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BY :










It has been approved by:

Apprentice Lecturer Internship Teacher

Dr.Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak,S.Pd.,M.Si Siti Maisyaroh, S.Si, M.Pd

NIP.197111192002092001 NUPTK.




Praise gratitude the author prayed the presence of God Almighty who has given all his
blessings, guidance, and grace so that authors can complete this apprentice report in timely
manner. Shalawat and salam authors devote to the lord of Prophet Muhammad SAW, family
and friends. This report is the author's responsibility during the activities of Internship 2 in
SMA DHARMAWANGSA MEDAN. The purpose of this apprentice report is as the
fulfillment of the assignment of the subject of Internship 2.
The compilation of this report is due to the efforts and assistance of various parties
who have helped both in the form of encouragement and material. On this occasion the author
would like to express his gratitude to:
1. Mrs. Dr.Mariati Purnama Simanjuntak,S.Pd.,M.Si as a lecturer who has been guiding
a lot of guidance and provide direction in conducting internships.
2. Mr. Drs. Sutrisno as the principal of SMA DHARMAWANGSA MEDAN.
3. Mrs. Siti Maisyaroh, S.Si, M.Pd as apprentice tutor.
4. All friends and parties who have assisted in the completion of this internship report.
The author realizes that the writing of this report is still far from perfection. Therefore,
the authors expect input, both suggestions and constructive criticism from all parties.
Hopefully this report can be useful especially for writers themselves and generally for

Medan, May 14 th 2019

Cindi Elvani

RETIFIED PAGE .................................................................................................... i

FOREWORD............................................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1
A. Background .................................................................................................... 1
B. Objective of Internship 2 ............................................................................... 1
A. Vision, Mission and School Objectives ......................................................... 2
B. School Organization....................................................................................... 3
C. Human Resources at School .......................................................................... 4
D. Facilities and Infrastructure ........................................................................... 5
E. School Achievements and Supporting Activities .......................................... 6
RESULT OF INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES 2 .......................................................
A. Analysis of the Study Syllabus.....................................................................
B. Review Learning Devices Used by Teachers................................................
C. Review the Learning Strategy......................................................................
D. Review of the Assessment System...............................................................
E. Development of RPP.....................................................................................
F. Development of Teaching Materials............................................................
G. Development of Learning Media..................................................................
H. Development of Student Worksheets.........................................................
I. Development of Assessment Tools.............................................................
J. Reflection....................................................................................................
CHAPTER IV CLOSING ....................................................................................... 17
A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 18
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 18
A. Organizational Structure
B. List of Names of Teachers and Education Personnel
C. School plans and classes observed
D. Photos of relevant activities
E. Observation Sheet
F. Weekly Time Attendance
G. Weekly Journal
H. Study Program Internship Permit
I. Curriculum Vitae of internship students
J. Documentation
K. Video
L. Others ...


A. Background

Education has a very important role in shaping the skills and skills of a person to
enter the workforce. Education carried out in tertiary institutions is still limited to the
provision of theory and practice on a small scale with limited intensity, in order to understand
and solve any problems that arise in the world of work, students need to conduct work
training activities directly in institutions / institutions relevant to education programs that are
followed, so that after being released from the academic ties in the relevant college, students
can take advantage of the knowledge and experience gained during the education period and
work training period to continue their work in the real world of work. Because, to be able to
go directly to the community not only requires high formal education with the acquisition of
satisfactory values, but also skills (skills) and supporting experience are needed to better
recognize the field of work in accordance with their expertise. Therefore, students need to
conduct detailed research and go directly to understand every problem that arises in the world
of work.
Article 35 of Law No. 12 of 2012 mandates that the higher education curriculum be
developed by each university by referring to the National Standards of Higher Education for
each Study Program which includes the development of intellectual intelligence, noble
character and skills. Furthermore, based on Minister of National Education Regulation No. 16
of 2012 mandates that curricula in every level of education in Indonesia refer to the
Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). In the KKNI a matching mechanism
is made between the quality of graduates produced by the education program and the
qualifications of the workforce needed. To deal with unemployment problems caused by non-
recognition of one's competence, the mechanism for recognizing the results of past learning
(Recognition of Prior Learning / RPL) as well as recognition of current competencies
(Recoqnition of Current Competency) is urgently needed. KKNI can be the basis of a strategy
to equalize one's qualifications obtained through formal, non-formal, informal education,
even from work experience.
Referring to the IQF, the Tier 1 level is at level 6. To improve the quality of
graduates, especially in carrying out learning, Unimed applies an apprenticeship learning
model. Apprenticeship activities are carried out in schools and in its implementation, the
Internship activities are carried out systematically by involving all stakeholders such as the
principal / deputy headmaster, internship teacher (GPM), and internship supervisor (DPM).
Through the apprenticeship program for students of education study programs, it is expected
that four teacher competencies will be formed as mandated by UUGD, namely personality,
social, pedagogic, and professional competence. So far, the achievement of these four
competencies only relies on teacher professional education (PPG), which has only 2
This competency can be achieved through a gradual process, little by little.
Therefore the introduction of the school environment must be early, programmed or well
planned.It needs to be understood that the cultivation of teacher attitude into the souls of
prospective teachers requires a long time, it is impossible to achieve it in just one year, that is,
at the PPG stage only. It takes a long time. Therefore an internship is offered in 3 semesters,
namely internship 1 in semester 2, internship 2 in semester 4 and internship 3 in semester 6. It
is necessary to ensure that the planting of teacher attitudes is successful step by step, so that
the implementation of internship courses needs an Early Warning System. This system will
help students ascertain whether they are still on the right track.
This internship program is a compulsory subject for the Unimed education study
program. The internship program consists of three:
1) Internship 1 (School Observation)
2) Internship 2 (Development of Learning Devices)
3) Internship 3 (Guided Teaching)
B. Objective of Internship 2
In general, the internship program aims to shape the knowledge, skills and
professional attitudes of students as prospective educators. But specifically the special-
purpose internship program is as follows.
The apprenticeship program II aims to strengthen educational academic competence
and its relation to academic competencies in the field of study and establish the initial ability
of prospective students in developing learning tools through:
1. Analysis of the Study Syllabus
2. Review the Learning Devices Used by the Teacher
3. Study the Learning Strategy
4. Review the Assessment System
5. Development of RPP
6. Development of Teaching Materials
7. Development of Learning Media
8. Development of Student Worksheets
9. Development of Assessment Tools


A. Vision, Mission And School Objectives

1.1 Vision
Produce a young generation of dignified, intelligent knowledge, faith and taqwa to
God Almighty, pancasila moral, skilled, independent and responsible to the nation
and State.
1.2 Mision
• To form learners who have good character and noble character.
• Implement learning and guidance effectively so that each student develops
optimally, in accordance with the authority he has.
• Increasing graduate academic achievement in a sustainable manner.
• Grow and develop excellence in the application of science, technology and art.
a. Objective
1. Excellence in religious activities and the care of schools and community
2. Excellence in academic achievement of graduates and able to compete to enter
university level.
3. Excellence in the application of science and technology.
4. Excellence in extracurricular field covering sports field, art culture, teen doctor,
paskibra and scout.
b. School rules
1. Comply with all the rules and regulations specified in the school.
2. Respect for teachers / administrators and school friends.
3. Follow every school ceremony and official activities.
4. Must attend school 10 minutes before the school bell goes off.
5. When not attending school, parents / guardians of students should notify it in
writing / orally to the school administrators (teacher picket). Mutual respect and
maintain the order, cleanliness and security / tranquility of the school, among
others: keep the school cleanliness, toilet, equipment / school buildings, and
maintain the beauty of the school plants.
6. Wear uniform, neat, clean and reasonable.
Every student and student is prohibited:
1. Leave school without written permission from the principal.
2. Smoking, drugs and drugs are prohibited, carrying sharp weapons / fire,
making noise, carrying hp, jewelry / excessive money, long nails, gambling
and drunkenness.
Sanctions if the students violate the provisions / school rules above will be
given a punishment appropriate to his mistakes.

B. School Organization

Organization Structure of SMA DHARMAWANGSA MEDAN

1. Headmaster : Drs. Sutrisno

2. Waka Headmaster : Drs. H. Ahmad Samsuri Mtd
3. PKS III : Drs. Purwanto
Ahmad Sopian Yunus, S.Pd
4. Counseling Guidance : Suhendri, S.Pd
Anum Herawati Hrp, S.Pd
5. Picket Coordinator : Drs. Zainuddin
6. Administration : Suyoto
Dedi Sihite, SE, M.EI
Mierna Zulkarnain, SE. MM
Umi Kalsum
7. Science Laboratory : Sri Gustia Ningsih, SP
8. Science lab Assistant : Naliza Syahrina, S.Sos
9. Language Laboratory : Ica Nurhamidah, S.Pd
10. Computer Laboratory : H. Erwin Harahap, ST, M. Si
C. Human Resources at School
1. Teacher
 The Amount of teacher
No Teacher Amount
1 Religion education 6
2 PPKN 6
3 Physical education 5
4 Physics 8
5 Chemistry 6
6 Indonesian language 7
7 English 8
8 Mathematic 11
9 Biology 9
10 History 5
11 Economic 6
12 Japan language 3
13 Sosiology 4
14 Prakarya 3
15 Character 1
16 Geography 4
17 Art 3
Amount 95

a. Students
No Major
1 Science 99 96 85
2 Social 58 49 55

Amount 635 590 596

D. Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Facilities
Condition ( good /
No Facilities Quantity
broken )
1 Headmaster room Good 1 room

2 Headmaster’s co room Good 1 room

3 Teachers room Good 1 room

4 Study room Good 37 rooms

5 Aula Good 1 room

6 Administration room Good 1 room

7 BK room Good 1 room

7 Coordinator room Good 1 room

8 Mushollah Good 1 room

9 Security post Good 1 room

10 Sanitary Good 2 rooms

11 Field Good 1 room

12 Canteen Good 1 room

13 Toilet Good 9 rooms

14 Laboratory Good 6 rooms

2. School infrastructure
Existence Function
No Types of means
Exist Not exist Yes No
1 Water instalation Yes Good

2 Electric network Yes Good

3 Telephone network Yes Good

4 Internet/Wifi Yes Good

5 Road access Yes Good

6 Parking area Yes Good

7 Drainage Yes Good

8 Dust bin Yes Good

9 Infocus Yes Good

E. Student Achievement and Supporting Activities

1. Winner of BAND SMA 2017
2. Winner of Singing Contest at SUMUT and Aceh 2016 levels
3. Champion I LGTP Competition Skilled
4. Second Winner of Tahfiz Al-Quran Contest 2017
5. Winner of Creative Video Contest of Rohis PDKT 2017
6. Second Place Enforcer of the Scouting Competition of Skillful Skill 2017
7. Special Award SMA DHARMAWANGSA MEDAN for participation in
science olympiad of Ens Indonesia Foundation 2015
8. The First Winner is Careful Drasting Cup VI 2018 SMA Negeri 3 Medan
9. 3rd Winner of Islamic Music Festival 2017
10. Second Winner of Young Women's Calligraphy 2018

A. Analysis of the Study Syllabus

B. Review Learning Devices Used by Teachers
C. Review the Learning Strategy
D. Review of the Assessment System
E. Development of RPP
F. Development of Teaching Materials
G. Development of Learning Media
H. Development of Student Worksheets
I. Development of Assessment Tools
J. SReflection

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