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The Greek word for self-control in Galatians 5:23 is “egkrateia” which

means “temperance: the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions,

especially his sensual appetites. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,

patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians

5:23). Self-control: “restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or

desires.” (Hariette Petersen 2011).

Ideals, values, morals, and social expectation, and to support the

pursuit of long-term goals. Many writers use the terms self-control and self-

regulation interchangeably, but those who make a distinction typically

consider self-control to be deliberate, conscious, effortful subset of self-

regulation. In contrast, homeostatic processes such a s maintaining a constant

body temperature may be called self-regulation but not self-control


Moreover, Self-control is a limited resources, it is exerting in one

domain leads to subsequent reductions in another domain. Self-control at one

time or over one set of behavior may deflect the ability to exhibit

subsequent self-control, it is paying attention action can fulfill one’s goal for
example a dieter can have an emotional reaction to both the concrete taste

of a chocolate cake and to the abstract implication of eating the cake. Lack

of self-control leads to selfishness the tension between economic self-interest

and fairness goals. Certain brain process self-control, the study showed that

participants, whose right prefrontal cortices were stimulated exerted

significantly less self-control in the ultimatum game, they were less able to

resist economic temptation. Self-control is linked to successful outcomes,

people high self-control have better grades. This is probably due to the fact

that people with poor self-control are likely to procrastinate on task which

can lead to poorer performance and lower grades. Training self-control

promotes behavior changes, unwanted eating behavior can be inhibited by

training self-control. A study by Houben and Jansen shows that training to

inhabit food related responses can help people gain control are not the same,

theories on over control stress the fact that high levels of self-control are

associated with psychopathologies, such as obsessive compulsive tendencies.

People with self-control are happier, may not bring contentment in the long

term happiness. Postponing needs an achieving one’s goals for measures of

success and it provides. Criminology students with high self-control get

better grades, have close relationships, their emotions better, have fewer

problems with drugs and alcohol, are better adjusted, have higher self-esteem

and get along better with other people, as compared to people with low

self-control. They have less stress and conflict. Drinking alcohol is common
among college students and this is one of a sign of low self-control.

Students who drink are likely to miss class, to engage in unplanned and

unsafe sexual activity, to be victim of sexual and physical assault to suffer

unintentional injuries.

College student are famous for lack of self-control and low productivity.

Self-control is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behavior in the

face of temptations and impulses around them. It is also a key concept of self-

control. Many students nowadays did not finish their course because they are lack

of self-control in the different aspect of their life. Many people say character is the

best even if you are intelligent person but they attitude is not good, it is useless.

Self- control is very important attitude because if they don’t have self-control they

might been hurt other people because you loosed temper

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to solve the problem of Level of Self-control of

Criminology Student

Specifically, it will seek answers to the following:

1. What is the Profile of the respondents in terms of.

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 year level; and

1.4 GWA?

2. What are the common violations in the norms and conduct for

college students which are committed by BatStateU-BS Criminology


3. How may the level of self-control among the respondents be


4. Is there a significant relationship on level of self-control of the

respondents and their profile variables.?

5. What information campaign may be initiated to improve the level of

self-control among BS criminology students.?

Scope and Limitation and Delimitation of the study

This study will be focused on the level of self-control of criminology

students. It also determined the profile of the respondents in terms of age,

sex, year level and the GWA. The respondents where the BS Criminology

students of Batangas State University Main Campus 1 in Batangas City.

Moreover, this study will be focusing on the level of self-control of

the respondents. This study employed the descriptive method of research. The

researchers made use of self-constructed questionnaire to determine the level

of self-control of the criminology students. Who are enrolled on Batangas

State University PB Main 1. The said criminology student respondent are

from Batangas State University in Batangas City. This study measured the
level of self-control of criminology students base on their profile and the

level of self-control of respondents.

This study will be focus on the criminology students who are

enrolled in Batangas State University Main Campus 1. Criminology students

with different year level and different university who are in the same City

are not included in the administration of the test. Also, it focused only on

the criminology students enrolled in Batangas State University Main Campus

Significance of the Study

This study hope to established an understanding on level of self-

control of Batangas State University Main Campus 1. Furthermore, the study

could be of importance to the following:

Criminology Students. this study will help the students to develop

their interest toward to high level of self-control and appreciate the

importance of self-control in our daily lives.

Curriculum Planner. the result of this study will help them appraise

the existing programs in terms of the student needs and abilities and make

classes required.

University Administration. The result of this study could serve as a

baseline data to improve programs for University advancement.

Guidance Councilor. This study will help develop the guidance program

in line with individual needs and abilities of the students.

Facilitators / Teachers. The result of the study serve as an eye

opener to create and innovates instructional materials and to use varied and

appropriate teaching strategies.

Parents. Who are directly concerned with the education of their children

considering school performance in different discipline.

Future Researcher. The result of the study can serve as a basis for

future study on level of self-control of BS Criminology students.

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