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Chapter 4

The Social Impact of Rapid ICT Advancement

Part 1

Section 1 Lifestyle and Work Style Transformations Caused by ICT Advancement

1. Lifestyle transformations caused by ICT advancements
Smartphones and tablets have rapidly spread through ferent from that in the other countries, with just under
and penetrated the Japanese market in the few years 30 percent of respondents either owning just a feature
since their introduction. According to the Communica- phone or a feature phone in addition to a smartphone
tions Usage Trend Survey, the smartphone household (Figure 4-1-1-1).
penetration rate crossed 60 percent at the end of 2013,
by which time tablets had reached a 20 percent house- b. Changes in mobile and other data communication networks
hold penetration rate. The shift to smartphones has made it easier to view
Expectations are that smartphones and tablets will rich content, such as pictures and videos, and the condi-
continue to proliferate in Japan and elsewhere in the tions around mobile data networks, in particular, have
world. The use of SNS and similar services is anticipated been transformed. In Japan, the migration from feature
to escalate in step with smartphone and tablet growth. phones to smartphones coincided with the move from
As a result, our lifestyles are likely transform as well. 3G to LTE, and now LTE user numbers are mushroom-
This section analyzes what sort of transformations ing (see Chapter 5). The results of the international Web
will occur in tandem with the widening growth of smart- survey reveal that mobile networks are progressing to-
phones and other devices. Our analysis is based on the ward higher speeds in all countries, with LTE users al-
results of an international Web survey conducted in six ready surpassing 3G users in Japan, where about 40
countries (Japan, the United States, the United King- percent of smartphone users use LTE networks, and in
dom, France, South Korea, and Singapore). South Korea, which has the highest LTE penetration
rate, over 60 percent, and with LTE rates climbing to the
(1) Changes in ICT usage environments 30 percent level in Singapore and the United States (Fig-
a. Proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices ure 4-1-1-2).
The survey respondents were first asked about per- Smartphone users were also asked which device they
sonal ownership of popular ICT devices. The penetration most frequently use. The combined percentage of
rate of PCs was high, at around the 90 percent level, in smartphone and tablet users was over 30 percent in ev-
all six countries. The ownership rate of smartphones in ery country. More than half of smartphone users are
Japan, as mentioned above, was over 50 percent, but the smartphone-first users in Japan, South Korea, and Sin-
smartphone penetration rate was higher in the other five gapore, which are countries where LTE growth is par-
countries, ranging from 70 to 90 percent. Around 70 per- ticularly advanced. These results demonstrate that
cent of American and French respondents own smart- smartphones are becoming the primary ICT device, par-
phones, while smartphone ownership was around 90 ticularly in these countries.
percent in South Korea and Singapore.
Feature phone ownership in Japan was distinctly dif-

Figure 4-1-1-1  Smartphone ownership rates


Japan 50.3 3.2 25.5 21.0 1,000

U.S. 66.7 2.9 11.6 18.8 1,000

U.K. 75.9 4.1 6.7 13.3 1,000

France 69.3 2.3 7.1 21.3 1,000

South Korea 80.0 8.7 8.4 2.9 1,000

Singapore 86.4 6.7 1.6 5.3 1,000

0 20 40 60 80 100(%)
Smartphone only Smartphone and feature phone Feature phone only None

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 31 2014/11/05 14:38:38

Figure 4-1-1-2  Percentage of users by type of mobile data network

80 75.4
61.1 65.0

Part 1 60

40 34.6

20 17.4
6.3 8.3 5.4 8.2 7.6
Japan U.S. UK France South Korea Singapore
n=728 n=896 n=899 n=834 n=972 n=974
Mobile phone Mobile phone Mobile phone
network (2G) network (3G) network (LTE)

Note: Results for High-speed wireless communications (BWA, WiMAX, etc.), other,
and none of the above are not shown.

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

c. Changes in device usage times usage rate on tablets than on smartphones in all six
Examining the average daily time spent on mobile countries (Figure 4-1-1-3).
phones, PCs, tablets, TVs, and other devices shows that Figure 4-1-1-4 further illustrates the differences in
TVs and PCs have the longest usage times, in the vicini- content and service usage between smartphone users
ty of two to three hours per day, in all six countries. The and feature phone users in Japan, focusing on SNS,
usage times for TVs and PCs are longest in the United watching videos, and e-commerce (Internet shopping
States, at close to three hours each, and a similar ten- and auctions).
dency is seen in the United Kingdom. On the other As these results show, smartphone users are more
hand, no major differences were seen among the six likely to make use of various content and service types.
countries in “time reading paper newspapers and maga- However, when given five options for the “main purpose
zines” and “time reading paper books,” which did not of using the Internet”―“communication,” “gather infor-
reach 50 minutes on average. mation / use content,” “online gaming,” “shopping,” and
A distinct difference was seen, however, in Japan in “other”―21.1 percent of Japanese smartphone users
the usage times of mobile phones between smartphone answered “communication,” versus just 6 percent of
owners and non-smartphone owners. The former use non-owners, making this the top purpose, followed by
mobile phones on average 78 minutes a day―which is “gather information / use content.” This demonstrates
on a par with the United States, South Korea, and Singa- that smartphone users put a priority on communication
pore―while the latter only 12 minutes, a difference of as a purpose of using the Internet.
over one hour. A gap was also seen in PC usage times at
home; smartphone owners use PCs on average 115 min- b. Changes in service usage frequency
utes a day, about 50 minutes less than the 166 minutes of We examined how often users in each country cur-
non-owners. This finding indicates that smartphones are rently use voice calls, email, and SMS communication
gradually replacing PCs as the device of choice. services on their mobile phone (smartphone or feature
phone). One finding in Japan that stood out was that
(2) Changes in content and service usage over 90 percent of users use their mobile carrier’s email
a. Smartphones and other devices fuel greater use of services service, which was far and away the highest percentage
When we examined the use of various content and among the six countries.
services on mobile phones and tablets in the six coun-
tries, we discovered smartphone owners in Japan had (i) Changes in the usage frequency of voice calls and SMS services
markedly higher usage rates than feature phone owners We focused our attention on possible service migra-
for all content and service types. This was particularly tion from SMS and email to chat apps (such as Line),
true for usage rates of “SNS,” “Internet shopping / auc- from voice calls to free app calls, and from mobile carri-
tions,” “chat,” “social games,” and “watching videos,” ers’ email services to Gmail and similar email services.
which were used by less than 20 percent of feature Among free app calls and chat apps, Line leads the mar-
phone owners but were used by between 40 and 60 per- ket in Japan and has grown its user base, mostly among
cent of smartphone owners. This implies that the use of young people, achieving over 50 million users in April
these services, which are seldom used on feature 2014. In most of the other countries as well, one domi-
phones, has become commonplace in the mobile mar- nant chat app has taken a majority share of the market.
ketplace because of smartphones. To trace service migration in the area of voice calls,
Content and service usage on tablets is similar to that we compared changes in the usage frequency of free app
on smartphones in all the countries apart from Singa- calls versus that of voice calls after a smartphone pur-
pore. The one significant difference is the higher e-book chase. In Japan, the percentages of “increased” and “de-


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 32 2014/11/05 14:38:39

Figure 4-1-1-3  Use of services on smartphones and tablets
(%) [Japan] (%) (%) [U.S.] [UK]
100 100 100
87.7 81.9 80.9 85.1 80.5
76.1 75.0 77.1 76.5 78.4
80 66.0 80 70.4 80 72.3
63.4 79.2 64.8 78.2 59.8 64.5
76.6 82.1 77.1 69.8 63.9 59.3 58.1
60 48.6 73.4 60 71.0 74.7 73.1 68.3
44.7 58.1 60 66.3 54.1 57.9
43.4 62.4
38.8 61.8 38.937.6 42.2 63.1 44.8 56.5 51.1 50.5 63.8
40 40 43.7 42.0 40 50.3
41.0 36.4 23.2 44.6
20 16.9 33.5 36.9 17.6 36.4 32.4 20 20

Part 1
5.9 4.7
2.7 1.6
0 13.3 7.1 0 0
Social media

Internet shopping /
Information searches

Social games
Watch videos
(including Net radio)
Listen to Net music


Social media

Internet shopping /
Information searches

Social games
Watch videos
(including Net radio)
Listen to Net music


Social media

Internet shopping /
Information searches

Social games
Watch videos
(including Net radio)
Listen to Net music



Smartphones (n=535) Tablets (n=173) Smartphones (n=696) Tablets (n=458) Smartphones (n=800) Tablets (n=523)
Feature phones (n=255)

(%) [France] (%) [South Korea] (%) [Singapore]

100 100 92.4 96.6 92.3 85.3 100 91.6
82.7 84.2 90.5
76.4 76.6 76.7 72.9 87.2 81.1 71.2
80 67.4 66.2 80 90.2 86.4 63.2 81.1 80 79.2 65.7
77.7 76.1 60.2
71.1 55.5 55.5
60 67.0 53.2 70.3 54.8 52.7 60 70.9 72.1 62.6 60 61.0 73.4
60.2 39.0 60.8 67.9 43.4 61.8 42.2
42.3 50.0 50.8 49.1
40 40 40
43.7 40.4 44.6 41.0 33.5 36.4 40.0
36.4 32.4
20 27.5 20 20
0 0 0
Social media

Internet shopping /
Information searches

Social games
Watch videos
(including Net radio)
Listen to Net music


Social media

Internet shopping /
Information searches

Social games
Watch videos
(including Net radio)
Listen to Net music


Social media

Internet shopping /
Information searches

Social games
Watch videos
(including Net radio)
Listen to Net music



Smartphones (n=716) Tablets (n=423) Smartphones (n=887) Tablets (n=265) Smartphones (n=931) Tablets (n=173)

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-1-1-4  Differences in the use of SNS, video-watching, and e-commerce (Japan)
Smartphone owners (Japan) Feature-phone-only owners (Japan)

Use none Use none

Use all Use all

E-commerce Watch videos E-commerce Watch videos

Note: Smartphone owners include people who own both a smartphone and a feature phone. Usage rates reflect users who used the corresponding
 service at least once a month. (Size of circles does not reflect the actual figures.)

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

creased” answers were roughly even for use of “voice (ii) Changes in Internet service and content usage
calls (excluding free app calls).” Of note was that almost A. Frequency of SNS usage
36 percent of users said their use of “voice calls (Skype, According to the Communications Usage Trend Sur-
WhatsApp, Line, and other free app calls)” increased af- vey, the smartphone has become far and away the de-
ter purchasing a smartphone (Figure 4-1-1-5). vice of choice in Japan when using social media services,
When SMS and chat were compared, less than 20 per- with 77.2 percent of users using social media on a smart-
cent of users in Japan said their usage of SMS increased phone, versus 43.6 percent on a PC and 12.0 percent on
and around 30 percent gave the same answer in South a mobile phone (including PHS handsets).
Korea and Singapore. This percentage rose to around 40 Examining changes in social media usage frequency
percent in the three Western countries. Furthermore, after a smartphone purchase shows that “increased” an-
the percentage of users who said their SMS usage fell swers eclipsed “decreased” answers by a wide margin in
was noticeably higher in South Korea and Singapore, at all six countries. In Japan, for example, about 35 percent
over 30 percent, than the other four countries (Figure of users said their usage of “SNS (Facebook, Twitter,
4-1-1-6). Google+, etc.)” increased after purchasing a smartphone
(Figure 4-1-1-7).


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 33 2014/11/05 14:38:40

Figure 4-1-1-5 Changes in service usage frequency after a smartphone purchase (free app voice calls versus voice calls)

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80(%)

(excluding free
Voice calls Japan 17.4 15.7

app calls)
U.S. 8.9 31.2
UK 10.0 29.3
France 8.0 29.6

Part 1 South Korea

and other free app
WhatsApp, Line,

U.S. 6.5 27.9

Voice calls

UK 6.9 30.5


France 7.4 21.6

South Korea 14.4 27.8
Singapore 6.4 47.0

Decreased Increased

Note: Samples sizes were N = 535 in Japan, N = 696 in the United States, N = 800 in the United Kingdom, N = 716 in France, N = 887 in South Korea, and N = 931 in Singapore

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-1-1-6  Changes in service usage frequency after a smartphone purchase (SMS versus chat)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80(%)
(short message

14.8 17.4
U.S. 7.8 43.8

UK 10.4 38.6

France 8.0 42.6

South Korea 38.4 28.3
Singapore 32.0 33.0
Japan 3.0 42.1
Kakao talk, etc)

U.S. 6.5 26.6


UK 6.3 34.5

8.9 20.4

South Korea 8.8 69.3
Singapore 3.4 68.9

Decreased Increased

Note: Samples sizes were N = 535 in Japan, N = 696 in the United States, N = 800 in the United Kingdom, N = 716 in France, N = 887 in South Korea, and N = 931 in Singapore

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-1-1-7  Changes in service usage frequency after a smartphone purchase (SNS)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80(%)
(Facebook, Twitter,

Japan 5.6 35.1

Google+, etc.)

U.S. 6.2 45.7

UK 6.6 50.4

France 6.8 39.5

South Korea 12.0 49.2
Singapore 5.2 59.4

Decreased Increased

Note: Samples sizes were N = 535 in Japan, N = 696 in the United States, N = 800 in the United Kingdom, N = 716 in France, N = 887 in South Korea, and N = 931 in Singapore

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

B. Frequency of video-watching, Net music, and social game usage al B2C e-commerce market was worth more than 1.20
We looked at how a smartphone purchase changed trillion dollars in 2013 and is forecast to reach 2.36 tril-
consumption of “watching videos (YouTube, etc.),” “Net lion dollars by 2017. Growth is expected to be especially
music (including Net radio),” and “social games.” Over dazzling in the Asia Pacific region, which contains the
30 percent of users in Japan said they watched more vid- large populations of China and India―from 383.9 billion
eos, a pattern that was repeated in the other countries, dollars in 2013 to 1 trillion dollars by 2017, a 2.7 times
with more than 50 percent of South Korean and Singa- gain―and the region’s market is expected to overtake
porean users saying they watched more videos. While North America’s, which was still the world’s largest mar-
the trend was not as pronounced as that for videos, ket in 2013.
many more Japanese users said their usage of Net music In our international Web survey, the users who said
and social games increased than those that said their us- their use of “Net shopping / auctions” increased after
age decreased. As with videos, a high percentage of the purchase of a smartphone outnumbered those who
South Korean and Singaporean users said their usage of said it decreased in all six countries. In Japan, almost 30
Net music and social games increased (Figure 4-1-1-8). percent said their usage increased (Figure 4-1-1-9).

c. Trends in e-commerce (Net shopping and auctions) and O2O services (ii) Goods purchased online
(i) Trends in the e-commerce market We asked users what products they purchase on e-
According to estimates by eMarketer (U.S.), the glob- commerce sites and whether they purchase products in


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 34 2014/11/05 14:38:41

Figure 4-1-1-8  Changes in service usage frequency after a smartphone purchase (videos, music, games)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80(%)
Japan 5.6 34.8

U.S. 5.2 42.2

UK 6.6 43.3

France 8.0 33.2

South Korea 12.7 52.9
Singapore 6.3 51.1
Japan 3.7 21.9
Part 1
Social games (including Net

U.S. 5.9 41.7

Net music

UK 6.9 34.8

France 8.5 25.8

South Korea 13.5 37.4
Singapore 6.9 39.4
Japan 5.0 26.9
U.S. 8.9 31.0
UK 8.5 28.0
France 7.8 24.7
South Korea 13.6 39.5
Singapore 7.4 38.8

Decreased Increased

Note: Samples sizes were N = 535 in Japan, N = 696 in the United States, N = 800 in the United Kingdom, N = 716 in France, N = 887 in South Korea, and N = 931 in Singapore

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-1-1-9  Changes in service usage frequency after a smartphone purchase (Net shopping and auctions)
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80(%)
Japan 5.0 29.7
Net shopping,

U.S. 6.9 34.3


UK 6.6 37.5
France 8.5 21.4
South Korea 11.4 42.1
Singapore 4.6 42.1

Decreased Increased

Note: Samples sizes were N = 535 in Japan, N = 696 in the United States, N = 800 in the United Kingdom, N = 716 in France, N = 887 in South Korea, and N = 931 in Singapore

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

a number of categories online or in real “bricks-and-mor- erally low-priced miscellaneous goods and daily necessi-
tar” stores. In comparison to the other product catego- ties in real stores. The reason why in-store purchases
ries, a large percentage of users said they purchase, are favored for large consumer electronics products,
“books” and “CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs” online in the furniture, and PCs is thought to be delivery charges and
five countries except Singapore. It is thought that these the availability of installation and setup services.
goods are more likely to be purchased online because Singapore presents an interesting case, as less than 10
they have been sold online since the advent of e-com- percent of Singaporean users make Net purchases in al-
merce sites. most every product category. The low level of using the
On the other hand, users on the whole tended to pur- Internet for purchasing goods in Singapore contrasts
chase mobiles phones―which require contracts to be sharply with South Korea, another Asian nation with a
signed, large consumer electronics products and furni- high smartphone ownership rate, where online shop-
ture, PCs, food―where freshness is important, and gen- ping is very dynamic (Figure 4-1-1-10).

2. Changes in desired work styles and the participation of women

(1) Japan’s labor force issues the labor force participation rate among women in their
a. The labor force versus the non-labor force in Japan 20s and 30s, has also been pointed out. This phenome-
People aged 65 and older accounted for 23.0 percent non is caused by women leaving the work force to get
of Japan’s total population in 2010, but this percentage is married, have children, and raise children. The M curve
forecast to be 39.4 percent in 2060. Japan’s continuing refers to the shape of the curve describing women’s la-
low birthrate and aging population is creating challeng- bor force participation rate versus age that has a depres-
es that no country in the world has ever experienced sion for women in their 20s and 30s (Figure 4-1-2-1).
before. In addition, the working-age population―i.e.,
people between the ages of 15 and 64―fell to 79.01 mil- c. Participation of men and work-life balance
lion in October 2013, the first time in 32 years the work- Along with the rise in dual-income families in Japan,
ing-age population was less than 80 million. In Decem- members of the baby-boom generation have entered
ber 2013, this population had declined to 78.83 million. their 70s and are increasingly likely to need some level
Projections call for our working-age population to plunge of caregiving, which is expected to result in more and
to just 44.18 million people by 2060. more workers who are in the prime of their lives, and
shouldering a disproportionate share of work responsi-
b. The M curve bilities, having also to confront the prospect of giving
The M-curve problem, which highlights the decline in care to seniors. A survey found that more than 70 per-


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 35 2014/11/05 14:38:42

Figure 4-1-1-10  Goods purchased online
CDs, DVDs, CDs, DVDs, 28.3
Blu-Ray discs 32.5 35.7 Blu-Ray discs 24.0
Books 44.2 29.0 Books 30.2 24.1
Small electrical
appliances 53.7 24.0 Small electrical
44.0 20.1
PC 56.9 23.4 PC 50.7 19.5
Mobile phones 56.9 23.4 Mobile phones 50.7 19.5

Part 1
Tickets 48.4 20.9 Tickets 29.4 28.7
Cosmetics 51.7 14.7 Cosmetics 53.0 11.9


Small furniture 56.7 13.6 Small furniture 60.0 7.9

Clothing 60.0 12.4 Clothing 45.3 15.7
Large electrical
appliances 70.6 10.1 Large electrical
51.0 17.4
Large furniture 62.9 9.6 Large furniture 64.3 8.6
Pet goods 30.7 6.3 Pet goods 42.3 6.7
Miscellaneous goods Miscellaneous goods 64.5
and daily necessities 73.6 5.6 and daily necessities 7.0
Pharmaceuticals 80.0 3.1 Pharmaceuticals 77.7 4.9
Food 82.8 2.3 Food 74.5 6.2
90 60 30 0 30 60 90 90 60 30 0 30 60 90
(%) (%)

CDs, DVDs, 24.1 CDs, DVDs, 22.0

Blu-Ray discs 30.5 Blu-Ray discs 36.7
Books 25.4 28.2 Books 24.3 49.2
Small electrical 47.9 Small electrical 37.0
appliances 20.3 appliances 34.2
PC 47.3 24.4 PC 45.7 29.0
Mobile phones 47.3 24.4 Mobile phones 45.7 29.0
Tickets 49.2 14.7 Tickets 29.8 34.7

South Korea
Cosmetics 50.0 11.1 Cosmetics 43.3 25.8

Small furniture 61.0 11.8 Small furniture 45.3 23.4

Clothing 49.3 14.2 Clothing 41.7 27.1
Large electrical
62.9 14.6 Large electrical
61.1 16.9
Large furniture 63.7 11.6 Large furniture 60.8 11.6
Pet goods 50.1 9.2 Pet goods 19.1 12.8
Miscellaneous goods 61.7 Miscellaneous goods 46.5
and daily necessities 9.0 and daily necessities 23.3
Pharmaceuticals 67.4 10.2 Pharmaceuticals 77.4 4.3
Food 75.1 7.7 Food 65.5 10.3
90 60 30 0 30 60 90 90 60 30 0 30 60 90
(%) (%)

CDs, DVDs, CDs, DVDs, 47.4

Blu-Ray discs 16.7 46.1 Blu-Ray discs 12.3
Books 22.0 39.2 Books 47.8 13.9
Small electrical Small electrical 71.9
appliances 35.4 29.0 appliances 7.9
PC 39.9 28.8 PC 77.3 7.4
Mobile phones 39.9 28.8 Mobile phones 77.3 7.4
Tickets 49.7 15.9 Tickets 47.4 17.8

Cosmetics 54.7 10.9 Cosmetics 58.8 8.0

Small furniture 75.4

Small furniture 45.4 17.1 5.6

Clothing 41.2 18.5 Clothing 56.2 13.5
Large electrical 38.7 Large electrical
appliances 28.9 appliances 81.7 6.0
Large furniture 47.0 19.5 Large furniture 82.1 4.2
Pet goods 35.0 11.1 Pet goods 31.6 5.2
Miscellaneous goods Miscellaneous goods
and daily necessities 61.7 11.4 and daily necessities 74.1 5.4
Pharmaceuticals 69.0 8.6 Pharmaceuticals 76.4 4.7
Food 64.4 13.8 Food 77.8 4.5
90 60 30 0 30 60 90 90 60 30 0 30 60 90
(%) (%)

More in-store purchases More Internet purchases

Note: Number of responses are N = 1,000 in all six countries.

Note: Large electrical appliances includes refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, and microwave ovens; small electrical appliances includes tablets, computer peripherals,
and hair dryers; large furniture includes desks and beds; and clothing includes shoes and accessories.

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

cent of both employed men and women have some level a majority of corporations had installed systems for con-
of concern about caregiving. Preventing workers from nections from external PCs, mobile phones, or other
having to give up their jobs to care for family members devices, and about 30 percent of corporations had intro-
is an issue for employed men and women alike (Figure duced cloud services of some form.
4-1-2-2). On the telework side, however, the deployment rate
has hovered around 10 percent in recent years and has
(2) ICT proliferation at corporations and telework not spread nearly to the same extent as ICT systems
a. ICT proliferation at corporations (Figure 4-1-2-3).
Looking at the transitions in ICT deployment at Japa-
nese corporations finds that most corporations have es- b. Proliferation and challenges of home-based telework
tablished ICT systems. By 2007, 99 percent of Japanese When asked about the need for telework, a majority of
corporations had Internet access, and nearly all corpora- both men and women replied “already using telework,”
tions, 99.9 percent, had Internet access by the end of “actively want to use telework,” or “want to use telework
2013. Of these, 80 percent had installed either fiber-optic when necessary” (Figure 4-1-2-4). Over 75 percent of
or other high-speed Internet access means. Additionally, men and women gave as their reason “free to arrange


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 36 2014/11/05 14:38:43

Figure 4-1-2-1  Changes in women’s labor force participation rates (M curve)
(%) (%)
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
Part 1
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0












































1975 1985 1995 Unmarried Married Widowed/ divorced
2012 2013

(Source) “Labor Force Survey (basic statistics),” MIC (2013)

Figure 4-1-2-2  Anxiety among the employed concerning balancing work and caregiving
Employed women 26.8 50.4 10.4 9.1

Employed men 20.9 51.2 12.4 12.7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100(%)

Very concerned Concerned Not concerned

Not concerned at all Don’t know

(Source) “Survey of the Employed on Balancing Work and Caregiving,” a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (2013)

Figure 4-1-2-3  Transitions in ICT deployment at Japanese corporations

99.9 99.7 99.3 99.9 99.9
100 99.3 99.3

82.0 83.2
80 76.5
70 66.3



30 28.2
19.2 21.6
20 16.0
10.9 14.1 11.5
9.7 9.3

End of 2007 End of 2008 End of 2009 End of 2010 End of 2011 End of 2012 End of 2013

Internet accessibility Internet connection (optical)

Cloud usage rate Telework adoption rate

(Source) “Communications Usage Trend Survey,” MIC

work conditions,” whereas more women than men

chose “can look after family members” (32.4 percent ver-
sus 19.3 percent). More than half of homemakers (56.2
percent) chose this reason for supporting telework (Fig-
ure 4-1-2-5).


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 37 2014/11/05 14:38:43

Figure 4-1-2-4  Attitudes toward telework
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Women 3.0 12.2 39.0 15.8 30.0

Part 1
Men 1.2 14.2 38.6 14.4 31.6

Already using telework Actively want to use Want to use when necessary
Do not want to use Do not really want to use

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-1-2-5 Reasons for wanting to use telework (asked to respondents who answered “already using telework,” “actively
want to use telework,” or “want to use telework when necessary”)

90 84.4
80.9 82.9
80 75.8 76.7


60 52.3 50.5 56.2

49.2 49.3 48.4
50 45.2
40 36.7 35.5
32.4 31.4 29.7
26.7 27.6 24.8
30 24.6 23.4
19.3 20.3

10 1.6
0.4 1.41.0 0.0
Free to arrange Eliminates Can look after family Can concentrate Do not have to Other
work conditions commuting members (children, better at home worry about
time parents, etc.) appearance

All men All women Women (homemakers)

Women (employed) Women (employed, excluding those that work part time)

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Section 2 Promoting Further ICT Use and Application

1. ICT use and application by government
(1) Introduction of the My Number system tems, the Cabinet decided the Declaration to be the
The Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific World’s Most Advanced IT Nation on June 14, 2013, and
Individual in the Administrative Procedure and related the IT Strategic Headquarters approved the Roadmap
bills were enacted and promulgated in May 2013. The for the Declaration to be the World’s Most Advanced IT
national and local governments are currently moving Nation on the same day.
ahead with preparations to notify individuals and busi-
nesses about their ID numbers in October 2015, to de- b. Visualizing the upgrade process to government information systems
liver personal ID number cards and start using personal (Government Information System Upgrade Roadmap)
and business ID numbers in January 2016, and to start The Ministry CIO Liaison Committee approved the
operating the information provision network system (op- Government Information System Upgrade Roadmap on
eration by local governments is scheduled to begin in December 26, 2013, to promote upgrades to government
July 2017) and the system to release records on informa- information systems based on the declaration above.
tion provision in January 2017.
c. Moving government procedures online and promoting their use
(2) Upgrades to government information systems Online government procedures are a tool to save citi-
a. Enactment of the Government CIO Act and approval of new strategies zens and businesses time, in addition to raising efficien-
The Act on the Partial Revision of the Cabinet Act and cies within government bodies. As further improve-
Related Legislation was established during the 183rd or- ments are necessary to spread and entrench the use of
dinary session of the Diet in 2013, which legislated the these online procedures, the Ministry CIO Liaison Com-
appointment and powers of the Government CIO. And mittee approved the Policy for Improving Convenience
on the issue of upgrades to government information sys- of Online Procedures on April 1, 2014.


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 38 2014/11/05 14:38:44

d. Pushing IT adoption in internal government processes (electronic residents through the use and application of open data
approvals) and other new ICT; and (3) establishing systems to pro-
Currently, there are some ministries and agencies mote e-local government, such as ensuring the security
that have been slow to adopt electronic approvals. Be- of systems and constructing PDCA cycles. The Guide-
cause of this situation, the Ministry CIO Liaison Com- lines placed deploying cloud-based local government
mittee approved the Action Plan to Promote Electronic
Approvals on April 25, 2014. The Action Plan revises
services in tandem with the number system’s introduc-
tion as a top priority, particularly emphasizing initiatives Part 1
provisions pertaining to approvals, approval processes, related to (1) above.
and approval rules as well as stipulates focused mea-
sures for tardy departments and bureaus. c. Promoting the widespread provision of regional information platforms
In partnership with the Association for Promotion of
e. Other initiatives Public Local Information and Communication (AP-
There are many other initiatives underway to promote PLIC), MIC is taking the opportunity afforded by the
e-government. MIC, for its part, organized policies to introduction of the My Number system and the migra-
realize the mission to “become the world’s most ad- tion to cloud-based local government services to assist
vanced ICT nation” in a document entitled Government the provision of information and other tools so as to ad-
ICT Adoption: Becoming the World’s Most Advanced vance regional information platforms―infrastructure
ICT Nation at the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy that connects and coordinates various information from
on May 27, 2014. different sources―by local governments across the
country. As of January 2014, approximately 1,600 local
(3) Promoting e-local government governments were working on deploying systems that
a. Accelerating initiatives to deploy cloud-based local government make use of regional information platforms. APPLIC is
services currently drawing up a Standard Specification for Re-
The Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Manage- gional Information Platforms targeting 26 internal oper-
ment and Reform: Ending Deflation and Revitalizing the ational systems that local governments use. APPLIC
Economy, decided by the Cabinet on June 14, 2013, plans to add rules needed for standards between the
called for the acceleration of initiatives pertaining to systems of multiple local governments in order to sup-
cloud-based local government services. The Declaration port the My Number system.
to be the World’s Most Advanced IT Nation, decided on
the same day by the Cabinet, also pushed for accelerat- (4) Local government awareness and initiatives
ed local government initiatives concerning cloud-based The awareness of local governments concerning the
local government services as part of “upgrading govern- My Number system and the state of their initiatives was
ment information systems on the national and local lev- examined through the results from a survey given to lo-
els.” Furthermore, the Basic Guidelines for Reconstruc- cal governments. The service most wanted by local gov-
tion in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake ernments once the My Number system is introduced is
(approved by the Reconstruction Headquarters in July “general information services” (74.6 percent), which
2011), which incorporates “promoting the introduction was followed, in order, by “implement general services
of cloud services in a wide range of areas including local that span multiple organizations and institutions to re-
governments,” made it a priority to construct e-local duce workloads for users and administration” (73.3 per-
governments that are resilient against accidents and di- cent) and “centralized information and procedures for
sasters. various systems” (72.2 percent) (Figure 4-2-1-1).
As for issues with the future expansion of My Number
b. E stablishment of Ten Guidelines to Accelerate E-Local Government applications, “no clear images of specific uses or applica-
Initiatives tions” (53.5 percent) overtook “tough public financial
MIC announced the Ten Guidelines to Accelerate E- conditions” (48.7 percent) as the No. 1 answer in this
Local Government Initiatives, which was based on the year’s survey. This was followed, in order, by “don’t
Declaration to be the World’s Most Advanced IT Nation, know how to move forward with applications (systems,
in March 2014. The Guidelines called for: (1) taking the etc.)” (44.6 percent), “difficult to construct systems that
opportunity presented by the number system’s introduc- can be used by all departments or throughout the re-
tion to make information systems more efficient, start- gion” (35.9 percent), and “tough staffing conditions”
ing with deploying cloud-based local government ser- (35.9 percent) (Figure 4-2-1-2).
vices; (2) working to improve the convenience for

2. ICT use and application in town development

(1) Initiatives to promote ICT town development state of regional ICT use and application.
a. Survey of local governments on inclinations to use and apply ICT in all When asked a multiple-answer question about partic-
aspects of town development ular current issues or perceptions from the standpoint of
We conducted a survey of local governments (prefec- town development, the local governments’ responses
tural and municipal governments) to get a picture of the followed the same pattern as the previous year’s survey:


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 39 2014/11/05 14:38:44

Figure 4-2-1-1  Services local governments want after the My Number system is in place
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 (%)
General information services 74.6
Implement general services that span multiple organizations and 73.3
institutions to reduce workloads for users and administration 61.7
Centralized information and procedures for various systems 72.2

Part 1 Reduction in cross-checking operations, site surveys,

etc. by administration 62.8

Applications during disasters
Reuse of information on applications 58.0
Implement advanced services (related fields, adjacent 54.0
municipalities, etc.) 43.9

2014 survey (N=733) 2013 survey (N=895)

Figure 4-2-1-2  Issues with future expansion of My Number applications

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (%)
No clear images of specific uses or applications 51.7
Tough public financial conditions 53.0
Don’t know how to move forward with applications 44.6
(systems, etc.) 39.7
Difficult to construct systems that can be used by all 35.9
departments or throughout the region 47.8
Tough staffing conditions
Benefits and merits are not clear 32.6
Significant system and legal constraints 33.9
Understanding of citizens

2014 survey (N=733) 2013 survey (N=895)

(Source) “Study Report on the State of Regional ICT Use and Application,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-2-2-1  ICT town development Knowledge Figure 4-2-2-2  ICT town development initiatives
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 (%)
Already moving ahead 5.9
Very knowledgeable including knowledge 3.1 5.1
with initiatives 2.3
of recent discussions 3.9 4.2
Examining specific ways to
Should know more, but not knowledgeable 38.3 move ahead with initiatives 3.4
Interested, and now 18.7
about many ideas and information 32.1 16.1
gathering information
Have heard about it, but don’
t 51.7 Interested, but not undertaking 63.2
know many details 49.5 any special initiatives 54.8
Not interested and not 9.2
Did not know about it 4.8 undertaking any initiatives 28.4
(heard about it for the first time now) 10.3 2.2
No answer
No answe
4.2 This year’s survey (n=733)
Last year’s survey (n=895)
Survey from two years ago
This year’
s survey (N=733)
Last year’
s survey (N=895)

(Source) “Study Report on the State of Regional ICT Use and Application,” MIC (2014)

“decreasing birthrate and aging population” (77.5 per- knowledgeable, were: “very knowledgeable including
cent), “industry and job creation” (63.6 percent), and knowledge of recent discussions” (3.1 percent), “should
“building safe and secure communities (controlling know more, but not knowledgeable about many ideas
crime, strengthening disaster resilience, etc.)” (58.3 per- and information” (38.3 percent), “have heard about it,
cent). but don’t know many details” (51.7 percent), and “did
When asked for the one most important issue from not know about it (heard about it for the first time now)”
the standpoint of town development, the No. 1 response (4.8 percent) (Figure 4-2-2-1).
was “decreasing birthrate and aging population” (34.2 Nearly 30 percent (28.8 percent) of local governments
percent), followed in order by “industry and job cre- answered positively―the combined total for “already
ation” (18.0 percent) and “building safe and secure com- moving ahead with initiatives,” “examining specific ways
munities (controlling crime, strengthening disaster re- to move ahead with initiatives,” and “interested, and now
silience, etc.)” (17.6 percent). Local governments were gathering information”―about ICT town development
also asked about their knowledge of ICT town develop- initiatives (Figure 4-2-2-2).
ment. The results, from most knowledgeable to least When asked about areas they expect to benefit from


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 40 2014/11/05 14:38:44

town development using ICT, local governments’ top re- agement initiatives that local governments are currently
sponses in order were “safety and security areas (con- either running or participating in / cooperating with are
trolling crime, strengthening disaster resilience, etc.)” “disaster-information email” (71.9 percent) and “collect
(52.3 percent), “healthcare and nursing, caregiving, so- disaster information with cameras, sensors, and other
cial welfare, education, and other lifeline areas” (40.5 devices” (47.0 percent). In contrast to current initiatives,
percent), “wish to implement under a consistent policy
without regard to individual areas,” (37.2 percent), and
the top disaster-management initiatives that local gov-
ernments are planning or studying for future implemen- Part 1
“industry areas (agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, tation are “sharing disaster-information maps” (26.3 per-
tourism, local industries) and employment areas” (28.6 cent), “sharing information with people most at risk
percent). during disasters” (23.0 percent), and “disaster informa-
tion acquisition and restoration requests” (22.9 percent).
b. Vertical expansion of ICT town development promotion projects MIC will tap into the FY 2013 supplementary budget
The ICT Town Development Promotion Council, set to undertake a program to fortify regional ICT that con-
up by MIC in January 2013, is working in three areas: sists of two parts: (1) projects to establish regional pub-
expanding and accelerating ICT Smart Town projects at lic networks and associated systems; and (2) projects to
key sites in order to widely deploy ICT Smart Towns by establish disaster-response information stations and re-
around 2018; aiming to realize by 2015 a common plat- lated systems. The objective is to further the establishment
form that will manage things, times, locations, and ev- of public wireless LAN and the fortification of networks,
erything else with IDs for broader regional cooperation along with constructing an information-​ communication
and public-private cooperation; and studying the estab- ecosystem where residents can reliably obtain disaster and
lishment of systems and global development policies in relief information from local governments during disas-
order to broadly disseminate outcomes gained from pi- ters.
lot projects. In February 2012, the ICT Town Develop- The Basic principle for building strong and flexible
ment Promotion Council set up a deployment working (resilient) nation, the Declaration to be the World’s Most
group. This working group is studying, at a more spe- Advanced IT Nation, and other government policies put
cialized level, policies for widely deploying successful a very high priority on the construction of means to col-
models and specifications for a common ICT town devel- lect and communicate information during disasters.
opment platform. The Council also launched a common MIC, for its part, has promoted the nationwide expan-
ID use and application working group in December sion of practical public information commons since
2013. 2011. The Ministry also launched the Study Group on
Approaches to Common Platforms for Communicating
c. Implementing local pilot projects Information during Disasters in March 2014, which is
MIC is running pilot projects under the ICT Town De- studying issues hindering the nationwide expansion of
velopment Promotion Project to pave the way to actual- public information commons and solutions that should
izing ICT Smart Towns. For FY 2012, five projects were be promoted in order to further expand and develop
selected in Mitaka in Tokyo, Kashiwa in Chiba Prefec- public information commons.
ture, Shiojiri in Nakano Prefecture, Toyota in Aichi Pre-
fecture, and Fukuroi in Shizuoka Prefecture. Twenty- b. Crime prevention initiatives
eight local pilot projects, including these five, were In the area of crime prevention, the local government
carried out in FY 2012 and FY 2013. survey found the most common crime prevention initia-
Under the FY 2013 ICT Town Development Promo- tives that local governments are currently either run-
tion Project, two pilot projects were run: the ICT Town ning or participating in / cooperating with are “crime
Development Platform Formation Project (led by Mita- prevention email” (63.7 percent) and “sharing crime pre-
ka in Tokyo), which aims to broadly coordinate, share, vention maps” (14.5 percent). In contrast to current ini-
and deploy the outcomes of the FY 2012 ICT Town De- tiatives, the top crime prevention initiative that local gov-
velopment Promotion Project, and the Citizen Disaster ernments are planning or studying for future
Information Distribution Model Project Using Open implementation is “protecting children and students”
Data and Ubiquitous Technology (Yokosuka in Kanaga- (6.2 percent).
wa Prefecture), which aims to prepare for large-scale
disasters in the greater Tokyo area. And as we move c. Tourism initiatives
from testing to implementation of new town develop- In the area of tourism and sightseeing, the local gov-
ments using ICT, we are working to export the results ernment survey found the most common initiatives that
internationally. local governments are currently either running or par-
ticipating in / cooperating with are “providing tourism
(2) Safe and secure town development information with other regions and organizations using
a. Disaster-management initiatives influential Websites” (32.6 percent) and “generating and
The results of the local government survey show that providing tourism information using multifunctional ter-
local government initiatives using and applying ICT for minals and other devices” (22.8 percent). In contrast to
disaster response and disaster management are rela- current initiatives, the most notable tourism initiative
tively well developed. The most common disaster-man- that local governments are planning or studying for fu-


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 41 2014/11/05 14:38:45

ture implementation is “using apps to encourage excur- survey found the most common initiatives that local gov-
sions, long stays, and consumption” (16.0 percent). ernments are currently either running or participating
As large numbers of visitors to Japan are expected in / cooperating with are “on-demand transportation”
during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, (24.1 percent) and “real-time transportation information
MIC is moving ahead with efforts in three areas: (1) es- systems or bus location systems” (12.7 percent). In con-

Part 1 tablishing infrastructure; (2) promoting ICT use and ap-

plication; and (3) communicating the attractions of Ja-
trast to current initiatives, the most notable transporta-
tion initiative that local governments are planning or
pan. studying for future implementation is “real-time trans-
portation information systems or bus location systems”
d. Transportation initiatives (11.5 percent).
In the area of transportation, the local government

3. ICT use and application in social and economic fields

(1) Examples of ICT applications in medical care and healthcare In the area of social welfare, the local government sur-
Japan, which has developed into a full-blown super- vey found the most common initiatives that local govern-
aging society, is confronting many issues, including a ments are currently either running or participating in /
shrinking working-age population and fast-rising medi- cooperating with are “provision of child support infor-
cal expenses. And just as it is important to have a society mation” (29.7 percent), “sharing information on people
in which all citizens can maintain their health and live needing support” (20.0 percent), and “protection / safe-
autonomously for as long as possible, as well as be able ty confirmation” (16.6 percent). In contrast to current
to live with reassurance in communities they are familiar initiatives, the most common future initiatives cited were
with while having access to high-quality medical and “living assistance systems” (6.4 percent) and “electronic
nursing services when they fall ill, it is also important to maternity record books” (2.9 percent) (Figure 4-2-3-1).
construct a society that can deliver economic growth.
b. G overnment ICT use and application initiatives in medical care and
a. Local government survey results on medical care and healthcare healthcare
For the purposes of the local government survey, ICT In the area of medical care, ICT is seen as beneficial in
use in the medical care and healthcare field was divided sustaining the communications and coordination re-
into medical care / nursing and social welfare. In the quired among various entities regarding medical care,
area of medical care / nursing, the local government nursing, and living assistance. ICT has become espe-
survey found the most common initiatives that local gov- cially important in the construction of platforms that co-
ernments are currently either running or participating ordinate medical care information.
in / cooperating with are “radiation imaging diagnoses In healthcare, the government is looking to modern-
and telediagnoses” (14.2 percent) and “electronic medi- ize existing mechanisms by making use of cloud servic-
cal record coordination” (11.3 percent). In contrast to es and other advances as well as eyeing future overseas
current initiatives, the most common future initiatives deployment of advanced healthcare models. And even
cited were “electronic medical record coordination” as smartphones and tablets are becoming key devices in
(13.3 percent), “emergency telemedicine” (8.1 percent), healthcare, the government is anticipating the use of
“local information collaboration for paramedic staff” (7.6 sensors and wearable devices to save time and expense
percent), and “home telediagnoses” (7.0 percent). in the collection and analysis of routine patient data.

Figure 4-2-3-1  Survey results on medical care and healthcare

Survey results on medical care / nursing Survey results on social welfare

0 5 10 15 (%) 0 10 20 30 40 (%)
Radiation imaging diagnoses 14.2 Provision of child 29.7
and telediagnoses 7.8 support information 9.3
Emergency telemedicine
8.1 Electronic maternity 0.9
Electronic medical record 11.3 record books 2.9
coordination 13.3
Remote meetings 8.3 11.0
(for physicians) Barrier-free information
4.7 4.7
Home telediagnoses [physician-patient / 1.4
recipient of medical treatment] 7.0 Sharing information on 20.0
Home nursing support [center / physician-home nursing 3.7 people needing support 12.3
care provider (at nursing care recipient’s home)] 6.5
2.3 Protection / safety 16.6
In-home care support confirmation
5.2 10.6
Local information collaboration for 5.2
paramedic staff 7.6 4.1
Living assistance systems
3.7 6.4
Health promotion programs
1.9 Other
Other 2.6

Running, or participating in / cooperating with Plan to implement, or no plan, but currently studying

(Source) “Study Report on the State of Regional ICT Use and Application,” MIC (2014)


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 42 2014/11/05 14:38:45

As for future efforts, the Declaration to be the World’s vey found the most common initiatives that local govern-
Most Advanced IT Nation calls for the nationwide de- ments are currently either running or participating in /
ployment of medical information coordination platforms, cooperating with are “direct online sales” (25.4 percent)
health promotions, and initiatives to prevent the occur- and “traceability” (17.0 percent). In contrast to current
rence and the exacerbation of lifestyle diseases. MIC’s initiatives, looking to the future local governments see
Smart Platinum Society Promotion Conference has dis-
cussed these and other issues and is working toward the
“prevention of crop damage by wildlife” (11.2 percent)
and “farmland management” (5.5 percent) as important Part 1
nationwide deployment of medical and nursing informa- fields for ICT applications (Figure 4-2-3-2).
tion coordination platforms using a high-quality, inex-
pensive minimal model that makes use of cloud tech- b. Government ICT use and application initiatives in agriculture
nologies. The Conference is also working toward The government is moving ahead with initiatives to
establishing an ICT health model (preventative health- bolster the competitiveness of the agriculture industry
care) that enables citizens to maintain their health and based on the agriculture information creation and distri-
live independently longer. In view of policies on future bution promotion strategy, announced as a cross-gov-
overseas expansion, Japan, as a pioneer in solving issues ernment strategy by the IT Strategic Headquarters on
associated with a super-aging society, should provide Ja- June 3, 2014. The strategy pertains to the information
pan’s ICT use and application models on a global scale. handling and standardization needed to ensure the in-
The government is seeking an international collabora- teroperability of agricultural information, so that a broad
tion framework for the examination stage of these mod- range of agricultural information can be generated and
els, including working in partnership with universities, distributed throughout the entire agricultural sector,
research institutions, and ICT businesses in other coun- while heeding the rights of farmers who are trying to
tries. use and apply agricultural information.

(2) Examples of ICT applications in agriculture (3) Examples of ICT applications in education
Two observed issues for our agricultural sector are a Bringing ICT into education is fundamental to becom-
decline in the number of primary farmers and the ad- ing the world’s most advanced ICT nation. It is impor-
vanced ages of our farmers. Another concern is the in- tant that we build a 21st-century society in which chil-
crease in out-of-production fields and rice paddies that dren, who will lead the next generation of our country,
has accompanied the decrease in agricultural worker become familiar with ICT at an early stage, elevate their
numbers. Given these conditions, the application of ICT information usage skills, and create new intellectual and
to revive the nation’s agricultural sector is expected to cultural value. In the area of using and applying ICT in
optimize the cultivation conditions for crops, transform education, from FY 2010 until FY 2013 MIC ran the Fu-
the highly productive techniques of expert farmers into ture School Promotion Project in association with the
viewable data, improve yields through the establish- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
ment of practical techniques, and increase production Technology’s Learning Innovation Project. As for using
and added value of agricultural produce that meets con- and applying ICT in university education, Massive Open
sumer needs by coordinating information from produc- Online Courses (MOOCs), which open up online cours-
tion to consumption. es to a broad audience and provide credit for completing
courses, are expanding primarily in the West, but Japan
a. Local government survey results on agriculture is also working on MOOCs.
In the area of agriculture, the local government sur-

Figure 4-2-3-2  Survey results on agriculture

0 10 20 30 (%)
Deliver POS data from 15.3
producers 6.0
Direct online sales

Prevention of crop 6.0

damage by wildlife 11.2
Farmland management
Local cooperative systems

Running, or participating in / cooperating with

Plan to implement, or no plan, but currently studying

(Source) “Study Report on the State of Regional ICT Use and Application,” MIC (2014)


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 43 2014/11/05 14:38:45

a. Local government survey results on education ure 4-2-3-3).
In the area of education, the local government survey
found the most common initiatives that local govern- c. Government ICT use and application initiatives in education
ments are currently either running or participating in / The Declaration to be the World’s Most Advanced IT
cooperating with are “interactive whiteboards and digi- Nation calls for the incorporation of IT in classrooms at

Part 1 tal textbooks” (69.5 percent), “local cultural promotion

with digital museums and other programs” (20.5 per-
all elementary schools, junior-high schools, high
schools, and special needs schools during the 2010 de-
cent), and “distance learning between schools” (8.9 per- cade as well as for the construction of education and
cent). In contrast to current initiatives, looking to the learning IT environments that seamlessly connect
future the most common local government plan was “im- schools and homes.
proving ICT literacy with e-Learning” (4.9 percent) (Fig-

Figure 4-2-3-3  Survey results on education

0 20 40 60 80(%)
Distance learning between schools

Assist lifelong learning with e-Learning

Interactive whiteboards and digital textbooks

Local cultural promotion with digital 20.5

museums and other programs 9.5

Improving ICT literacy with e-Learning


Running, or participating in / cooperating with (n=733)

Plan to implement, or no plan, but currently studying

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Section 3 Construction of Safe and Secure Internet Usage Conditions

1. Internet addiction and other new issues and the importance of Internet
(1) International comparison of Internet addiction trends users than respondents to a paper survey.
With the increased time spent on smartphones, tab-
lets, and other devices as well as on social media, con- a) International comparison of Internet addiction trends
cerns have been raised about Internet addiction and its In all six countries where the international Web sur-
impact on real-world social life. Internet addiction has vey was conducted, the 10 to 29 age group had the high-
been defined as experiences of elevated anxiety levels est Internet addiction tendency. The older the age
that people have when not constantly engaged with the group, the less pronounced this tendency was. In addi-
Internet. tion, the rate of Internet addiction was higher among
Using the Young 20 test to assess Internet addiction, smartphone owners than non-owners in all six countries.
we analyzed the extent of Internet addiction in Japan Comparing the six countries’ Internet addiction rates
from an international viewpoint by comparing results in the prime 10 to 29 age group finds that although Ja-
from the six-country Web survey mentioned in Section 1 pan’s rate was high, at over 10 percent, it was the second
of this chapter. Some points of caution must be given lowest after France. The rate was at or above 20 percent
about this analysis and its results. Although we concen- in the United States and the United Kingdom. Moreover,
trated primarily on Internet users with a score of 70 or narrowing down the results to just smartphone owners
more on the test (indicating severe impairment due to did not produce a particularly high Internet addiction
Internet addiction), it does not always follow that some- rate in Japan either. Since similar results were found in
one in the 70 or higher category requires medical treat- all the other age groups, there is no reason to single out
ment for compulsive Internet behavior. Furthermore, Japan as having considerably high Internet addiction
this survey was an international Web survey to highlight rates (Figure 4-3-1-1).
Japan’s characteristics in comparison with those of other To see how differences in why people use the Internet
countries, and, by the very nature of Web surveys, re- might affect Internet addiction rates, respondents were
spondents are much more likely to be heavy Internet asked to choose their main purpose for using the Inter-


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 44 2014/11/05 14:38:46

Figure 4-3-1-1  International comparison of Internet addiction rates (by age and by smartphone ownership)
Owners: smartphone owners Non-owners: non-smartphone owners
Japan U.S. U.K.
(n) (n) (n)
All 45.7 46.1 8.2 1,000 All 51.5 33.7 14.8 1,000 All 56.2 32.0 11.8 1,000
10‒29 31.7 55.2 13.1 397 10‒29 34.5 44.0 21.5 400 10‒29 34.3 45.8 20.0 400

Part 1
30‒49 49.3 44.8 6.0 400 30‒49 52.0 32.8 15.3 400 30‒49 63.3 27.5 9.3 400
0.5 0.5
50 and older 66.0 31.0 3.0 203 50 and older 84.5 15.0 200 50 and older 86.0 13.5 200
Owners 40.6 47.7 11.8 535 Owners 44.8 36.5 18.7 696 Owners 51.6 34.8 13.6 800
Non-owners 51.6 44.3 4.1 465 Non-own 66.8 27.3 5.9 304 Non-own 74.5 21.0 4.5 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(%) (%) (%)
France South Korea Singapore
(n) (n) (n)
All 65.5 29.2 5.31,000 All 34.3 56.8 8.9 1,000 All 54.1 35.5 10.41,000
10‒29 50.0 42.4 7.6 288 10‒29 30.6 54.8 14.6 314 10‒29 41.3 44.3 14.3 300
30‒49 64.0 29.0 7.0 400 30‒49 29.3 61.8 9.0 400 30‒49 50.3 38.8 11.0 400
50 and older 81.7 17.3 312 50 and older 45.5 52.1 2.4 286 50 and older 72.0 22.3 5.7 300
Owners 60.5 33.2 6.3 716 Owners 32.9 57.4 9.7 887 Owners 52.6 36.6 10.7 931
Non-owners 78.2 19.0 2.8 284 Non-own 45.1 52.2 2.7 113 Non-own 73.9 20.3 5.8 69
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(%) (%) (%)

20‒39points 40‒69points 70 or more points

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

net from “communication”―such as SNS and other b. Merits of SNS and smartphone use
communication apps, which are the main content sites In general, many users in all six countries said the
on the Internet, “collect information / use content”―in- merits of SNS use were “able to get information quick-
cluding watching videos and reading news online, “on- ly,” “able to get lots of information,” and “increased op-
line games” played over the Internet, and “shopping”― portunities to communicate with family, partners,
which typically means mail-order items ordered online friends, and acquaintances.” A fair number of users also
and Internet auctions. In all six countries, users who cited “increased new friends and acquaintances” and
said they mainly use the Internet for “communications” “reestablished contact with old friends” as benefits (Fig-
had a greater likelihood of Internet addiction. And in the ure 4-3-1-2).
United States, the United Kingdom, and South Korea,
users who said they mainly use the Internet for “online (2) Importance of Internet literacy
games” had somewhat higher Internet addiction rates. a. Problems with flaming―insulting and hostile posts on social media
The difference in Internet addiction rates in Japan be- Flaming has attracted attention in recent years on so-
tween smartphone owners and non-owners was also ana- cial media because of trouble arising from insulting and
lyzed. Since the sample size was small in this case, the hostile posts. The frequency of Google searches in Ja-
results must be treated with caution. Nevertheless, pan for “Twitter enjo [flaming]” and “Facebook enjo”
“communication”-oriented users who owned smart- have steadily escalated since around 2010. Searches for
phones were shown to have higher addiction rates. “Twitter enjo” in particular have skyrocketed since 2013,
We also analyzed the average time spent per day on illustrating that flaming drew increased attention in
mobile phones (smartphones and feature phones) and 2013.
PCs. The time spent on PCs was longer than that on mo-
bile phones in all six countries, but mobile phone usage b. User attitudes toward Internet literacy
time was nearly the same as PC usage time in South Ko- (i) Anonymous use of SNS and awareness of being identified
rea and Singapore. This is another demonstration of The use of leading SNS and the use of anonymous
how entrenched mobile phones are in people’s lifestyles names versus real names on SNS was analyzed for all six
in these two countries, where smartphone proliferation countries. Facebook usage was lower in Japan than in
is high, as stated in Section 1. We broke down these re- the other countries, but in all six countries many users
sults further by the user’s primary Internet usage pur- use their real name on Facebook, since it recommends
pose and found that in all the countries users oriented users register under their real name. However, over 70
toward “online games” tended to use PCs longer. One percent of Japanese users of Twitter, which does not
characteristic in Japan is that “communication” users make any specific recommendations to register with
spent an average of 103 minutes on their mobile phones, real names, use the service anonymously, a noticeably
which was significantly longer than users in the other higher percentage than in the other countries (Figure
segments. 4-3-1-3).
These results suggest that Japanese users oriented In relation to the high degree of anonymous SNS use
toward SNS and other communications spend more and the flaming incidents mentioned above use, more
time on smartphones and other devices and have rela- than half of Japanese users (60 percent)―when asked
tively higher addiction rates. “do you think you might not be identified if you use SNS
anonymously?”―recognized the possibility of being


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 45 2014/11/05 14:38:46

Figure 4-3-1-2  Merits of SNS



Part 1 20

Able to get Able to get lots Increased Able to smoothly Able to deepen Increased new Reestablishe Able to make Able to make Able to None of the
information of information opportunities to convey information communications friends and d contact with friends and contact with progress with above
quickly communicate with with family, with longtime acquaintances old friends acquaintance people in other work smoothly
family, partners, partners, friends, friends and s just on countries
friends, and and acquaintances acquaintances social media

Japan (n=386) 47.7 41.7 25.9 18.1 14.5 19.7 18.1 18.4 6.5 1.3 21.0
U.S. (n=558) 52.3 44.6 47.0 44.3 29.7 29.0 43.4 21.3 23.8 10.9 13.3
U.K. (n=648) 51.9 40.9 43.5 36.7 20.5 25.8 34.1 15.0 26.4 6.0 13.6
France (n=517) 39.7 29.8 43.7 27.3 28.2 21.1 27.7 14.1 20.7 3.7 13.9
South Korea (n=759) 63.5 55.6 44.8 38.3 22.8 31.4 27.1 22.7 19.4 11.3 7.6
Singapore (n=816) 62.6 54.5 45.5 47.3 23.3 25.9 40.6 15.0 35.8 13.8 11.5
Japan (smartphone users) (n=347) 49.3 41.5 25.9 18.7 14.1 20.2 18.2 17.3 6.6 1.4 20.5
Japan (non-smartphone users) (n=39) 33.3 43.6 25.6 12.8 17.9 15.4 17.9 28.2 5.1 0.0 25.6

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-3-1-3  Use of anonymous names versus real names on Twitter

Japan 75.1 19.4 5.5 402

U.S. 35.7 56.4 7.8 498

U.K. 31.0 60.3 8.7 539

France 45.0 42.4 12.6 278

South Korea 31.5 54.5 14.1 569

Singapore 39.5 47.6 13.0 494

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)

Use anonymous name Use real name

Use both (multiple accounts)

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-3-1-4  Awareness of the risk of being identified even with anonymous use
Japan 13.3 26.5 43.7 16.5 1,000

U.S. 11.3 27.4 36.9 24.4 1,000

U.K. 9.0 31.4 38.4 21.2 1,000

France 8.9 21.4 38.0 31.7 1,000

South Korea 12.1 45.0 36.2 6.7 1,000

Singapore 10.1 27.6 41.6 20.7 1,000

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)

Almost no possibility of being identified

Low possibility of being identified
Some possibility of being identified
High possibility of being identified

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

identified (Figure 4-3-1-4). fewer Japanese users than those in the other countries
When users were asked for “people you think follow mentioned “workplace supervisors or school teachers,”
and see your posts on your SNS account,” a high per- “former classmates,” “family members,” and other peo-
centage of Japanese users, as in the other countries, rec- ple. When asked about the content of actual communica-
ognized friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, tions on SNS, there was no significant gap between Ja-


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 46 2014/11/05 14:38:47

pan and the other five countries in the response rate for b. Initiatives in local regions
“chat and communicate with friends, acquaintances, and The Second Basic Plan on Development of Internet
partners.” However, the response rates for family topics Enhancement for Young People calls for stronger ties
or topics about society, work, or health tended to be between the national government, local governments,
lower in Japan than in the other countries. and nongovernmental organizations. This spawned,
From these results, we can surmise that one charac-
teristic of SNS use in Japan is an awareness of privacy
starting in FY 2013, forums for building an environment
that provides safe and secure Internet use for young Part 1
among friends or groups of acquaintances. people in eight national blocks. The forums, with the
sponsorship of the Cabinet Office, prefectures, cities,
(ii) Literacy education about SNS and national administrative institutions, aim to construct
Around 20 percent of Japanese respondents said they platforms that will allow institutions and organizations
had taken literacy education or training on the use of related to promoting the establishment of Internet us-
SNS, which was a lower rate than in the other five coun- age environments for young people in each region to
tries. When the results were narrowed to just smart- work together and independently carry out various ini-
phone owners, this rate rose to close to 30 percent in tiatives. Participants include guardians, local govern-
Japan. When limited to the 10 to 29 group of young peo- ments, schools and educators, police, and communica-
ple, the response rate of those who had taken literacy tion corporations. Forums are scheduled to be held in
education or training increased in all the countries, in- six places nationwide in 2014.
cluding Japan (Figure 4-3-1-5). These results indicate
that literacy education about the use of SNS starting to c. Initiatives by governments
spread in Japan, particularly in the youth cohort. The Basic Plan on Measures for Providing Safe and
Secure Internet Use for Young People was established
(3) Initiatives on proper ICT practices and implemented throughout government in June 2009
a. Initiatives by private sector organizations as an initiative for young people, who will lead the future
The Japan Internet Safety Promotion Association, set of our country, to properly handle ICT. This was fol-
up as an initiative to establish usage environments for lowed by the Second Basic Plan, under which initiatives
mobile phones and the Internet, carries out public are being undertaken by the national government, local
awareness activities in local communities. It works to governments, businesses, and private organizations.
enhance explanations, such as creating usage rules, at With the recognition that establishing environments
homes and schools about to adopt smartphones or so- in which young people, after understanding the risks as-
cial media, it lists on its Website classes on Internet sociated with Internet use and measures to prevent
safety and security provided for free by member enter- risks, can use smartphones and other devices correctly,
prises and organizations, and it encourages ICT use at has become even more important than in the past, the
schools and local communities by publishing classes Cabinet Office, MIC, the Ministry of Economy, Trade
that do not require instructor fees or transportation and Industry, the IT Strategic Headquarters under the
charges. The Japan Social Game Association (JASGA) Cabinet Secretariat, the National Policy Agency, the
began in January 2014 to publicize the development of Consumer Affairs Agency, the Ministry of Justice, and
educational apps for elementary-school-aged children the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
and to carry out public awareness activities, with the aim Technology have been concentrating on developing
of educating people about the safe and secure use of so- these environments under an initiative on public aware-
cial games. ness for young people and their guardians since 2014.

Figure 4-3-1-5  Literacy education or training

Lower than the other countries. Higher among smartphone users. Higher than the rate for all users

All age groups Young people 10s and 20s

(n) (n)
Japan 22.2 77.8 1,000 Japan 36.8 63.2 397

U.S. 40.6 59.4 1,000 U.S. 61.0 39.0 400

U.K. 35.4 64.6 1,000 U.K. 57.8 42.3 400

France 36.4 63.6 1,000 France 49.0 51.0 288

South Korea 28.4 71.6 1,000 South Korea 29.9 70.1 314

Singapore 45.3 54.7 1,000 Singapore 59.3 40.7 300

Japan Japan
28.8 71.2 535 42.3 57.7 281
(smartphone owners) (smartphone owners)
Japan 14.6 85.4 465 Japan
23.3 76.7 116
(non-smartphone owners) (non-smartphone owners)
0 20 40 60 80 100 (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)

Yes No

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 47 2014/11/05 14:38:48

2. Ensuring cyber security
(1) Recent developments in threats against information security method is that many people use the same ID / password
McAfee, an information security vendor, maintains a combination for multiple Web services.
database of malware samples it detects. The company The six-country survey asked users about their use of

Part 1 reported that malware samples increased by 15 percent

in the fourth quarter of 2013 to over 196 million samples.
Internet IDs and passwords. The results found that be-
tween 30 and 50 percent of users in all six countries have
Tracking the transformations in information security between two and five IDs (Figure 4-3-2-1). And in five of
threats since 2000 finds that they have been steadily the countries, except France, more than 40 percent of
growing in sophistication and complexity. New forms of the respondents said the number of accounts and pass-
malware and attack methods emerge nearly every year, words they maintained increased (total of “increased
while the objectives appear to have shifted from nui- greatly” and “increased” responses) once they started
sance attacks targeting individuals to attacks targeting using a smartphone (Figure 4-3-2-2).
organizations, key infrastructures, and countries for Users with multiple accounts were asked whether
economic benefit or for organized crime. they reused passwords between accounts. In all six
countries, only around 20 percent of users said they
a. Unauthorized logins to Web services and unauthorized use of services “change passwords for each site” (Figure 4-3-2-3). When
In 2013, there was a string of victims where attackers asked how often they change passwords, about 20 per-
used stolen IDs and passwords to gain access to and ex- cent of users in France said “regularly,” while less than
ploit Web services in the victim’s name. One method of 10 percent of users said the same in Japan and South
gaining login credentials to Web services is list-type ac- Korea (Figure 4-3-2-4).
count hacking. Attackers use lists of stolen IDs and pass-
words to try iteratively to access accounts on many dif- (2) Information security awareness among users
ferent Web services. The insight behind this attack MIC conducted an international survey of users in Ja-

Figure 4-3-2-1  Number of IDs used on the Internet Figure 4-3-2-2 Changes in accounts and passwords after
(n) owning a smartphone
Japan 2.8 9.0 33.6 14.5 9.5 9.7 20.9 1,000
U.S. 5.4 23.4 32.9 12.2 5.9 4.7 15.5 1,000 Japan 17.0 30.7 50.3 0.4 1.7 535

U.K. 4.4 23.2 36.2 11.4 6.1 4.9 13.8 1,000 1.6
U.S. 15.7 30.2 50.9 1.7 696

France 1.6 17.9 38.3 14.9 7.2 5.5 14.6 1,000 U.K. 1.5
17.1 32.0 48.4 1.0 800
0.4 2.2
South Korea 9.8 44.0 16.6 11.4 10.2 7.6 1,000 France 12.0 20.8 63.4 1.5 716
Singapore 2.0 27.0 46.0 9.6
9.2 1,000 South Korea 11.0 43.0 43.5 1.7 0.8 887
0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
Singapore 15.9 37.9 44.9 0.5 0.8 931
0 1 2 to 5
0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)
6 to 10 11 to 20 21 or more
Don’t know Increased greatly (more than doubled) Increased
No change Decreased (to less than half)
Decreased (to between one-quarter and none)

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

Figure 4-3-2-3  Reuse of passwords Figure 4-3-2-4  Frequency of changing passwords

(n) (n)
Japan 16.8 19.4 52.0 11.8 882 Japan 56.8 33.7 9.5 1,000

U.S. 20.6 40.2 32.6 6.6 712 U.S. 37.7 43.1 19.2 1,000

U.K. 24.7 37.4 31.2 6.6 724 U.K. 39.9 41.5 18.6 1,000

France 24.5 29.7 37.0 8.8 805 France 43.3 36.5 20.2 1,000

South Korea 10.7 21.9 61.5 5.9 898 South Korea 45.4 48.1 6.5 1,000

Singapore 16.1 25.4 49.7 8.9 710 Singapore 56.7 31.3 12.0 1,000

0 20 40 60 80 100 (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 (%)

Change password for each site Do not change (unless forced to by the system)
Use five or more passwords and use each Regularly change important passwords
depending on the site (sometimes use the Regularly change all passwords
same password on multiple sites)
Use teo to four passwords and use each
depending on the site (sometimes use the
same password on multiple sites)
Use one password for all sites

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 48 2014/11/05 14:38:48

Figure 4-3-2-5  Experienced losses from an information security breach
Japan 6.1 8.9 63.5 21.5 1,000

U.S. 11.4 13.5 54.7 20.4 1,000

U.K. 7.2 11.1 61.5 20.2 1,000

France 7.8 26.8 45.7 19.7 1,000

Part 1
South Korea 11.3 28.1 35.1 25.5 1,000

Singapore 4.9 15.5 57.4 22.2 1,000

(smartphone owners) 6.9 9.5 62.4 21.1 535
(non-smartphone owners) 5.2 8.2 64.7 21.9 465

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (%)

Experienced a loss Experienced a loss

(confirmed, have proof) (possibility exists)
Have not experienced a loss Don’ t know

(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)

pan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, nized threats, in order, were “spyware” (63.5 percent),
South Korea, and Singapore to determine whether there “phishing” (62.6 percent), “one-click fraud” (60.1 per-
were any national differences in the awareness of indi- cent), “false billing” (59.4 percent), “spam” (58.6 per-
viduals about information security. cent), and “malware (computer viruses)” (48.2 percent).
Recognition levels for “spyware,” “malware (computer
a. Experiences with losses from information security breaches viruses),” and “spam” were generally high in the other
First, users were asked whether they had experienced countries as well. But there were discrepancies in other
a loss resulting from an information security breach in countries with Japan’s higher recognition levels of “one-
using the Internet. Summing the response rates for “ex- click fraud” and “false billing.” Recognition levels in Ja-
perienced a loss (confirmed, have proof)” and “experi- pan of newer threats―“targeted attacks,” “list-type ac-
enced a loss (possibility exists),” South Korean users led count hacking,” and “ransomware”―were all still under
the way, with 39.4 percent reporting a loss, followed in 20 percent.
order by French users (34.6 percent) and U.S. users
(24.9 percent). On the other hand, the numbers were c. State of information security measures
lower in Japan, with 15.0 percent of Japanese users say- When it came to information security measures on
ing they had experienced a loss, a figure that only edged their own PCs, less than 20 percent of Japanese users
up to 16.6 percent when the results were limited to “install applications from trusted sites” and “back up im-
smartphone owners (Figure 4-3-2-5). portant data,” a lower percentage than in the other coun-
When asked about the types of losses experienced, tries. On smartphones, more Japanese users, 35.9 per-
the most common loss in Japan was “received unsolicit- cent, were likely to “update smartphone operating
ed email (spam) (but not including false billing email)” system and apps” than users in the other countries, but
at 61.3 percent, followed in order by “computer virus in- fewer, 14.8 percent, “back up important data” on their
fection” (49.3 percent) and “received email demanding smartphones.
payment for an unknown fee (false billing email)” (49.3 Figure 4-3-2-6 compares the implementation of secu-
percent). “Received unsolicited email (spam) (but not rity measures on PCs versus on smartphones for users
including false billing email)” and “computer virus infec- who own both devices. Security measures on smart-
tion” were among the most common losses experienced phones tended to lag behind measures on PCs. One tell-
in the other countries as well. ing difference was the gap in installing and using “anti-
virus applications / online services” on PCs versus on
b. Recognition levels of threats on the Internet smartphones. This gap was around 20 percent in Japan,
Users were asked about their recognition of various the United Kingdom, France, and Singapore.
threats on the Internet. In Japan, the most widely recog-


CW6_AX102_11_D14_C.indd 49 2014/11/05 14:38:49




(Source) “Study Report on the Social Impacts of ICT Advancement,” MIC (2014)



Back up Back up Back up

important data important data important data


Figure 4-3-2-6  State of security measures taken (comparison between own pc and smartphone)


Install Install Install


applications from applications from applications from


trusted sites trusted sites trusted sites

South Korea


Install and use Install and use Install and use


anti-virus anti-virus anti-virus

applications / applications / 42.6 applications /

online services online services online services



Update operating Update operating Update operating

system and apps system and apps system and apps












Own Computer




Back up Back up Back up

important data important data important data



Install Install Install

applications from applications from applications from


United Kingdom

trusted sites trusted sites trusted sites

United States

Install and use Install and use Install and use



anti-virus anti-virus anti-virus

applications / applications / applications /



online services online services online services



Update operating Update operating Update operating

system and apps system and apps system and apps













Part 1

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