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Full Mark - 80 Pass mark - 33

Geography – 30 marks
1. Tick () the correct alternative : 1x4=4
a. The temperature in the innermost part of the earth is estimated to be-
i. 1000 0C
ii. 60000C
iii. 150000C
b. Which of the following is an example of metamorphic rocks?
i. Basalt
ii. Coal
iii. Clay
c. How much fresh water is available on the earth ?
i. 5%
ii. 3%
iii. 97%
d. Which of the following is a cold current ?
i. Kuru Shio
ii. Oya shio
iii. Gulf of Mexico
2. Fill in the blanks : 1x4=4
1. The tropical deciduous forests are also known as________________ forest.
2. In the air , water is found in the ________________ form
3. In calm air, the drops were very small and are called________________
4. ________________ are caused by the pushing action of the wind.
3. Answer the following question in short (any five) 2x5=10
1. Name a warm and cold current near Japan.
2. Which metals are used to produce nuclear energy ?
3. What is lithosphere ? How thick is it and what is it made up of ?
4. Why tropical rain forest are also called evergreen forests ?
5. What do you mean by weather ?
6. Why is sea – water saline ?
7. What do you mean by climate?
8. Explain the terms: 1). lithosphere 2). mantle
4. Answer any two of the following questions: 4x2=8
1. Distinguish between evaporation and condensation.
2. What are forests ? How are they useful to us ?
3. Distinguish between waves and tides.
4. What are the influence of ocean current? Explain any one of them .
5. On the outline map of Meghalaya , locate all the district and their capitals. 4 marks

History – 24 marks
1. Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4
a. ______________ was Mahmud’s father
b. Firdausi wrote the _____________
c. Iltutmish was a man of _____________ will
d. Qutub-Ud-Din Aibak died of _____________
2. Match the events with their dates : 1x4
i. First Battle of Tarain a. 1001 A.D
ii. Death of Mohammad Ghori b. 1025 A.D
iii. Invasion on Somnath c. 1191 A.D
iv. Jaipal’s suicide d. 1206A.D
3. Answer the following questions in short ( any six) 2x6=12
1. Who was Mahammad Ghori ?
2. Who was Iltutmish ?
3. When did slave dynasty come to an end ?
4. Who founded the town of Agra and when?
5. Who was Feroz Shah Tughlag ? How did he come to the throne?
6. Name
1) bThe famous poet of Maithili dialect.
2) The writer of ‘Alhakhanda’

7. What problems had Iltutmish faced after coming to the throne ?

8. Which famous Hindu Temple was looted by Mahmud Ghazni? When did Mahmud
Ghazni die?
4. Answer any one of the following question: 4x1=4
1. Write briefly on the character of Mahmud Ghazni.
2. What do you know about Qutub-ud-Din Aibak? How did he come to be the Sultan of
3. Write a brief not on Razia sultana?
Civics – 26 marks
Q1. Tick the correct answer form the brackets: 1x4=4
i. How many union territories are there in India ? (eight/Seven)
ii. In India , general elections are held after (five years/three years)
iii. We find the basic objectives of our constitution in ( schedule-VI/schedule IV)
iv. Indian constitution has (448/401) articles.
Q2. Write T for true and F for false statements : 1x4=4
1. Every 18 years old citizen of India has the right to vote.
2. A state legislature is headed by the Prime Minister.
3. Rights and Duties go hand in hand with each other.
4. Everyone is not equal in the eyes of law in our country.
Q3. Answer any six of the following questions : 3x6=18
1. Name
i. Two houses of our parliament.
ii. Two houses of a state legislature.
iii. Three list enlisting the law – making powers of the union and the state government.
2. What are the chief features of our constitution?
3. How is our constitution democratic?
4. Name our fundamental rights.
5. Mention any four basic fundamental duties of Indian citizens
6. When can the fundamental rights can be suspended?
7. What do you understand by right to constitutional of Remedies.
8. Why is our constitution so lengthy?

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