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Aan nugroho nur cahyo MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Abhyasa Luthfi Hardhiawan MT - Organization Development MT - Retail Management
Abid Perwira Putra MT - Key Account Management MT - Customer Development
Achmad Fadhlan Ardiansyah PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Retail Management
Achmad Faizal Tamin MT - Business Development PLDP - Engineering
Achmad Noufal Robbani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Ade iboy tresniadi PLDP - Engineering MT - Production
Ade khoerul umam MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
ADE SAFAAT MT - Production MT - Retail Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ade Talitha Rosmaniar PLDP - Retail Management
ADELIA FAUZIAH PLDP - Finance PLDP - Business Development
Adelia Safitri PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Information Services
Adhe Kuncoro MT - Production MT - Research and Development
Adhitya Satria Prabowo MT - Retail Management PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Adita Aliya Rahmamira MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Adita Octaviana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Aditiya Syawaludin MT - Information Services MT - Retail Management
Aditiyo Tri Saputra MT - Product Innovation MT - Customer Development
Adolf Yoshua Marbun MT - Research and Development MT - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Afifah Rahmawati MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Afina Fasya Nadhirah MT - Brand Development
Agnes Listyo Rini MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Agung Prasetya MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Agung Pratama PLDP - Information Services
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Agung Prihandoko PLDP - Distribution Officer
PLDP - Human Capital
Ahmad Azzam Al Asyraf PLDP - Brand Development
Ahmad Fahmi Irfanda MT - Production PLDP - Engineering
Ahmad Hanif Lail PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Ahmad Thomas Ismail MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Ahmad Zikra Arrinanda MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Ai Karolina PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
Aida Nur Rohmah MT - Business Development MT - Research and Development
Ailsa Ferbyani Kangie MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ainammardliyyah PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Aisyah Nur Afifah PLDP - Brand Development
Aisyah Putri Lestari PLDP - Safety PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Ajeng Gema Nurul Cahyani MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
AJENG GP CHOERUNNISA MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
AJENG WARDANI MT - Business Development PLDP - Business Development
Aji Mustiaji Mahmudin MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Quality Control
Akhmad Rizki Hidayatullah MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence

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Akhmad Rizki Hidayatullah MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence

Akmalia Risalatul Umma PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
MT - Customer Marketing
Aldi Atwinda Jauhar MT - Retail Management
Alfatu Rosyida PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Human Capital Management
Alfi Aini Ilmiah MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Alfi Fikri Maulana PLDP - Internal Audit
Alfi Nadia Sabrina PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
ALFI RAHMAH SANTIKA PLDP - Distribution Officer MT - Organization Development
ALFIANI NUR KHABIBAH MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Ali walyyudin salman MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Alif lutfia masduqi PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Alifah Iffatunnisa MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Alifia Nur Hanifa PLDP - Distribution Officer
Alinda Tania MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Aliya Rizki Rahmawati MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Allia Nur Rahma MT - Human Capital Management
Allya Hanifa MT - Business Development PLDP - Business Development
Alma Harfiya MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary PLDP - Safety
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Alvi Kurnia Sari PLDP - Human Capital Management
Alvianto Roeseno PLDP - Safety PLDP - Internal Audit
Alvin Christianta Sembiring PLDP - Safety MT - Branch Controller
Alvin Fanthony MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
Amalia Dwi Utami PLDP - Information Services PLDP - Brand Development
Amalia Ivada MT - Business Development MT - Human Capital Management
Amaliya Syamila MT - Research and Development PLDP - Supply Chain Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Amanda Athayasari MT - Brand Development
Amanda Jonatan Puteri MT - Organization Development PLDP - Finance
Amanda Rasyida Aliya MT - Key Account Management MT - Brand Development
Amanda Septiana MT - Production MT - Organization Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Ami Septiyati Liman MT - Human Capital Management
Amirah Amatullah Dalimunthe MT - Product Innovation MT - Production
amrina yusron afiah MT - Product Innovation MT - Information Services
Ana Rita Ervianna MT - Customer Development wait
Ana Septiana Saputri MT - Branch Controller MT - Product Innovation
Anandhika Trisetya MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Anandhika Trisetya MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Anandhyka Ramadhan MT - Information Services MT - Brand Development
Anastasia Chandra Lalita PLDP - Corporate Real Estate PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Meliala Management Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Andi Hana Mufidah Elmirasari MT - Brand Development

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PLDP - Product Innovation and

ANDINI MAULIDA RIZKY PLDP - Human Capital Management
Andino Faturahman PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
Anditta MT - Business Development PLDP - Business Development
Andre Ade Fabian MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Andre Fachrun Ramadhan MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
Andreas Adi Putra MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Angela Belinda Cecilia MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Angelia Bernadeta Sipayung MT - Product Innovation
Angga Adytia Sutarwan MT - Brand Development MT - Branch Controller
Anggi Aulia Rahma MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Anggiarika Khairina MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Anggun Dwiastuti MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Business Development
Angis Hatul Hasanah MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
Angken Melita Widiastari PLDP - Finance PLDP - Brand Development
Anindya Apta Apsari MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
ANINDYA PUTRI TAMARA MT - Key Account Management MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Anis Fajriani Nurjanah PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Anisa PLDP - Human Capital Management
Anisa Nuraini MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Business Development
Anisa Purnama Sari PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Anisah Mutyandani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Key Account Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Anisatun Nikmah MT - Branch Controller
Anissa Angga Apriliani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Anji Rusdi Harjono PLDP - Brand Development
Annisa Athifah PLDP - Safety PLDP - Internal Audit
Annisa Awid Pramitha MT - Information Services MT - Product Innovation
Annisa Ayuningtyas MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Annisa Bella Diena Rosma
PLDP - Brand Development MT - Research and Development
Annisa Karnesyia PLDP - Safety MT - Customer Development
Annisa Marwah Zulkarnain MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Annisa Normalina Kinanti MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Finance
Annisa Notonagoro MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Annisa Ramandhani MT - Customer Development MT - Brand Development
Annisa Sariti Puspadewi MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
ANTANIA HANJANI LESTARI MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Any Fitrianingrum MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Aprillia Nurul'Aina PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Safety
Aprillia Reva Ferawati MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Arasya Putri MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Brand Development
Ardelia Luthfiyah Amardana PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Supply Chain Management

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PLDP - Human Capital

Ardelia Nabila Anwar MT - Human Capital Management
Ardhia Nugraha MT - Business Development MT - Branch Controller
Ardiansyah Rizky Dwi
MT - Information Services PLDP - Information Services
Aribah Nauf Taqiyyah PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Arief Muhammad MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
Ariel Paramasatya MT - Brand Development MT - Retail Management
Arif Baskoro MT - Key Account Management MT - Brand Development
Arif Gustiadji MT - Brand Development MT - Research and Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Arifin Amanto Putra MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Arini Roro Anggun Tsalasa MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Ario Bimo Novianto MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
ARIS RISWARA MT - Production
Arista Ainurrohmah MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Engineering
Arti Dwika Yulianingsih MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Asih Suryati MT - Retail Management PLDP - Safety
Asradiani Novia MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Asri Farida Sihaloho PLDP - Safety PLDP - Internal Audit
MT - Customer Marketing
Asri Marwa Umniati MT - Brand Development
Astry Asih PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Distribution Officer
Athiyah PLDP - Safety PLDP - Production
Atika Marnolia MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Atikah Putri Adrilia Gultom MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
Audina Damayanti MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Aufa Zalfarani Saprudin MT - Brand Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Aulia Alfiana MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Aulia Fitri Rahmawati MT - Information Services PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Aulia Listya Agathy PLDP - Engineering
Aulia Riswalida PLDP - Safety PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Aulusia Ika Kosanti PLDP - Brand Development
Awan Febrianto MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Awan Irawan PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Information Services
PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Human Capital Management
Ayang Della Egidia MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Ayinda Puri Destia MT - Business Development PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Ayu Mutiarasari K MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
Ayu Ning Jagat MT - Business Development PLDP - Business Development
Ayu Permata Sari Jufri PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Production
Ayu Permatasari MT - Product Innovation MT - Human Capital Management

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Ayu Rahmawati Mustafa MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management

Azalea Triza Juliane MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Azizah Aini Arifin MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Azka Hayyuna Kholifa MT - Brand Development
Bakti Wiryawan Prasasto MT - Product Innovation MT - Production
Benzamin Ikkian Silitonga PLDP - Retail Management MT - Retail Management
Berinda Ika Kurniasari PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
Betari Ayu Kumala Sari Dewi MT - Business Development MT - Customer Development
Bilal Septian PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Production
Billiawan MT - Product Innovation MT - Production
Billy Anugrah MT - Production PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Billy Dharmawan Goputra PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Safety
Bima Rudistira Putra MT - Production MT - Retail Management
BINTA ALI' TAMARA MT - Production MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Bintang Efrata Aprilia MT - Product Innovation
Bobby Yoseph Estrada
MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Bogy Rizky Gunawan PLDP - Brand Development MT - Branch Controller
Brianita Nafisa Dewi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Bryan Ramadhan Saputra MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
Budi hardiyanto MT - Organization Development MT - Information Services
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Bunga Alrista PLDP - Engineering
Bunga Fajriani MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Bunga Indiani Permatasari MT - Brand Development MT - Retail Management
Bunga Indraswari Sekaton MT - Research and Development PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Calyza Wahdi Syahnya PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Camelia Rizki Agrina MT - Human Capital Management
Cateerine Herliana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Catur Anggraini MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
PLDP - Human Capital
Catur Tenggo Dewi Wulandari PLDP - Safety
Cecep Hermawan MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Cek PLDP - Brand Development PLDP - Quality Control
Chandra Dewi MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Chintia Ayu Puspita MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Chintya Lasni Hutapea MT - Customer Development MT - Key Account Management
Choerunnisa PLDP - Engineering MT - Production
choiry Ghina Afrilia MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Christa Samuel Silalahi MT - Research and Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Christopher tjuaca MT - Business Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate

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Cika Ramadini PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence

Cindy Senjaya Mustika Sari MT - Business Development MT - Product Innovation
Cintya Gustiarini Putri MT - Production PLDP - Supply Chain Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Cintya Nursyifa Juwita Sari MT - Business Development
CITRA PUSPITASARI PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
Citra Widya Puspita Susilo MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Clara Riany Puspitasari MT - Brand Development
Clarissa Febria Finola MT - Retail Management PLDP - Brand Development
Claudia Priscilla Lamtarida MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Cornelis Mayangwulan PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Cyinthia Kusuma Wardhani PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Cyntia Rusilawati MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Danastry Intan Permatasari MT - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Dani Afdiansyah PLDP - Human Capital Management
Daniel Maynard Samosir MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Daning Kinanti Sutama MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Danny Hary Prasetyo MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Danya Cahaya Ramadhany MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Dayitadesi Wimala Isti MT - Brand Development
Dea Andia MT - Production MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Dea Candra Ivana Putri MT - Production
Debbie Megasari MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Debby Olivia Putri MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Deby F.I Nadeak PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Research and Development
Deddy Mandela Pardosi PLDP - Brand Development MT - Branch Controller
Deddy Raja Idop Simarmata PLDP - Production MT - Brand Development
Dede Akbar Mubarok MT - Production MT - Product Innovation
Dede Jujun Jaelani MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Dede Rahayu MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Dede Saepul Anwar MT - Product Innovation MT - Branch Controller
Defanni Dwi Fitriandini PLDP - Finance MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Defita Rosa Yaniar MT - Production
Della Dastiani Putri MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Brand Development
Della Herlina MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Denissa Tria Koswara PLDP - Information Services MT - Human Capital Management
Derinda Restunasari PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Production
Desi Ardiana Rahman MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Desi Bentang Widiyanti MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Desi Budi Ariani MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
PLDP - Human Capital
Desi Lestari PLDP - Finance

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Desi Monica Samosir MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation

Desi Wulandri MT - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
Desmond Yofristama Sitorus MT - Organization Development MT - Human Capital Management
Destiana Ritaningsih MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Retail Management
Desy Hadianita PLDP - Safety PLDP - Business Development
Desy Safitri PLDP - Business Development MT - Business Development
Desy Venorita Siahaan MT - Organization Development PLDP - Brand Development
Devi Hermayanti MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Devi Nurindah Sari MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
DEVI PURNAMASARI MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Devi Rahmattiani MT - Business Development PLDP - Finance
Dewangga Dananjaya Fahmi MT - Customer Marketing
MT - Branch Controller
Subakti Management
Dewi Anggie Nitasari MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Dewi Anugrah Rizqi PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Safety
MT - Customer Marketing
Dewi Asri Isiana MT - Business Development
Dewi Rengganis MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Dewi Yulianti PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Dhea Luciany Januar MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Dhea Putri Savira MT - Production MT - Business Development
Dhela Sekartaji PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Dheniandra Sarahvita MT - Brand Development
Dhia Naqqiya Salsabila MT - Business Development MT - Product Innovation
MT - Customer Marketing
Dhia ul haq el hakim MT - Retail Management
Dhika Sudi Nurdiana PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Dhiya Ramadhani PLDP - Safety MT - Research and Development
Dhiyaan Sabila Ramadhani PLDP - Information Services MT - Information Services
PLDP - Human Capital
Diah Nur Febriani MT - Human Capital Management
Diah Suryaningsih MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Diah Wulandari PLDP - Internal Audit
Dian Catur Rini PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Diani Ajeng Prahesti PLDP - Safety MT - Research and Development
Diaz PLDP - Distribution Officer PLDP - Quality Control
Didit prasetyo MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
PLDP - Finance MT - Human Capital Management
Dilla Tarasyabani Poetri S.T PLDP - Safety MT - Research and Development
Dimas Aprilia Nugraha PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Dina Anggrella Pratiwi MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
Dina Herdiani Chrisanti PLDP - Production PLDP - Engineering
MT - Customer Marketing
Dina Kamila MT - Retail Management
Dina Septina Herlambang MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Dinar Rustandi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller

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Dinda Gitahapsari MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development

PLDP - Human Capital
Dindin Suherman MT - Human Capital Management
Dini Istiqomah Oktaviani MT - Product Innovation MT - Production
Diniar Angraeni Nurusman MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
Dio Tri Eka Putra MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Corporate Legal and
Dipo Gita Ambina MT - Human Capital Management
Dita Ayusari MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
Dita Kusuma Wardani MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Dita Maudi Giannisa MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Dita Nora Yolandani MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Dita Yuniar Laksana PLDP - Engineering
MT - Customer Marketing
Diza Rahmania Zawatki MT - Product Innovation
Donnie Cahya Gumilang
MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Dwi Astuti
Management Management
Dwi Cahya Ramdhani PLDP - Distribution Officer MT - Branch Controller
Dwi Erni Widyaningsih MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Dwi Fitrianingsih PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Dwi Oktapiyah MT - Customer Development PLDP - Finance
PLDP - Human Capital
Dwikidyatama Iswara MT - Human Capital Management
Dwinita Agustiana PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Retail Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Dwita Alya Windani MT - Product Innovation
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Dyah nurfitriani PLDP - Finance
Dyna Rofieta Noor Hidayah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Edria Wiguna Permana MT - Business Development PLDP - Brand Development
Edrick Keane PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ega Avianto Dwiputra PLDP - Business Development
MT - Customer Marketing
EKA FARDA YUWITANING MT - Business Development
Eko Agung Syaputra MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Elin Cisnawati MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Ellyana PLDP - Finance MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Brand Development MT - Brand Development
Elsa PLDP - Finance MT - Business Development
Elsa Manora MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary PLDP - Safety
Elsarina Marisa MT - Branch Controller MT - Information Services
Elvia Sabella Rahmatillah MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control

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Emanuel Otchere MT - Production MT - Production

PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Emilia Vanda Yovani Gaos MT - Production
Emille MT - Research and Development MT - Information Services
Emira Fathurahmi MT - Organization Development PLDP - Supply Chain Management
MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Endar Adi Sasmito MT - Brand Development PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Enggar Riana MT - Organization Development PLDP - Engineering
Era Mardiyah MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Erdano Sedya
MT - Customer Development PLDP - Distribution Officer
Erizqa Mahardhika MT - Business Development MT - Information Services
Erpina Artanti Panjaitan MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Ervin Dwi Saputro MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
Erwin Tampubolon MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Business Development
Ester Putri Dewi Sigalingging PLDP - Quality Control MT - Brand Development
Esther Mega Stefia MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Euis Karnia MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Euodia Barita Yohana PLDP - Human Capital
MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
Sianipar Management
EVA MAULIDA MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Eva Sarah Didjaya MT - Human Capital Management
Evanny Ginola Utami MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Production
PLDP - Human Capital
Evi Apriyanti MT - Human Capital Management
Evita Izza Dwiyanti MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Fabia Febriyanti PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Production
fadila siti zakiah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Fadli Muhammad
MT - Human Capital Management MT - Information Services
Fahmi Muhamad Sofyan PLDP - Distribution Officer PLDP - Internal Audit
Fahmi Rizal Muhammad PLDP - Production PLDP - Engineering
MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
FAHRIZA UTAMI MT - Production PLDP - Safety
Fahrizal Maizi Ahmad PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Finance
MT - Customer Marketing
Fahrizal Maulana MT - Retail Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Fairus Tsakila MT - Brand Development
fairuz pradipta PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Faisal Ridwansyah Prawira PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Brand Development MT - Retail Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Faishal Hafizh MT - Brand Development

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Fajar Islam MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development

MT - Information Services PLDP - Information Services
Fajar Tulus Purwanto PLDP - Safety MT - Product Innovation
MT - Customer Marketing
Fajar Utami PLDP - Safety
PLDP - Product Innovation and
FAKTUR RAHMAN PLDP - Human Capital Management
Faldi Azmi MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
Faqih Lutfi MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Branch Controller
MT - Customer Marketing
Faradina Sekar Melati MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Farhah Izzatul Jannah MT - Business Development
Farida Ariany PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
PLDP - Human Capital
Farida Rosyadi PLDP - Engineering
Fariq Rais Hakim MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Faris Ashabul Yamin MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
Fathan Fadhlur Rahman PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
Fathin Rasima Daulay MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Brand Development
Fatimah Zahrah PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Fatimatus Zuhro MT - Product Innovation
Fatmi Aulia Hanum PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Fauzi Septiandhi PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Engineering
Fauzian Giansyah
MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Febi Murdianti MT - Business Development MT - Human Capital Management
Febrinita Ulfah MT - Retail Management PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Febriyan Akbar Dwi Nugroho PLDP - Information Services
Febryanti Simanjuntak PLDP - Safety MT - Research and Development
Feby Lidya Simatupang PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Engineering
FENI FITRIANI PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Retail Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ferynna PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Fiany Dara Novelita MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Ficky Septiandy Dwitama MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development
Fidia Shethin Anisa MT - Production MT - Customer Development
Fidkya Allisha MT - Key Account Management MT - Branch Controller
Fifi Handayani PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
Fifty Farialdi MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Corporate Legal and
Fihanur Latifa MT - Business Development
Fika Aishara Putri MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Safety
MT - Customer Marketing
Fikri Utami Wulandari MT - Brand Development
Fikriyatul Azizah Suud MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Fikriyatul Azizah Suud MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control

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Filosofi Putri Aulia MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation

MT - Customer Marketing
FIQIH PRADANA MT - Business Development
FIRDHA APSYARI MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Firdha Nurul Isdiana MT - Business Development MT - Organization Development
Firna Firliana MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Fita Tri Novianti MT - Organization Development
Fitrah Rahmah Insani PLDP - Distribution Officer MT - Branch Controller
Fitri Andriyani PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
Fitri Nilam Sari MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Fitri wulan andriyani MT - Research and Development
Fitria Nur Afni PLDP - Quality Control MT - Branch Controller
Fitria Rahmidenia Shevico MT - Product Innovation MT - Business Development
Fitriani Ayu Ainun Najib MT - Brand Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Fitriyanti Izinilah MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
Francisca Angelina Setiawan PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Frideyas Kharisma Suciati MT - Key Account Management MT - Brand Development
Frisca dewi rambati PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Information Services
Fuji Astuti Rizkylah MT - Key Account Management MT - Human Capital Management
Gabriel Febrianto PLDP - Business Development MT - Business Development
Galih Amar Wiranata MT - Business Development MT - Organization Development
Galih Dyah Kurniawati PLDP - Quality Control MT - Research and Development
Galih kumara ramdan MT - Organization Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Galmare Yulia Robert MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development
Galuh Rahma Prandiny Putri MT - Customer Development MT - Production
Gede Aditya Pratama MT - Information Services MT - Business Development
Geo Sahid Akbar Mardani MT - Key Account Management MT - Research and Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Geuit Septiani MT - Customer Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Ghaisani Nabilah Putri MT - Branch Controller
PLDP - Product Innovation and MT - Corporate Legal and
Ghina Ulfa Amaliah
Development Secretary
Ghine Ravena Oktazizah MT - Product Innovation MT - Business Development
Giani Halida MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Gilang Firmansyah PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Information Services
MT - Customer Marketing
Gimnastiar Darmawan MT - Branch Controller
Gina Trisnawati PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Finance
GINA YULI ANDINI MT - Retail Management MT - Customer Development
Giosella Anindya MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary PLDP - Quality Control
Gita Grafitra MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Gitta Vania MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Corporate Legal and
Gitty Novitri Prawirasuta MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
Giyat Nuraeni MT - Information Services PLDP - Engineering

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MT - Customer Marketing
Gloria Elizabeth Malau MT - Business Development
Golda Theresia Gorga MT - Customer Marketing
PLDP - Brand Development
Nainggolan Management
Grace Eve Felicia Lepa Ratu MT - Production MT - Research and Development
Grecencia Evangelistha Sirait PLDP - Safety MT - Product Innovation
Gusman Maulana MT - Product Innovation MT - Retail Management
Gusti Abi Dzar Al Ghiffary MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Hadist Hasanah MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Hafan Rofiq Syahnur PLDP - Engineering MT - Business Development
Hafid Verdy Advanto PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Hafidil Asad PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Hafizh Achmad Willdhan MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Haiva Nopiany MT - Human Capital Management
Halida Dyandra MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Hana Mardiyyah PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Retail Management
Handityo Nalendra Prusatama MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development

Handityo Nalendra Prusatama MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development

Handityo Nalendra Prusatama MT - Organization Development wait

HANI ANNISA MT - Brand Development PLDP - Business Development
Hani Hamidah PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Production
Hanif Maziz MT - Information Services PLDP - Engineering
Hanifah Nurrochmah
MT - Research and Development MT - Production
Hanita Fitriyani PLDP - Finance MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Hanna Fauziah MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Hanny Aulia Rahmat PLDP - Internal Audit
Hanummayda Pratiwi PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Hanun Damar Wurshita PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Information Services
Hapidz Daulah Nurisman PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
Hargo Seno Wahyuedi MT - Business Development PLDP - Distribution Officer
Hartina Ningsih MT - Research and Development PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Harum Ambariyanti PLDP - Internal Audit
Harumi Sekar Melati MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary PLDP - Internal Audit
Hasan Tri Atmojo MT - Business Development PLDP - Supply Chain Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Hasna Karimah
Development Management
Hasni Izza Zulfa MT - Production MT - Research and Development
Heidi Theana PLDP - Finance PLDP - Business Development
Helmi Setia Ramadhan MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Helpiyani Suryaningrum
MT - Business Development PLDP - Quality Control

Page 12

PLDP - Human Capital

Helwa Salsabila MT - Human Capital Management
Hendra Marta Ramadhani MT - Production MT - Product Innovation
Hendra Setiawan PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
Hening Puji Pangastuti PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Heraniawati MT - Product Innovation
Heru Prasetyo MT - Production PLDP - Engineering
Herwit Arsita Wiyarti MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Hesti Mahmudah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Hidniati Shafira PLDP - Quality Control
Hilman Fauzan Ramadhan PLDP - Production MT - Production
Hosea Irlano Mamuaya MT - Human Capital Management MT - Research and Development
Hotma yani manik PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Hotmah Nur Rosalia MT - Product Innovation
Husainah Azizah MT - Retail Management PLDP - Quality Control
PLDP - Human Capital
Husin MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
MT - Customer Marketing
HUSNA FARIDA MT - Research and Development
I Desak Made Laksmita
PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
I.Rani Mellya Sari MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Ibrahim Nirwanpatra MT - Brand Development
Ica Khairun Nisa MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ide Indah Vokalia MT - Product Innovation
Idzni Amelia Mandzilina MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Iim Abdul Rahman PLDP - Engineering MT - Branch Controller
Iis Susiani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ika Kartika PLDP - Internal Audit
MT - Corporate Legal and
Ika Nur Fitriana PLDP - Distribution Officer
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ika Putri Rahmasari MT - Brand Development
Ikhsan Lazuardi Imani PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Ikrima Maulida Rahman MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development
Ikrimah Fairuz Zahiroh MT - Business Development MT - Customer Development
MT - Corporate Legal and
IMAN LUTFIANTO MT - Branch Controller
Iman Muhamad Ramdhan MT - Brand Development MT - Branch Controller
MT - Customer Marketing
Imar Cindrarini MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Imas Masriah MT - Research and Development
Imelda Tria Urlita PLDP - Finance MT - Human Capital Management

Page 13

Ina Putri Andini PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Production House
Ina Widia MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Indah Cita Cahyani PLDP - Engineering MT - Business Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Indah Fresha Z PLDP - Business Development
Indah Nur Safy PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Finance
Indana Ulfah Sitompul MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Indhira Sulistyani Murpratiwi MT - Product Innovation
Indira Dewi PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Indra MT - Organization Development PLDP - Safety
Indraswari Pitaloka MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
Indraswari Pitaloka MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Indratno Adhi Pratama PLDP - Graphic Design
MT - Customer Marketing
INEU MAULIA KOMARA MT - Business Development
INNEKE PUTRI PUSPASARI MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Insi Sani Alia MT - Business Development MT - Key Account Management
Intan Anggi Melati MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Intan Khofial Lutfi PLDP - Brand Development
Iqbal Rinaldi MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Iqbal Rinaldi MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Iqbal Ryan Ramadhan MT - Research and Development MT - Organization Development
Ira Nurhikmah MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
MT - Customer Marketing
Irfan Abdul Aziz MT - Retail Management
Irma Amanda MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Irma Nendiana MT - Human Capital Management
IRMA NOERDIANTI MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Irna Jelita Estri Satiti MT - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
Ishlah Yasini Zulqarnain MT - Organization Development MT - Human Capital Management
Isnaini Dian Yunita MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Istar Febrianti MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Izza Akbarani PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Customer Development
jack swdf MT - Research and Development MT - Production
PLDP - Human Capital
Jahti Basworo MT - Human Capital Management
Jayu Setyaningrum MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Brand Development
Jeremi Andreas Sianipar MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Jeremy Anggakusuma MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Jihan Syafitri MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
Johan Dani W PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Business Development
Joshua Friendly Nugroho MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Jovi Irwanto Pasaribu MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Judhitia Hasita Syahrani MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Julian Fajar Annahrir PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Distribution Officer

Page 14

Junda Fauzul Izza MT - Customer Development MT - Key Account Management

Jungman Berliansyah Nurdin MT - Information Services MT - Production
PLDP - Human Capital
Juria Ayu Handini MT - Human Capital Management
Kaleb Paskah Arifin MT - Brand Development MT - Production
Kamal Arief PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Production
MT - Corporate Legal and
Kamilia Munifa MT - Product Innovation
Kania Pinasti Soleha MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
PLDP - Human Capital
KARINA ADITYA PUTRI MT - Human Capital Management
Karina Bestari MT - Business Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Katrin Halvalya Pradita MT - Human Capital Management MT - Production
Keiko Pradita Soehendro PLDP - Graphic Design MT - Retail Management
Khairan Luthfi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Khairunissa Ainun MT - Product Innovation MT - Human Capital Management
Kharima Khairiya Ferdinal MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Kharisma Wisnu Sesanty MT - Production MT - Retail Management
Khasanatur Rosyidah MT - Product Innovation MT - Production
Khesia Aurora Haryanti MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Kiagoes Moehammad Harry
PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Novfriandi Nugraha
Kiki Kartika Dewi MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Komang Dessy Triandewi PLDP - Business Development MT - Business Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Komang Gita Premashanti MT - Brand Development
Kustiyaningsih MT - Research and Development MT - Production
Laela Fitri Yani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
PLDP - Human Capital
Laila Amalina Qadria MT - Human Capital Management
Laila Rachmawati MT - Brand Development PLDP - Business Development
Lailani Angrum Sari Heryadi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Laksmita Aulia Dewi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Lala Romlah PLDP - Internal Audit
Lara Yudilla MT - Information Services MT - Branch Controller
Lastika Primasari Sirait MT - Brand Development PLDP - Business Development
Lastri Areyanti Manullang MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Lavi Indriani PLDP - Safety
Lavia Lakastri MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Lena Mardiana PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Distribution Officer
PLDP - Human Capital
Leorizky Fajar Pratama PLDP - Internal Audit
Leti Arinawati PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Brand Development
Lia PLDP - Finance PLDP - Retail Management
Lidya Risang Ayu PLDP - Production PLDP - Safety

Page 15

Lika Nurrohmah PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit

Lili Dwi Nuryani MT - Business Development MT - Production
PLDP - Human Capital
Lina Alvionita Anwar PLDP - Internal Audit
Linda Aditya Cahyani PLDP - Business Development MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Lisa Aprilia MT - Brand Development
Lisna Dewi Ristianti MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Loredah Paulina Nainggolan MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Lukman Hakim MT - Brand Development MT - Retail Management
MT - Corporate Legal and
Lusiana Tri Setyorini PLDP - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Lusiana Wati MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
Lussiany Bahunta MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Luthfia Khairunnisa PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Information Services
Luthfia Rizki Ichwani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Lutvia Putri Septiane MT - Research and Development
M Arnu Firliansyah Firdaus MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
MT - Customer Marketing
M Imron Rosyadi MT - Branch Controller
PLDP - Product Innovation and
M. Zakky Jatiwinahyu PLDP - Quality Control
Magfiroh Fatwaning Ukhti PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Production
Maharani Fathia MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Key Account Management
Mapan Hotmantua
MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Hasudungan Panjaitan
Marco Halim Lemena MT - Research and Development MT - Production
Maria Prisca Meivita PLDP - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Maria Rosa Mistika Mopa PLDP - Engineering MT - Product Innovation
Mariana Harahap MT - Customer Development MT - Retail Management
Marina Hermaningsih MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Production
mariyah michelle avinda MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Marsanura Hibatullah MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Marsya Azizah Zhara MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Retail Management
Martha Jesica Solomasi
MT - Retail Management PLDP - Internal Audit
MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Martiyani Pristiwati MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Masdipa Mediary Fridona
MT - Production PLDP - Engineering
Mau'Idhotul Hasanah MT - Research and Development MT - Brand Development
Maulidwina Bethasai MT - Research and Development MT - Business Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Maulita Hapsari MT - Retail Management
MT - Customer Marketing MT - Corporate Legal and
Mayang Kirana
Management Secretary
Mega Aulia Mulindra PLDP - Business Development MT - Business Development

Page 16

Meidiana Putri Garlida MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development

PLDP - Human Capital
Melaidah Afi Samara PLDP - Business Development
Meli Nur Astiani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Melianna Pranita MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
Melisa Ariska Adha MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Melita Nesya Mahardhika MT - Brand Development PLDP - Safety
Mentari Lalan Rahmadani MT - Business Development MT - Information Services
Merah Dahliya Al Chumaero MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Graphic Design
Meta Aprianih PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Distribution Officer
Meti Yulia Sari MT - Information Services MT - Organization Development
Metika Novitasari MT - Product Innovation MT - Human Capital Management
Metin Dyah Artanti MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Mian Baihaqi Ahmad PLDP - Distribution Officer
Michael Risdo Saragih MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
MIFTA AFIATA MT - Production
Mila Kamilia Putri PLDP - Finance MT - Human Capital Management
MILA SRI HARDIATI MT - Key Account Management PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Miladia Malinda MT - Business Development
Millia Geby Maulina MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary PLDP - Internal Audit
Mirta Atika Swari MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
MIRZA SHOFWA YULFRIDA PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Branch Controller
Mita Intan Kusuma MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
Mitha Rachmani PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Information Services
Moch Rizki Arya Primadita PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Moch. Fakhrul Arifin Pratomo PLDP - Engineering
Mochamad arief rahman
MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Mochammad Bintang Juris
MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Mochammad Ersyad
MT - Research and Development MT - Production
Mochammad Fachrizal
PLDP - Engineering MT - Research and Development
Mochammad Hardian Meilana MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Brand Development
Mohamad Anggriawan
PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Mohamad Fahri Hasan Sidik MT - Retail Management
Mohamad Khairul Lisan Sidqi MT - Brand Development PLDP - Safety
Mohamad Rajiv Al Baasith MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Mohammad Haris M MT - Production PLDP - Engineering
Mohammad Rizaldi Fauzan MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development
Monika Silvia MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
Muchamad Abdul Hadist PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Safety

Page 17

Muchamad Imam Fitrantoro PLDP - Business Development MT - Business Development

Muchammad Bachar Shabirin PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Muh Nurhidayat Haidir MT - Information Services PLDP - Information Services
Muhamad Alinur Suandaru PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Muhamad Bangkit Hutama PLDP - Brand Development MT - Key Account Management
Muhamad Fadilah MT - Production PLDP - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Muhamad Ramdhan MT - Human Capital Management
Muhamad Reza Noviardi MT - Production PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
MT - Customer Marketing
Muhamad Ridho Firdaus MT - Human Capital Management
Muhamad Ronaldy MT - Customer Marketing
MT - Brand Development
Armansyah Putra Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Muhamad Yusuf Robbyanto MT - Human Capital Management
Muhammad Abdul Mubarok MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Muhammad Abi Fazari PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence PLDP - Brand Development
Muhammad Adzkia Nur
PLDP - Production PLDP - Safety
Fadhillah Suryana
Muhammad Akip Poapa PLDP - Brand Development MT - Research and Development
Muhammad Alfian PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence PLDP - Production
Muhammad Bimo Prabowo PLDP - Safety MT - Production
Muhammad Burhanudin PLDP - Information Services MT - Information Services
Muhammad Dheo Abdillah MT - Production MT - Product Innovation
Muhammad Dzaki Ibrahim PLDP - Production PLDP - Internal Audit
MT - Branch Controller MT - Organization Development
Muhammad Fahri Rehan MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Muhammad Fajar Anshori PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Internal Audit
Muhammad Fajri Mubarak MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Muhammad Fakhrizqy Sofyan PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Muhammad fathan Vidyarana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Muhammad Fauzi Novrizaldy PLDP - Safety
Muhammad Ghifari Dwi MT - Customer Marketing
MT - Organization Development
Respati Management
Muhammad Ghossan Zufar PLDP - Distribution Officer MT - Information Services
Muhammad Hafizh Iqbal MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
Muhammad Iqbal Aroseriandi MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Muhammad Iqbal Azizi MT - Retail Management PLDP - Retail Management
MT - Corporate Legal and
Muhammad Iqbal Wahyudin MT - Human Capital Management
Muhammad Irfan
PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Muhammad Lukman Nur
MT - Brand Development PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Muhammad Najieb Haitami PLDP - Supply Chain Management MT - Retail Management
Muhammad Narjul Ghufron MT - Business Development MT - Product Innovation
Muhammad Nur Azmi MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Business Development

Page 18

Muhammad Raihan Afif MT - Retail Management MT - Branch Controller

Muhammad Razif Tri Nugraha MT - Production MT - Production
Muhammad Rizky Andreza PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Muhammad Sauki Mufti MT - Business Development MT - Key Account Management
Muhammad Taufiq Hidayat MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
Muhammmad Nafar Amani
MT - Business Development PLDP - Brand Development
Mukhammad Fitrah Malik MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Mukhammad Gilang Riyadi PLDP - Finance
MT - Production PLDP - Safety
Mukhammad Nurdiansyah PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Retail Management
Mukhammad Nurdiansyah PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Retail Management
Mulia Agung Pradipta MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Multahadi Qisman MT - Information Services MT - Branch Controller
Mumtazah Rizti Arini MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Munna Rafika Rochani MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development
Mutawakkil Asshidqi MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Muth Syaqoful Fikri MT - Production
Mutiara Ratna Shafura
MT - Information Services MT - Product Innovation
Muustika hayati MT - Brand Development MT - Research and Development
Myana Rino Andhana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Nabil Fathur Wandana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Nabila Alia Pangestu Iskandar MT - Customer Development
Nabila Fauzani Azka MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Quality Control
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
NABILA FISRA HAWALI MT - Organization Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Nabila Husna PLDP - Business Development
Nada Mahardhika MT - Product Innovation MT - Business Development
Nadhira Azka Afifa MT - Brand Development MT - Retail Management
Nadia Athinna Hapsari MT - Brand Development MT - Key Account Management
Nadia Dilla Isnani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Nadia Syifa Ayusnita PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Production House
Nadira Safitri Mohammad MT - Brand Development MT - Brand Development
Nadya Putri Utami MT - Product Innovation MT - Branch Controller
Nadya Rahmi Maharani PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Product Innovation
Najatun Wildah MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
Natal Roy P. Tambunan MT - Production MT - Research and Development
Natalia Rosauli Basa
MT - Key Account Management PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Natalie Jessica Regina
MT - Production PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Natallia Desy Nugroho MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development

Page 19

PLDP - Human Capital

Natrya permata sari PLDP - Finance
Naura Nada Salsabela PLDP - Brand Development PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Naya Defisa PLDP - Human Capital Management
Neli Anzani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Nenden Anne Setiawati PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Internal Audit
Neng Lastri PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
Nestri Martini MT - Information Services MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ni Made Widya Sukma Santi PLDP - Quality Control
Ni Wayan Wulan Prawerti
MT - Research and Development MT - Research and Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Nia Desiana MT - Business Development
nia hepy kirana MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Nibros Komara MT - Human Capital Management
Nida Nabilah Safar MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Quality Control MT - Research and Development
Niken Arina Pratiwi PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Production
Niken Prawiti PLDP - Finance MT - Business Development
Niken Sekar Asih MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
Nikita Akbar Wahyu Jati MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
Nikita Novalin Simaremare MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
Nilna Rizqina Hidayatun
PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Production
Ningrum Fauziah Yusuf MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Nissa Dania Unary MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary
Nonong Runtini PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Brand Development
Nourma Ditta Retnasari PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Brand Development
Nova Cicilia MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Novi Ismiatun MT - Brand Development
Noviani Sagita PLDP - Production PLDP - Engineering
Novie Nabilla MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Novita Candra Irtiningtyas MT - Business Development PLDP - Brand Development
MT - Business Development MT - Customer Development
Nucki Samrotul Fuadiah PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Finance
Nugroho Nur Febriyanto MT - Business Development MT - Production
Nunik Rachmadianti MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Safety
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Nur An Nisaa MT - Human Capital Management
Nur Andini Kertaningtias MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Nur Arief Meyviawan MT - Production MT - Research and Development
Nur isnaini ulfa MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation

Page 20

PLDP - Human Capital

Nur Lia Andini PLDP - Internal Audit
Nur Rochman Muhammad MT - Brand Development MT - Retail Management
MT - Corporate Legal and
Nurfitri MT - Human Capital Management
Nuril Qur'ani MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Nurindah Tiffani Rachman MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Nurlela Kodriah PLDP - Business Development
Nurma Idatul Jannah MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Nurridha Deastuti MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Nurrohmah Ramadhiani PLDP - Production PLDP - Engineering
MT - Customer Marketing
Nurul Elisa Sari MT - Brand Development
Nurul Fadhilah MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Nurul Halifah Almaj Rohim PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Nurul Putri Hafifah MT - Brand Development
Nurul Rahmawati MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Nusella Gayu Mahatin PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Retail Management
Octavenna Maudy Wijaya MT - Customer Development MT - Brand Development
Oki Novianti MT - Production PLDP - Distribution Officer
Okky Tiara Sari Dewi MT - Production MT - Product Innovation
Okmatiar Dasati MT - Production PLDP - Engineering
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Oktavian Fajar Rahman MT - Human Capital Management
Ona Ronasih MT - Product Innovation MT - Human Capital Management
Ophi Thio Rendy MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Ora Nabilla MT - Human Capital Management
Paramadita Hantoro MT - Business Development MT - Product Innovation
PATIMAH PAKPAHAN PLDP - Internal Audit MT - Human Capital Management
Patricia Jesslyn Rachel MT - Customer Marketing
PLDP - Brand Development
Marcel Rachmat Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Pauline Benita Suyanto MT - Product Innovation
PEGGY SHELLA SINUHAJI MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary PLDP - Internal Audit
Pelamar MT - Branch Controller MT - Research and Development
Pingkan Aryani Heryanto PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Pini Purwanti PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Finance
Popi Nendia Lestari MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Poppy Octavira PLDP - Finance
Popy Dwi Patrojani PLDP - Business Development MT - Research and Development
POPY RAHAYU MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Prabowo Budi Utomo MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
MT - Production MT - Branch Controller
Pradjna Novedya Paramitha MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Preza Satria Al Miradz MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development

Page 21

Primadhika Wardhani
MT - Product Innovation MT - Human Capital Management
Probo Mukti Nugroho MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Pujangga Abdillah PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
PUJI LESTARI MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Punky Alhimni Rusydi MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Puri Gantine Lestari MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Finance
PLDP - Human Capital
Puri Puspa Damayanti PLDP - Internal Audit
Puti Rahmi Arief MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Puti Surya Andini PLDP - Human Capital Management
Putri Amellia MT - Retail Management MT - Business Development
Putri Asri Yanti MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Putri Damayanti Nasution PLDP - Distribution Officer PLDP - Internal Audit
Putri elza wulandari MT - Product Innovation MT - Organization Development
Putri Ghita Nadira PLDP - Retail Management MT - Production
PUTRI INTAN USI FAUSIA MT - Branch Controller MT - Production
Putri Junita Hutasoit MT - Research and Development MT - Branch Controller
Putri Nopa Nopianti PLDP - Retail Management PLDP - Distribution Officer
Putri Permata Sari MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Putri Puspitadewi PLDP - Internal Audit
Putri Setyoingsih MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Putri Theresia Sitepu MT - Human Capital Management
Putu Sandra Iswaramba MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
R. Raka Wijaya Purbangkara MT - Information Services MT - Brand Development
Raafiane Asri MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
MT - Retail Management PLDP - Retail Management
Raden Ghari Adhitama
PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Amurwa Naghara
Raden Rafika Anugrahning
MT - Information Services MT - Brand Development
Radika Hitami Scunda Putri MT - Brand Development MT - Information Services
Ragil Anas Islamudin MT - Production PLDP - Safety
Rahardian Ahmad Fauzi PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Quality Control
Raharjo Muttaqin MT - Customer Development MT - Retail Management
Rahelin MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Rahiel nur mutiara dyas MT - Brand Development
Rahma agustina MT - Research and Development PLDP - Internal Audit
RAHMA FAUZIAH PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Quality Control
Rahmah Widyastuti MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
RAHMANANDITA SULASTRI PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
Rahmat Fitriansyah
MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Rahmat Rezeki MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Finance

Page 22

RAHMATUL HUSNA MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development

PLDP - Human Capital
Rakasmara Ady Pratama MT - Organization Development
Raksa adinata PLDP - Engineering MT - Production
Ramadina Dasri MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Ramadina Dasri MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Randi Suwardin MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
Ranik Chairunisa Akbar MT - Key Account Management MT - Information Services
Ranti Rahmadina MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Rany Zalvianita MT - Business Development MT - Research and Development
Raras Ayusyalita MT - Business Development PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Rarasvitania Dindan Anditya MT - Customer Marketing
MT - Human Capital Management
Puteri Management
Rasyid Ridha Musa Alam PLDP - Engineering MT - Research and Development
Ratih Dwi Permatasari MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Quality Control
Ratna Ayu Rengganis PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Ratnasita Alwiyah uzla MT - Production PLDP - Safety
Raudya Zahra Nafisa PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Raymond Jungjungan
MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Timoteus Panjaitan
MT - Customer Marketing
Regina de sora sebayang MT - Key Account Management
Regita Dwi Puspa PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Regita Prilia Permatasari MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Reihan Naditia Prathama PLDP - Graphic Design PLDP - Graphic Design
MT - Customer Marketing
Reimer Aveciena Putra Safitri MT - Brand Development
Reni Ria Yunita MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Reni Wijayanti MT - Product Innovation MT - Production
Reni Yuniarti MT - Production MT - Research and Development
Renny Fatmawati MT - Organization Development PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Resantiana Rahmania Putri MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Engineering
Restu Alan Suyuti MT - Business Development MT - Branch Controller
Restu Andreza Pratama MT - Research and Development MT - Branch Controller
Retno Asih Mutianingrum MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
Retno Indah Maharani MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Brand Development
Revi Nurfathhiyah Hadiarti MT - Retail Management MT - Business Development
Revina Dwi Utami PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Information Services
Reyska Denada Putri MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Reza Agika Putra PLDP - Internal Audit
Reza Eka Putra MT - Brand Development MT - Production
Reza Irfansyah MT - Customer Development MT - Human Capital Management
Reza Naufal Azami MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
Reza Nur Hidayat PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Safety
Ria Frasida Noviasih MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development

Page 23

MT - Customer Marketing
Ria Nurul Inayah MT - Production
RIA OCTAVIYATUN NI'MAH PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Ria widya MT - Product Innovation
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Rian adhita trisyandi MT - Product Innovation
Rian Subastian MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Richa Chintia Hayani BR.
PLDP - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Ricki Vauliandani MT - Retail Management MT - Human Capital Management
Ricky Johannes Aldonia PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
PLDP - Engineering
Habeahan Management
Ridha Annisa MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Ridha Mufarriza MT - Product Innovation MT - Information Services
PLDP - Human Capital
Riesya Chaerunnisa PLDP - Internal Audit
Rifa Fistykawati MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Rifa Fuzia Nur Rachhim MT - Organization Development MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Rifa'ati Hanifa PLDP - Safety
Rifaus Silviani MT - Brand Development PLDP - Business Development
Rifda Muthia Alviana PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Brand Development
Riky Dwi Susilo MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Rima Ayu Vallendria MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Rima Khuswatul Laili PLDP - Business Development
Rima Yunita Ekasari MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Rindu Fajar Kusuma MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Rinelda Rahayu Sukana PLDP - Supply Chain Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Rini Maduratmi MT - Human Capital Management
Rininta Putri MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Rintan Adriannisa PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Rio Ichsan Oktavian MT - Human Capital Management
Ripa Miptah Salam PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
Riris Aleyda Ardhiani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Riris Hidayani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Risa Kustia PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Brand Development
Riska aprilia folasimo MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Riska Dewi PLDP - Quality Control MT - Product Innovation
Riska Nur Ima PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Riska Tri Handayani PLDP - Brand Development
Risky Randi Silitonga MT - Business Development MT - Organization Development

Page 24

MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
Rismawati Laila Qodariah MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
Risna Nasrul Haq MT - Business Development PLDP - Finance
RISTIA APRILIA SEPTA PLDP - Production House MT - Human Capital Management
Risty Meiditami MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
RISTYA AMALILA MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
Riswanto MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Rizdha Okkianty Yudha MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Rizka Ananda Ponty Wijiati MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Rizka Khaerunnisa MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Production House
Rizka Pritami Putri PLDP - Brand Development PLDP - Business Development
Rizki GIta Septiawan PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Finance
RIZKI RAHMADIAN MT - Customer Marketing
MT - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
PLDP - Human Capital
Rizkita Cahya Henviana MT - Business Development
Rizky pramadani MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Rizkya Adzhura Puteri
MT - Retail Management MT - Business Development
Rizqi Achmad Maulidin MT - Brand Development PLDP - Engineering
Robiah - Fitriani PLDP - Business Development MT - Branch Controller
Rohma Toeyiba PLDP - Safety PLDP - Engineering
Rosa Dewi Mustika MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Engineering
Rosdiana Dewi Purnamasari MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Business Development
Rosytha Dewi Firdausi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Rozi Nauval Kamil MT - Organization Development MT - Human Capital Management
Rozza Saputri Zulty MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Rr Nadya Pramesti Dwi PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
MT - Product Innovation
Putranti Management
Rully Mariana Dewi PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Finance
Rumondang Eliza Maria MT - Customer Marketing
MT - Business Development
Sinaga Management
Ryan Alfian MT - Business Development PLDP - Distribution Officer
Ryan Sanjaya MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Saarah Thifal Aini PLDP - Safety
Sabila Hanifan Ulaazizah MT - Business Development MT - Brand Development
Safitri Nur Aulia MT - Brand Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Sahda Febi Wilendari MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Said Iskandar Abdullah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
PLDP - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Salsabila Nadhifah MT - Research and Development MT - Brand Development
Salsabilla Kintan MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development

Page 25

Salyla Hakima MT - Research and Development PLDP - Safety

Sandra Dwi Ariska MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Sandra Eka Putriadi PLDP - Internal Audit
Sandra Safira MT - Research and Development MT - Brand Development
Sania Malika MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Santi Rahayu Wijayanti MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Finance
Santi Rismayanti MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Brand Development
MT - Corporate Legal and
Saputria Cania Amnur MT - Research and Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Sara Nada Bakri PLDP - Business Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Sara Terencia Yemima MT - Human Capital Management
Sarah Anindita MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Sarah Astridasari MT - Brand Development MT - Research and Development
Sarah Aufa Washila MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Sarah Fadhila Kusnaedi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Key Account Management
Sarah Nadia MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Saras Hanifati Setiyono MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Production PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Sarfan Alafresi MT - Production MT - Human Capital Management
Sartika Novini PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
Sarwo Sucitra Amin MT - Branch Controller MT - Customer Development
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Satrio Wibowo Adi PLDP - Engineering
PLDP - Brand Development
FIRDAUS Management
Sefrina Zafira Riski MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Sela Sapitri PLDP - Internal Audit
MT - Customer Marketing
Sela Tri Parwati MT - Brand Development
sella selvia ananda PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Selyna Siauw PLDP - Human Capital Management
Senapati Chakraprawira
MT - Organization Development PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Septi Nur Azizah PLDP - Quality Control MT - Customer Development
Septia Astuti MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
Septian Hidayaat PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Production
Setianingsih PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Distribution Officer
MT - Customer Marketing
Shabira Maharani MT - Business Development
Shana Kharunisa PLDP - Distribution Officer PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Shandy Ellfa MT - Information Services
SHASKIA MAULIDINA PLDP - Business Development MT - Customer Development
shella Rizkiyana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development

Page 26

MT - Customer Marketing
Shinta Ceysaria Yunita MT - Brand Development
Sifa Deana Dara MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
SILVI OKTIVIANI PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
Silvia Kusuma Intansari PLDP - Business Development MT - Organization Development
Silvya Ramadhanty PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Siska Mulya Octavia MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Siska Permatasari PLDP - Safety PLDP - Quality Control
MT - Customer Marketing
Siska Purwati MT - Human Capital Management
Siska Uswatun Hasanah MT - Customer Development MT - Business Development
Siti Alzena Nurfaidah PLDP - Quality Control MT - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Siti Anisa Nur Aulya MT - Key Account Management
Siti Astari Rahmani MT - Business Development MT - Product Innovation
Siti Dwi Indriyani PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Retail Management
Siti Dwi Puspitasari MT - Business Development MT - Human Capital Management
Siti Fauziyah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Siti Fauziyah MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
SITI KASIFATUL MAKRIFAH PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Internal Audit
Siti Marlina PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Internal Audit
Siti Nurhafidah Umiroh MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
Siti Nurjanah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Siti Sarah P. Assegaf MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
SN Zilingi MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Brand Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Sofwan Abdul aziz MT - Human Capital Management
Solving Subekti MT - Business Development MT - Retail Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Sondang Kiki Rosita MT - Product Innovation
Sri Fauziah PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Retail Management
Sri Maria Ulfa PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
Stenly DMGogo Hutapea MT - Human Capital Management MT - Information Services
Stephanus Jeanua
MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Widyalistyo Putra
Stephen Andreas Partogi MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Stevany Lishia PLDP - Finance MT - Retail Management
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Suchi Rezkia Devi PLDP - Engineering
PLDP - Human Capital
SUCI FEBRIANTI MT - Branch Controller
Sulaeman Fajri PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Engineering
Sulis Martalita Putri PLDP - Safety MT - Brand Development
Sulthon Arif Rakhman PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Sulva Silvia Andriyani MT - Customer Development
Sundra dewi priyadi MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management

Page 27

PLDP - Product Innovation and

SUPRIYADI PLDP - Internal Audit
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Surya Harta Adi PLDP - Graphic Design
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Surya Risky Graharto PLDP - Brand Development
Susanti MT - Organization Development PLDP - Retail Management
Syafira Pramesti MT - Product Innovation MT - Brand Development
Syifa Davia Harija MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Retail Management
Syifa Nafiah MT - Business Development MT - Product Innovation
Syifa Nur Rizki MT - Human Capital Management MT - Brand Development
Syifa Salsabila MT - Research and Development MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Syifa Wulandari MT - Product Innovation
Talita Zhafrani MT - Customer Development PLDP - Business Development
Tamara MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Tambah Ridwan S MT - Brand Development MT - Key Account Management
Tanti Sri Lestari MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Tarada Berlian Megananda MT - Key Account Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Tasya Vicky Ryana MT - Brand Development
Teddy Cahyadi PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
Tegar Januar Susantho PLDP - Human Capital Management MT - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
Teguh Iman Arifianto MT - Key Account Management
Teguh Setyo Wibowo MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Tengku Nathasya MT - Product Innovation MT - Business Development
Theodorus Hendra MT - Brand Development MT - Production
Theodorus Raynaldo
MT - Production PLDP - Production
THERESA GIOVANI TURNIP MT - Research and Development MT - Organization Development
Thomas Arya Adika MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Tiara Dinda Astari MT - Human Capital Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Tiara Indah Herdiana PLDP - Finance
Tiara Noor Utami MT - Brand Development MT - Organization Development
Tiesya Anindita
PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
Narendragharini Prasiddha
Tifanny Claudia Purba PLDP - Finance MT - Production
Tika Rizky Aryanti MT - Retail Management PLDP - Distribution Officer
Tika Syahfitrianie MT - Retail Management PLDP - Engineering
tita syarifah MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
MT - Customer Marketing
Tiwik Alsabiyah MT - Brand Development
Tiya Suherti MT - Key Account Management MT - Customer Development
Tiyas Widya Septiana MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Tresnaning Arifiyah MT - Information Services MT - Human Capital Management

Page 28

Tressa Dilla Nurmala PLDP - Information Services PLDP - Production

tri Mulyati MT - Brand Development PLDP - Retail Management
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Tri Ramadianti Shafitri PLDP - Quality Control
Tria Yuniati MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Triah Bulkiah MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
Trias Mustika Nur Pratiwi MT - Human Capital Management MT - Business Development
Tribhuana Tunggadewi PLDP - Brand Development MT - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Trisa Monika Tampubolon PLDP - Human Capital Management
Trisya Artami MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Tsana'a Alifia Nauthika MT - Brand Development PLDP - Brand Development
Tyas Audi Farasadina MT - Retail Management PLDP - Retail Management
Tyas Sarnaning Maharani MT - Human Capital Management MT - Production
Ulfah Nurul Azmi MT - Branch Controller MT - Retail Management
Uly Amaliah MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Business Development
Umar Zaenal Abidin PLDP - Engineering MT - Organization Development
Umda Nafia Yasin MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Umy Fatkhah MT - Organization Development MT - Information Services
Utami Nuri Adilah PLDP - Supply Chain Management PLDP - Engineering
Uyu Septiyati Liman MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
Valerius Evan Ligasetiawan MT - Information Services PLDP - Information Services
Vania Elita Krisnandika MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Production
Varah Thalia Putri Tagadoko MT - Business Development PLDP - Finance
VENA ZULFIAH MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Vermona MT - Branch Controller MT - Business Development
Victor Daniel Lumbantobing MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Vina Handayani PLDP - Supply Chain Management MT - Research and Development
Vinsca Delana Ginting PLDP - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation
Wahyu Arienda Kusumantika PLDP - Graphic Design PLDP - Brand Development
Wahyu Pambudi PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Wahyu Yudhi Subekti MT - Branch Controller MT - Brand Development
Wanda Melani Larasati MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
MT - Business Development PLDP - Business Development
Wendra Luthfi Abdul Latief MT - Brand Development PLDP - Engineering
Wenny Septyani MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Weny Enjelika Doloksaribu MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
wetwe PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Engineering
Widya Hidayati MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Widya Rahmadhani MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Human Capital Management
Widya Rahmayanti MT - Corporate Legal and Secretary MT - Brand Development
Widya Tania Artha MT - Research and Development PLDP - Production
MT - Customer Marketing
William Haporseaon Sibero PLDP - Internal Audit
Willy Chandra Sugianto MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Wilman Gantira MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Distribution Officer
Wilya Rahmad Ilahi MT - Customer Development MT - Brand Development
Wina Supriani MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control

Page 29

MT - Customer Marketing MT - Corporate Legal and

Winda Marienda
Management Secretary
Windy Andriyati Arsyil Majiid MT - Human Capital Management MT - Customer Development
Windy Aqmarina Permatasari MT - Product Innovation MT - Research and Development
Wirna Grace Tua Sihombing MT - Retail Management MT - Production
Witri Nurwiati PLDP - Internal Audit PLDP - Retail Management
WULAN CHAIRUNISA MT - Human Capital Management MT - Retail Management
Wulan Nurfitri Putri Irawan MT - Human Capital Management MT - Organization Development
PLDP - Human Capital
Wulan Rosmeinasari PLDP - Supply Chain Management
PLDP - Human Capital
Yanes Manukilej MT - Human Capital Management
Yanti Fajarwati MT - Research and Development MT - Product Innovation
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Yasmin Salimah MT - Human Capital Management
Yasmina Siti Kamila MT - Human Capital Management MT - Product Innovation
MT - Customer Marketing
Yassirly Amridha MT - Human Capital Management
Yazid MT - Information Services PLDP - Information Services
PLDP - Corporate Real Estate
Yella Risa Lestari PLDP - Business Development
Yohanes Dwiki Ramandito
MT - Business Development MT - Research and Development
Yollanda Nalita MT - Brand Development MT - Business Development
Yonada Astrid BR Sihotang PLDP - Quality Control MT - Brand Development
Yosi Lisdiani Rahayu MT - Brand Development MT - Human Capital Management
Yudha aditiya MT - Branch Controller MT - Human Capital Management
MT - Customer Marketing
Yudha Ari Pratama MT - Customer Development
Yuliandra Dwinta Rahadanti PLDP - Business Development PLDP - Internal Audit
Yulvin Marhamah Putri PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Safety
Yulya Saputri MT - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
Yuni Marlina MT - Product Innovation PLDP - Brand Development
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Yuni Puji Astuti PLDP - Business Development
Yuni Susanti MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Yunia Faiziatuzzahria MT - Product Innovation MT - Branch Controller
Yusita attaqwa MT - Business Development MT - Organization Development
Yusnalia Agustina PLDP - Distribution Officer PLDP - Production
Yusri Amaliani PLDP - Finance PLDP - Internal Audit
Yusril eka f MT - Production MT - Research and Development
MT - Customer Marketing
Yusuf Abdullah MT - Organization Development
Yusuf Dheo Rivaldy MT - Human Capital Management MT - Branch Controller
Zaenab MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
PLDP - Product Innovation and
Zahir Ilham MT - Production MT - Product Innovation
Zahra Nur Alia MT - Brand Development MT - Product Innovation

Page 30

MT - Corporate Legal and

Zahrina Maretta Fildzah PLDP - Engineering
Zaki Hilman MT - Key Account Management MT - Branch Controller
MT - Customer Marketing
Zandhika Alfi Pratama MT - Production
Zaviera Meika Chandra PLDP - Production PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Zuhud Islam Shofari PLDP - Engineering PLDP - Production
Zulfa Yunika PLDP - Human Capital Management PLDP - Internal Audit
zulfatunnisa MT - Retail Management PLDP - Supply Chain Management
Zulfikar MT - Research and Development PLDP - Quality Control
Zulfikar Rizky Azhar MT - Branch Controller PLDP - Manufacturing Excellence
Zulida Setyorini PLDP - Quality Control PLDP - Safety
Zulkifli Ahmad Hidayat MT - Brand Development MT - Customer Development

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