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Do you have the ingredients (KYKO Personality Factors) for


KYKO Personality Factors

Singular Vision

You have a clear vision of your future. You know exactly what you want in life. You are single minded.
You know you are going into something very interesting and meaningful. You will not change your
course of actions. You and will not be distracted by other businesses. You will focus your time and effort
to achieve your vision.

Achievement oriented

You are achievement oriented. You are responsible and hardworking. You devote your life to fruition.
You believe that success can only be achieved through your efforts.

Highly Passionate

You are very excited about your vision. You are full of energy. You know you will be doing things that
you like and enjoy.

Action Orientated

You will have a plan. You are committed to your plan. You will develop a series of actions. You will
devote your time and energy in implementing your action plan.

Growth Mindset

If you make a mistake, you will not be disappointed. Instead you learn from your mistakes. You will take
the initiative to seek knowledge and skills to overcome your shortcomings. You see learning as a lifelong

Intrinsic Motivation

You will be motivated to give the best to achieve your goals. Your motivation is intrinsic. After achieving
a successful goal, you will get satisfaction from doing a great job.


You have very high self-confidence. You believe you have the ability and strength to achieve your goals.
You trust your ability to overcome every challenge and difficulty along the way.

You are courageous. You are not afraid of challenges. You have the grit to take the bull by the horn and
conquered them as they come.


You will never give up. You will endure and persist to face the odds. You will keep on going until you
achieve your vision and mission.

Mental Toughness

You are prepared to take a series of hard knocks and rejections. When the going is tough you become
tougher in getting things going. You will spend more time on your efforts and take all the steps needed
to reach your goals. If everything really doesn't work, you will find multiple ways to achieve your
desired goals.


You are amiable, trustworthy and sincere. You display your genuine and true self. You focus on bonding
with people who can help you achieve your goals. You want to have a network of successful people.


You are warm and friendly. You welcome this group of people with big smiles and hugs. You are
approachable, sympathetic, and helpful. You are humorous, graceful and pleasant. You are likable. You
will attract some good-hearted people to be your friends.


You have high empathy. You are sensitive to people's feelings, needs, and concerns. You actively listen
to their problems and can put yourself in their shoes. You are intuitive. You understand their needs and
will be there to get them out of their difficulties. There will be some members who will repay kindness
with kindness. They will be there to help and support you when you are down.

Relationship Building

You attach great importance to building a permanent and close relationship with those who are reliable,
compassionate and kind. You develop mutual trust. You respect and accept each other‘s differences.
You share each other network. You share each other knowledge and experiences. You learn from each
other. You help each other to achieve life goals.


You are a good organizer. You prepare your work list before starting the day. You organize and schedule
your activities. You like to do things systematically and make sure everything is done according to your

You are highly disciplined. You are a doer. You know exactly what you need to do and will consistently
pursue your goals. You will not be tempted by distractions to give up halfway. You have high emotional
intelligence. You can manage your feelings and the feelings of others. You act to achieve your goal. You
don't react. You will remain calm under provocation. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You
know how to turn your weaknesses into strengths by practicing new behaviors to become habits. You
know how to use your strengths to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Risk Taking

You take risk in your endeavor. When things are in a rut, you are able to think out of the box. You are
bold enough to experiment with new and novel ideas and to bring about changes. You have the ability
to create something new to break new frontiers.


You are curious and inquisitive. You constantly seek information and you are very alert and aware of
what is happening in the environment. It is obvious that you have a satellite vision, the ability to see the
woods and the trees. With this vision, you have the uncanny ability to spot opportunities and turn them
into reality.

Flexible mindset

You are flexible and good at adapting to people and situations to accomplish your goals. You know how
to build relationships and when to distance yourself from people. You are able to see when you can
trust people and when you should not. You know when to talk and when to listen, when to give in and
when to assert yourself with your opinion. You can be frank, blunt, open, closed, diplomatic or
undiplomatic in your communicative styles. When you negotiate, you know when and when and how to
confront, compromise, force, smoothen or withdraw. In short, you see the world with many
possibilities. As a result you are skillful in adapting when dealing with all types of people, situations,
issues and problems.

Information Dissemination

You are good at disseminating information. You know when to disclose information to the relevant
people and when to withhold it from them. You will disclose just the right amount of information for the
person to get the job done. You will withhold information that has no bearing on their work. By so doing
you are able to prevent any possibility of a communication breakdown.

Problem Solver

You are analytical, tactical and strategically inclined. You are good at problem-solving and decision
making. When things deviate from your plan you know how to put it back on track. You are skillful at
analyzing a situation and generating strategies to get things done. When you are caught in a crisis or in
a difficult situation, you know how to wriggle your way out. You can conduct an in-depth analysis of a
situation, generate alternatives, and anticipate the likely outcomes for each alternative, before choosing
the solutions to your predicaments.


You are good at inspiring and convincing others to follow your way of doing things. You are insightful,
flexible and influential. You can size people up, adapt to their idiosyncrasies and influence them to do
things your way. You can harness the energies of the right people and win them over to accomplish your

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