, mixture
frictionfactordrops to a minimum,rises AP/AL pressuregradientin single-phase
rapidly,passing througha maximum,and then flow, lb./(sq,ftc)(ftc)
drops off again. The minimumpoint is more (A p/A L)Tp - pressuregradientin two-phase
pronouncedin some instancesthan in okhera
but in all cases seems to occur at a point flow, lb./(sq,ft.)(ft.)” ‘
where vaporizationstar$s. Although tly u viscosity,l.../sec-sec.
liquidenters the tube at saturatedconditions, p density,l/.V,lb./cu.ft.
it seems to flow as a supersaturatedsingle- OL ratio of the two-phasepressuregradientto
phase fluid for severalfeet before initial the preaaure,gradientif liquidflowedalone
in the conduit.(Parameterfrom Lockhart-
vaporizationoccurs, One explanationof the
minimumpoint Is that initialvaporization
0 ratio of the two-pha;ep-easuregradientto
causea a sudden increasein turbulence;sweep-’
g the pressuregradientif gas flowedin the
ing the liquid from the wall and thus reducing
conduit.(Parameterfrom Lockhart-Martinelli)
friction, F
) , Summa,ion
A comparisonof curves,(4)and (10) shows
a marked differenceat the exit end of the tube y ratto of the specifics heats at constant
where velocityip high, Since ‘%on-elipt’ flow
pressureand constantvolume
was aseumedbut sl~ppageactuallydoes occur,
especiallyat the exit end, the true cu?e X Martinelliparameter= ratioof superfj.cial
should fall somewherebetweencurve (4) which liquidto gas.pressuredrops
gives,too”large a vblocitycorrection,an-l
curve (10),which giv@S none.
j%bscriuteand Others
G,g vapor phase
This excessivecompensation for velo;ity f
?J,l liquidphase
head also is includedin curve (9) and probably
m mixture
gives valueswhich are too low at the exi.i
at constantheat
(low Reynoldsnumber).end. . ;P two phase
The experimentalmean frictionfactoreas I
shown on FiguTe 4 appear to correlatebetter on
the standardfrictionfactor- Reynoldsnumber 1, “Bankoff,S. G,, 11AVariab~e-DenOitY Single-
cha’rt.However,the data’.ia considerablylow= Fluid Model for Two-PhaseFlow wi.thPar
than the single-phasedata in the literature titularReferenceto Steam-WaterFlowj’:
as representedby curves (11) and (13}. Thii Trans.ASME82 265 (1960)Jour. of Heat
leads to the questionof whether single-phase ‘l!rans.
correlationsshouldbe u6ed to extrapolateinto 2.. =art, R. W., and Mart+nelli,R. C.,
two-phaseproblems,’It is suggestedthat equa- IIproposedCorrelationof Data for lsO”
tion (15) be used in place of equation(13) for thermalTwo-phaseTwo-componentFlow in
two-phaseflow problehs. Pipes,”Chem. Eng. Pro~ress,45, 39 (1949)
CONCLUSIONS .,’ :. 3. Levy, s., lI?JIheoq of .p:essure DrOP and
Heat Transferfor Two-phaseTwo-component
The frictionfactor;“w~inflowinga flash- AnnularFlow in Pipes,ll M. S. Thesis,
.:ingtwo=phase_fluidj.does.nQt..~sm=’$n:c@@atLt .:.University..of .CaUfmmi.a,–B~rkeZey,..Z952.._.
but varies along the’flow path. Two-phaae ‘~. AGA-APICondttee on MultiphaseFlow Joint
frict%onfactorsghouldbe used when perfona- Research;- ProjectNR 28, Universf.ty of
ing flow calculationiiinvolvinga flmh%ng lio.uston.
fluid; ratherthan relyitig on-publishedcor- 5.” Levy, S,f !lpre~ictiOnof Two-phasePressure
relationsfor eingle-phaseflow.. Drop and DensityDistributionfrom Mf*ing
Length“~eory,1!Joun. Of Heat Tranefer.Trans. Equation(4) “ISthe equationused by the
ASME, ExtensioqGEAP 3628, May, 196>, p.= authorsfor evaluatingthe instantaneoustwo-
6’. Khalil,K. H., Harkly,S. A., and Gabr, M.I., phase frictionfactor,
!lpressure Drop of ~o-phase Vapor-Liquid
Flow of PetroleumProductsin HorizonCal Lockhart-Martinelli Equation
Pipes,tfThe Ensineer,March 29, 1963.
7. McLaod,W. R,, I\pressure Drop in Two-phase In the followingderivationthe kinetic
Flow of a FlashingFluid,” M. S. Thesis, energy term is taken into considera~ionand
The Universityof Tulsa,Okl~ ‘theweightedaveragedensityis ths dansiky
8. Buthod,A. P., IlpresBunDrop fti Heaters>’t of the liquidvapor mixture.
-The Oil and Gas Journal,July 1, 1957.
9; Buthod,A. P..,?:~e~odynamicsOf TwQ- EquatLon(3) may be writtenas:
phase: Flow’in FurnaceTubes and Trtisfer 2 2
Lines,” PersonalCommunication(1962). 144 dp+ ~dV+- = O (5)
.0, Hougen,A; O., Watson,K. M., “and~gat~, ‘ c c
R. A,, llchemi~al processprtnciples-
Part Two: Thermodynamics,’l2d edi, John From Lockhart-Martinelli’a correlation
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, April, 1962.
:1. Smith,J, M., and Van Ness, H. G., “Intro-
ductionto ChemicalEngineeringThermo- (6)
dynamics,”2d cd., McGraw-HillBqok CO., ~~
‘Inc., New York, 1959.
12, Dukler,A. E., Wicks,M., and Cleveland,
R, G,,”tlFrictiona~ I%eaaure:Dropin TWO-
phase Flow,” PersonalCommunication(1963),
Universityof Houston.
Test Run ~ Test Run ~
I Substitutingequation(7) into equation(5):
~ 2; G2
Mass velocity,’lbslft–-sec. ~ 2~0L2 (1-x)2G2 dL=o
144 dp + ~dV+ (8)
Inlettemper?!ure, ‘F 100.5 100.5 c DgcpL ,
Inlekpressure,psi~ ;. 53.48 55.38 /
Outlet temperature,F 79*1 77.5 Dividingthroughby dp, multiplyingby
Weight fractionof propane 0.090703 0,09483
DERIVATIONOF EQUATIONS ~ , and solvingfor tha frictionfactor
. 2VmGz
For a horizontal,constantcrOsE-section~
ad~abaticflow line (dq F O),the differential
form of the Bernoulliequationis:

VdP+ udu -1-dF = O (1)“

< ,
SubstitutingFanning!sfriction. factor,u = GV (9)
and du = GdV into equation(1):
Universityof HoustonEquation
Vdv ~ 2fV2G2dL
VdP + ; o (2) If we neglect thekinetic.energyterm
gcD =
c in equation(4) we have a form of the Uni-
Dividingby V: ~ versityof Houston equation. However,in
2fG%dL -o this caae the frictionfactoris an instan-
dP-t&dV+— gc D (3) taneoustwo-phasefrictionfactor.
— f, equation(.3)can be written:
A“ -1 144gD dp ““
‘T,=% 1
.~...2VmG._< . ..:_.g~....
) dL 1
., .~..-. .
.. ,.
‘TP “~ (—-)
dL “
,:’ (10)
.. ,. ..... .....
The equationfor frfctionfactorwhich
where Vm a(l-x)v+xvg=
the weightedavg. is recommendedby Lackhartand Martfnelliis;
SPE 99-2’
‘-- ‘- -“-“
‘~O=i%iSEF@W OF--A”’
= - 6

f = o.046/(NJ*2 , (11)

NM = ~(1-X)/ ~ + (12)

The equationfor fr%ctionfactorwhich is

recommendedby.theUniversityof Houeton ie:
f=0.0014+0,125/(NW)O’32 , (13)

I)G/pm (14)
. ‘“NSl= . .

The viecosity,pm, ia a mean visco6ity”weightkd

accordingto the volume fractionof each phase+ ;
The equationfor fri.ct~onfactorwhich
best representsthe two-phasedata of this
paper when usirtg.equation
(10),is; , -.

= 0.0,151/(NN)0”158 , (15)


‘RE= W/ km i (14)

I . . ..
, .—: .. — —4 ---- - “”. . . .._ . ..- -.. .. . . . . . . .. . . —

. .. . . . . . . ... . . ..... ... ..-—.. ... .. . .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. .

,. .. ... .—. . ... . . . ... . .. . .. ...... . . . - .-—...--.
m“- ‘- “-””-”- ““” ‘- ‘“ ‘“ “--’””-
“ ‘-‘:” ‘“-’z‘ “ ‘-- ““--”’

. .
A rb’rmm
?“, k t

IIA-I r’


?ICl!ic 1. M EI.9*.?W COwnenc Flow Aepracw Pld?x 2 - PA.tlawhl Oetn,n

l%. Lnst,.tm,,., Prictien P,ctot
ad nerd. w,, [., ?.,C Run 2. me “-b.,, 0“ th.
<“w,, c.-rr9,p74 ta th, .qulttm, Utthl” tbo gap,,).

,01 .01 —

...0.-,,, .Q ,, ‘“.
-- i-----
------ -----
s ,
—. .

Ii % : .-

*, v



60 .




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