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Guiding Questions


By Jacobsen and James

MAIN POINTS: 237-248

- Ethics are basically statements of what is right or wrong, which usually re presented as systems
of valued behaviors and beliefs, and serve the purpose of governing conduct to ensure the
protection of person’s rights.

-Clinical ethics major thrust is to work for outcomes that best serve the interests and welfare of
patients and their families.

-It is critical for a health-care professional to always do what is right for the patient.

• What has caused the increase in attention to ethics in therapeutic recreation? How
do most professionals react when confronted with ethical dilemmas?
-The collision course between human needs and severely constrained resources. (meeting patient
satisfaction while reducing costs to meet dwindling resources)
-Refer to the three ethics principles that guide professionals and use best judgment about what is
right/wrong in that given situation.

• Should therapeutic recreation professionals have a system to discipline practitioners

who continually violate principles? What are the barriers to the establishment of such a
Yes, the major challenge is that each professional must assume responsibility for the Code of
Ethics by conducting practice in a professional manner and by applying self-discipline.
-only deal with high profile cases, easily proved cases and only if membership numbers are high
enough to afford the legal costs.
-NCTRC can take away CTRS but ARP can’t and
• If your supervisor asked you to do something that was wrong and violated your
professional code of ethics, what would you do? What if going against your bosses wishes
meant your job could be in jeopardy?
Depends on the situations, but when it came down to it no, I wouldn’t want to work at a place
where I didn’t feel comfortable and my boss asks me to do something that we both know are
ethically wrong. **Human resources or one above but understand the relationship between them
and your boss. **

• How can we prevent our self-interests from clouding our perceptions when
confronting ethics dilemmas?
-Discuss the fundamental elements of a case with colleagues. (Network/ communicate)
-Use a decision-making model to guide the TRS through the problem. 2 different models.
-Know the code of ethics.
-Know the applicable rules, laws and regulations for the job your doing.
-Learn the decision making process and know when a problem might occur.
-When are doing something more your self-interest instead of the clients best interest. (crossing
the line)

• What are the core ethical principles from which others are derived?
Ethical cones are the principles of beneficence, autonomy, and justice.
-Principle of beneficence proposes that a health professional’s duty is to promote the well-being
of clients. Do good.
-Principle of autonomy recognizes that clients have authority over their lives. (choices regarding
goals, treatment plans, and leisure development)
-Principle of justice in clinical ethics focuses on fairness in the distribution of service. (distribute
time and effort on clients needs. Client’s values, disposition, race, or gender should not be a
-Non- Malifscnes – don’t do bad.
• How would you deal with the role confusion that sometimes leads to unethical
- Professionals need to hone their awareness of the danger signals to non-therapeutic
relations and share their sensitivity with colleagues, students and interns.
- Communication is key!

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