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French priests tried hard to convert the Hurons to Catholicism and defend them, the French are here to

trade. Virginia grew ten times faster by 1660.

Dutch live in Netherlands. Most of the 1500s, the Dutch ruled by the Spanish. The Dutch won their

independence in the 1600s and built an empire. the Dutch can get spices over in Asia and established the

firm trade routes to China and India and so they had colonies all through Asia. They took over the

southern tip of the African continent as a sort of resupplying base, white South Africans are the

descendants of the Dutch. 1600s the Dutch joined slave trade, the Dutch replaced the Portuguese as the

number one slave traders. Dutch colony in America in 1624 and named New Amsterdam on an island

what becomes New York City. Iroquois wanted European weapons and they could get them from the

new Dutch settlers, so they had a trade relationship. in the 1640s, Dutch encouraged the Iroquois to go to

war against the Hurons. The Iroquois had incorporated these European weapons into their style of war

(imperialism by proxy). The Iroquois defeated the Hurons now and established themselves as

the dominant native people in North America and manipulated the French and the Dutch against each


The development of the southern colonies in North America around the slavery, how slavery is

developed and how the idea of race is developed along with it. Barbados island was settled Englishmen

in 1627 to get rich. They thought tobacco make them rich, but nobody wanted their tobacco because

climate wasn't suitable for tobacco. They finally tried to grow sugar and successful. Growing sugar was

part farming part factory, they need machine. The profits from sugar far beyond tobacco they would pay

for any sort of worker like africans, indentured servant. Tommy meant to be kidnapped and disappeared,

it widespread in the 1640s and1650s, English government cracked down on the kidnapping, they turned

increasingly to Africans, the Dutch learned brought Africans to Barbados they could get a higher price.

So slavery took off in Barbados in a very quick pace. Slavery was defined racially with laws, 80% English

start calling themselves white people. By 1700, 90% black are enslaved. By the 1650s the English

attacked Jamaica and sugar cultivation now spread through all the islands of the Caribbean. Europeans

are all built around sugar and slavery, by the 1700s, tiny white European minority owning and ruling a

large African born majority. European countries fought each other for control of one tiny little island

because of large profit. Maryland was created in 1634 when the King carved Maryland out of the Virginia.
Maryland is distinctive, it was granted to one man Lord Baltimore. Baltimore was a Catholic and England

is an Anglican country, so persecuted English Catholics came to Baltimore. Over the twenty years that

more Anglicans moved to Maryland and they didn’t like being ruled by a Catholic government. In the

1650s Maryland had small Civil War. By the end of the 1650s the Anglicans had won, they agreed to

tolerate the Catholics. Maryland established religious toleration but still was built around tobacco and

indentured servitude.

Before 1675 only 12% survival people got there land that was farthest from the rivers where Indians still

lived and occupied. The slaves, the landless poor and the cracky landed and English indentured servants

are way above the majority. Elite worried about rebellion poor, but not give land because getting land

would mean new wars with Indians, they have enough hand and don’t want to pay for wars and increase

competitors. Rebellion man Nathaniel bacon was a gentleman, he isn’t first son so he came to make a

name for himself. Bacon was most interested in power. Bacon in May of 1676 he leads landless poor as

they go attack the Indians they go attack the susquehanna as an unauthorized attack and the royal

governor of Virginia, it’s like rebelling against the king. Many joined Bacon's Rebellion and started

attacking the elite then whole society is turned upside down. Elite need the professional English army but

that would take six months.They burned Jamestown to the ground, bacon never made distinction

between black or white people, common people together fighting the rich and Indians. By the fall of 1676

rebellion was sweeping everywhere but then in October 16 Nathaniel bacon woke up with diarrhea and

he died, the English soldiers came and many try to pretend innocent, servants and the slaves keep

fighting and finally surrendered, elite back to power.Elite wanted to avoid Bacon's Rebellion happen again

and they working to divide those people and created race. Society began built on racial slavery, the

cultural view and changing the law are happened there after Bacon's Rebellion.

They created laws that master can impregnates his slave and child is his property. They also passed laws

that Negroes and white people could not get married. White people passed the law that it was not a crime

to rape an enslaved woman, rape and murder became legal. They passed the law that said conversion to

Christianity does not make a man freedom and passed a law that said no Christian may be enslaved
except Negroes. About 30 years after Bacon's Rebellion, in 1705 Virginia collected all these laws together

and called the Virginia slave code that designed to make racial slavery. Masters had unlimited power over

their slaves. Other slavery important colonies imitate Virginia, all four southern colonies develop a

slave code. Population of slaves increased dramatically. In 1680, 80% of them were white Englishman, by

1720 almost 90 percent of the workers are black people in a place like Virginia or Barbados constructing

a identity called a white person. The idea of white was spreading all through the new world. Indentured

servants were treated better than the slaves.They do those to make sure white people will be united


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