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date problem name solved in python solved in c++

4/23 saving the world again (google code jam) x

5/3 EvenOdd x x
5/3 count bits x x
5/3 gcd x x
5/4 dutch national flag x x
5/7 buy and sell stock once x
5/9 product of array except self x
5/13 highest product of 3 x x
5/14 merge ranges x x
5/16 change possibilities x x
5/19 rectangular love x x
5/20 temperature tracker x x
5/21 balanced binary tree (for only leaf nodes) x
5/22 binary search tree checker x
5/23 second largest in BST x x
5/25 reduce size of set of strings x
5/28 find in ordered set x
5/28 find rotation point x
5/29 search in rotated array x
5/30 nth fib num x
5/31 knapsack problem x
06/01 find peak element x
06/03 queue with two stacks x x
06/03 find unique int
06/03 delete node from linkedlist given node
06/03 linkedlist cycle x
06/03 reverse linked list (iter and recurse) x
06/03 kth to the last node in linkedlist x
06/05 4.1 computing the parity of a word x
06/06 6.1 intercovert strings and integers x
06/07 7.1 merge two sorted lists (linked lists) x
06/08 9.1 check if tree is height balanced x
06/09 10.1 merged sorted files (arrays) x
06/09 Andrei Margeloiu parking lot problem x
06/10 11.1 search sorted array for first occurance of k x
06/11 12.2 is an anonymous letter constructable x
06/16 Fingerprints x
06/16 Knights of a Polygonal Table x
06/18 13.1 compute the intersection of two sorted ararys x
6/19 287. Find the Duplicate Number x
6/19 15.1 the towers of hanoi problem x
6/22 16.1 Count the number of score combinations x
06/24 53. Maximum Subarray x
06/25 17.4 The 3-sum problem x
06/26 17.5 Find the Majoritiy Element x
06/27 18.1 Search a Maze x
7/1 4.7 Compute x^y (x is a double) x
7/1 5.12 Sample Offline Data (get N random elements from array) x
7/1 5.18 Sprital Ordering of 2D square array x
7/2 6.2 Base Conversion x
7/3 6.4 Replace and Remove x
7/4 7.2 Reverse sublist (linked list) x
7/4 7.3 Test for cyclicity (linked list cycle entry node) x
7/4 8.6 Compute buildings with a sunset view x
7/4 9.4 Compute the LCA when nodes have parent pointers x
7/5 10.4 Compute the k closest stars x
7/8 11.8 Find the kth largest element x
7/13 12.3 Implement an ISBN cache (LRU cache) x x
7/15 13.2 Merge two sorted arrays x
7/16 14.2 Find the first key greater than a given value in a BST x
7/17 14.3 Find the k largest elements in a BST x
7/20 15.2 Generate all nonattacking placements of n-Queens x
7/21 16.2 Compute the Levenshtein distance (ins, remove, del) x
7/22 17.6 The Gasup Problem (cities in a circular path) x
7/22 18.7 Transform One String to Another x
7/23 5.2 Increment an Arbitrary Precision Integer (add one to num as array) x
7/23 5.17 The Sudoku checker problem x
7/24 6.6 Reverse all the words in a sentence x
7/25 7.4 Test for overlapping lists -- lists are cycle free x
7/25 7.5 Test for overlapping lists -- lists may have cylces
7/26 7.7 Remove the kth last element from a list x
7/26 8.2 Evaluate RPN expressions x
7/26 8.7 Compute binary tree nodes in order of increasing depth x
7/27 9.2 Is tree symmetric x
7/27 9.12 Reconstruct a binary tree from traversal data (in-order and preorder) x
7/28 10.3 Sort a almost sorted away (k spots away at most from sorted spot) x
7/28 11.3 Search a cyclically sorted array x
7/30 2. Add Two Numbers x
7/30 328. Odd Even Linked List x
7/30 165. Compare Version Numbers x
7/31 15.3 Generate permutations x
8/2 5.11 Compute the next permutation x
8/3 13.6 Merging intervals x
8/4 12.1 Test for palindromic permuations x
8/5 9.3 Compute the lowest common ancestor in a binary tree x
8/6 14.4 Compute the LCA in a BST x
8/7 16.3 Count the number of ways to traverse a 2D array x
8/9 16.6 The knapsack problem x
8/10 42. Trapping Rain Water x
8/11 18.2 Paint a Boolean Matrix x
8/11 4.3 Reverse bits x
8/11 4.11 Rectangle intersection x
8/11 5.5 Delete duplicates from a sorted array x
8/11 5.9 Enumerate all primes to n x
8/11 6.7 The look-and-say problem x
8/11 7.10 Implement even odd merge x
8/11 8.3 Test a string over ''{,},(,),[,]'' for well-formedness x
8/11 8.8 Implement a cirular queue x
8/11 9.11 Implement an inorder traversal with O(1) space x
8/12 10.5 Compute the median of online data (running median of stream of nums) x
8/12 11.4 Compute the integer square root (largest int <= sqrt(n))
8/12 11.5 Compute the real square root (a float) x
8/12 460. LFU Cache x
8/13 68. Text Justification x
8/14 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays x
8/14 274. H-Index x
8/15 23. Merge k Sorted Lists x
8/15 652. Find Duplicate Subtrees x
8/15 227. Basic Calculator II x
8/15 return all permutations that are palindromes x
8/15 deep copy a linked list with a random node pointer per node x
8/18 139. Word Break x
8/18 10. Regular Expression Matching x
8/18 22. Generate Parentheses x
8/19 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence x
8/21 Alien dictinionary x
8/21 find all anagrams of string that are palindrome in dictionary x
8/2x 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST x
8/2x 218. The Skyline Problem x
8/2x 250. Count Univalue Subtrees x
8/2x 734. Sentence Similarity x
8/2x 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters x
8/2x 140. Word Break II x
8/27 "Leaky Bucket" rate limitter problem x
8/27 Design a in memory database that supports SET,GET,DELETE,ROLLBACK,COMMIT x
8/28 Sum of all elements in binary tree x
8/28 Sum of all elements in binary tree that fall within a range x
8/29 85. Maximal Rectangle x
8/30 712. Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings x
8/30 621. Task Scheduler x
8/30 350. Intersection of Two Arrays II x
8/30 314. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal x
8/30 51. N-Queens (review) x
8/30 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator x
8/31 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram x
8/31 check if array has duplicates x
8/31 remove all instances of largest value in array in one pass x
8/31 return well formed parenthesis by removing the least number of parens possible x
9/1 91. Decode Ways x
9/1 737. Sentence Similarity II x
9/2 684. Redundant Connection x
9/3 312. Burst Balloons x
9/5 257. Binary Tree Paths x

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