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Soal uts smester 2 keperawatan stikba

1. “Use a cuffed tensimeter cuff in the cubiti fosa or told the right elbow”
What process will be done?
A. Blood preassure
B. Temperature
C. Breathing
D. Blood sampling

2. “find the artery in your neck that is just to either side of the winpipe. Counts
the beats for 15 seconds what kind of process will be checked?
A. Blood preassure
B. Pulse
C. Oxygen
D. Rate respiration

3. “The tool placed in folded armpit/ear/forehead “

What tool will be used?

A. Pulse oxymeter
B. Stetoscope
C. Thermometer
D. Digital blood preassure
4. “calculate the chest movement in one minute
What presses is it?
A. Breathing
B. Blood preassure
C. Temperature
D. Blood sampling
5. “what is RR stand for in patien’s record
A. Replication rate
B. Reinform rate
C. Record rate
D. Respiration rate

6. “in patien’s record there abbretiation of “I” “I” is used to measure

A. How cold the body is
B. How many blood preassure
C. How bot the body is
D. How long the chest
7. “clinical measurements,specifically pulse rate temperature respiration ratev,
and blood preassure, that indicate the rate of patient’s essential body
function which is called by”
A. Blood preassure
B. Patient’s record
C. Vital sign
D. observation chart
8. “in patien’s record there is abbreviation of “P” “P” is used to measure….
A. Blood preassure
B. Record rate
C. Heart rate
D. Breathing
9. “How many times a person breathes per minute”

What kind of process will be measure?

A. Blood preassure
B. Pulse
C. rate of Respiration
D. Temperature
10.“the force with which blood travels around the body”
What kind of process will be measured?
A. Blood preassure
B. Pulse
C. rate of Respiration
D. Temperature

11.“It is used to make the heart start beating correctly after it has stopped or
What medical instrument is it?
A. Digital blood pressure monitor
B. Pulse oximeter
C. Sphigmomanometer
D. Defibillator
12.“it is device used to measure blood preassure,composed of an inflatable cuff
to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled
manner” What medical instrument is it?
A. Sphigmomanometer
B. Digital blood pressure monitor
C. Defibillator
D. Pulse oximeter
13.“it is a medical device that indirectly monitors the oxygen saturation of
patient’s blood ( as ……?) measuring oxygen saturation directly through a
blood sample)” What medical instrument is it?
A. Sphigmomanometer
B. Digital blood pressure monitor
C. Defibillator
D. Pulse oximeter
14.“it is a device that measures blood pressure. It is composes of an inflatable
rubber cuff, which is wrapped around the arm”What medical instrument is
A. Sphigmomanometer
B. Digital blood pressure monitor
C. Defibillator
D. Pulse oximeter
15.Sensation of tightness or pressure across your forehead or on side and back
your head
What kind sympthoms is it ?
A. Headache
B. Stomach ache
C. Fever
D. Sneezed
16.What is symptoms ?
A. Symptoms is kind of injuries that the nurse seein emergency room
B. Symptoms is merely any manifestation of condition that is
apparent to the patient
C. Symptoms is something consciously not affecting the patient
D. Symptoms is some important steps to take during emergencies to
the patient
17.The nurse push down the patients chest many time
Which picture is relating to this statement !
18. The paramedic counts up after aech push down on the chest .Which picture
is relating to the statement !

19. The nurse give breath into the patient jaws . Which picture is relating to the
statement !

20.The nurse do an action to make the heart start beating correctly. Which
picture is relating to the statement !
21.Sign symptoms are :
1. Frequent cough at night
2. Losing your breath easily
3. Feeling very tired when excercising
4. Wheezing after exercise
5. Chest tightness,pain or pressure

Based on sign symptoms above. What symptoms suffered by patient ?

A. Diare
B. Malaria
C. Tubercolusis
D. Fever

22.the front of the leg below the knee. Jwb Shin

23.the joint connecting the hand with the forearm . Jwb wirst
24.the undersurface of a person's foot. Jwb Sole
25.the two areas at the sides of your body between the tops of your legs and
your waist. hips
26.the joint between the forearm and the upper arm. Jwb Elbow
27.the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers. Palm
28.a rounded, knotty depression in the center of a person's belly caused by the
detachment of the umbilical cord after birth; the umbilicus. Navel
29.the upper joint of the human arm and the part of the body between this and
the neck. Shoulder
30.any of the five digits at the end of the human foot. Toe defined as having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase
in the body's temperature between 37.5 and 38.3 °C (99.5 and 100.9 °F).
32.has been described as placing discomfort on the chest, upper abdomen, or
back of the throat. causes of gastroenteritis and other gastrointestinal
disorders, food poisoning, motion sickness, dizziness, migraine, fainting and
low blood sugar. Nausea
33.a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is
too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the
food you eat. Diabetes
34.a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain results in cell
death.There are two main types : ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and
hemorrhagic, due to bleeding.Both result in parts of the brain not functioning
properly. Stroke
35.occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The blockage is most
often a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque
in the arteries that feed the heart (coronary arteries). The plaque eventually
breaks away and forms a clot. Heart attack
36.diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the
immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment. These
diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma,
and anaphylaxis.Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, sneezing, a
runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling.[1] Food intolerances and food
poisoning are separate conditions. Allergies
37.a respiratory illness caused by a virus. highly contagious and is normally
spread by the coughs and sneezes of an infected person. Influenza/flu a piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a
dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to or to restrict the
movement of a part of the body. When used with a dressing, the dressing is
applied directly on a wound, and used to hold the dressing in place. Bandage generally a thin, cylindrical object, often with a sharp point on the end.
Needles a type of injury which happens relatively quickly in which skin is torn,
cut, or punctured, or where blunt force trauma causes a contusion . In
pathology, it specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages the dermis
of the skin. Wound an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch your skin.
Sometimes it can feel like pain, but it is different. Itching a type of injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity,
chemicals, friction, or radiation.Most burns are due to heat from hot liquids,
solids, or fire. Burn an unusual sensation most commonly felt in your hands, feet, arms and
legs. This is often associated with numbness, or a decrease in the ability to
feel or sense pressure or texture.can be associated with a wide variety of
conditions, including prolonged pressure on a nerve, vitamin or mineral
deficiencies, multiple sclerosis (disease that affects the brain and spinal cord,
causing weakness, coordination and balance difficulties, and other
problems), and stroke, among many others. Tingling’s a mild pain that is continuous . a dull ache
45.its feel like someone is beating drum . a throbbing pain
46.its feel like someone is hurting me with a knife / something sharp . a
stabbing pain
47.its feel like a bee is stinging me . a stinging sensation
48.diseases involving abnormal cell growth with potential to invade or spread
to other part of body . possible signs and symptoms include a lump ,
abnormal bleeding , prolonged cough , unexplained weight loss and a change
in bowel movements . and look like tumors which is do not spread. Cancer
49.the medical removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue to improve the
healing potential of the remaining healthy tissue.Removal may be surgical,
mechanical, chemical, autolytic (self-digestion), and by maggot therapy .
Debridement part of the complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli,
such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants, and is a protective response
involving immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators. The
function is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out necrotic
cells and tissues damaged from the original insult and the inflammatory
process, and initiate tissue repair. Inflammation.

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