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Selecting a Waste Management O p t i o n

using a Life-cycle Analysis Approach"

Neil Kirkpatrick
Pira International, Randalls Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7RU. UK

Solid-waste management, and i n particular the disposal o f used packaging, is currently

t h e subject of much topical debate. This is driven by b o t h consumer and legislative
pressures. Consumers see used packaging as a highly visible element o f municipal solid
waste, complaining o f excessive packaging and l o w levels o f recycling. Legislators,
perhaps in pandering t o the views expressed by consumer bodies, have been active
within the CEC and individual Member States by introducing (or proposing) legislation
or similar regulatory tools and targets t o facilitate a greater diversion of used packaging
from disposal by landfill t o alternative solid-waste management practices, in particular
recycling, which are widely accepted t o have a lower impact on the environment.
In this paper the relative environmental profiles o f pursuing alternative solid-waste
management practices t o disposal by landfill are explored, focusing not just on solid
waste per se but also on associated considerations of energy consumption and emis-
sions, which are invariably overlooked as factors contributing t o the environmental
impact o f solid-waste management practices.

Solid- waste management; life- cycle analysis; Land fill alternatives; Legislation

SOLID-WASTE MANAGEMENT IN An examination of all environmental impacts

CO NT EXT over the complete life cycle of a given product is
referred to as the life-cycle analysis (LCA)
Solid-waste management is one facet only of the approach. It is only by adopting an LCA
environmental debate. In this respect, it is essential approach that the issues of solid-waste manage-
to recognize that environmental impacts do not ment can be placed in context. Solid-waste
occur only when materials have served their useful management is only one step in a life cycle and
purpose and hence become waste, nor are they should be viewed as a process, itself requiring
restricted to considerations of solid waste only. inputs such as energy (for collection, sorting, pro-
In quantifying the environmental impacts associ- cessing and transportation). resulting in emissions
ated with any given product, it is necessary to to the atmosphere as well as possible discharges
examine all stages of the life cycle, including to a receiving water and yet further solid waste
the initial extraction of raw materials from being generated. This approach to solid-waste
the Earth's surface, manufacturing processes management is and example of the so-called
(including conversion/finishing and distribution/ 'black box principle', where solid-waste manage-
transportation) use, and finally disposal. Further, ment represents the black box (i.e. the process)
it must be recognized that environmental impacts with the solid waste for disposal/processing being
result through the use of raw materials and con- an input into the system.
sumption of energy, which in turn lead to the This concept of viewing solid-waste management
generation of atmospheric emissions, discharges as a process with a series of inputs and outputs
to a receiving water, and solid waste disposal. challenges the whole notion of relative prioriti-

0894-3214/93/030159- 15s12.50
0 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received December 1992

Table 1. Environmental inputs and outputs for recycling 100 kg of mixed paper waste
Total Transport Unit energy Electricity Waste

Inputs (kg)
Fossil fuels 954.2666 3.4744 36.6729 950.7922 0.0000
Other non-renewables 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000
Renewables 22.9416 0.0000 0.8849 22.9416 0.0000
Waste materials 1000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0000
Ancillaries 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net water 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net air 785.7386 7.5957 30.0136 778.1430 0.0000
Electrical energy (kWh)a 2592.6317 0.7427 2591.8890
Outputs (kg)
co2 1340.0473 10.6322 51.2767 1329.4151
co 0.7705 0.0576 0.0275 0 71 29
vo c 32.4948 0.0284 0.1568 4 0660 28.4044
NO 4.8447 0.2012 0.2177 5.6435
so2 14.8637 0.0459 0.5715 14.8179
Halides 0.0000 0.0000
Otherb 7.8890 0.0000 7.8890
Dust 0.0125 0.0125
TDS 0.0000 0 0000
TSS 1.0546 0.0000 1.0546
BOD 0.5083 0 0000 0.5083
COD 3.6213 0 0000 3.6213
Oils 0.0000 0.0000
Landfill weight 394.4497 0.0000 15.2143 394.4497 394.4497
Landfill volume (m3) 564.0631 0.0000 564.0631
Electrical energy (kWh) 0.0000 100.0000 2592.6317

aRaw materials and environmental impacts associated with generation included

bLeachatesand smell gases included

zation of solid-waste management practices. Con- Having established that solid waste and solid-
vention dictates that solid-waste management waste management are only single elements of the
practices can be placed in a fixed order of prefer- whole process of life-cycle analysis, we can now
ence, often referred to as the solid-waste manage- explore further the relative inputs and outputs for
ment hierarchy. some of those solid-waste management practices
The hierarchy is often presented as shown below, listed above. This will illustrate that assumptions
with waste minimization as the most preferred about the relative preferences for solid-
(least environmental impact) and landfill as the waste management practices do not necessarily
least preferred (most environmental impact). hold true but depend on the parameters under
(i) waste minimization at source consideration.
(ii) re-use
(iii) recycle
(iv) incineration with energy recovery
(v) incineration without energy recovery CHALLENGING THE SOLID-WASTE
(vi) landfill
In recent years this hierarchy has been presented in The solid-waste management hierarchy was deter-
different ways, with additional practices, such as mined on the basis of a common-sense approach
composting/biodegradation, becoming integrated focusing on considerations of resource conserva-
above landfill and somewhere above or below the tion and optimization of the use of raw materials.
different modes of incineration. Cynically, however, one might argue that elements



Y 10.0000






Figure 1. Inputs into the disposal of 1000 kg of paper by recycling




Y 10 0000


0 1000
a -

0 0010


Figure 2. Outputs from the disposal of 1000 kg of paper by recycling


of its structure have more to do with political cleanest, i.e. least contaminated, category of waste
and national concerns over the lack of available for subsequent treatment/reprocessing. The second
licensed landfill space and perceptions of the consideration relates to the quantities of raw mate-
negative impacts associated with practices such as rials used in the manufacture of a given product,
incineration. recognizing that the use of less materials (often
Waste minimization at source is undoubtedly referred to as lightweighting) may be short-sighted
the most preferred (least environmental impact) if it results in greater secondary, downstream losses
solid-waste management option. Environmental if that product is no longer able to perform its func-
considerations are invariably directly related to tion to an equivalent performance standard.
economic considerations and on both accounts The debate becomes much more complex when
there is no argument that the most preferred way considering the other elements of the solid-waste
to tackle the solid-waste issue is to minimize those management hierarchy. Consider, for example,
quantities of materials that become waste in the scenarios of recycling, incineration and landfill for
first place. mixed paper waste and high-density polyethylene
This is determined in two ways. The first con- (HDPE). As discussed previously, recycling,
sideration is to ensure that raw materials are con- incineration and landfill are themselves processes
verted into the desired product by the most with their own environmental inputs and outputs.
effective and efficient means available. Typically Further, to facilitate comparisons that reflect infra-
this relates to the generation of pre-consumer structure considerations, it is necessary to build
waste (or scrap), which by virtue of its nature repre- into these scenarios, environmental impacts associ-
sents both a loss of an economic resource and the ated with transportation.

Table 2. Environmental inputs and outputs for incineration of lOOOkg of mixed paper waste
Total Transport Unit energy Electricity Waste

Inputs (kg)
Fossil fuels 18.4584 3.4739 36.6729 14 9861 0.0000
Other non-renewables 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000
Renewa bles 0.3616 0.0000 0.8849 0 3616 0.0000
Waste materials 1000.0000 0.0000 0 0000 1000.0000
Ancillaries 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000
Net water 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000
Net air 19.8589 7.5955 30.0136 12 2649 0.0000
Electrical energy (kWh)a 40.8665 0.7426 40.1243
Outputs (kg)
CO2 1514.7294 10.6320 51.2767 20 9539 1483.1461
co 0.4688 0.0576 0.0275 00112 0.400
voc 0.5388 0.0284 0.1568 0 0641 0.4476
NO 1.8901 0.2012 0.2177 0 0890 1.6000
SO2 0.5794 0.0459 0.5715 0 2336 0.3000
Halides 0.0000 0.0000
Otherb 0.1240 0.0000 0.1243
Dust 0.0325 0.0125 0.0200
TDS 0.0000 0.0000
TSS 0.0000 0.0000
BOD 0.0000 0.0000
COD 0.0000 0.0000
Oils 0.0000 0.0000
Landfill weight 6.2165 0.0000 15.2143 6 21 72 6.2165
Landfill volume (m3) 8.8896 0.0000 8.8896
Electrical energy (kWh) 1691.0019 100.0000 40 8665 1691.0019

aRaw materials and environmental impacts associated with generation included.

bLeachates and smell gases included.



Figure 3. Inputs into the disposal of 1000 kg of paper by incineration

1rJooo 0000

1000 0000






g s g g ; n s

% o

Figure 4. Outputs from the disposal of 1000 kg of paper by incineration

In the case studies discussed in this paper, it has travelled is 250 km. This recognizes the poor infra-
been assumed that all transportation is by 9-t structure currently in existence for recycling. These
diesel-powered lorries with an average utility of figures may be perceived to be biased, and hence in
50% travelling equal distances in urban, rural the comparisons made the contributions resulting
and motorway traffic. from transportation have been indicated sepa-
For transportation to a municipal solid-waste rately in all cases.
incinerator or landfill site, it has been assumed The results obtained for 1000 kg of mixed waste
that the average distance travelled is 25km, paper and 1000 kg of HDPE are set out in Tables
whereas for transportation to a recycling centre, 1-6 and Figures 1-12 and summarized in Tables
it has been assumed that the average distance 7 and 8. These data represent western European

Table 3. Environmental inputs and outputs for disposal of 1000 kg of mixed paper waste by landfill
Total Transport Unit energy Electricity Waste

Inputs (kg)
Fossil fuels 11.0931 3 4638 36.6729 7.6293 0.0000
Other non-renewables 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000
Renewables 0.1841 0 0000 0.8849 0.1841 0.0000
Waste materials 1000.0000 0 0000 0.0000 1000.0000
Ancillaries 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net water 0.0000 0 0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net air 13.8166 7 5726 30.01 36 6.2440 0.0000
Electrical energy (kWh)a 20.8037 0 7404 20.0633
Outputs (kg)
Electrical energy (kWh) 0.0000 100.0000 20.8037
COZ 21.2674 10 5999 51.2767 10.6675
co 0.0631 0 0574 0.0275 0.00057
voc 0.2899 0 0284 0.1568 0.0326 0.2279
NO 0.2458 0 2006 0.2177 0.0453
SO2 0.1646 0 0457 0.5715 0.1 189
Halides 0.000 0 000
Otherb 0.0633 0 0000 0.0633
Dust 0.0124 0 01 24
TDS 0.0000 0 0000
TSS 0.000 0 0000
BOD 0.0000 0 0000
COD 0.0000 0 0000
Oils 0.0000 0 0000
Landfill weight 1003.1651 0 0000 15.2143 3.1651 1003.1651
Landfill volume (m3) 1054.5261 0 0000 1054.5261

'Raw materials and environmental impacts associated with generation included

bLeachates and smell gases included.

average values and have been abstracted from the of paper) generate solid waste through losses,
Pira International database generated as part of removal of contaminants and/or ash formation.
its major research programme on the life-cycle In making these comparisons it is emphasized
analysis of packaging. that there is no attempt to advocate recycling,
In both cases, it can be seen that recycling incineration or landfill as a preferred method of
requires much greater quantities of fossil fuels solid-waste management. Rather, it is intended
(largely to generate the energy required to facilitate simply to illustrate that depending on the particu-
the process) compared with incineration and land- lar perspective, each option may be argued to be
fill. As a consequence relatively substantial levels of more or less favourable than any other.
carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) are generated.
Incineration also results in relatively substantial
levels of carbon dioxide, especially in the case PRlORlTlZATlO N OF ENVIRONMENTAL
of HDPE. However, even allowing for a 30-35% CONCERNS
efficiency of energy conversion, incineration may
offer quite respectable levels of electrical energy There is at present no universally accepted way of
recovery. prioritizing environmental concerns. This being
It is interesting to note that solid-waste manage- the case, for the purposes of discussion some
ment practices are not strictly defined, in the sense of the perceived relative advantages and dis-
that even recycling and incineration (in the case advantages of each of the solid-waste management




3 10.0000
E, 1.0000
5 0.1000




Figure 5. Inputs into the disposal of 1000 kg of paper by landfill



0 10.0000

P 0.1000




N s $ q g 4 b J g $ g g" d 5 f
I 0

Figure 6 . Outputs from the disposal of 1000 kg of paper by landfill


Table 4. Environmental inputs and outputs for recycling l000kg of HDPE

Total Transport Unit energy Electricity Waste

Inputs (kg)
Fossil fuels 449.5610 48.4496 36.6729 401.0864 0.0000
Other non-renewables 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Renewables 9.6782 0.0000 0.8849 9.6778 0.0000
Waste materials 1000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0000
Ancillaries 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net water 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net air 434.1 083 105.8362 30.0136 328.2553 0.0000
Electrical energy (kWh)a 1093.6873 10.3566 1083.3281
Outputs (kg)
Electrical energy (kWh) 0.0000 100.0000 1093.6873
co2 709.0925 1485.2821 51.2676 560.8064
co 1.0123 0.7116 0.0275 0.3007
voc 14.1420 0.4425 0.1568 1.7152 11.9811
NO 5.1 323 2.751 5 0.2177 2.3807
so2 6.8883 0.6374 0.5715 6.2508
Halides 0.0000 0.0000
Otherb 3.3289 0.0000 3.3281
Dust 0.1729 0.1729
TDS 0.0000 0.0000
TSS 0.000 0.0000
BOD 0.0000 0.0000
COD 0.0000 0.0000
Oils 0.0000 0.0000
Landfill weight 166.4035 0.0000 15.2143 166.3964 166.3964
Landfill volume (m3) 237.9570 0.0000 237.9469

aRaw materials and environmental impacts associated with generation included.

bLeachates and smell gases included.

10000.0000 -- 1



2 10.0000
E, 1.oooo

s 0.1000




Figure 7. Inputs into the disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by recycling




D 10.0000



g s g g p $a k ig p z i
Figure 8. Outputs from the disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by recycling

Table 5. Environmental inputs and outputs for incineration of lOOOkg of HDPE

Total Transport Unit energy Electricity Waste

Inputs (kg)
Fossil fuels 18.4602 3.4743 36.6729 14 9870 0 0000
Other non-renewables 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0 0000
Renewables 0.3616 0.0000 0.8849 0 3616 0 0000
Waste materials 1000.0000 0.0000 0 0000 1000 0000
Ancillaries 0.0000 0.0000 0 0000 0 0000
Net water 0.0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000
Net air 19.8604 7.5956 30.01 36 12 2656 0 0000
Electrical energy (kWh)a 40.8670 0 7427 40 1243
Outputs (kg)
Electrical energy (kWh) 3778.1 41 5 100.0000 40 8670 3778 1415
co2 31 74.4444 10.6322 51.2767 20 9552 31 42 8571
co 1.3688 0.0576 0.0275 00112 1 3000
voc 0.5402 0.0284 0.1568 0 0641 0.4476
NO 5.4901 0.2012 0.2177 0 0890 5 2000
so2 6.6394 0.0459 0.5715 0 2336 0 3600
Halides 0.000 0.0000
Otherb 0.1243 0.0000 0.1243
Dust 0.0625 0.01 25 0.0500
TDS 0.0000 0.0000
TSS 0.0000 0.0000
BOD 0.0000 0.0000
COD 0.0000 0.0000
Oils 0.0000 0.0000
Landfill weight 6.2172 0.0000 15.2143 6 2176 6.21 76
Landfill volume (m3) 8.8906 0.0000 8.8912

aRaw materials and environmental impacts associated with generation included.

bLeachates and smell gases included.



=. 10.0000

s 0.1000




-8 a


Figure 9. Inputs into the disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by incineration




0 0100

0 0010

0 0001

Figure 10. Outputs from the disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by incineration


Table 6. Environmental inputs and outputs for disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by landfill
Total Transport Unit energy Electricity Waste

Inputs (kg)
Fossil fuels 11.1162 3.4639 36.6729 7.6301 0.0000
Other non-renewables 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Renewables 0.1845 0.0000 0.8849 0.1841 0.0000
Waste materials 1000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0000
Ancillaries 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net water 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Net air 13.8320 7.5727 30.0136 6.2446 0.0000
Electrical energy (kWh)a 20.8058 0.7404 20.0634
Outputs (kg)
Electrical energy (kWh) 0.0000 100.0000 20.8058
c02 21.2719 10.6000 51.2767 10.6685
co 0.0631 0.0574 0.0275 0.0057
voc 0.2907 0.0284 0.1568 0.0326 0.2284
NO 0.2459 0.2006 0.2177 0.0453
so2 0.1647 0.0457 0.5715 0.1189
Halides 0.0000 0.0000
Otherb 0.0638 0.0000 0.0634
Dust 0.0124 0.0124
TDS 0.0000 0.0000
TSS 0.000 0.0000
BOD 0.0000 0.0000
CO D 0.0000 0.0000
Oils 0.0000 0.0000
Landfill weight 1003.1717 0.0000 15 2143 3.1654 1003.1654
Landfill volume (m3) 1164.5355 0.0000 1 164.5266

'Raw materials and environmental impacts associated with generation included

bLeachates and smell gases included.




9 10.0000
-c 1.oooo

5 0.1000




Figure 11. Inputs into the disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by landfill




a 10.0000





Figure 12. Outputs from the disposal of 1000 kg of HDPE by landfill

" 3
Table 7. Total environmental input and outputs Table 8. Total environmental inputs and out-
for various management systems for mixed puts for various management systems for
paper waste HDPE
Inputs (kg) Recycling Incineration Landfill Inputs (kg) Recycling Incineration Landfill

Fossil fuels 954 18 11 Fossil fuels 450 18 11

Other non-renewables 0 0 0 Other non-renewables 00 0.0 00
Renewables 23 0.4 0.2 Renewables 97 0.4 02
Waste materials 1000 1000 1000 Waste materials 1000 1000 1000
Ancillaries 0 0 0 Ancillaries 00 0.0 00
Net water 0 0 0 Net water 00 0.0 00
Net air 786 20 14 Net air 434 20 14
Electrical energy Electrical energy
(kWh) 2600 41 21 (kWh) 1094 41 21

Outputs (kg) Outputs (kg)

COZ 1340 1515 21 co2 709 31 74 21
co 0.8 0.5 0.06 co 10 1.4 0 06
voc 32.5 0.5 0.3 vo c 14 1 0.5 03
NO 5.8 1.9 0.2 NO 51 5.5 02
SO2 14.9 0.6 0.2 so2 69 0.6 02
Halides 0.0 0.0 0.0 Halides 00 0.0 00
Other 7.9 0.1 2 0.06 Other 33 0.1 0 06
Dust 0.01 0.03 0.01 Dust 02 0.06 0 01
TDS 0.0 0.0 0.0 TDS 00 0.0 00
TSS 1.05 0.0 0.0 TSS 00 0.0 00
BOD 0.51 0.0 0.0 BOD 0 00 0.0 00
COD 3.62 0.0 0.0 COD 0 00 0.0 00
Oils 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oils 00 0.0 00
Landfill weight 394 6.2 1003 Landfill weight 16 6 6 1003
Landfill volume 584 8.9 1055 Landfill volume 238 9 1165
Electrical energy 0.0 1691 0.0 Electrical energy 00 3778 00
(kWh) (kWh)

practices discussed above are listed in Table 9, been selected as key areas for future research activ-
which is based (where possible) on the quantifiable ities to be carried out by Pira International.
measures illustrated in Tables 1-6. Without there being a definitive approach to
The most obvious conclusions reached from conducting life-cycle assessment studies (as dis-
these comparisons are that on environmental tinct from life-cycle analysis studies), one
grounds there are arguments for and against the approach that companies might use to justify a
claim that each of recycling, incineration and land- given solid-waste management (or other) practice
fill is preferred, whereas on economic grounds, capi- is to specify precise targets in their environmental
tal investment and current net costs for disposing/ policy and then use these to provide the necessary
processing dictate that landfill is the cheapest framework against which decisions can be made.
method of solid-waste management. This fact has Adopting this approach, it is not vital-although
been recognized by government and regulatory it is desirable-to know the relative contribution
authorities and leads them to the conclusion that to individual environmental concerns made by all
to promote the diversion of solid waste from land- parameters quantified. The principle operates on
fill to any alternative solid-waste management the bases of a ‘less is best philosophy’, which serves
practice, it is necessary to increase the cost of to provide some direction, though, admittedly, it
disposal by landfill with diversion of funds made will not resolve all topics for discussion, owing to
possible also through recycling credits. the complexity of the subject and the interactions
that occur when one parameter contributes to
more than one environmental concern.
HOW TO RESOLVE T H E D I L E M M A OVER To follow this approach, it is first necessary to
PREFERRED SOL1D-WASTE quantify all environmental inputs and outputs
M A N A G E M E N T PRACTICES that occur as a result of an organization’s activ-
ities, as laid down in the review of environmental
The first point to re-emphasize here is that the rela- effects described in BS7750 ‘Specification for
tive environmental impact of solid-waste manage- environmental management systems’. This will
ment can be considered only in the context of a include all inputs and outputs resulting from
full life-cycle analysis. manufacturing processes, as well as those asso-
Interpretation of the findings of a life cycle ciated with heating, lighting, transportation and
analysis requires additional steps, typically procurement (including packaging).
referred to as classiJication and valuution, in This is no simple task, but it is the only way a
order to build up a holistic picture of quantified given organization can build up a detailed picture
measures and their relative contributions to of the impact on the environment of its nor-
different environmental concerns. Collectively, mal operations. Taking a simple case, a company
these considerations define life-cycle assessment. may specify in its environmental policy a target
CIassiJication entails an aggregation (summa- to decrease its energy consumption by a given
tion) of related parameters into what are generally percentage over a defined period of time. If that
referred to as ‘potential factors’; for example, the company had sufficient resources to process its
aggregation of atmospheric emissions, such as solid waste by incineration with energy recovery,
carbon dioxide and methane, into a global warm- then that could provide the justification for select-
ing potential factor, where the units might be ing incineration with energy recovery as the pre-
expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents. The ferred solid-waste management practice.
latter would allow for the fact that methane In reality, such business decisions can only be
is believed to contribute over 20 times more to taken bearing in mind the legislative and regula-
global warming on a comparative per unit weight tory framework that exists and the key to business
basis. success is recognizing the resulting economic impli-
Valuation provides an interpretation of the rela- cations. The question then arises as to whether a
tive environmental significance of those parameters decision based on environmental grounds that
aggregated at the classification stage, which in an was not the cheapest option to adopt could be
ideal world should be on the basis of scientifically exploited in order to achieve market gain, thereby
derived formulae, although in reality it is currently providing a financial justification by an indirect
conducted based on subjective perception. means as opposed to the obvious bottom line con-
To this end, classification and valuation have siderations of assuming a static market.


Table 9. Relative advantages and disadvantages of recycling, incineration and landfill

Relative advantages Relative disadvantages

Recycling Resource conservation Consumption of fossil fuels/energy

Diversion of solid waste from landfill Generation of carbon dioxide
Public perceptions Consumption of net air (oxygen)
(Generation of solid waste)
Capital investment cost
Poor infrastructure
Lack of end markets for recycled products
Dependence on use of virgin materials

Incineration Energy recovery (where appropriate) Generation of carbon dioxide

Diversion of solid waste from landfill (Generation of solid waste)
Control of stack emissions
Capital investment/cost
Public perception nuisance

Landfill Low energy consumption Inefficient use of raw materials

Low atmospheric emissions Unwanted generation of landfill gas
Reclamation of land Potential instability over many years
Capital investment/cost Public perceptions/nuisance
Opportunity for energy recovery through
controlled combustion of landfill gas,
water pipe curculation systems

CONCLUSIONS associated with solid-waste management

This paper has discussed the complexities of the (vi) transportation considerations should be
environmental debate concerning solid-waste included when seeking to address the envir-
management in the context of life-cycle analysis onmental impacts associated with solid-
and corporate, organizational environmental waste management practices;
management. The main conclusions reached are (vii) the relative environmental profiles for recy-
as follows. cling, incineration and landfill for paper and
HDPE do not present a clear picture as to
(i) Solid-waste management is only one facet of which practice is the least or most environ-
the environmental debate; mentally preferred;
(ii) solid-waste management practices are (viii) there is no universally accepted way of
themselves processes requiring inputs of prioritizing environmental concerns;
energy and resulting in the generation of (ix) an organization may specify targets to be
atmospheric emissions typically leading to met in its environmental policy and use
discharges to a receiving water and, in these as a justification for selecting a
many cases, solid waste for further given practice/product on environmental
disposal/processing; grounds;
(iii) environmental impacts associated with (x) management decisions relating to environ-
solid-waste management practices must be mental matters cannot be considered in iso-
considered in the context of all other life lation from legislative responsibility or
cycle environmental impacts; economic common sense;
(iv) the author disagrees that the conven- (xi) adopting a particular viewpoint or practice
tional solid-waste management hierarchy is based on environmental considerations
fixed; may potentially be used to gain market
(v) waste minimization at source is recognized share, thus rendering apparently economic-
to be the best common-sense approach to ally non-viable recommendations ultimately
minimizing the environmental impact profitable.

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