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Integration of Use Case Formal Template using Mapping Rules


Use case diagram, a high-level model gives consumer and developer a common
perception of the software program model [1]. Natural language is employed to
capture user necessities and describe use case specification. Natural language is
vague, inadequate and inconsistence [2]. It may result in misunderstanding among
developers, domain experts and end user of a system and which leads to wrong
analysis, design and implementation models. There is no space for mistake in basic
and security systems on the grounds that any blunders in those systems will include
cataclysmic misfortune. Shen and Liu [3] in their research proved that formalizing use
cases can decrease a great deal of misconception and perplexity among engineers
and end clients. Formal strategies have been very fruitful in revealing ambiguities,
deficiency and irregularities in necessity portrayal [4]. Therefore, this paper plans to
propose a utilization case formal layout and characterize another arrangement of
mapping rule for evacuating the formalism hole between use case and VDM++
because of their distinctive language structure and semantics. Through this
formalization, a precise, complete, unambiguous and consistent software
specification is expected to be produced.


Another formal engineering is proposed to formalize UML use case changing use
case situation. As a piece of the engineering a formal format has been acquainted
with guide clients recorded as a hard copy printed use case situation and put forth
use defense determination closer to VDM++ detail. This layout utilizes some fixed
term to keep the semantic comparability between use case and VDM++ formal
determination. To create basic, right and organized English sentences, a lot of
limitation rules has likewise been proposed in the engineering. Additionally, another
arrangement of mapping rule has been proposed to fill the formalism hole in
sentence structure and semantics which can't be secured by formal use case layouts
and limitation rules. Straight forward use case properties will be mapped legitimately
into the properties of VDM++ formal determination. Generally, properties will be
mapped by property similitudes between use case properties and VDM++.

Figure 1:Proposed Software Architecture.


In this study, a use case formal template has been proposed by doing some minor
refinement on the template done by Yue et. Al. [5]. This template will help structuring
the use case before it can be transferred into VDM++ formal specification. Besides
that, a set of restriction rules are created as a guideline for producing simple, correct,
and structured use case before they are formalized into VDM++. Also, to remove the
formalism gap due to syntax and semantic difference, a new set of mapping rules is
proposed and defined in this work.

[1] S. Sengupta & S. Bhattacharya, "Formalization of UML use case diagram-a Z
notation-based approach," in ICOCI '06 International Conference on Computing &
Informatics, 2006, pp. 1-6, doi:10.1109/ICOCI.2006.5276507.
[2] E. Kamsties & B. Paech, "Taming ambiguity in natural language requirements," in
Proceedings of the 13th International conference on System and Software
Engineering and their Applications, 2000, p. 47.
[3] W. Shen, & S. Liu, “Formalization, Testing and Execution of a Use Case Diagram,”
in Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 5th International Conference on
Formal Engineering Method, ICFEM 2003, J. S. Dong and J. Woodcock, Eds.
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 68-85, doi:10.1007/978-
[4] R. Sharma and K. K. Biswas, “Generating Logical Representations for Natural
Language Requirements Using Syntactic Dependencies and Norm Analysis
Patterns,” in Natural Language processing and Infromation Systems: 20th
International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information
Systems, C. Biemann, S. Handschuh, A. Freitas, F. Meziane and E. Metais, Eds.
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 432-436,
[5] T. Yue, L. C. Briand & Y. Labiche, “Facilitating the Transition from Use Case Models
to Analysis Models: Approach and Experiments,” in ACM Transactions on Software
Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 22, no. 1, Feb. 2013, pp. 5:1-38,

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